Forum fun...


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Yes... of course it was my fault... I was unclear...

My first post on the subject. Of course you and yours were too smug to actually read what the thick American wrote. The funny part? That idiot northerner will still try to argue why I'm wrong.

Whatever you felt the scenario was was from your own smugness. If you had read the first post I made on the subject there would no question.

That link isn't working for me for some reason but I assume you mean this post:

Are you aware of a little phenomenon called rotational inertia?

If the treadmill is traveling in the opposite direction of the airplane, matching it's wheel speed, will the plane fly?

If i'm correct i'd appreciate it if you could point out where you made it clear you were considering the treadmill matching the planes wheels rotational speed and not their speed along the ground. The aspect of rotational inertia would come up in both scenarios so can't be used to determine which you were discussing. And while I can't speak for anyone else I would take the phrase "wheel speed" to generally mean the speed at which a wheel is moving along the ground or whatever surface it is running against, I wouldn't naturally jump to the conclusion that it meant the actual rotational speed of the wheel. Don't think there's anything smug about thinking about the term "wheel speed" in that manner.

Son of Sluggish

Fledgling Freddie
May 5, 2010
Say it with me:

The plane won't fly.

I suggest you go back and read from that first thread and explain where I led you astray, you smug prick. You keep telling me how superior your intellect and education is. Why do I have to lead you around by the nose? And then when you finally have an epiphany you act like the premis was so beneith you that you never considered it. What an asshole.

Toodle pip indeed, eh wot?


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Would this whole discussion be similar or dissimilar to the FW thread a while back as to whether anti-lock brakes stop a car faster than locking the wheels?

Completely dissimilar. Wheels have nothing to do with anything in the question asked :)

Oh, and BTW, antilock brakes stop a car way faster. It's why people used to cadence brake before antilock brakes were invented, and indeed the whole reason anti-lock brakes were invented...


Dec 26, 2003
Oh, and BTW, antilock brakes stop a car way faster. It's why people used to cadence brake before antilock brakes were invented, and indeed the whole reason anti-lock brakes were invented...

I thought ABS was designed so you can maintain control whilst braking (same for cadence braking) - not to be the absolute quickest way to brake.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I thought ABS was designed so you can maintain control whilst braking (same for cadence braking) - not to be the absolute quickest way to brake.

You can indeed maintain control using ABS and cadence braking - and it also stops you much MUCH faster.

Skidding is dramatically inefficient at stopping cars. Tyres reach maximum efficiency at about 20% slip. Any more than that and they slow the car far less efficiently.

BTW - if you want a tyre tip, never buy remoulds ;)


Fledgling Freddie
May 6, 2010
You can indeed maintain control using ABS and cadence braking - and it also stops you much MUCH faster.

Skidding is dramatically inefficient at stopping cars. Tyres reach maximum efficiency at about 20% slip. Any more than that and they slow the car far less efficiently.

BTW - if you want a tyre tip, never buy remoulds ;)
+1 on the remoulds. I work for Good Year. Remoulds are as bad, possibly worse than retreads. We will only ever fit a retreaded tyre to trucks, only drives and trailers. The steers always get new tyres.

As to stopping, the fastest way top stop a car is to put it sideways. After that ABS and/or skilful use of the pedal to prevent locking up is the way to go. Sideways isn't always a prudent move in traffic.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
just on a different tact (and non-flammatory one at that)

what states are all you Americans from - i've visited a few of them in my time and kinda curious (and no - this doesnt mean Ill be visiting all y'all )


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
just on a different tact (and non-flammatory one at that)

what states are all you Americans from - i've visited a few of them in my time and kinda curious (and no - this doesnt mean Ill be visiting all y'all )


Fledgling Freddie
May 6, 2010
Incidentally we have a Lazs on our forum.
Cranky old fart he is but he's pretty cool. Has some interesting ideas though.
For the record, I'm not in the U.S.A, rather I'm from that most perfect of continents. Australia.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Incidentally we have a Lazs on our forum.
Cranky old fart he is but he's pretty cool. Has some interesting ideas though.
For the record, I'm not in the U.S.A, rather I'm from that most perfect of continents. Australia.
yeah - we can be a cranky lot ;)

what happened to you - America kick you out? :)

Jail Bait

Fledgling Freddie
May 5, 2010
Incidentally we have a Lazs on our forum.
Cranky old fart he is but he's pretty cool. Has some interesting ideas though.
For the record, I'm not in the U.S.A, rather I'm from that most perfect of SOUTHERN continents. Australia.

Canada is perfect NOT Australia

Jail Bait

Fledgling Freddie
May 5, 2010
You can indeed maintain control using ABS and cadence braking - and it also stops you much MUCH faster.

Skidding is dramatically inefficient at stopping cars. Tyres reach maximum efficiency at about 20% slip. Any more than that and they slow the car far less efficiently.

BTW - if you want a tyre tip, never buy remoulds ;)

If you are on pavement you are correct

ABS has NO place off road but you Brits wouldn't know about that


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
If you are on pavement you are correct

ABS has NO place off road but you Brits wouldn't know about that

Actually, I almost quit University to take up a rally driving sponsorship. Never did and regretted it all my life.

You know Rally, it's a kind of off-road multi-format racing, unlike your Nascar or Indy series where you go round and round in circles in shit cars? :p


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
This is correct for someone like you who is cutting down, or someone like teedles who simply wants to loose weight. Wazz is a classic ectomorph though and low GI carbs will keep him full longer, restricting his calorie intake. He'll never manage 3000 calories with brown carbs. Until his body is conditioned to eating lots he is fine with high GI carbs. With his ectomorph body it won't really make a difference to his body fat anway.

Ectomorph eh? I'm now fucking cool. Don't care what it means, it sounds GREAT!

You are ignoring the point that low gi carbs take longer to burn than high gi carbs, which is essential when you are trying to condition your body to want more food. 10 stone's is not a stick insect btw, unless he is very tall, it also depends on his body type and metaboism. afaik Wazz is 5'10" and around 9 stone - thats a stick insect!

I've been under 9 stone before, not too long ago now. I'm 5'11" anyway. ;)

Forced myself to put more food in myself when full at last night's dinner, it was pretty nasty shoving food in that doesn't want to go. Made me realise how disgusting massive fatties are for contuining to eat when totally full...


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Incidentally we have a Lazs on our forum.
Cranky old fart he is but he's pretty cool. Has some interesting ideas though.
For the record, I'm not in the U.S.A, rather I'm from that most perfect of continents. Australia.

LOL. The country where if the fauna doesn't kill you, the UV will. "Perfect" isn't an epiphet I've ever considered for Australia. New Zealand on the other hand...

Jail Bait

Fledgling Freddie
May 5, 2010
Actually, I almost quit University to take up a rally driving sponsorship. Never did and regretted it all my life.

You know Rally, it's a kind of off-road multi-format racing, unlike your Nascar or Indy series where you go round and round in circles in shit cars? :p
Yes I know what rallying is I am NOT an American

That would have been a hard call and I am sure that you took the best route but it sure would have been fun to race Rally

I don't follow NASCAR

I am talking about real off road driving on a mountain in Ice and snow


Fledgling Freddie
May 6, 2010
just on a different tact (and non-flammatory one at that)

what states are all you Americans from - i've visited a few of them in my time and kinda curious (and no - this doesnt mean Ill be visiting all y'all )

I currently live in Florida, but I am a military brat and I've lived in 12 states on both coasts and all in between. Because of that I feel a little more "American" than your average person who lives in the same place (or region) their whole lives.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Forced myself to put more food in myself when full at last night's dinner, it was pretty nasty shoving food in that doesn't want to go. Made me realise how disgusting massive fatties are for contuining to eat when totally full...

Don't do it Waz. It's not worth it.

I used to metabolise like you and wanted to put on weight. Once I'd achieved that aim I struggled for the rest of my life. It changed my metabolism for good.

Be really fucking happy with how you are instead. Chicks like that better anyway :)


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
YThat would have been a hard call and I am sure that you took the best route but it sure would have been fun to race Rally

It was a shit call tbfh :(

Sorry about ignoring the Canada thang, but next time you poke fun at the Brits for driving skills try to remember that we're the home of motorsport :)

(No matter what your portly southern cousins would say)


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
lighthearted fun poking at the Scottish

1. Scattered showers with outbreaks of sunshine and a cold northerly wind, is your idea of good weather.

2. The only sausage you like is square.

3. You were forced to do Scottish country dancing every year at high school.

4. You have a wide knowledge of local words, and know: Numpty is an idiot, Aye is yes, Aye right is No, Auldjin is someone over 40, and Baltic is cold.

5. You have an irrational need to eat anything from the chippy, as long as its deep fried – Haggis, pizza, white pudding, sausage, fish, chicken and battered Mars Bars.

6. You used to love destroying your teeth with – Penny Dainties, Wham Bars, Cola Cubes, and Soor Plooms.

7. You always greet people by talking about the weather.

8. Even if you normally hate the Proclaimers, Runrig, Caledonia, Deacon Blue, Big Country, etc, you still love it when they are played in a club abroad. (in fact you’ll probably ask the DJ to play it)

9. You have an enormous feeling of dread, even when Scotland play a diddy team.

10. You are proud that Scotland has the highest number of alcohol and smoking deaths in Europe.

11. You used to watch Glen Michael’s Cartoon Cavalcade on a Sunday Afternoon with his lamp Paladdin.

12. You got Oor Wullie and The Broons books Every Christmas.

13. You only enjoy Weir’s Way on the telly, when you are pissed.

14. You are able to recognise the regional dilect, (Glasgow) ‘Awright pal, gonie gies a wee swatcha yir paper nat, Cheers, magic pal. (Aberdeen) Fitlike Loon? Furryboots ya bin up tae? fair few quines in the night, min. (Inverness) Ah-eee right enuffff! How’s you keeeepeeeen?

15. You know the police are about to arrive when you hear someone shout—Errapolis.

16. You have witnessed a ‘Square Go’

17. You know that when you are asked which School you attended they really mean, ‘Are you Catholic or Proddy?’

18. You have eaten the following: Mince and Tatties, Cullen Skink, Tunnock’s Teacakes, Snowballs and Caramel Wafers, Porage, Macaroon Bar, Baxters Soup, Scotch Pie, Oatcakes.

19. A Jakey has ask you for 10p for a cuppa tea.

20. You wait at the shop counter for 1p change.

21. You know that the right response to ‘you dancing?’ is ‘you askin?’ followed by ‘am askin’ and finally ‘then am dancin’.

22. You associated sawdust with vomit, coz the ‘jannie’ always, used to pour it over sick in school.

23. You lose all respect for a groom who doesn’t wear a kilt.

24. You don’t do shopping, you ‘go for the messages.’

25. You’re on a bus and the drunk picks you to sit next to.

26. You are able to conduct a 20 minute phone call using three words only,-- Awright, aye, and naw.

27. When you refuse the offer of a drink, you hear, ‘ You no well?’

28. You have heard the following:

You canny fling pieces oot a 20 storey flat,

700 hungry weans’ll testify to that,

If its butter, cheese or jelly,

If the breed is plain or pan,

The chances o’ it reachin earth,

Are ninety nine tae wan.

29. You know that going to a party means bringin a Kerry oot.

30. Your holiday in Benidorm is ruined when you hear there is a heatwave back home.

31. Scotland go 2-0 up against the French, and you immediately think, getting beat 3-2 was ‘no a bad result’.

32. You can pronounce: McConnochie, Ecclefechan, Milngavie, and Kirkcaldy.

33. You love deep fried Pizza.

34. You can’t pass a Kebab shop after being at the pub.

35. You are used to four seasons in one day. (winter, winter, autumn, winter)

36. You can fall when drunk and not spill your drink.

37. You see people wearing shellsuits with Burberry accessories, and think ‘thats class’.

38. You measure distance in minutes.

39. You understand Rab C. Nesbitt.

40. You go to Saltcoats because you think its abroad.

41. You can make a whole sentence using only swear words.

42. You know what haggis is made with, but you still enjoy it.

43. You know someone who planned their wedding around the football fixtures.

44. You have been to a wedding and the football results have been announced in church.

45. You are not surprised to find one shop selling ALL of the following: Pizzas, Nappies, Fags, Curries, Milk, Paint, Shoes etc.

46. Your seaside home has Calor gas under it.

47. You know that Irn-Bru is a good hang over cure.

48. You could swear before you could count.

49. You would ‘nut’ a terrorist if they tried to bomb your Airport.

50. You are not only Scottish but Glasgwian when you understand the following- How’s it hingin’, clatty, boggin’, cludgie, Ba’heid, bawbag, and double nougat.

Jail Bait

Fledgling Freddie
May 5, 2010
It was a shit call tbfh :(

Sorry about ignoring the Canada thang, but next time you poke fun at the Brits for driving skills try to remember that we're the home of motorsport :)

(No matter what your portly southern cousins would say)
Every one thinks that the ABS is the best thing until they come to the mountains

After a little driving and usually a wreck they want to know how to disable the fucking thing


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Every one thinks that the ABS is the best thing until they come to the mountains

After a little driving and usually a wreck they want to know how to disable the fucking thing

I've got ABS on my Civic Type-R and tbfh I find it quite disconcerting.

I've always been very happy to cadence break (in fact, when I was learning to drive I did it naturally, and only found out what it was called when someone pointed it out to me) but when the ABS kicks in it just doesn't feel right.

I'm also not a great fan of power steering. You should have to muscle your car around tight corners. I want a big long stick connected to my wheels so I can tell exactly what they're doing.

But I still love my car :)

Jail Bait

Fledgling Freddie
May 5, 2010
I've got ABS on my Civic Type-R and tbfh I find it quite disconcerting.

I've always been very happy to cadence break (in fact, when I was learning to drive I did it naturally, and only found out what it was called when someone pointed it out to me) but when the ABS kicks in it just doesn't feel right.

I'm also not a great fan of power steering. You should have to muscle your car around tight corners. I want a big long stick connected to my wheels so I can tell exactly what they're doing.

But I still love my car :)
I have a 92 Civic Si with a JDM H22A that I bought for Ice racing but the lakes didn't get enough Ice here this past winter.

BTW had to google Cadence. It works better than ABS in most winter conditions


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Not touching your breaks very much at all helps in winter conditions :D

The JDM H22A is an old speedy Honda VTEC engine right? I know that old hondas had really good 'uns. (In fact, Honda does really fucking good engines period).

If I'm honest, I never really liked cars themselves, I just liked driving them quickly. Of course, until this year, when the number of points on my licence has now become prohibitive.

I'm jealous of your ice-driving ways! I was going to avoid coming over the pond after my visit to the retarded states, but Canada is becoming more and more appealing :D


Old Cow.
Dec 22, 2003
ABS is a twat in snowy conditions. Have always yanked the fuse for it when we get our little flurries of snow and ice - makes driving so much easier. Also driving a Honda vtec lump :)


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Be really fucking happy with how you are instead. Chicks like that better anyway :)

Chicks don't like snuggling up to pointy-hurty-angular-boney things. We're not comfy. The gf sometimes thinks she's hurting me (and sometimes it does a bit) when she snuggles as she's basically resting on bone. It's not great for me or her tbh :)


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Wazzerphuk;3645228I said:
Forced myself to put more food in myself when full at last night's dinner, it was pretty nasty shoving food in that doesn't want to go. Made me realise how disgusting massive fatties are for contuining to eat when totally full...

You are doing it wrong. Don't force yourself to eat more at one dinner, eat less but more often.

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