Forum fun...


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Have you ever seen a skiplane take off on the snow? They don't have wheels. I wonder how they do it.

Sorry Wazz, can't help you. I don't put weight on no matter how much I eat or how little I exercise :(


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
STOP STOP STOP!!! Fucking idiot troll feeders. Move on.

The toilet roll, over of under fuckers?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Why on earth would you want it under? Makes it more awkward to tear off what you need and looks silly and backwards.

Son of Sluggish

Fledgling Freddie
May 5, 2010
No, the wheels spinning happened because they moved along the ground, it had nothing to do with the plane's engines causing them to spin.

So... The planes wheels spinning is just incidental... The extra energy required to get get them spinning (illustrated in their continued spinning after the plane leaves the ground) had no affect on the plane's takeoff distance...

Just for giggles... How long after a plane took do you think it's wheels would continue to spin if they held no mass?

*Also... Our plane isn't rolling along the ground; it's travelling against the force of a conveyor belt matching it's wheels speed in the opposite direction.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
So... The planes wheels spinning is just incidental... The extra energy required to get get them spinning (illustrated in their continued spinning after the plane leaves the ground) had no affect on the plane's takeoff distance...

Yes, it is pretty much incidental. They spin because that's their purpose, if they didn't they wouldn't be much use at reducing the friction between the plane and the ground. If it does have any effect on the takeoff distance it'll be some negligible as to not be worth caring about.

Just for giggles... How long after a plane took do you think it's wheels would continue to spin if they held no mass?

I don't care.


Dec 26, 2003
Just for giggles... How long after a plane took do you think it's wheels would continue to spin if they held no mass?

Mass isnt that important its going to be down to the resistance to turning (friction on bearings etc) v the force generated by wind resistance on the surface of the wheels.

The wheels will stop turning when the resistance to turning = or exceeds the force acting on the wheels.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Ahh I see what you did there Tom. I too should have used big bold text to convey my point.


Dec 26, 2003
Surely we knew that from the start but it has still been enlightening at times - if you dont like it why do you keep reading it?

Edit - Oh and strictly speaking big text is an infraction.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Surely we knew that from the start but it has still been enlightening at times - if you dont like it why do you keep reading it?

It's like heroin, you know it's going to fuck you up, but it's jsut so damned addictive.

Jail Bait

Fledgling Freddie
May 5, 2010
I can't believe you chumps brought up the treadmill plane thing again. Oldest and most boring argument on the internet.

So, for all you fatties - how do you actually get fat? I'm trying to put on weight and just simply can't manage it at all, it's fucking ridiculous. Eating more food, eating more fat and since yesterday I've lost half a kilo or thereabouts. Probably just typical water loss after gym session, but still trying to put on weight I've managed probably 2 kilos in total.

You probably don't have the genes for more weight

You can put on weight in Fat but muscle will take time.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Talk to me bitches!

Or venture into OT, quite a few gym freaks over there :)

5 to 6 meals a day minimum. Smaller meals, but every 2 to 3 hours, include protein in each, use a good quality (though not expensive) whey protein. You need to be eating a minimum of 3000 calories every day + 1.5 to 2x your body weight in KG of grams of protein. I've seen you are a skinny fucker like me, so this really is the only way. You need to eat like this every day, and you need to really push the weights.

If you aren't prepared to do this, then you'll become toned, but the mass gain won't happen.

I struggle to get 2 full meals. I simply *cannot* put large quantities of food in me. The other issue is I don't get hungry like normal people. This means I'm often eating because I know I should, rather than I actually need food. This means that sometimes, even if I know I should be eating, I simply cannot.

I'd never be able to eat lots of small meals with such short periods of time between them, that's fucking mental to me. For example, if I don't eat anything from waking, then I'll start to get hungry around 5pm. I know for a fact this is farrrrrrr too late. :)

I don't have any eating disorders btw, even though it may sound like it! I love food, it's fucking great, I have no negativity or any real bad habits on the mental side of it, I just seem to have a weird metabolism/physiology.

The weight I have added is most likely muscle mass, I'm pretty much the same size as you say, excluding some armage, although that's only natural since my fractured wrist meant I couldn't do anything with my arms so they went even more spindly. :p

I don't know anything about whey protein. To be honest, it looks like weird arse scary shit and only gymnuts use it... I'm not really wanting to be HENCH, I just want to not be so skinny and have a little more muscle mass.

According to your sums re: protein, since I weigh 59kg (today), I should be getting 90-120g of protein a day? How much is that in REAL FOOD terms? ;)

Ch3t, Wazz, I have lots of lard I am willing to donate you. Then you'll have some of me inside you ...forever! :D

Pls. Nearly came when I read that.

Sorry Wazz, can't help you. I don't put weight on no matter how much I eat or how little I exercise :(

Yeah I've always been this way too. I can lose weight no problem if I try, although that's not much use to me!


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
You probably don't have the genes for more weight

You can put on weight in Fat but muscle will take time.

Wrong. Muscle growth has been pretty fast for me, it's very visible in some areas.

I have NEVER been able to keep fat AT ALL.

Son of Sluggish

Fledgling Freddie
May 5, 2010
Mass isnt that important its going to be down to the resistance to turning (friction on bearings etc) v the force generated by wind resistance on the surface of the wheels.

The wheels will stop turning when the resistance to turning = or exceeds the force acting on the wheels.

As long as you keep thinking mass isn't important and recognize the implications of it you you will never understand why the plane won't fly.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
As long as you keep thinking mass isn't important and recognize the implications of it you you will never understand why the plane won't fly.

As long as you keep thinking that what the wheels are doing has any implication for the plane's movement then you will never understand why you're wrong and the plane will fly without a problem.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
whey protein is a by product of the cheese making process. It's a high quality protein and very good for you, also far cheaper than meat as a source of protein. Nothing bad about it, it's used by lots of people and is beneficial to your health.

Your eating habits; you've conditioned yourself to eat that way, you need to reprogram yourself. Only way to do this is force yourself to eat regularly, keep the meal sizes small. So if you'd normally have two sandwiches, have one. one piece of meat instead of two etc. Also, it's healther to have have low GI carbs like brown pasta, brown bread etc, but they take longer for your body to break down. So you stay full longer. To give yourself a boost, stick to white breads and pasta and rice.

I say this from experience Wazz, it's hard to condition yourself to eat so much a day. Once you give it a couple of weeks, you will get hungry naturally every 2 to 3 hours, your body will expect the fuel.

Wazz a large egg has 12g of protein, plus the amino acids needed for your body to use it. Egg's are the best source of complete protein, eat at least one a day if not two for now. Lots of nutrition guides if you google around, they show you the protein content of a chicken breast etc. In real terms 120grams of protein = a fuck load of food, hence you needing the whey protein. I'd recommend reflex natural or instant whey. Very little sugar content, no crap, and a reasonable price. 20grams of protein per serving, easy on your stomach and not heavy.

You don't have to want to be hench, but these basic principles apply to someone of your body type, you need to give your body more fuel than it needs everyday in order to gain any mass at all.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Actually I am in the same boat as Wazzerphuk (god help me!), I lost 2.5 stone since last August and am trying to put the weight back on. Cycling is helping to firm and build the muscle on the legs but I need to do more on the chest but I just cannot go to a gym on my own as I know myself and will lack the discipline to go it alone.

Is there anything else I can do? My ideal weight is around the 12st mark and I currently weigh 11st2lb.


Dec 26, 2003
As long as you keep thinking mass isn't important and recognize the implications of it you you will never understand why the plane won't fly.

You said if the wheels had no mass not the plane.

I am happy to consider the wheels spinning problem but as Krazeh said it does actually have nothing to do with the plane flying.


Fledgling Freddie
May 6, 2010
I kid about being a fat American, but I'm over 40 years old 5'8" and weigh just about 140lbs. When I was in college and was a very serious competitive distance runner I was as low as 115lbs. Some very good nutritional advice above from Ch3tan.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
115lbs! Fuckin hell.

Good weight to be in your 40's, I'm 5'7" and 135lbs / 61kgs at the moment. But I was 112lbs / 51kgs in 2008.

Son of Sluggish

Fledgling Freddie
May 5, 2010
You said if the wheels had no mass not the plane.

I am happy to consider the wheels spinning problem but as Krazeh said it does actually have nothing to do with the plane flying.

The heavier (more massive) the wheels, the greater the rotational inertia and the easier it will be for the conveyor belt to prevent the plane from moving forward. Have you ever spun a suspended car tire? Was it effortless to get spinning?


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Ahh I see what you did there Tom. I too should have used big bold text to convey my point.

I think the Colonials have infected this forum, and so I was using the US tactic of SHOUTING VERY LOUDLY to get the job done.

I failed, which is hardly a surprise considering the US record at these things...


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 31, 2003
I can't believe you chumps brought up the treadmill plane thing again. Oldest and most boring argument on the internet.

So, for all you fatties - how do you actually get fat? I'm trying to put on weight and just simply can't manage it at all, it's fucking ridiculous. Eating more food, eating more fat and since yesterday I've lost half a kilo or thereabouts. Probably just typical water loss after gym session, but still trying to put on weight I've managed probably 2 kilos in total.

Do fuck all excercise.


Fledgling Freddie
May 4, 2010
You said if the wheels had no mass not the plane.

I am happy to consider the wheels spinning problem but as Krazeh said it does actually have nothing to do with the plane flying.

The wheels do have something to do with the planes forward motion. It's called friction.

It's not as simple as it initially seems, depending on how the rules defined. Without special circumstances (like allowing the wheels/treadmill to be able to handle infinite speeds and instant acceleration) the plane takes off no problem.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
The heavier (more massive) the wheels, the greater the rotational inertia and the easier it will be for the conveyor belt to prevent the plane from moving forward. Have you ever spun a suspended car tire? Was it effortless to get spinning?

Once you get it moving how difficult is it to keep it moving? Noone's disputing that they'll be an initial amount of energy needed to get the wheels rolling, the only way round that would be to have frictionless bearings, but once you've got past that point (which requires a tiny fraction of the power put out by the plane's engine) then the wheels have no further impact.

The wheels do have something to do with the planes forward motion. It's called friction.

It's not as simple as it initially seems, depending on how the rules defined.

As i've said above friction plays a tiny role at the start when the wheels actually start rolling but once you've got past that frictional force then the wheels are of no consequence.


Dec 26, 2003
The heavier (more massive) the wheels, the greater the rotational inertia and the easier it will be for the conveyor belt to prevent the plane from moving forward. Have you ever spun a suspended car tire? Was it effortless to get spinning?

I think your acting under a mis-apprehension.

A plane's wheels are merely there to prevent damage to the structure during takeoff and landing and to help a bit with braking.

Planes do not obtain any momentum from the wheels - the force required to take off is produced by the engines.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Well maybe if you called once in a while :(.

But... I don't even know your name!

whey protein is a by product of the cheese making process. It's a high quality protein and very good for you, also far cheaper than meat as a source of protein. Nothing bad about it, it's used by lots of people and is beneficial to your health.

Your eating habits; you've conditioned yourself to eat that way, you need to reprogram yourself. Only way to do this is force yourself to eat regularly, keep the meal sizes small. So if you'd normally have two sandwiches, have one. one piece of meat instead of two etc. Also, it's healther to have have low GI carbs like brown pasta, brown bread etc, but they take longer for your body to break down. So you stay full longer. To give yourself a boost, stick to white breads and pasta and rice.

I say this from experience Wazz, it's hard to condition yourself to eat so much a day. Once you give it a couple of weeks, you will get hungry naturally every 2 to 3 hours, your body will expect the fuel.

Wazz a large egg has 12g of protein, plus the amino acids needed for your body to use it. Egg's are the best source of complete protein, eat at least one a day if not two for now. Lots of nutrition guides if you google around, they show you the protein content of a chicken breast etc. In real terms 120grams of protein = a fuck load of food, hence you needing the whey protein. I'd recommend reflex natural or instant whey. Very little sugar content, no crap, and a reasonable price. 20grams of protein per serving, easy on your stomach and not heavy.

You don't have to want to be hench, but these basic principles apply to someone of your body type, you need to give your body more fuel than it needs everyday in order to gain any mass at all.

Already been starting on the white carbs a lot more. Having a (very) brief look shows I'm getting around the right amounts of protein from meat, although possibly not every day. Eggs are eaten regularly too.

Agree with you on the conditioning to eat stuff. But that's near impossible when you can't fucking put any more food in you. :)

115lbs! Fuckin hell.

I'm 5'7" and 135lbs / 61kgs at the moment. But I was 112lbs / 51kgs in 2008.

Fucker, you're 4 inches smaller than me too! Shortarse.

Do fuck all excercise.

Didn't work in the years I did near nothing.


Fledgling Freddie
May 6, 2010
115lbs! Fuckin hell.

Good weight to be in your 40's, I'm 5'7" and 135lbs / 61kgs at the moment. But I was 112lbs / 51kgs in 2008.

Yeah, I'm still slim but that was way too thin. Training at that level is actually not very healthy.

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