Formal letter sent to GOA.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Melachi said:
I did edit it last time, too throw in an actual appology, because I landed myself in it earlier saying I was appologised too, and through sheer arogance after a re-read of the reply I saw they hadn't actually appologised, (which in my opinion is also arogance) since they even said "maybe a tad touchy".

Anyway, was I silly and stubborn to edit the reply? Yes.

Are GOA still brutal for Customer Support? Yes.

Nah their customer support is pretty ok ... it's handling sad little fucks they need more training in.

Good thing they have "customers" like you so they get loads of practice huh?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Shanaia said:
Nah their customer support is pretty ok

Ok not going to take this further off-topic, but how is there customer support "pretty ok" ? Really? In the US you have CSR's managing live. Sure you have to wait in a que most of the time for your appeal to get to them but they are still monotoring it live, and if its a stuck appeal it gets preferntial treatment, ect..

Anyway, GOA's CS is crap from the get go, with not being able to converse the problem in real time, often after recieving a reply, and then updateing the RN report yourself, you might have to wait a day, which on a phone/ingame message, would take no more than a few seconds to recieve a reply to a question you ask.

Frankly goa's CS service is bad because of:
Its not in real time, the replying and asking questions.
You still have to wait in a que to get your report looked at.
They are NOT monitoring them in real time. Otherwise why wouldn't they use a CSR like system.
Its completely not reliable or consistant. (eg. We dont respawn epic mobs if theres a bug, and then somtimes they do)
It relys on a volunteer system which is great to have volunteers helping, but GOA often rely on these people to bring to their attention stuff they should be finding themselves.

etc etc

Sorry to be draggin this Off topic


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
If their customer support is "pretty ok" or not really wasn't the point of my post.

But your reply pretty much confirms what was the point. ^^

Oh and well done you quoted something without editing it you're making progress!

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