for "mis-speakers" all around


Dec 25, 2003
yaruar said:
Proper english IMO: (1)

"Whilom, as olde stories tellen us,
Ther was a duc that highte theseus;
Of atthenes he was lord and governour,
And in his tyme swich a conquerour,
That gretter was ther noon under the sonne.
Ful many a riche contree hadde he wonne;
What with his wysdom and his chivalrie,
He conquered al the regne of femenye,
That whilom was ycleped scithia,
And weddede the queene ypolita,
And broghte hire hoom with hym in his contree
With muchel glorie and greet solempnytee,
And eek hir yonge suster emelye.
And thus with victorie and with melodye
Lete I this noble duc to atthenes ryde,
And al his hoost in armes hym bisyde.
And certes, if it nere to long to heere,
I wolde have toold yow fully the manere
How wonnen was the regne of femenye
By theseus and by his chivalrye;
And of the grete bataille for the nones
Bitwixen atthenes and amazones;"

Geoffrey Chaucer - the Knights Tale

1- Note to roleplayers in alb, you really should learn middle english properly ;)

Well I for one can read that, even though poor Chaucer seems to have got a bit confused about Greek mythology in a few instances...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Iceflower said:
Calling it an evolution of the English language is to push it a bit I would say. More like internet shorthand for cave man grunts :)
<grunt> me likes <sniffs armpit> m8



Old topic but I must reply.

I am the DKuntz in question. In games, yes, shorthand speak is quite useful. However, that wasn't in a game... that was on IRC, where you don't have to get text out quickly or die, etc. And yes... it does still irk me. I know someone on IRC that is using a cellphone to chat, and she even uses full words, and not shorthand.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Pelinore said:
No, don't tell me, I know this one...

That's 1337 for being a bachelor of liberal arts, and boating law adminstrator of the black liberation army, right? Or did you mean blah blah blah? :p

God Pelinore I miss you ... I remember XP groups with you where you basicly did this all night long ... in 3 different languages!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
nick said:
pls m8s dont h8 its f8 2 c0mmunic8 b4 u marim8

> u


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Addlcove said:
<HellmasteR> another rather amusing thing is that lol in h4x0r is 101, and 101 in binary is 5
<HellmasteR> so when i say FIVE from now on i mean lol

another one for you :p
(reading while in school :p god damn this is boring)

oh and for the discussion, I don´t really mind evolution of the language, what I do mind is people that are unable to NOT do it... some people don´t even know how to spell please, they only know pls, and THAT is bad.

Personally i feel the population should learn to spell correct english before they even attempt pls instead of please - there are a ton of people out there, who cannot understand the difference between :

Their, There and They're
Where, were and We're

thats just an example. People in that situation tend to spellt he word how they would say it. for instance : byist instead of biased. etc.

That annoys me. Schooling isn't what it used to be, no matter what country. That's why i think people should learn top spell correctly , before they speak leet / haxor / haxxor whatever you'd like to call it.

To those who may be dyslexic - this isn't aimed at you. It's aimed at the teaching system; and whoever invented the word Dyxlexic to describe people who cannot spell, must've been on drugs.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
You could argue that it is your own problem if you don't use he oppertunity to learn english while playing a game that has a huge english speaking community. Really, it is your own problem and I have personally realised it is not my duty to teach this.

However, when I talk with someone that seems to be afraid of putting more than 4 characters together without at least one white space between ... well, they appear childish, uneducated and at times ignorant.

So, sometimes when passing through the Shrouded Isles capital some Excalibur reroll comes up and manages to hit the keyboard in an order that produces something to the effect of: 'giv m3 s0m3 g0ld plz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'.

Normally I wouldn't mind giving a few coins away - chances are it is a real newbie and he surely would need it. But, my reply is that he can not get any gold as he didn't try to write proper english. If they don't go ballista, they usually answer something along the lines of 'i cba typing lol'.

And that is the point. If some fool don't even bother to put in the effort to ease communication and make the recipient able to decipher his garbage - why would said recipient then bother helping him out in any way or fashion?


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Formash said:
That annoys me. Schooling isn't what it used to be, no matter what country. That's why i think people should learn top spell correctly , before they speak leet / haxor / haxxor whatever you'd like to call it.

To those who may be dyslexic - this isn't aimed at you. It's aimed at the teaching system; and whoever invented the word Dyxlexic to describe people who cannot spell, must've been on drugs.


Some advice, don't lecture on forums about spelling. Thanks.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Drum said:
Do you get annoyed when people say "begs the question" when they mean "asks the question"? No? Well, you should, as it's a mis-use of the original meaning (something along the line of an argument relying on the truth of its own premise).
Begs means to ask for something earnestly or as charity, so begs the question works just fine, it's just a slightly different way of saying "asks the question".

1- Note to roleplayers in alb, you really should learn middle english properly
Camelot pre-dates Middle English by several centuries, so really people should use Old English.
For instance, here is the first few lines of the book of Genesis:
"Us is riht micel ðæt we rodera weard, wereda wuldorcining, wordum herigen, modum lufien! He is mægna sped, heafod ealra heahgesceafta"
Anyone understand that? ;)

... such as "in my honest opinion", ...
IMHO is usually In my humble opinion, which is why I use IMO as I'm not very humble. ;)

On the use of "plz" etc, I find them annoying because they aren't english words or acroynms, they're words with half the letters removed, which makes them very hard to read.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 25, 2004
People who don't know the difference between 'to' and 'too' also annoy me.

Chesnox: Although his grammar sucks, the spelling errors seem like typos. There is a difference.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Nala said:
Chesnox: Although his grammar sucks, the spelling errors seem like typos. There is a difference.

There isn't if you are ranting about standards of spelling. In fact, typos are worse than spelling in this case, because typos imply lazy ass posters who can't even proof read what they've just typed.

Either way, if you are going to rant about either (which I don't) then make sure your grammar and spelling is 100% spot on, or you just make yourself look like an arse.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
rly nice picture of dr00d doo00d therer but m8ers is it rly nick m8s


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Chesnox said:

Some advice, don't lecture on forums about spelling. Thanks.

So, i didn't go to, or run it through a spell-checker. Hey, i didn't say i was a perfect speller. I was simply saying people should learn to spell english before typing 'pls'.

It wasn't a laecture and it's not about spelling on the forums, i believe the thread was about spelling, and english and correct non-leetness 'in game', not forums.

Nala said:
Chesnox: Although his grammar sucks, the spelling errors seem like typos. There is a difference.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
Chesnox said:
Either way, if you are going to rant about either (which I don't) then make sure your grammar and spelling is 100% spot on, or you just make yourself look like an arse.

Nope, tedious individuals who confuse nitpicking with actually making a point in a debate, are the ones who look like arses.

Not someone who makes a valid point, but happens to do a couple of typos in the process. Those don't make the point any less valid.

Except to the aforementioned tedious individuals.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Formash said:
So, i didn't go to, or run it through a spell-checker. Hey, i didn't say i was a perfect speller. I was simply saying people should learn to spell english before typing 'pls'.

It wasn't a laecture and it's not about spelling on the forums, i believe the thread was about spelling, and english and correct non-leetness 'in game', not forums.

Poor spelling (and grammar) again, which I'll let go, since I am not pedantic or didactic about how people communicate. Neither should you be.

My point is, you rant about 'leetspeak' as being contrary to proper English, when your standard of English is just as poor. To me, theres no difference to someone saying "got ne gold pls m8" or someone saying "can i have some gold please freind?" Both are crappy English, but to me it matters neither way. I can understand precisely what both people are asking me. Can't you?

Its just I don't feel the need to rant about peoples poor communication skills if I struggle to understand them. Bottom line is, if I can't understand them, I learn how. That makes my communication skills better. What I don't do is tell them how they should type or how dumb they are.

Bottom line. Don't tell people how to type, that just one step away from telling them what to type...


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
You wouldn't believe how many RightNow queries I get along the lines of "wtf r teh prblm wiv mi qst? Cn u b ina bg 2 do gov?"
Language is a means to communicate first and a subject for discussion second to most people. If I have to translate something into a form that makes sense then you aren't communicating properly and thus aren't using language effectively. That's more relevant to me than discussion on whether or not 'lol' should be in the Oxford English Dictionary.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Chesnox said:
Poor spelling (and grammar) again, which I'll let go, since I am not pedantic or didactic about how people communicate. Neither should you be.

My point is, you rant about 'leetspeak' as being contrary to proper English, when your standard of English is just as poor. To me, theres no difference to someone saying "got ne gold pls m8" or someone saying "can i have some gold please freind?" Both are crappy English, but to me it matters neither way. I can understand precisely what both people are asking me. Can't you?

Its just I don't feel the need to rant about peoples poor communication skills if I struggle to understand them. Bottom line is, if I can't understand them, I learn how. That makes my communication skills better. What I don't do is tell them how they should type or how dumb they are.

Bottom line. Don't tell people how to type, that just one step away from telling them what to type...

think the point the guy was trying to make is people make spelling mistakes, all the time, yet he doesn't do it intentionally, unlike mr "gifv goldz plz m8" ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Sendraks said:
Nope, tedious individuals who confuse nitpicking with actually making a point in a debate, are the ones who look like arses.

Not someone who makes a valid point, but happens to do a couple of typos in the process. Those don't make the point any less valid.

Except to the aforementioned tedious individuals.

Please. What I dislike is people arguing against leetspeak as some some sort of travesty of English and/or result of poor education, and then doing it in pidgin English riddled with typos. I merely pointed out the irony of that. Yeah, I'm nitpicking, but so are 90% of the people in this thread. We're just on different sides of the fence.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 6, 2004
The post was hardly riddled with typos and I'd say there was a fair bit of difference between someone trying to make a valid point, and making an effort to use proper english to do so, when compared to someone who can't be arsed to communicate in English and instead prefers to communicate in the fashion of a rabid Lemur with poor typing skills.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Chesnox said:
Poor spelling (and grammar) again, which I'll let go, since I am not pedantic or didactic about how people communicate. Neither should you be.

My point is, you rant about 'leetspeak' as being contrary to proper English, when your standard of English is just as poor. To me, theres no difference to someone saying "got ne gold pls m8" or someone saying "can i have some gold please freind?" Both are crappy English, but to me it matters neither way. I can understand precisely what both people are asking me. Can't you?

Its just I don't feel the need to rant about peoples poor communication skills if I struggle to understand them. Bottom line is, if I can't understand them, I learn how. That makes my communication skills better. What I don't do is tell them how they should type or how dumb they are.

Bottom line. Don't tell people how to type, that just one step away from telling them what to type...

I'm not telling them HOW to type or WHAT to type. I'm suggesting the schooling system is crap.

Also bottom line, as you call it, should be, People learning to spell correctly via a sensible schooling system, but that isn't going to happen, just as my 4 spelling mistakes that are typos, because im using a small laptop keyboard, and not a desktop keyboard, plus learning to touch type, combined with the fact, im not using spell checkers, isn't going to change.

Please also tell me where my standard of english is so lacking. Remember, im blaming the schooling, not my ability to spell correctly. If we were all taught to spell things and make grammatically correct sentences seemingly perfect, then there would be no basis for yours, or my arguement at all.

Oh, and you couldn't let it go , because you had to comment on the spelling and grammar again, so ill await another reply with baited breath. We can't all be perfect now, can we ? ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Sendraks said:
The post was hardly riddled with typos and I'd say there was a fair bit of difference between someone trying to make a valid point, and making an effort to use proper english to do so, when compared to someone who can't be arsed to communicate in English and instead prefers to communicate in the fashion of a rabid Lemur with poor typing skills.

Okay, it was hardly riddled with errors, but the point remains.

English dialects are a fine example. Ask a Glaswegian to speak colloquial, or a Geordie, or a Cockney. None of it will be the 'Queens English' and the fact is they may struggle to understand each other. That is the nature of language. With the internet now the written word is more popular than ever. With that popularity comes dialects, jargon, buzzwords. Thats how language works. Leetspeak/txtspk is just that, happening before our eyes.

You may rant against it, and whine about how it demonstrates a poor grasp of the English language or poor education. But it is part of the English language, and a facet which by its nature they cannot teach in schools. Its also one which in some years will be standard and have dictionaries devoted to it. Whether or not you think thats a good or a bad idea, or whether you think it will only be spoken by rabid lemurs is neither here nor there. Example, a parent confiscates their kids phone, and they can't decipher any of the text messages. Whose the ignorant and stupid one eh?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Chesnox said:
Please. What I dislike is people arguing against leetspeak as some some sort of travesty of English and/or result of poor education, and then doing it in pidgin English riddled with typos. I merely pointed out the irony of that. Yeah, I'm nitpicking, but so are 90% of the people in this thread. We're just on different sides of the fence.

and while we're on the subject ... Pidgin is spelt pigeon. - i thank you.

Could i also point out, that in your post above this one, which i can't be arsed to quote, your grammer isn't the world's greatest either.

Look, no TYPO's by me that time. not that it matters of course. (your words, not mine) ;) :fluffle:

I agree to an extent, but as you say, we're on different sides of the fence.
Let's agree to disagree :) no point in arguing over the english language when the point of factual mis-interpretation was to speak 'leet' or not.

Oh, and im not whining, im simply stating fact (about english spelling being taught poorly in school - well, its either that or kids not willing to learn, alledegly ;) )


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Formash said:
and while we're on the subject ... Pidgin is spelt Pidgeon. - i thank you.

Could i also point out, that in your post above this one, which i can't be arsed to quote, your grammer isn't the world's greatest either.

Look, no TYPO's by me that time. not that it matters of course. (your words, not mine) ;) :fluffle:

I agree to an extent, but as you say, we're on different sides of the fence.
Let's agree to disagree :) no point in arguing over the english language when the point of factual mis-interpretation was to speak 'leet' or not.

pidg·in Audio pronunciation of "pidgin" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (pjn)

A simplified form of speech that is usually a mixture of two or more languages, has a rudimentary grammar and vocabulary, is used for communication between groups speaking different languages, and is not spoken as a first or native language. Also called contact language.

I just got a bug about people ranting about txtspeak/leetspeak, and a problem with grammar and spelling nazis and a problem with people demanding we use some ancient English writing system perfected by some guy in tights in the 16th century.

Language for me is about communicating. Communicating is about listening/reading as much as talking/writing. I might not like the way someone talks/writes (swearing, leetspeak, thee/thou etc..) but that shouldn't mean I don't listen. I just think some people irrationally hate leetspeak. My theory is because they don't like the people that use it, and I just can't come to terms with that.

Tesla Monkor

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
It's really a matter of taste.

If people ask me a question in /bad/ English, because they aren't very well versed in it, I'll take time to answer it and them out.

If people can't be bothered to take the time to write a question in relatively normal English, I ignore it.

'wtf gifv gld plz!!!!' from someone will be ignored. But if they 'Could I have some gold 'cause I've just started here', I very well might give em some.

If you like l33tspeak and use it, great for you. Keep in mind that language is a means of communication first. If you offer people something they don't understand, you're not gonna get the reaction you're hoping for.

Damn, that's a lotta ifs. :)

A particular peeve is 'm8', or 'mate'. Noone here is from Australia, and we're not some animal species, so there's no mating going on here. :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
"Mate" is used a lot in some English dialects, as well as by Australians. ;)

As for the whole spelling and grammar debate, I don't much mind (as long as it's not too bad - such as people who write 20 lines of text in one sentence). As long as they make a reasonable effort, you just kinda skip over typos and such - you read words as you expect to see them, rather than as they actually are. The problem with things like "plz", "u", "w8", etc. is that they are so different from the actual word that you have to stop and think what they actually mean.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
yaruar said:
Proper english IMO: (1)

"Whilom, as olde stories tellen us,
Ther was a duc that highte theseus;
Of atthenes he was lord and governour,
And in his tyme swich a conquerour,
That gretter was ther noon under the sonne.
Ful many a riche contree hadde he wonne;
What with his wysdom and his chivalrie,
He conquered al the regne of femenye,
That whilom was ycleped scithia,
And weddede the queene ypolita,
And broghte hire hoom with hym in his contree
With muchel glorie and greet solempnytee,
And eek hir yonge suster emelye.
And thus with victorie and with melodye
Lete I this noble duc to atthenes ryde,
And al his hoost in armes hym bisyde.
And certes, if it nere to long to heere,
I wolde have toold yow fully the manere
How wonnen was the regne of femenye
By theseus and by his chivalrye;
And of the grete bataille for the nones
Bitwixen atthenes and amazones;"

Geoffrey Chaucer - the Knights Tale

1- Note to roleplayers in alb, you really should learn middle english properly ;)

Hehe, well, in that time there wasnt any real codification of language - i.e. you could spell a word however you wanted. Any given word could have a number of different spellings and all were correct etc. Wasnt until more people started learning how to read and write that you needed a unified system for spelling, so that the deviations didnt get totally out of hand.

Its pretty fun reading old versions of languages really.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
The use of the word "m8" or "mate" I have no particular problems with (even if I don't use it myself, except for sarcasm), but I do find "meight" (or even "megameight") looking unbelievably idiotic. :mad:


Dec 23, 2003
Hello there everyone! Do you want to be my super-mega-friends?! It would be splendid!


lo m8z, wanna b meights? gr8


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 11, 2004
i have read and learnt... or is it learned i dunno im not to bright but hey.... so many big new interesting words. purley from the fact this thread is every1 trying to proove(sp?) that they are the best @ spelling correctly and are in the right rather than the wrong etc etc and jsut in general trying to make their e-penis's / e-boobs bigger. (i dont know which are girls and which are guys)
seriously. who cares. if sum1 speaks like that and u dont like it ignore them.
if sum1 wants to butcher the english language. they can do it for all i care.
big deal.

also to all those who will probably nitpick this msg etc etc etc about how i have used shorten words and dont know how to use real english. i shall explain.
i can speak proper english quite easily. i just write like this out of habit. and its not like im writing a specialised essay which is going to be marked etc
<<insert below a post with sum1 marking this and doing all my spelling>>

just plz plz plz quit ur whining. people can do it about anything now adays. hell i do it myself, hell i could do it about myself. omg that lakashink is such a f'kin biatch i hate people who cant speak proper and stuffs like that i wtfpwnzjoo lakashnik u r teh geah i rulez!!!!!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Chesnox said:
pidg·in Audio pronunciation of "pidgin" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (pjn)

A simplified form of speech that is usually a mixture of two or more languages, has a rudimentary grammar and vocabulary, is used for communication between groups speaking different languages, and is not spoken as a first or native language. Also called contact language.

I just got a bug about people ranting about txtspeak/leetspeak, and a problem with grammar and spelling nazis and a problem with people demanding we use some ancient English writing system perfected by some guy in tights in the 16th century.

Language for me is about communicating. Communicating is about listening/reading as much as talking/writing. I might not like the way someone talks/writes (swearing, leetspeak, thee/thou etc..) but that shouldn't mean I don't listen. I just think some people irrationally hate leetspeak. My theory is because they don't like the people that use it, and I just can't come to terms with that.

I have to say i hate leetspeak, when used in the wrong context, but i tend to write it, because im lazy, like most people. Its become part of our language, thru lazyness i guess, so it won't be going away too quickly. which is a shame.

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