For a laugh rank the 7 stealth classes...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
  1. NS
  2. Ranger
  3. Inf
  4. Minstrel
  5. SB
  6. Hunter
  7. Scout

Hibs are OP in stealth wars :( And Hibs are OP in caster wars after Midgard :)
This cause Midgard is the melee realm... yeah right, my fecking ass.
Midgard is the magic and melee realm in one, cause Midgard is Mythics love child...
Regards, Glottis

PS. Hib stealthers really are OP...


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
Albs got the gimped archer, hibs got the OP rr5 assasin RA...

but in terms of saying hib stealthers are OP when alb have a 3rd utility stealther class that is completly unkillable with timers key timers up and if with key timers down they got other timers to escape etc.. its a bit flawed statement.

gives infs remedy and give hibs mincer.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 14, 2004
censi said:
Albs got the gimped archer, hibs got the OP rr5 assasin RA...

but in terms of saying hib stealthers are OP when alb have a 3rd utility stealther class that is completly unkillable with timers key timers up and if with key timers down they got other timers to escape etc.. its a bit flawed statement.

gives infs remedy and give hibs mincer.

Fine you are forgetting one thing, hibs now have the specialist stealther killer to even up at 3 each. So hibs have the best archer, the best assassin and the best allround stealther killer. Yes albs get the best utility stealth class, and I've never had to fight one, but I'm guessing that 1vs1 equal rr and equal timers up an assassin that can get pa+cd in (not ridiculously hard considering the crap stealth most mincers have plus no MoS) the assassin has the advantage. Duo's and adds are another matter entirely - but try balancing a game for 1vs1, 2vs2, 3vs3, 8vs8, all at the same time with the variation in classes that this game has - not going to happen.

The way mythic went about it with rr5 abilities though, I would just prefer if they got rid of them completely for assassins, it's a bit stupid when one of them is a complete fight winner (and it's not like the ns even needs it to win, just to guarantee the win) and the others are a complete waste of time.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 30, 2004
Mincer is defo the best if rr5+ fully TOA'd with IP2, Purge2, sos, Battler Charge and ML 10 Warlord, no other stealther stands a chance


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004

but the amount of times like I get shafted by mincer inf combo is uncoutable.

like SB hunter is pretty easy in comparrison.

Mincer been around since dawn of daoc so we all forget really how fooked up it is one realm gets a 3rd stealther class.


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Nightshade without Remedy is actually quite piss-poor from my PoV. Yes we got level 25 stunstyle (if we spec Pierce) BUT

* We dont get 2.5x specpoints
* We dont get access to the 'normal' race, only 40 STR 40 CON races
* We dont get Phoebus Style reduction
* We dont get more HP (actually we get less with our 40 CON races)

We get a castable DD, but thats just 'a different' X-Bow, Throwing Knives. That leaves the instant-DD which has a higher recast-timer then other 'in-combat DD's are does fuck-all damage.

Is Remedy balanced at the moment? No, its entirely *USELESS* against anything except Shadowblades and Infiltrators, and against those its stupidly overpowered.

Remove Remedy from Nightshades and Nightshades drops from top straight to the bottom, even below Shadowblades (!). I wouldnt mind being the 'worst' assassin, IF (and thats a big IF) we become more viable in killing visibles and/or groupability. Open up Celt for Nightshades, wont help current Nightshades but there's little reason not to.


Nov 28, 2004

Thats if all got high rr+ml10 shall we say and sced:)

all from rr1



If fight starts in stealth mode:)


Loyal Freddie
Aug 21, 2004
as i see it it all depends on rr's mls specs and temps.

but cutting it down id say sumit like this. (in melee)

Mincer (who said mezz on a sth'er was ok?)
NS (remedy does rox)
infil (2.5 spec points is just hard to beat
Rangers (great with abils up crappy without)
hunters (same as the ranger)
SB (i feel for u with 100% str weaps)
Scouts (s/s on a sth'er is poo for melee fights)

put alittle range on it and we are looking at:


i think the abils and such on the different chars are close to ok. however i cant stand the fact that u dont see ppl alone. team up a mincer and an infil and they can kill fgs of lower rank sth'ers. Mincer should never have had sth.
no other duo can do this, CC on a sther is way to affective. (have we heard this before ? i think so)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Puppet said:
Nightshade without Remedy is actually quite piss-poor from my PoV. Yes we got level 25 stunstyle (if we spec Pierce) BUT

* We dont get 2.5x specpoints
* We dont get access to the 'normal' race, only 40 STR 40 CON races
* We dont get Phoebus Style reduction
* We dont get more HP (actually we get less with our 40 CON races)

We get a castable DD, but thats just 'a different' X-Bow, Throwing Knives. That leaves the instant-DD which has a higher recast-timer then other 'in-combat DD's are does fuck-all damage.

Is Remedy balanced at the moment? No, its entirely *USELESS* against anything except Shadowblades and Infiltrators, and against those its stupidly overpowered.

Remove Remedy from Nightshades and Nightshades drops from top straight to the bottom, even below Shadowblades (!). I wouldnt mind being the 'worst' assassin, IF (and thats a big IF) we become more viable in killing visibles and/or groupability. Open up Celt for Nightshades, wont help current Nightshades but there's little reason not to.
Remedy blocks all procs, all poisons, malice/battler charge etc. I'd say it's utility against the visual classes is pretty damn good. It was designed to be used against other assassins by blocking poisons only. Infil/SB RR5 is a timed preparation ability which is realistically rarely ever going to be used in generic RvR, it is only useful on siege users/ people standing still... hardly a comparison.


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Ekydus said:
Remedy blocks all procs, all poisons, malice/battler charge etc. I'd say it's utility against the visual classes is pretty damn good. It was designed to be used against other assassins by blocking poisons only. Infil/SB RR5 is a timed preparation ability which is realistically rarely ever going to be used in generic RvR, it is only useful on siege users/ people standing still... hardly a comparison.

? It doesnt prevent people from firing Arrogance on you, Battler absorb seems to work fine aswell.

Dont see any reason to use it on visibles, I loose 185HP when I use it - most visibles dont depend on procs and poisons to win, and in that case that 185HP is just wasted.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Puppet said:
? It doesnt prevent people from firing Arrogance on you, Battler absorb seems to work fine aswell.

Dont see any reason to use it on visibles, I loose 185HP when I use it - most visibles dont depend on procs and poisons to win, and in that case that 185HP is just wasted.

how come so many rr5 ns use rr5 on me when i play my mincer? ohh i forgot the uber malice proc ..


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
Puppet said:
? It doesnt prevent people from firing Arrogance on you, Battler absorb seems to work fine aswell.

Dont see any reason to use it on visibles, I loose 185HP when I use it - most visibles dont depend on procs and poisons to win, and in that case that 185HP is just wasted.
Sorry didn't mean the charges, was thinking /use2 for some reason... Obviously it blocks the Malice level 5 proc though.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 18, 2004
sb vs ns with remedy..

lgm weaps is shit, and so is slash (couse hibs r resistant (ns ranger))
118 s/c wont work, neither lifebane with viper, for those who have.
disease wont, and neither spd decrease (and etc)
malice proc cant go off, battler is useless...

it is a Iwin button..

met a ns the other day, he used remedy and his mad procced..

even with 2350hp using purge,battler (malice i could not use) and 380 str, pluss that im a sz.. i only got him to 45%... no chance at all.. :'(

but i have met other ns's, and i actually was unbuffed. BUT then i used malice instead of battler charge, and that is alot better imo. got the ns down to 5%.. So the trick is to save malice charge for the ns's.. thats what i have learned :p


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Xajorkith said:
Assume R5+, fully ToAed, any spec, archers probably Mele spec!

i see that everyone put scouts on last places. why? because scouts usually spec 45-50 bow and 42 shield and have crap melee? because hunters and rangers spec usually 39-44 in the weapon line?

i once met a scout that was hittin my ranger for 300+ on every melee hit while i was hittin him for around 200 mainhand (when he didn't block) and i had 39 weapon spec at that time... i won that fight because i had ip up and he didnt and had to use rr5 ability as the killin blow... finished the fight at around 5% hp

have any of the active scouts ever tried 50weapon, 42 shield rest in stealth and bow?


Nov 20, 2005
anioal said:
i once met a scout that was hittin my ranger for 300+ on every melee hit

dude get real. light tanks don't even hit for that much unless they do positionals/follow ups. scouts dont even have a cruch line so how the fuck would that be possible. 50 thrust with 2 relics and lots of dragonfang maybe ye.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 30, 2003
Crocky said:
dude get real. light tanks don't even hit for that much unless they do positionals/follow ups. scouts dont even have a cruch line so how the fuck would that be possible. 50 thrust with 2 relics and lots of dragonfang maybe ye.

What wet rag are ur light tanks using?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Crocky said:
dude get real. light tanks don't even hit for that much unless they do positionals/follow ups. scouts dont even have a cruch line so how the fuck would that be possible. 50 thrust with 2 relics and lots of dragonfang maybe ye.

have u ever played/met a scout with more than 29 weapon spec?

if not i sugest u to try it, it will cost you 2p to respec bow, then 5p to revert back to your sniper spec, that ofc if u never used the payed single line respecs.

or try to contact saifang, think she had a hard hiting hybrid scout


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
Galid said:
put alittle range on it and we are looking at:


Umm not sure why a Hunter would be above a ranger here.

Ranger has greater bow range (110+)
Ranger has harder hitting bow (5.3 v 5.8)
Ranger has Malice (e.g. Arrogance)

The hunter pet doesn't really make up for the above.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 25, 2004
anioal said:
have any of the active scouts ever tried 50weapon, 42 shield rest in stealth and bow?

quite a lot of scouts have actually yes, and they all found that it sucks.

have you ever played a sword/shield toon vs only dual wielders?


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 13, 2005
Kerig said:
quite a lot of scouts have actually yes, and they all found that it sucks.

have you ever played a sword/shield toon vs only dual wielders?

I don't doubt that scouts can dish out damage - but compared to what dual wielders does you just can't compete.


One of Freddy's beloved
Oct 4, 2004
Hi there guys,
I have played my Scout now for over 2 years and have thourghly enjoyed her!
My playstyle is very unorthidox so others find it hard to group with me but its still fun every now and then to group up with real life mates and get on TS etc! I would say 85% of the time im solo and much prefer this as i hold my own extremely well, and its more satisfying when you kill solo!

My spec up untill now has been:

33 Stealth
40 Bow
36 Thrust
42 Shield

This has been a fantastic spec for me and the difference beween 40 and 50 bow is pethetic! So 40 Bow is a must!

I have now made a template for when i hit RR8 as i hear that high RR Scouts do extremely well in Mele!?
My playstyle is based on stealth hunting! My template at present is very good but to be good in Mele fights, you have to have the right template to start with. Atm im more of a half Archer spec, half Mele spec.
The Arti's what you must have as a Scout are: Winged Helm, SoM, and Malice!
At RR8 i will be specing to:

32 Stealth
35 Bow ------ This still leaves me with good dmg plus Rapid Fire 1
42 Thrust
42 Shield

My RA's will be as follows;

MoS 3
PD 3
AoM 3
IP 2
MoB 2
MoP 2
Purge 1
Str 2
Dex 2
Toughness 2

Now for my tricks:

I have 8 swords in my back pack always with poisons on them from a friendly Infiltrator!

Slam = 9 Sec stun
FZ = 10 Sec stun aprox.
IP 2 = 50% Hit points instantly
PS = 10 Sec immunity
Rota = Instant boost to magic resists
Shield Trip = Instant root

Shades of Mist proc.
Winged Helm proc.
Malice proc.
Maddening Scallers proc.
GSV - Mele resists.

Always carry: Haste potions, Heal potions, Dmg Add potions and Endurance potions!

Looking at this above, not much can touch a well equiped Scout hey!

All the best.... Blitz.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
RA/ML dumping

1. Mincer
2. Ranger
3. Hunter
4. Shade
5. Inf
6. Scout
7. SB


1. Mincer
2. Shade
3. Inf
4. Ranger
5. SB
6. Hunter
7. Scout


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Eeben said:
how come so many rr5 ns use rr5 on me when i play my mincer? ohh i forgot the uber malice proc ..

I dont know why they use it on you, perhaps they reason that a fight against a minstrel takes so long that the chance adds come is so great so better pop remedy infront. Or they reckon it takes that long to kill you the chance you proc Malice is worth the 200 HP loss. I dont know.

But say against visibles, we leave the casters out of the equation, leaves classes like zerk, merc, svg, warrior, thane, friar, arms, pala, reaver, valk etc etc. I can't say Remedy is an I-win against those. They rarely rely on a Malice-proc to win, or on lifebanes, enervatings etc.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
like said at first post, melee specced:

i would say

1. Nightshades - cause of remedy, so they can spend ra points elsewhere than purge 3.
2. Rangers - they hit f00kin hard, + their RA's, + strafing-"anytimer stun"
3. Infiltrators - they hit rly hard and can spec strong cause of 2.5
4. Mincers - when they use all they have, they cant be hit for more than 50 damage, so a well played mincer can rly rox!
5. Hunters - melee specced hunter, who pick right ra's is rly hard. and alittle strafe and easy backstun in.
6. Scouts - melee specced one, choosing right ra's, and can play his class.
7. Shadowblades - need rly good templates, stealther that needs most boost imo.

this can be discussed, thinking of rr's and ra's etc! All chars can be good in different ways. So its a little hard to rank em, but i would for sure put rangers on top of archers, and nightshades on assasins. Mincer can top both of em if well played.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 26, 2004
with all the best stuff / spec :



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
archer classes are actually RLY good in melee.. i have played all of em, melee specced. tho i would say i like ranger best, cause of DW.

Their RA's are just sick, tho with little defense (not scout) makes em maybe need em.

items: WH, PH(hunters), SoM, GoV, Scalars - RA/ML's: Zephyr, PS, IP, Purge, PD and AoM, oh yeh, Resistant of the ancients which is rly nice vs banelords!

a scout specced: autotrained rr 5. 35stealth, 32bow, 42 shield and 44 slash! would go for purge 2, so he can purge poisens. if not auto trained, go lower bow. Melee spec dont require bow, its long range taunt!

a hunter autotrained: 50 spear, 35stealth, 32+bc, and rest bow. dont need higher bow, cause spear will do shitloads of damage, and the pet is nice also, even tho ppl underrate it, its like a 70 damage add every hit, and lowers evade rate, makes hunters being evaded less even tho 2h. strafe alittle and ur set. PH, WH, SoM, different spears vs, what they are fighting.

ranger, which is my favourite: autotrained ofc, 44cd, 39pierce/blades, 31pf, 35stealth, and rest in bow, like 12+. Using either LWs, or a nice duo with slash weps. strafing and u have a anytimer stun, nice damage, and all the other things a archer have. so all in all i would count archers as some of the best melee stealthers.

they have many ra's they can dump, and they have decent damage. When it comes to bow, i dont like that kind of playing, but then again, they can zephyr and do shitloads of damage, and mos5, crit shot and do shitloads of damage and so on! no matter what ppl say: shadowblades needs a boost :p give em crush, so they can spec vulerable damage to others, like others can to them. and some better rr 5 ability.

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