Flight Simulator 2020


Part of the furniture
Jan 20, 2004
Well, FS VR is meant to be out today. I am absolutely not holding out being able to play it in low/medium in VR (3900x, RTX 2080 S and 32GB ram) but hopefully it will convey the feeling of flying well even at the lower settings.


Part of the furniture
Jan 20, 2004
Tried the VR yesterday. It's pretty much unplayable with fps under 20 at lowest resolution and everything turned off.


Can't get enough of FH
FH Subscriber
Feb 17, 2004
That's a shame. Something to look forward to at least.

I'm glad that it has been implemented even if it is beyond reach for now.


Part of the furniture
Jan 20, 2004
Yup - looking forward to the game getting better as more areas are modelled and VR more accessible as PCs get faster.


Grumpy old fecker
Dec 23, 2003
Anyone aware / interested that they're releasing a VR update on the 23rd of December? Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 free VR update has a release date, and it's soon

I got to a stage with teleport motion in Halflife: ALyx whereby it didnt bother me anymore but not sure how i'd fare with a VR flight sim.

My mum has been largely house bound since March so i am hoping it enables her some free-like-a-bird escapism.

Being trying the VR on MSFS...its view only with a 3D mouse so no direct controller support .....yet...

Still its pretty damned immersive and fun..


Grumpy old fecker
Dec 23, 2003
That's a shame. Something to look forward to at least.

I'm glad that it has been implemented even if it is beyond reach for now.

I've been trying it and its a bit clumsy, still tweaking because the audio doesnt want to work right. When I got it going it seems ok albeit the FPS took a slight hit but I do have a 3090, still got everything on Ultra but FPS dropped to around 30 which with the implementation seems playable, but Hardware to do that isnt cheap.

No controller support and I noticed that the full VR graphics menu has been removed from the beta, which allowed people to tweak the settings whilst in VR mode. But options are very limited.


Grumpy old fecker
Dec 23, 2003
Played it for *checks steam* 15 minutes, including menu time.

Felt soooooo sick. Had to lie down.

I found the same with Aircar but 'pushed through' pretty nice implementation but felt pretty crap after playing it for 45mins..alas, lying down made it worse :)


Grumpy old fecker
Dec 23, 2003
London looking grimmer than normal...

Decided to whack everything to ultra or the best it would go (prolly should left occlusion off etc) unfortunately the weather closing in drops the fps to 26 or so every 30 secs or so otherwise sits on 35.

Desktop Screenshot 2021.01.03 -


Grumpy old fecker
Dec 23, 2003
I did some flying around Hong Kong at night. Don't normally play night flights but the lights were nice in this mod.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvGO9OfhNj4

ha, thats the first place I went to when I got MSFS, I lived in HK for 20 years so know it better than back in blightly.

And the first place I flew over was the exhibition centre with the Marriott behind it as that was where I stayed on a fleeting visit back in 2016. They've done an amazing job, but dont try to fly under any bridges with that plane in the new territories. The water isnt flat (contrary to popular belief) and there appears to be some strange invisible obstacles around the place.

Was nice looking at places I'd seen from Helicopter trips I'd taken in the past and where I used to work.


Grumpy old fecker
Dec 23, 2003
Tried the VR yesterday. It's pretty much unplayable with fps under 20 at lowest resolution and everything turned off.

Make sure you try the Open XR MS dev tools, Steam VR beta showing big improvements for the HP Reverb G2 also - SteamVR is an FPS killer right now.
Llots saying it gave them a ton of FPS back using the Open XR tool. Also more and more tweaks for various settings now and what exactly is nicking all the FPS, and you can defo live without them.

MSFS is a 10 year project hence its better than all HW out there right now. but, there is still some serious optimisation MS has to do.


Part of the furniture
Jan 20, 2004
Yeah I sorted it out.

Big issue with Steam VR. You must disable Steam Desktop Game Theater as it has a massive impact on perfomance in VR. [Settings/In-game]

I also reduced the Index's resolution to 80% (using TAA still) and then the FS2020 VR res scaling to 90% and most other stuff on Low/Medium.

Still looks crap but at least it is holding at about 30fps.


Grumpy old fecker
Dec 23, 2003
Yeah I sorted it out.

Big issue with Steam VR. You must disable Steam Desktop Game Theater as it has a massive impact on perfomance in VR. [Settings/In-game]

I also reduced the Index's resolution to 80% (using TAA still) and then the FS2020 VR res scaling to 90% and most other stuff on Low/Medium.

Still looks crap but at least it is holding at about 30fps.

The Reverb G2 is looking pretty sweet right now, but MSFS doesnt like playing well with navigation utils within the VR window space. I've seen some really clumsy ways to do it but I just want stuff to work. I do most of my flight planning through Skyvector and I just cant see it on screen in VR, this isnt a HP issue per se, its a MS/Asobo issue, but they've got to address it at some point.

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