Was gonna change making then with all added letters the name got too long so game crashed and said change it to bbq was taken so somehow it turned into that.
Oh and yeah taglim seem to think that the stores where u buy the boxes for ur daoc is ebay
I wont say that i didnt buy farils acc.
But chanter account bought irl store lvled it from 0-50 first on alb and platonius pled my chanter a long time ago
I think taglim is just jealous
Don't hate me cause u ain't me, he just sad that he got the uglyest wife in a 100 mile radius so he needs to take the piss outta someone online to feel satisfied
Hawkeyie pretty sure radarban bad excuse stop playing
actually he didnt get banned, he was on briefly a few weeks back and I talked to him then.. he was tired of getting PM's from 20+ ppl everyday that had logged from alb/hib only to whine! his main goal when he comeback just prior to ywain was to hit rr12 and after that he always said he was gonna quit as soon as it wasnt fun anymore..
think he stuck around longer cause Pantheon was such a fun guild for a time there.
Galilaria the whorecock of pantheon
Saru you zerging prick!
Haha, is andy still playing? Not seen the whine so assume not, there is no way he got a girl friend as he never leaves the house so i am coming to the awful conclusion hes dead
this reminds me of prydwen OF
you havent seen anything yet
when my US account was active i frequently saw guard spam of 300 ppl or so.
no real point going to defend at that point, bloody slideshow still with that many ppl :/
he went to play D&D online
ye I know. all this bs about him getting radar banned just pisses me off=P
talk to him and his brother in vent now and then trying to get them to comeback, his brother seem to miss daoc but hawk just gets to pissed with ppl logging over to mid to whine
rescu's zergs are very well organised, he makes sure every grp is kitted out right, speed/2 x clerics etc.
You are then given roles, disruption, siege, roaming duties for certian areas, nothing on dyvet was anything like this mate thats for sure.
I was sent off with 2 other grpups to cause a distraction by taking and holding twrs, the idea was to funnel the hibs, so that the 3/4 roaming groups could mop them up, worked a treat, we slaughtered everything.
you have to be be in vent else the BG seems disorganised.
Now on hib it's totally different, it's pure zerg with no real direction at all, or at least I've not seen a defence zerg that knows what it's doing, tho I was with a the relic take BG on Wednesday which was very well done.
well hibs have 717 online of which 260 are in nf so thats probably like 150 ish active players, albs walked in and took relic from scath, ywain is one weired place when it comes to relics.
The US players do love there PVE, funny everyone always sings about DAOC being the best PVP game out yet most spend time in pve, dame weird and in all three realms.
bit pissed actually I have 2 x animists and druid waiting at scath and miss the attacked by 10ms and it's all over lol
why should there be a change? red is dead
tbh i found a mid group doing exactly that, and the albs just zerged the solo'rs anyway so its all good, rp's are rp's I guess, just gonna take abit of time to get use to
Man its like a complete reverse ywain it is, remember on dyvet (or pryd/excal) when it was alb alarm clock raiding and mids could take relics prime time? wayyyy back in the day.. its the other way around now mids are shit and albs can do it prime time.
That coupled with hibs farming soloers (no change there Penlid *cough*)
well , on hib there're no bg leaders at all
only random spam in region like : "All hibs to ailline, All hibs to scath" etc
that only makes you wanna do /reg ALL HIBS TO MAG MELL NOW :>
That coupled with hibs farming soloers (no change there Penlid *cough*)