Final Fantasy The Movie



Kez is right, but I'm afraid I'm way to pedantic to let that little error go by. Cloud was in Final Fantasy VII (7) not VI (6) :)

Deco makes a fair point in that the film didn't have guadian summons, magic, similiar battles from the games. The games do have all these things, but they wouldn't work in the film. The film was made by square and the story structure was quite similar to the games. Not in anything that happened, but the feel of the story was very much that of a Final Fantasy. I think square did good, but of course it's not going to be of everyones taste.


Originally posted by Nath
Kez is right, but I'm afraid I'm way to pedantic to let that little error go by. Cloud was in Final Fantasy VII (7) not VI (6)
I meant that and you know it :/


I went to see this film at the UCI in London on its opening night and there was 12 people their, at the end of the Day its just a film and some people do have opinions believe it not and I though the GFX were Excellent but as I said in a previous post that the story sucked, it was an Aliens/Babylon5/starship troopers copy………..
Furthermore the Street fighter 2 Manga film was spot on just as it was supposed to be like the game, if my opinion’s are wrong or your don’t agree with them don’t flame me just post you disagreement please
I know my tastes and I thought FF was Shite SORRY…

In addition I didn’t know when I post in these forums I had to be a scholar in English Grammar?


Originally posted by Deco
In addition I didn’t know when I post in these forums I had to be a scholar in English Grammar?

No, but you do need to be able to string groups of sentences together into understandable paragraphs.


Originally posted by Deco
Secondly Can someone Explain what the hell was going on,them Ghost things what we're they?and what was in the Earth questions questions aslo and how did in end still have no idea...

And it has no connection with the game whats so ever what happend to Mccloud or what ever his name is and the phook of Guardians you summon? And the turn base combat and the over long yawn -a- phon sorry that the game offered...hang on they do have similarities :D

I mean please, if there is a god, then let me find the strength to understand.

...not to mention...

Originally posted by Deco
What there was nothing to understand you freak...

just An over the top($140) move with no used the FF Series as an attaction to go mad with Silicon GFX and make a Film? it was a turkey a well dressed Turkey mind you :p

/me points to english lessons


I saw FF last week and apart from the graphics which were very pretty the film was really nothing special. The plot, whilst perfectly understandable, was nothing to write home about and the characterisation was absolutely awful especially compared to some of the better anime releases: Perfect Blue, Princess Mononoke, Ghost in the Shell.

It weren't shit by any means and its a shame that it bombed so badly in america simply because people expected the film of the game(s), which would have been pointless, or didn't grasp the subtlety of the japanese directors.


Makes perfect sense to me, like I was really all that bothered in what I was typing..........................

I think you lot need to get out more


Deco, like kez and I said before. The thing that makes a final fantasy game a final fantasy game is a) the game genre, and b) the style of story. The actually stories are never linked though. In that respect the film was a good adaptation of final fantasy, in that the story had a similar style (albeit with toned down bits, like the lack of magic). If you didn't like the film that's fine, but slating it for not being similar to the games is silly.

Moving Target

So in conclusion, a good movie or shite one?


HELLO anyone home Deco Taps on peoples Heads Its Shite and i think you know that?

And i didn’t slate the film i slated the script. IQ's seems Very low in this forum!

Also i went to see this film with 4 mates all thought it was shite and couldn’t wait to get back to the pub (And one of my mates is a manic FF gamer owns all the latest versions)...And try reading any reviews on the film, FHM, Arena, The Sun, Loaded, NME all said it was dire…So to sum this up: Me, My Friends and 5 leading publications thought the film was shite hmmm so we all must be dumb then. The film was just TOOOOO way ever our heads. I don’t think so I just think it sucked.

Enough Said


Originally posted by Deco
HELLO anyone home Deco Taps on peoples Heads Its Shite and i think you know that?

And i didn’t slate the film i slated the script. IQ's seems Very low in this forum!

Coming from the person who didn't understand the plot line.

Also i went to see this film with 4 mates all thought it was shite and couldn’t wait to get back to the pub (And one of my mates is a manic FF gamer owns all the latest versions)...And try reading any reviews on the film, FHM, Arena, The Sun, Loaded, NME all said it was dire…So to sum this up: Me, My Friends and 5 leading publications thought the film was shite hmmm so we all must be dumb then. The film was just TOOOOO way ever our heads. I don’t think so I just think it sucked.

FHM, Arena, The Sun, Loaded and NME. Yes, because they're all film gurus aren't they. FHM, Arena and Loaded are all written by retarded 35 year old men with mentalities of 15 year olds, The Sun - well, we all know about The Sun, and NME knows it's shit about music - but nothing else.

The film was just TOOOOO way ever our heads.

I hardly think it's the film makers fault that you're too stupid to understand the film. Just because you and your friends are too ignorant to attempt to use your brains, it doesn't mean it's a bad film.




and you say i make no Sense?

Crist its just a film get a life.....


Deco give up now, it'd be worth your while.

You've gone on record as:
  • ignorant.
  • illiterate.
  • generally unable to comprehend well written english, exclaiming that its a wonder we couldn't understand you.
  • unable to follow the plot line.

How you actually came to the conclusion it was a rehash of Aliens, Babylon5 and Starship Troopers is quite beyond me, seeing as you've apparently failed to grasp the storyline.

Secondly Can someone Explain what the hell was going on,them Ghost things what we're they?and what was in the Earth questions questions aslo and how did in end still have no idea...
The style of presentation may have been vaguely like Babylon 5's, and the aliens somewhere between the other two, but it was by no means anything like them in actual filmtime.


You're that gay Deco that spams a lot on Jolt's forums yeah?


You make me laugh.

You really need to get out more.

ONo.1 Sad
2 Dumb
3 Virgin (LOL)
4 Wanks too much
5 Very ugly (Hehe)

And why should i give up ive never has so much fun on the net.

You lots really get worked up easily...

Hmm lets see how you respond to that..and this time try using your brain and not Quoting me..

and thsis time Carm down a little and make sense..



Don't know if that post was aimed at other people, Deco, but I don't give a fuck that you didnt like the film. My point was that it was silly to complain the fact that it wasnt like the games.


p.s. if you think the sun is a leading publication for anything more than the fact that there's a pair of tits on page 3, you're very dense indeed.


God almighty i have never ever known people to be so thick.

The sun is the biggest selling newspaper in the UK

FHM is the biggest selling lads mag in the UK

NME is the Biggest selling Music Paper in the UK

For which i would say these are leading Publication, where did I say there were Good?

Try turning your PC off for one second and doing something more interesting

And if you Read the thread from the Start you can see that i just posted my opinion of that shite film FF and for that you have cained me...

So i made a few Typos so fucking what...

you lot cant be that SAD can you...Hmmm i think so...



a) i never cained you for hating ff movie.
b) I never cained your typos
c) My point about the sun was that they're a shit newspaper, and not exactly a good judge of films.


Ok I apologies..

the film was still crap though..


Hmm well well. I saw this "movie", if u can call it that...well it simply sucked. I can´t exactly point out what sucked in just came to me. this movie just isnt right... i found my friends ear to be more exciting and interesting when we sat there in the cinema.

..FF works as a game. but as a movie...sorry


Gosh...we are people and people in general have different tastes, from this we can deduce that some will like it and some won't.


Originally posted by Deco
You make me laugh.
You really need to get out more.
And why should i give up ive never has so much fun on the net.
You lots really get worked up easily...
Hmm lets see how you respond to that..and this time try using your brain and not Quoting me..
and thsis time Carm down a little and make sense..
First off, I think the joke is on you. Secondly, I'm not lacking a social life, and I suspect many of the others aren't either. I'm not asking you to give up, we're all clearly ripping your (appalling) points to pieces, and its certainly not working me up.
My brain is clearly 'in gear' as my responses have shown, I can happily spell rather better than you, and I make substantially more sense; Trolling only works if it serves its purpose, all you're doing is joining the ilk of 1moon & Glynn3rs, the muppet brigade, if you will.


Kez...or whatever please m8
don´t be such an asshole...Deco just said his opinion and just because he doesn´t agree with you. doesn´t give you the right to cain take it ez. pop a valium or something man..geez

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