FG rvr balance in one easy step?



The infamous idea of putting range on buffs. Let's say 6000 range, to minimize the loss in hp should the shammy ever fall behind etc, 2000 units isn't always enough.

This wouldn't affect stealthers as much as you'd think as a buffbot is more or less mandatory today anyway, just leveling the field for people who can't afford to own it/run it.

This would however, benefit the realms who have their main buffers as a class which you can have many in a group (hibernia and albion) and force mids to either:

1. Break the cookie-cutter group with 3 healers, skald, shammy, <insert 3 tanks of your choice here> and use 2 shammies instead.
2. Sacrifice buffs in forms of endregen/specline buffs on targets. I.e only give end to tanks, have seers running with dex/qui, sacrificing endregen or str/con in the process(wee my self str/con will live again! :great: )

Either way, this coupled with a slight savagenerf (coming directly to your doorstep in 1.65 :clap: ) would in my opinion change the most overpowering thing that is midgard today(and yes, the insta attackspeed debuff nerf will be live in 1.63 :( ).

As most groups would probably go for option #1 they would either sacrifice frontload power, going with only light tank/skald(and to some extent warrior) to deal the damage, sacrifice surivability in the form of either 1 mendhealer, or the warrior.
Also this would make up for the long overdue problem with 2x shamans in a group being next to completely useless.

Anyway, opinions? It's 6am and this just came to me, had to write it down somewhere. Do not think this will happen however since Mythic is making a pretty good buck of the buffbot account and in the end, that's what counts.

Good night, will be happy to read replies tomorrow :)

Disclaimer: any spelling/grammatical errors are a bi-product of too much swedish in Nolby Pride /gu. Blame them, not me :D


not to whine etc, but the debuff nerf is probably one of the most unneccesary nerfs mystics ever done. i mean wtf il get restless while kiting!

oh nuff whine dont like nerfs that much.
about the buffs, whould be good accept the part that 2 shammys in 1 grp, that whould make the shammys job abit overflow as u have to little to do for being 1 fulltime played char. i belive it whould render alot of shammys restless, and the feeling of being a 100% active BB of dullness more accurate. or as it whould be in reality 1 BB purely for buffs and interrupts.


Mend shammy? Or are they just like reju friars?


looking forward to the haste debuff nerf :)

i'll play primetime when its live!

Garbannoch Nox

they could make different RvR zones where you can port to (BG style like) with different handicaps like:
- no buffbots allowed (only buffs that come from people in group count)
- no grouping allowed (for soloers)
- each group can only have 1 of a class (no 3 healers, 3 chanters or 3 mercs ;))
- PvP-server style BG (mixed groups possible with members from all realms - should not be too hard to code i think if it is only one seperate zone)
- and so on


Everyone is whining about the savage nerfs and stuff, but like jiggs i think the attackspeed debuff on healers is currently the i-win button of mids if used properly.

Being able to interrupt someone from a distance coninuously with no negative side-effects, being able to do so while performing your main task (healing) ...


Originally posted by ingrid
not to whine etc, but the debuff nerf is probably one of the most unneccesary nerfs mystics ever done.
Even if I am myself in a position to use an insta interrupt, I absolutely hate it and look forward to it getting fixed. As it currently is, you can practically never nuke an NP healer dead without popping MoC since you'll inevitably get interrupted before the last nuke lands.

In regard to the original poster -- good idea. I am afraid it will never happen, tho, since Mythic is making good money off the extra buffbot accounts. :(


Originally posted by Forau
Also this would make up for the long overdue problem with 2x shamans in a group being next to completely useless.

They would still be next to useless though, nothing changes except you need 2 to buff properly.

I suppose they could /assist DD every 20 seconds..


Range on Buffs would be good; just as good would be the ability to eliminate buffs outside of grp; no extra buffs for grps in RvR OR pve; helps slow down (slightly) the massive powerleveling of fotm and might actually get people to <gasp> group togther outside of epic events and RvR again.

Oh and is only a semi-nerf to steathlers who would inevitably form mass petitions to stop ranged buffs; they can still have them but only get just over half the RP's per kill :great:

But yes, the use of buffbots is getting out of hand these days


The one easy step is deleting midgard from the game :D

FG fights be much more fun imo


Originally posted by glorien_
The one easy step is deleting midgard from the game :D

FG fights be much more fun imo

fg fights, coming from alb :lol:


are you sure asd interupt is getting fixed? I have searched the patch notes but havent find anything


Originally posted by Forau
1. Break the cookie-cutter group with 3 healers, skald, shammy, <insert 3 tanks of your choice here> and use 2 shammies instead.

well a aug/mend + aug/cave shammy duo wouldn't exactly be gimped now would it? the aug/cave will still have end4 which is plenty for the 2healers/2shammys to all perma sprint... 60s aoe root could come in handy too i guess eh...


fg balance in one easy step?:

remove healer insta interrupt
remove aoe stun
remove instamezz/insta cc
remove gp
reduce effectiveness of bof
make buffs ranged


end regen

Remove endregen from shamans and put on skalds.

Its realy retarded mids buff class dont have enough con/amount off alowed buffs to buff 1 grp EVEN when the healer(s) help with baseline buffs.

Garbannoch Nox

Re: end regen

Originally posted by jarl
Remove endregen from shamans and put on skalds.

Its realy retarded mids buff class dont have enough con/amount off alowed buffs to buff 1 grp EVEN when the healer(s) help with baseline buffs.

no give it to healer. also give speed from skald to the healer - i mean bards have speed also!!!!!1111


Originally posted by K0nah
fg balance in one easy step?:

remove healer insta interrupt
remove aoe stun
remove instamezz/insta cc
remove gp
reduce effectiveness of bof
make buffs ranged

if you remove instamezz it will put albs on top isnt it?
80 saracen dex + 23 from levelling versus (for example) firbolg bard with 40 dex, that's like 63 (!!!) dex advantage, 10 dex ~ 5%, so that's 30% faster o_O
add quickcast here and you will get a picture _why_ there should be insta cc


Originally posted by Forau
1. Break the cookie-cutter group with 3 healers, skald, shammy, <insert 3 tanks of your choice here> and use 2 shammies instead.

Well, for spec buffs... 8 str/con. 7 dex/qui (miss the skald), 5 end regen (savages don't need it really :p ) - keep 1 shaman in group.


say Endregen in the Stormcalling Line?
End 5 @ 50 SC and some more specpoints for us ;x So we have the possibilty to have:
50 stormcalling
50 weapon
42 shield


PLS?!? :|


Originally posted by old.anubis
if you remove instamezz it will put albs on top isnt it?
80 saracen dex + 23 from levelling versus (for example) firbolg bard with 40 dex, that's like 63 (!!!) dex advantage, 10 dex ~ 5%, so that's 30% faster o_O
add quickcast here and you will get a picture _why_ there should be insta cc

Nice random numbers there. 63 dex when fully buffed is about 16% faster. But errr... Why compare Firby (lowest dex) to Saracen (highest dex)? A 43dex difference is nearer 10% speed diff, but yes it's the interruptability vs QC that's the real reason.


Re: end regen

Originally posted by jarl
Remove endregen from shamans and put on skalds.

Its realy retarded mids buff class dont have enough con/amount off alowed buffs to buff 1 grp EVEN when the healer(s) help with baseline buffs.

Narh, Skalds already have a group essential quality... Thanes have a mana pool, give them an end chant similar to pallies imo, may have to tone down some of their self buffs so they don't become stupor in PvE but I doubt it given the "gimp" sticker most slap on their belittled foreheads.

Oh and make Bard endy uninteruptable etc.

Edit : Oo someone get there before me :)


putting range on buffs will make GOA poor :)

i bet half there income is from bb accounts, or that there is a bb on the account.

ok not half! but alot!


Originally posted by Pin
Nice random numbers there. 63 dex when fully buffed is about 16% faster. But errr... Why compare Firby (lowest dex) to Saracen (highest dex)? A 43dex difference is nearer 10% speed diff, but yes it's the interruptability vs QC that's the real reason.

ok, 43 on average (53 for me, no +10 dex at start)
10% is free mota3, that's 10 rsp besides prereq (which is anyway there for moc)
and sorcs dont _have_ to spend 14 rsp for unique ability, right?

some ae interrupt (like bard insta lull, but not that crap) would be ok me thinks, then remove instamezz kknp

Garbannoch Nox

Originally posted by Pin
Nice random numbers there. 63 dex when fully buffed is about 16% faster. But errr... Why compare Firby (lowest dex) to Saracen (highest dex)? A 43dex difference is nearer 10% speed diff, but yes it's the interruptability vs QC that's the real reason.

lower dex is really not the issue - but QC (uninterruptable), access to MOC (healer has it too - but not bard) and boltrange are quite big advantages - that's why hibs lose non-insta CC battles mostly


Re: Re: FG rvr balance in one easy step?

Originally posted by Pin
Well, for spec buffs... 8 str/con. 7 dex/qui (miss the skald), 5 end regen (savages don't need it really :p ) - keep 1 shaman in group.

not all play with savages you know ^^
what about 1 warr 1 rm 2 sms 2 healers 1 sakld 1 shaman group? (pretty much our standard for pbae groups)
casters to be ok _need_ acu buff, that's make up 25-27 buffs (depends if buff skald with dex/qui and aug healer with str/con)
make end regen 1 group buff == sorted, put range on everything, fine


Re: Re: FG rvr balance in one easy step?

Originally posted by K0nah
well a aug/mend + aug/cave shammy duo wouldn't exactly be gimped now would it? the aug/cave will still have end4 which is plenty for the 2healers/2shammys to all perma sprint... 60s aoe root could come in handy too i guess eh...

You've been "mythiced". You naturally assume since I'm talking about a what is commonly known as "nerf" it will render the class/setup in question completely useless. Restoring balance wouldn't be to gimp the mid group, it would be to even out the odds and believe me, one less spreadhealer would make alot of difference.


Re: Re: Re: FG rvr balance in one easy step?

Originally posted by old.anubis
not all play with savages you know ^^
what about 1 warr 1 rm 2 sms 2 healers 1 sakld 1 shaman group? (pretty much our standard for pbae groups)
casters to be ok _need_ acu buff, that's make up 25-27 buffs (depends if buff skald with dex/qui and aug healer with str/con)
make end regen 1 group buff == sorted, put range on everything, fine

You didn't say anything about pbae groups in your post, you just said it would break the cookie-cutter group, but it wouldn't.


Re: Re: Re: Re: FG rvr balance in one easy step?

Originally posted by Pin
You didn't say anything about pbae groups in your post, you just said it would break the cookie-cutter group, but it wouldn't.

after nerf 3 buffs (dps, evade, haste) will take ~700 hps every 30 seconds, i doubt that any1 will use end buff up, so they will still need end regen
and people move at spd6 you know
it is soooooooo addictive


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: FG rvr balance in one easy step?

Originally posted by old.anubis
after nerf 3 buffs (dps, evade, haste) will take ~700 hps every 30 seconds, i doubt that any1 will use end buff up, so they will still need end regen
and people move at spd6 you know
it is soooooooo addictive

Yeah, would be cool if they gave up their health in order to keep sprinting. Reach the battle on 10% health already :D

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