Fenslir Faste - secured once again!


One of Freddy's beloved
Nov 15, 2004
Kinetix said:
well thats today and well "yesterday" :\ what about the other days?
Well im if i get proper fg vs fg 1 day a week.
other days just farm the zerg etc.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jun 26, 2004
Ging said:
Whoo page 4, im roxxing at this page counting mission :)
go to user cp and change post per page to 40, then you dont have to click next all the time in the wajn threads :), and easyer to search the page for the funny replyes.


Loyal Freddie
Oct 11, 2004
Prothoe said:
getting kinda tired of your mindless idiotic posts Bistrup (who are you anyway?)
ofc you choose to post /stats Blind as he only logged later on pala to help @ fens, he had been playing reaver from 9pm+ , but nice 1 choosing to /stats someone in group that had been online for 1 hour only.

after reading your previous posts seems you seem to be a frustrated little non factor random thats spent 15years studying tae kwon do, a martial art thats considered "contact ballet"
put 2 similar experienced guys in a streetfight / ring, 1 that knows Ju Jitsu and the othe tae kwon do, the Ju Jitsu fighter will win 99 times out of a 100

Hehe who is the frustraded one ?

U made a pm to me asking who I was and I told U.

And as I stated he had been on for 3 hours not1 got screenie if U wanna see it.

And if U wanna talk martial arts well PM me and we can discuss, and next time U go read my post read em correctly m8, and quit just spurting out random insults.

But hey U show me what kinda guys CM is outside the game prolly not just in game 90% of the ppl well let's say doesn't think to foundly of them.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
Ovron said:
Hibbies and albies wanted to play with our toys... Hibbies and albies got themselves killed.

Thank you all true vikings of Midgard who joined the Battlegroup. Hibs first attacked the keep and got themselves all the way into the keep - but died in miserable state at the bottom floor. Repairing of the keep was soon initiated and then albies wanted to play. Once again the enemies died in a miserable state. Them hibbies then wanted to take a tower - and they did. Them hibbies then lost the tower - after a little play at the keep.

So what did we learn by playing with Midgard's toys? - Don't.

Thank you everyone once again who joined the BG, those who repaired the gates, and of course those who supplied the wood.


But atleast they did trey in the day when there is ppl on and not in the morning when no defenders.


Loyal Freddie
Oct 11, 2004
Xaranian said:
But atleast they did trey in the day when there is ppl on and not in the morning when no defenders.

Hehe Xaran

Think this was done from 4 am and onwards to 7 am or so.

So I wouldn't say many ppl online, But ask ovron he prolly knows the time it was done.


One of Freddy's beloved
Nov 4, 2004
I am not entirely 100% sure on the time it started, but it was somewhere between 04:00 and 05:00, or so...


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 23, 2005
started at 2am, we logged at 4am, took us nearly an hour just to get the doors down. mids did outnumber us 2:1 until another fgh came (although they came a little too late) we didn't get the relic, so stop QQ'ing about AC'ing relics.

would just like to say that hibs will almost certainly get the relic in primetime. We've done it twice already the past couple of weeks. I'm hoping to see how mids react to having 50% of their realm Green. Go Go MRE on friday


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 21, 2004
RandomDotCom said:
started at 2am, we logged at 4am, took us nearly an hour just to get the doors down. mids did outnumber us 2:1 until another fgh came (although they came a little too late) we didn't get the relic, so stop QQ'ing about AC'ing relics.

would just like to say that hibs will almost certainly get the relic in primetime. We've done it twice already the past couple of weeks. I'm hoping to see how mids react to having 50% of their realm Green. Go Go MRE on friday

Good job of defending Ovron, thanks for that. Hibs are as we know having advantages enough as it is in keep warfare. This is not the first time i tend to call #Hibernia = DaoC Easy mode# they can do things with their chars that the other 2 realms can only dream of. but why.... my own theory is that nobody wanted to play the "Irish" from the start, and mythic had to do something about that, so why not make them overpowered as they are, they might get popular that way.

Sorry for having pissed you off "Randomdotcom" but fact is that we on our guild LAN weekend only payed you in Hibernia back for what you have been doing numerous times to us. We could not go to albion as it would have destroyed I-RvR for many players and that would have been worse for the RvR part of the game than you loosing one alb relic.

We will see how much you can paint green, and how much willl be red and blue, it all depends on how many ppl the 3 sides can muster the comming week-end, or before if you go on Fens at some time before the week-end.


Guildmaster of Danish Huscarls.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
RandomDotCom said:
started at 2am, we logged at 4am, took us nearly an hour just to get the doors down. mids did outnumber us 2:1 until another fgh came (although they came a little too late) we didn't get the relic, so stop QQ'ing about AC'ing relics.
It was an AC raid (attempt) by the popular definition of the world (or a "red-eye" one, yet still in the same category). Seems the Hibs will no longer be able to come out as white as snow after this one!


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 30, 2004
charmangle said:
Well theres your proof that most people actually do like the Irvr atm. If not, they would just skip it and go off to Agramon and do FG vs FG...now a minority, like yourself does not like Irvr, and those try to force all others to stop their Irvr and start moving in areas where they can be Rp fodder for HighRR opted groups that cant hack it against the really skilled HighRR groups.

I dont claim to know what is the best rvr type for all, I myself enjoy solo, FGvsFG and Zerg fights...and all of those can be gotten fairly easy with Irvr in place. But I do know that preventing others from playing as they like by removing the availablity of thier type of RvR doesnt seem like a good thing to me. If you want good FGvsFG inform others where you will be running and they will be gunning for ya.


ps. If your argument would have been, that you just wanted to clean up your frontier for a safer area to put your relics in when you retake them (when all else are asleep or not) it wouldnt have seemed so selfish. ds

Look i dont mind with IRvR, but i think the 3 realms on the same area and all of them having port is too much, except yesterday there were just too many ppl on same place, you just couldnt face a fg without having another fg add in 20secs


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Kinetix said:
No mate as i explained myself later on i said that i couldnt get as low as Dwera or even Ravencroft and report some1 over a spam

so you think that people shouldnt report other players when they break the rules?

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