Female Population Daoc


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Bishibosh said:
awwwww Sagieeee, You'll prove to us that you're a woman some day... Until then, we'll just humour you :p :fluffle:

Well Bishy one day you'll quit sleeping with your lil stuffed animals and be able to tell the difference between male and female, until then, I wouldn't suggest you ever have sex with someone! :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Sage said:
Well Bishy one day you'll quit sleeping with your lil stuffed animals and be able to tell the difference between male and female, until then, I wouldn't suggest you ever have sex with someone! :)

:worthy: ok that comeback is proof enough lol :p I'm soorrry Sagie!!! ofcourse you're a lady :wub:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
I'm not really sure why female gamers need to be categorized any more than males o_O. I have met quite a few girls through gaming. Some nice, some kind, some weird, some funny, some bitchy, some combined.... just like guys. But, I guess if I had to fit in a category, it would be a bitchy geek convert.

The only girls I have a problem with in game are those who perpetuate the stereotype of girls using guys to get things. I think that one stands out so much because you don't notice the quiet, non-aggressive female players who just play like anyone else. I've met alot of "she-males" in DAoC... most of them turned out to be very kind people and since I didn't interact with them based on their sex, I wasn't really mad when I found out. I am terrible at guessing who is a girl/guy. I thought Kir was a girl for a loooong time, also Alith was a girl in my head ^^ The funniest one I came across was actually a guy pretending to be his own fiancée - wasn't in DAoC though. He had whole conversations with himself on the guild boards, which everyone laughed at because he was so retarded.

Some jerk taught me the real way to find out if someone is a girl. Ask them if they have big boobs. If they say yes, they are a guy. If they say no and describe how perky they are, then they are a guy. If they get offended or put you on /ignore, they are a girl.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Just for statistical purposes:

I am female irl,all my chars are female (tried a male one in beta and felt "weird" :p)

I have been playing mmorpgs for quite some years and totally independent of any b/f. Having said that, I actually met my current b/f in DAoC - But he doesn't really play it anymore, really ...
And he claims I am more of a nerd than he is, purely based on the fact that - relative to our respective "disposable leisure time" - I spend more time playing (in absolute # of hrs played, he would beat me easily tho) <shrugs>

Never had much trouble getting hassled ingame for being female; probably the only time was - still in the very early ages, just after DAoC went retail when a guy (who I had been grping with just ONCE) actually proceeded to immediately ask me for my msn/email address, age and location when he kinda overheard that I was female irl - totally cracked me up laughing then ;)
But was the only time I actually felt that it mattered that I was female ... so, overall, no complaints about ppl's behaviour towards me :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Asha said:
Some jerk taught me the real way to find out if someone is a girl. Ask them if they have big boobs. If they say yes, they are a guy. If they say no and describe how perky they are, then they are a guy. If they get offended or put you on /ignore, they are a girl.

u h4v3 b1g b00bz?
:m00: :m00: hahaha
sorry have a sick sense of humor :)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 27, 2004
Im a real girl.
Im one of the kind who started to play cause of my bf.
And now i dont play that much my healer gets changed into a bb :(
I know some girls in Dlk and i like chatting with them :)
I had never had probs with guys and i did never getfree stuff for being a girl

Maybe i should go on some ml raid tell i am a girl irl and ask for some +50mod orso haha

Eloise :m00:


Hey Daddy Altman
Dec 24, 2003
Wiro said:
There's one more category of female players in daoc:
The one that goes afk as a tank in lyonesse treegrps, because she's drawing a horse irl :p

/em points at Quivera/Sneeuwpanter :m00:

lol she was an idiot

no matter what sex

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