Not be logged in the last few months recently due to the arrival of a mini yoss.
And looking at the patch notes (still no void lurve)/numbers left on Excali, i am sad to say i won't be back
I would like to say a very big thanks to all the friends and worthy enemys I have fought with/against over the years. and yeah I know i always played crap with my wierd spec tri spec, but had many years of fun regardless.
Take care all, and seriiously hope I meet many of you one day in another online advenure. (So if you meet a Yoss online be sure to offer a PL )
Extra special Thx to anyone that was in Soul Reavers or NF guild for putting up with my warpped sense of humour/always being mullered at a weekends, it really has been a bloody good larf.
Take care all and have fun
And looking at the patch notes (still no void lurve)/numbers left on Excali, i am sad to say i won't be back
I would like to say a very big thanks to all the friends and worthy enemys I have fought with/against over the years. and yeah I know i always played crap with my wierd spec tri spec, but had many years of fun regardless.
Take care all, and seriiously hope I meet many of you one day in another online advenure. (So if you meet a Yoss online be sure to offer a PL )
Extra special Thx to anyone that was in Soul Reavers or NF guild for putting up with my warpped sense of humour/always being mullered at a weekends, it really has been a bloody good larf.
Take care all and have fun