Fao various shitheads

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Fledgling Freddie
Nov 21, 2004
Aye IP on assasins would be so op'd... as op'd as a fucking cocklock killing u in 2 secs, an ml9 pet soloing the assasin while the fkn **** caster is running to the tower, a mincer outskilling you with all the shit it has that i cba to mention again,a bd strafing spamming insta lafjetap on ur sorry ass,an sm that kills u without getting hit , a plate user that u hit for 90 an hit u for 600, a reaver that uses twf bls and strafes to get levi in , a theurgist that outskills you using rr5 or the classic fkn retarded solo buffed necro that roams around the fkin bridge adding on solo stealthers, a warden that grapples u in twf3, a merc that charges and dts you ................... so seriously that would be rly op'd .. dont u think? :)


Dec 22, 2003
Svartmetall said:

Gotta love someone who has a Mincer and a Bainshee trying to have a pop at the classes anyone else plays.

Right, if I wanna know how to do Artifact #343 i'll give your PvE hotline a call, untill then I don't want to read your bollocks class whines about minstrels or Bainshees because your thane with 2% body resist got owned once when you were afk. Even comparing a Minstrel to a warlock is laughable :D


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2004
censi said:
blah blah blah
whine whine whine

awww someone has some sand in his vagina. And still crying like a baby about all those so called 'adders' ruining your rvr?

hush now :fluffle:

GrIrcSpammer said:
In your rant about which classes are OP you forgot to mention a single hib class. How typical :rolleyes:


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
I think things *are* actually pretty even at the moment. Some toons have to work harder to compete, but at least you can get to a level with an SB at least, that you can kill most toons (except for maybe a few mercs).

They should leave the game as it is, and just make more incentives for people that solo. IP on assassins is OP. Of course it would be nice, but the balance of fights where people are pretty even now, would go too far in the assassins favour. And fighting multiple assassins with IP would be a nightmare :>

I just think they need to put really good incentives in the game to improve soloing. Maybe give soloer's a little more speed. Maybe a little more stealth if you are an assassin. Maybe double the RPs for a solo kill, that kind of thing.

Oh, and all melee soloers should be able to summon 2 brittle guards that take 2 zaps of caster damage. That would really be the icing on the cake :>

Oli - Illu


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2004
illu said:
I think things *are* actually pretty even at the moment. Some toons have to work harder to compete, but at least you can get to a level with an SB at least, that you can kill most toons (except for maybe a few mercs).

They should leave the game as it is, and just make more incentives for people that solo. IP on assassins is OP. Of course it would be nice, but the balance of fights where people are pretty even now, would go too far in the assassins favour. And fighting multiple assassins with IP would be a nightmare :>

I just think they need to put really good incentives in the game to improve soloing. Maybe give soloer's a little more speed. Maybe a little more stealth if you are an assassin. Maybe double the RPs for a solo kill, that kind of thing.

Oh, and all melee soloers should be able to summon 2 brittle guards that take 2 zaps of caster damage. That would really be the icing on the cake :>

Oli - Illu

tbh wouldn't mind them giving IP to assassins or the magic absorption brittles for melee solo'ers. The only thing that bothers me atm are WL's anyways :p


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 2, 2004
censi said:
tbh though with the greatest respect. If you dont play a stealther and you are like. Hah non of these stealthers solo. you dont fully have the right to say that.

its pretty easy picking visual class not playing to often. loggin in running to like a nice nearby area and waiting for some nice fights. waiting for a stealther to attack you maybe or see what turns up etc... (yer like u still get mullered by the zerg and shit but I mean u kind of expect it) maybe loggin off if you get pissed off and shit.....

but like from my point of view mythic have fucked over the stealther class. regardless of what people think, dudes rolled a stealther because they imagined themselves out there sticking the proverbial boot into some opponents from stealth and having a fun time. they didnt roll them to zerg people they do it because its frustrating sometimes to even try and solo with the class.... and this is coming from someone whos daoc gaming experience has been fucking anihilated by death from stealth zerg.

Yet as a weak, poor little ranger you've still managed to get to RR10? Yes I'd say you definately need a boost to remain "competitive" :twak:

You see you've hit a nerve with this line of thought. You complain how overpowered visuals are in comparision to you, and comment about how hard you find killing BDs, Warlocks and SMs. Well I've never managed to kill any one of those classes solo in a fair one on one. Am I ranting about how underpowered my class is? No, I accept that I've rolled a class which doesn't pwn, and get on and have fun regardless. Do I long for a stealth button which allows me to hide from these classes whenever they approach? Of course I do, but I don't believe my chosen class should be boosted just to be able to beat another class. I accept that I'm just going to get rolled every time I bump into one.

As an Alb I obviously don't fight infils, minstrels or scouts, but from my perspective Rangers, Nightshades and Shadowblades definately don't need any boosting. Hunters are the only stealther class which appear underpowered in comparison to the others, mainly due to lack of defense using a 2h weapon which is easily blocked by a shield. The frankly silly way DW/LA styles bypasses my defenses despite having spent a lot of realm points and skill points on defense (both parry and block) just make me laugh at times.

But what do I know anyway:
censi said:
Dont take this the wrong way..... but A LOT of people die to assasin and think OMG NERF That CLASS!!! The sheer reality is the assasin killing them is a better fucking player and the person getting assasinated is a newb.
My mighty 4L6 one on one sillz clearly indicate my newb status.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 21, 2004
Comos said:
awww someone has some sand in his vagina. And still crying like a baby about all those so called 'adders' ruining your rvr?

hush now :fluffle:

In your rant about which classes are OP you forgot to mention a single hib class. How typical :rolleyes:

aye because i m a hib u clueless joke of a player ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
Crookshanks said:
Yet as a weak, poor little ranger you've still managed to get to RR10? Yes I'd say you definately need a boost to remain "competitive" :twak:

You see you've hit a nerve with this line of thought. You complain how overpowered visuals are in comparision to you, and comment about how hard you find killing BDs, Warlocks and SMs. Well I've never managed to kill any one of those classes solo in a fair one on one. Am I ranting about how underpowered my class is? No, I accept that I've rolled a class which doesn't pwn, and get on and have fun regardless. Do I long for a stealth button which allows me to hide from these classes whenever they approach? Of course I do, but I don't believe my chosen class should be boosted just to be able to beat another class. I accept that I'm just going to get rolled every time I bump into one.

thank god somebody is making sense /respect knarl

GrIrcSpammer said:
Aye IP on assasins would be so op'd... as op'd as a fucking cocklock killing u in 2 secs, an ml9 pet soloing the assasin while the fkn **** caster is running to the tower, a mincer outskilling you with all the shit it has that i cba to mention again,a bd strafing spamming insta lafjetap on ur sorry ass,an sm that kills u without getting hit , a plate user that u hit for 90 an hit u for 600, a reaver that uses twf bls and strafes to get levi in , a theurgist that outskills you using rr5 or the classic fkn retarded solo buffed necro that roams around the fkin bridge adding on solo stealthers, a warden that grapples u in twf3, a merc that charges and dts you ................... so seriously that would be rly op'd .. dont u think?

i think u will find most classes will have problmes against what u have mentioned above, so whats ur solution?


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 21, 2004
Jupiter said:
thank god somebody is making sense /respect knarl

i think u will find most classes will have problmes against what u have mentioned above, so whats ur solution?

umm we r talking assasins here ? :) or dont tell me most classes have the defense an assasin does. cuz if u say that i can rest my case ;o


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
Crookshanks said:
The frankly silly way DW/LA styles bypasses my defenses despite having spent a lot of realm points and skill points on defense (both parry and block) just make me laugh at times.

DW will half you block, not your parry
But DW's impact on your shield is no where near the impact your shield has on an archers bow, who incidently also spend alot of realm and skill points just to watch a uniform

/blah blah blocks your attack

scroll up their screen

But I guess it's ok to totally negate someone elses main offensive spec line and complain about losing 50% of a defensive specline. :eek6:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
GrIrcSpammer said:
umm we r talking assasins here ? :) or dont tell me most classes have the defense an assasin does. cuz if u say that i can rest my case ;o

hmm, solo vs warlock = solo win?
solo vs bd = solo win?
solo vs sm = solo win?
solo vs ml9 pet = solo win?
solo vs sorc = solo win?
solo vs mincer = solo win?

so how many classes would u fit in the solo category? because if u can answer that u will see how silly the arguement u and censi are putting forward is
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