Fao various shitheads

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Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
Golena said:
I could point out that even if he's crap he appears to be playing with friends and therefore probably enjoying himself.

I often wonder how many of the people yelling about only soloing are only doing so because they don't have any mates. Sure there's some who want to do it for the challenge, but i'm fairly sure it's not all of them.

Occured to you that alot of people has classes not wanted in grps and are therefore bound to solo whether they like it or not? No, it must be because they have no friends, amusing.


Dec 22, 2003
Coldbeard said:
Occured to you that alot of people has classes not wanted in grps and are therefore bound to solo whether they like it or not? No, it must be because they have no friends, amusing.

Word, no (good) groups run with minstrels any more, I run groups with my Bainshee only.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
brad said:
He presses sprint and runs around in circles pressing garrote so you can never land any styles without timing it perfectly.

Good to know you don't know how to handle spiralling (seems thats what he is doing anyway) but no fear the thread starter doesn't either :)
Will need to remember that when I see you solo + healer + hunter + 2 SBs again.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
Occured to you that alot of people has classes not wanted in grps and are therefore bound to solo

indeed coldballs, but whats your excuse?


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
censi said:
indeed coldballs, but whats your excuse?

sigh, still trying to insult me by calling me coldballs? reckon someone has yet to pass the stage of kindergarten.

My excuse? Excuse for what? I solo for various reasons. Firstly because I am not part of a set grp, and I cannot be arsed to go through all the hazzle and effort to make a grp that wont be able to compete with set grps anyway and that will disband after one run. Secondly, I do find soloing challenging at times, but mostly it is just a waste of time, not that you would know anything about this. Thirdly, I play druid in groups alot, so it is nice after playing druid for a few weeks with some different type of rvr.

So, are you in need of further enlightment?


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
People play the game how they want to play it. Unfortunately it is very hard out there soloing, most of the time tonight, I ran into groups of 3 or 4 stealthers, but they were medium RR (still 4 is a lot! :>).

In the end, it just makes me want to play better, look to improve my template if possible. Squeeze every last item that is available to me to try and take down 1-2 in each group of 3-4. It's definitely a challenge :>

And I can accept stealthzerging, it's part of the game, and when it's lower RR people doing it as friends and for surviveability, there's nothing wrong with that. High RR people in groups of 2+ picking on lowbies more than once is not really proving much.

Something particularly Naff tonight was a certain Scout with a DI Bot in the tower near Beno. I imagine it wasn't up the first time I killed him, but the second time, my purge was down before I attacked, but I thought I'd take the risk, and after hitting the scout for 1600 damage and seeing his health still on 75% - I just sighed o_O

And still too many FG's adding on 1on1's (if you're lucky) fights. Just piss off and get your RPs fighting other FG's. Steamrolling people having 1on1's is really lame. You might actually find your realm buddy didn't actually want any help after all if you asked before you zapped.......

And respect to Niv the Alb. He watched a 1on1 I had with his fellow Alb that went down to the last hit, which I won the first time (lost the next 1 or 2) but that was actually an exciting fight, and no lame-arse caster adders anywhere to be seen :>

Oli - Illu


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
illu said:
People play the game how they want to play it.

No, people try to play the game how they want to play it. However a soloer that can't play because he is getting chain zerged has 2 real choices, a) team up, b) log. I'm pretty sure neither is how that person wanted to play it.

For me, after a couple of runs of being oustkilled 5 to 1, I tend to chose the later and log. On an already dieing server, forcing people to log is hardly a good thing to do. What are these "groups" going to do when there is no one left to kill?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 12, 2004
Thanks fk i aint playing euro no more, all i can say is... w/d to the nubtards that run about in stealth grps killing off whats left of the server, lol you fkin muppets :worthy:

...what ya gunna kill when theres fk all enemy players left i might ask?....

<You select a player from the enemy realm>
<MSG from GoA - due to unforseen circumstances, we have replaced "player" with "NPC", Have a nice day!>



Fledgling Freddie
May 23, 2005
its not the fact that they run in trios and more,but the time when this happens, even in the morning and at noon they are out in big groups.

Like i said in a post only peeps without any skills have fun in killing soloers with 3-5 people.

Back in spring there was some culture left in not adding in 1-1's, or when a group meets an soloer one of em fights against him (not the whole group).

But there are still some peeps left with some honor,thanks to them.


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Andrilyn said:
Good to know you don't know how to handle spiralling (seems thats what he is doing anyway) but no fear the thread starter doesn't either :)
Will need to remember that when I see you solo + healer + hunter + 2 SBs again.

Point me out where i talked about the so called "spiralling" (ie only way for no skill noobs to try and win a fight) in my thread start post.
Suggest u read things before posting.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
boppas said:
Thanks fk i aint playing euro no more, all i can say is... w/d to the nubtards that run about in stealth grps killing off whats left of the server, lol you fkin muppets :worthy:

...what ya gunna kill when theres fk all enemy players left i might ask?....

<You select a player from the enemy realm>
<MSG from GoA - due to unforseen circumstances, we have replaced "player" with "NPC", Have a nice day!>


Dont you play Merlin now? THE worst zerglingserver I have ever seen.

(i might be wrong ofc but.. my backhead tells me you play Merlin at least)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 21, 2005
boppas said:
Thanks fk i aint playing euro no more, all i can say is... w/d to the nubtards that run about in stealth grps killing off whats left of the server, lol you fkin muppets :worthy:

...what ya gunna kill when theres fk all enemy players left i might ask?....

<You select a player from the enemy realm>
<MSG from GoA - due to unforseen circumstances, we have replaced "player" with "NPC", Have a nice day!>


zerging on prydwen/excal wont ever get anywhere near the zerging that is on the merlin cluster, so if its true that you are playing there now GL m8! :p


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
censi said:
how can u fix this easily without a major upheaval or disturbance in the force

a) give assasins IP

b) Make archery DPS about 3-4 times greater than it is now. and a useable crit shot system.

what a load of cock tbfh!!! ohh yes give them that and the will all solo... my arse


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
yer and like you know more than me about stealther balance.

The Idea of assasins with IP is like OMG!!! to most visuals.!!! NO WAY MAN ITS WAY OVERPOWERED!!!!!! OMG!!!!! NOOO!!!!

You think as a ranger assasins with IP is in my interests. Its needed. Like I can leave a keep run over the birdge get PA chained by a RR10 inf and beat him because I FZ, IP and Malice. there wont be a thing he can do to stop me unless he tries to escape (vanish wont work though)....

You can insert the same retardedness to any other class the assasin attacks... They can just muller the assasin with timers basically.

And if your trying to argue IP on an assasin is overpowered versus visuals.

Well quiet frankly fuck right off.

Dont take this the wrong way..... but A LOT of people die to assasin and think OMG NERF That CLASS!!! The sheer reality is the assasin killing them is a better fucking player and the person getting assasinated is a newb.

To much carebear shit gone out to the newbs and the fotm easymoders exploit the fuck out of this.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 21, 2005
IP was sooo OP on Assassins before, and it will be sooo OP if they got it again


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Hmm lxn, such easy kill even with his grp..

Lxn + 2 infil and scout < MoC'd chant


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Gotmagi said:
Lxn is a useless noob, he ebayed or something?

No offence Gotmagi but you know pretty much fuck all about Lxn. Out off all classes i would say that getting to rr10 on an assasin is FUCKING hard work. It requires ALOT of time, alot of dealing with frustration. Even if you run in duo/trio it takes a long time to get the 5.7 mill (or whatever rr10 is).

Lxn has played his inf from lvl1, it is the only thing he plays now for the last 18months. It is also something you should respect. He duo/tri'os with a few of his m8's. Afaik he also spends alot of his time solo and i know for certain that hes also one of the better stealthers out there, certianly better than I am.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
censi said:
yer and like you know more than me about stealther balance.

The Idea of assasins with IP is like OMG!!! to most visuals.!!! NO WAY MAN ITS WAY OVERPOWERED!!!!!! OMG!!!!! NOOO!!!!

You think as a ranger assasins with IP is in my interests. Its needed. Like I can leave a keep run over the birdge get PA chained by a RR10 inf and beat him because I FZ, IP and Malice. there wont be a thing he can do to stop me unless he tries to escape (vanish wont work though)....

You can insert the same retardedness to any other class the assasin attacks... They can just muller the assasin with timers basically.

And if your trying to argue IP on an assasin is overpowered versus visuals.

Well quiet frankly fuck right off.

Dont take this the wrong way..... but A LOT of people die to assasin and think OMG NERF That CLASS!!! The sheer reality is the assasin killing them is a better fucking player and the person getting assasinated is a newb.

To much carebear shit gone out to the newbs and the fotm easymoders exploit the fuck out of this.

u talk about stealther balance, then u talk about visual vs stealther, then u talk about assain vs stealther, just exactly do u want or do u know? Because giving assains IP and bow spec ppl extra dmg is really fucking stupid.. what next give healers shield spec?


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Eversmallx said:
Hmm lxn, such easy kill even with his grp..

Lxn + 2 infil and scout < MoC'd chant

lol i 2 shotted your chanter with my non toa'ed cabby when he was lvl 49 and in rogs :) Nice crits but it means fuck all, so u moc killed some stealthers - wooptedooo :)


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
censi said:
yer and like you know more than me about stealther balance.

The Idea of assasins with IP is like OMG!!! to most visuals.!!! NO WAY MAN ITS WAY OVERPOWERED!!!!!! OMG!!!!! NOOO!!!!

You think as a ranger assasins with IP is in my interests. Its needed. Like I can leave a keep run over the birdge get PA chained by a RR10 inf and beat him because I FZ, IP and Malice. there wont be a thing he can do to stop me unless he tries to escape (vanish wont work though)....

You can insert the same retardedness to any other class the assasin attacks... They can just muller the assasin with timers basically.

And if your trying to argue IP on an assasin is overpowered versus visuals.

Well quiet frankly fuck right off.

Dont take this the wrong way..... but A LOT of people die to assasin and think OMG NERF That CLASS!!! The sheer reality is the assasin killing them is a better fucking player and the person getting assasinated is a newb.

To much carebear shit gone out to the newbs and the fotm easymoders exploit the fuck out of this.

Err sure nerf cs styles to oblivion and then give back IP to assassins.
And IP on assassins is oped against all not only vs visuals.


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
Ging said:
Out off all classes i would say that getting to rr10 on an assasin is FUCKING hard work. It requires ALOT of time, alot of dealing with frustration. Even if you run in duo/trio it takes a long time to get the 5.7 mill (or whatever rr10 is).

arruadry(sp?) anyone ?

and the rest of deadly shadows "we arent camping a MG with 2fg stealthers, its a guild event" fuckwits ?

people are always going to play to win, and those who play for fun will suffer .
u cant change it


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
censi said:
and this is coming from someone whos daoc gaming experience has been fucking anihilated by death from stealth zerg.

My work is done here....:p

Now u all know old censi. I am like the worst whiner the game has ever seen.(AGREED) but to be honest I been soloing like hardcore style for at least 6 months(LIAR!). On the counter scale I have been like in some fucking huuuuuuuege SZ over the years and I fucking loved every minute of it(FINALLY HE ADMITS IT!).... tbh.... You wont see me ever whining about a zerg of stealthers(LIAR!!!!!!!!!). purly because I know why they do it. I done it. I felt the same as them and I done the same as them and tbh fair fooking play.

More ramblings from the temple of Censi!


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 29, 2004
Think solo/duo/trio climate is pretty decent now. Spent some time duoing last night and some good fun.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
as i see it, 2 stealthers duoing isnt bad.. 1vs2 can be won, rarely, but can be won.
when 2+ stealthers are grped... its shit...becouse you cant kill enything if 3 come.

i solo most of the time... sometimes rare i grp whit a friend... so i really repect guys who are solo... and who stick solo.. you are the best, keep on doing it

well thats my view.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 21, 2004
censi said:
yer and like you know more than me about stealther balance.

The Idea of assasins with IP is like OMG!!! to most visuals.!!! NO WAY MAN ITS WAY OVERPOWERED!!!!!! OMG!!!!! NOOO!!!!

You think as a ranger assasins with IP is in my interests. Its needed. Like I can leave a keep run over the birdge get PA chained by a RR10 inf and beat him because I FZ, IP and Malice. there wont be a thing he can do to stop me unless he tries to escape (vanish wont work though)....

You can insert the same retardedness to any other class the assasin attacks... They can just muller the assasin with timers basically.

And if your trying to argue IP on an assasin is overpowered versus visuals.

Well quiet frankly fuck right off.

Dont take this the wrong way..... but A LOT of people die to assasin and think OMG NERF That CLASS!!! The sheer reality is the assasin killing them is a better fucking player and the person getting assasinated is a newb.

To much carebear shit gone out to the newbs and the fotm easymoders exploit the fuck out of this.



Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Gamah said:
waa waa waaaaa
....Have fun camping Bryjna on your own fucking cocklocks.


Gotta love someone who has a Mincer and a Bainshee trying to have a pop at the classes anyone else plays.
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