Fao various shitheads

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Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
What about fucking stopping running only in trios? I mean there are rr10 ppl who haven't got time to learn some skills in years of playing? Lxn and his stunbot comes to mind in 1st place that's nuff annoying now tonight even adding another rr8 infil to equation.
Grow some balls tbh.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
There is no point in arguing with an idiot, he will just drag u down to his level and beat you with experience


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2004
what's this about, stealthers running in trio's or any class?

Caylan Raal

Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
since cluster lucky to get 1v2, let alone a 1v1 dunno what excal was like before cluster but since the servers merged most the times i get popped by trio's, and often bigger grps of stealthers... all realms do it - but its still frustrating. And aye as gahn said when these "groups" consist of rr10's its laughable. Every time i met Lxn he's been in duo or greater size pickin out solo players...

And the non stealth mid grps of 2 warlocks and a bd seems a favourtie too :)

Like i said in some other thread - its how the game is. Doesnt make it any less frustrating though, as i get most my enjoyment from solo rvr. Solo just isnt very practical at this moment in time :) I find it fluctuates though - have had consistent times where solo has been plausible aswell a joke.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
pre cluster it was full of useless stealthers forced to zerg through ineptitude and lack of knowledge of thier classes, post cluster they are slightly bigger...
Dec 31, 2003
Yah Lxn and Yog always duo, cant really blame 'em for duoing but its kinda shitty that they runs trios to pwns solo ppl... no respect for that :mad:


Nov 28, 2004
Gahn said:
What about fucking stopping running only in trios? I mean there are rr10 ppl who haven't got time to learn some skills in years of playing? Lxn and his stunbot comes to mind in 1st place that's nuff annoying now tonight even adding another rr8 infil to equation.
Grow some balls tbh.
You got owned:( Blah Blah Blah its rvr not tea and cakes at bettys house /Blah Blah GIMP:)


Dec 22, 2003
I know how you feel, the servers are in trouble, So I log on...see nothing but fg's of mids (Litrally saw 2 albs, 0 hibs, and 50 mids) finally get a 1v1 with a hunter and Ravenloc and his warlock friend adds.

Love how people still play like wankers even when the server is in dire trouble...well thats another player less for cluster, eventally you will lame away even more players. Have fun camping Bryjna on your own fucking cocklocks.

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
I usually start solo on my Arms, just to get rolled and whatever and then I log over to my easymode solo class called Sorc and get some revenge and I don't even enjoy it.

Game is shit. PvP instances please or game over.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
Gotmagi said:
Lxn is a useless noob, he ebayed or something?

I agree, he is crap for his RR.

When ever i see him it's garrote with snare posion run away till his mincer friend comes and then he fights me.

And have you seen how he fights you then when there is 2 v 1?

He presses sprint and runs around in circles pressing garrote so you can never land any styles without timing it perfectly.

Also got a SS of him pa'ing me while stunned for like 150 dmg, but i just think that is way to low so i reckon he missed pa, while i was stunned for 9 seconds. Guess that aint enough for him.

And also Aim's stealth zerg, i see him solo shooting me, so i run up to him, o look he has a fg of stealthers with him.

The stealth zergs are what really pisses me of lately. There just so cowardly. Just say your fighting 2 infils, if one starts to lose they will run away rather than fight you properly, while the other spams garrote.:mad:

But guess things will never change so no point going on about it. But im thinking of taking a brake anyways and mess around on excal till server numbers are normal again. RvR seems pointless at the moment.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
tbh though with the greatest respect. If you dont play a stealther and you are like. Hah non of these stealthers solo. you dont fully have the right to say that.

its pretty easy picking visual class not playing to often. loggin in running to like a nice nearby area and waiting for some nice fights. waiting for a stealther to attack you maybe or see what turns up etc... (yer like u still get mullered by the zerg and shit but I mean u kind of expect it) maybe loggin off if you get pissed off and shit.....

but like from my point of view mythic have fucked over the stealther class. regardless of what people think, dudes rolled a stealther because they imagined themselves out there sticking the proverbial boot into some opponents from stealth and having a fun time. they didnt roll them to zerg people they do it because its frustrating sometimes to even try and solo with the class.... and this is coming from someone whos daoc gaming experience has been fucking anihilated by death from stealth zerg.

the stealther classes been watered down so much to be effective with them now is to be > than solo.

For example. Like if I go out solo I could go to mid. I see 90% of the visual solo classes I can fight are like Warlocks, SM's and BD's. I can kill these classes potentially without interruption and if I crack like 5 timers grit my teeth hope they are extreme newb and roglord. but basically if they are like half decent or they wanna play dirty (set pet and run kind of faggots, or just insta pwn Wcocks or moc LT etc) then like im toast in the most ridiculous fucked up humiliating wtfpwned FU newb kind of way. So like if I got a Post Mortem overlord at my side we can overcome their stupid retardedness and muller pretty much any solo target.

Now u all know old censi. I am like the worst whiner the game has ever seen. but to be honest I been soloing like hardcore style for at least 6 months. On the counter scale I have been like in some fucking huuuuuuuege SZ over the years and I fucking loved every minute of it.... tbh.... You wont see me ever whining about a zerg of stealthers. purly because I know why they do it. I done it. I felt the same as them and I done the same as them and tbh fair fooking play. If mythic make us a stronger class overall and scale us with visuals then we all have a right to moan at people who dont ever solo.... tbh all the zerggers would love to solo but they cant.... The only stealthers that solo nowadays are like a fucking rare breed of hardcore type players that have got something to prove to people or they get somekind of wierd perverted kick at going up against all the lame shit you know u gonna face as a solo stealther (for me I only chose to solo because I wanted footage for vid, but got so used to soloing I actually started enjoying the challenge more than taggin or zergging)

now im pretty decent for a ranger, as someone who has played the same fucking class for like 4 years plays nothing else and is obsessive about maximising my class to its full potential, i should be a fucking good ranger (better than I am tbh). With this uber leetness I have, I still feel like a newb out there when I attack certain things because of how wtf badly pwned I get.... Now this COULD be because im fucking useless and im playing my class wrong or making some like serious fucked up mistakes... but tbh it isnt.. its just cuz the game is poorly balanced. so in a poorly balanced game expect the people who have been shafted by the imbalance to get even by whatever means necessary.

What I really cant stand, and what you will see examples of me whining at vehemently is people who doorstep RVR. This is 100 times worse than grouping up with people. Its the lazy mofos who dont have the balls to go anywhere other than the first agramon or leet corner bridge that really get on my tits, and these types of people at the end of the day just make the game shit imo. or the fucking adders like that dwarf cock in this post... people who dont respect a good competative tear up between people and wont think twice about spoiling that competition for both parties based on the fact that its not written in any rule book and this is a MASS mrpg... all that is just bullshit, they do it because they are newbs basically... most times the people they ruin the fight for dont give a fuck about the RP its just a good fight they are interested in.

anyway /hug love to all peeps and all realms it is after all just a game. different types of players, hardcore non hardcore, dirty cheaters and honorable players, chicken shits and brave, haters and lovers, skilled and fucking clueless, high rr and low rr etc...... daoc is a melting pot of many good things and bad things.... just like life.... You set your own standards, try and conduct yourself with some dignity balls and honor, and enjoy the ride :)


how can u fix this easily without a major upheaval or disturbance in the force

a) give assasins IP

b) Make archery DPS about 3-4 times greater than it is now. and a useable crit shot system.

Assasins with IP can compete with pretty much all classes. IP will be just as OP for them as some retarded MOC or waguard or ml9 or whatever man. Yer assasins will have a serious fucking I win ability!!! big fucking deal. everyone else has got I win timers.... as it stands assasins only "I win" timer is an "I might escape to avoid a wtfpwnage" timer (buggy shit vanish)

Decent DPS on bow (and less of the miss block evade, BT, pbt) removal of 250 quick cap on bow draw times etc.. Archers should be able to fucking inflict some serious fucking pain to anything they are allowed to bow on. Yer the type of pain that the newbs will think is really fucking overpowered. (even though it will only be about 50-70% of mage DPS, just a lot better than the worthless fucking archery system we got at the moment)

Again though its a case of dream on man.... ahhhhhhhhhh teh therapy of forums



Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Dunno solo seems okay post-classic. If not so many solo, at least duos and stuff where u have a chance. Better than b4 anyhow, enjoy it while it lasts if u cba with the move.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
brad said:
I agree, he is crap for his RR.

When ever i see him it's garrote with snare posion run away till his mincer friend comes and then he fights me.

And have you seen how he fights you then when there is 2 v 1?

He presses sprint and runs around in circles pressing garrote so you can never land any styles without timing it perfectly.

Also got a SS of him pa'ing me while stunned for like 150 dmg, but i just think that is way to low so i reckon he missed pa, while i was stunned for 9 seconds. Guess that aint enough for him.

And also Aim's stealth zerg, i see him solo shooting me, so i run up to him, o look he has a fg of stealthers with him.

The stealth zergs are what really pisses me of lately. There just so cowardly. Just say your fighting 2 infils, if one starts to lose they will run away rather than fight you properly, while the other spams garrote.:mad:

But guess things will never change so no point going on about it. But im thinking of taking a brake anyways and mess around on excal till server numbers are normal again. RvR seems pointless at the moment.
Jumped up :wanker:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
God forbit people would want to play a game with their mates!

Yes, everyone should solo at all times, remove the chat window from the game imo to stop idiotic things like this happening in the future!

The other reason could of course be that the only other solo people you see about are vamps/warlocks and bonedancers, all of which will hand most other classes proverbial asses to them on a plate without using any kind of skill whatsoever. Tell you what i'll play a warlock and you can play a druid, then lets agree to only ever solo, does that sound ok to you?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
I gave up soloing the night I found some random mincer who appeared to be solo. The moment he saw me, he blew SoS and ran towards me, then I noticed 6 other stealthers all running towards me at mach5 from different directions. Outskilled, again.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
brad said:
I agree, he is crap for his RR.

When ever i see him it's garrote with snare posion run away till his mincer friend comes and then he fights me.

I could point out that even if he's crap he appears to be playing with friends and therefore probably enjoying himself.

I often wonder how many of the people yelling about only soloing are only doing so because they don't have any mates. Sure there's some who want to do it for the challenge, but i'm fairly sure it's not all of them.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Golena said:
God forbit people would want to play a game with their mates!

Yes, everyone should solo at all times, remove the chat window from the game imo to stop idiotic things like this happening in the future!

The other reason could of course be that the only other solo people you see about are vamps/warlocks and bonedancers, all of which will hand most other classes proverbial asses to them on a plate without using any kind of skill whatsoever. Tell you what i'll play a warlock and you can play a druid, then lets agree to only ever solo, does that sound ok to you?

You must spread some reputation around before giving to Golena again...


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
censi said:

Some very good points. I dont agree with all your conclusions tho alot of them sound good. In my opinion the balance is good amoungst many visuals and steathers, it is primarily casters way out of wack.
I would rather see a few select nerfs to classes and abilities than boosts for steathers which might effect the balance against other classes not just casters. i.e Remove brittles & ml9 from casters and raise the delve cast speed of all spells by .1-.2 seconds and I would be very happy :)

You obviously care alot about your class and I hope someone somewhere does something to help out both solo steathers and some of the other neglected visuals.


Dec 22, 2003
Golena said:
I could point out that even if he's crap he appears to be playing with friends and therefore probably enjoying himself.

I often wonder how many of the people yelling about only soloing are only doing so because they don't have any mates. Sure there's some who want to do it for the challenge, but i'm fairly sure it's not all of them.

Or bacause they actully want a challenge and are not content to be random zerging noobs for the entire game.
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