FAO Tedious Ten!!!

Fatload BoysDoCry

Can't get enough of FH
Jun 18, 2006
Kagato said:
and where have I claimed that I don't ever add or join zergs? We all do.

My gratz threads, in all of them you whined constantly about how i was a coward and how all i do is add where as you are a man of honour and never add, and here you are admitting you add also. This is just another example of what you get on these forums, self-righteous individuals preaching one thing and doing another.


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
Kagato said:
If anything it will make things worse as you now have several large alliances of extremely pissed and vengeful albs wanting to fuck-over both enemy realms, all 8 v 8ers and take all relics, and personally I hope they do.

The anger has come to l8 and serves no purpose at all. Most of the Hibs gave up on the first AC'd relic this time. Not because of the relic itself, but because of the AC part. It is something we cannot do anything against it. We cant stay up till 6am, we cant take them back primetime.
That's what you don't see aswell. Those albs have a choice wether or not todo it. Hibs never hade the choice, or where able to defend their realm, cause you did at unholy hours. Be it a 24/7 game, fine. Don't see the other players perspective fine. Roleplay irl over some game and get mad, fine. You already fked over the entire server with the AC'ing/keep taking/zergin at unholy ours, you can stomp your feet and get mad all you want now. Anyways by the words you're using again, extremely pissed, vengeful, fuck-over, you again show that you fail too see the bigger picture.


FH is my second home
Jun 18, 2004
Kagato, would you care if somebody would quit the game because of your playstyle?
Would it matter to you if the server population would drop, below 100players on primetime, or that it would die out completly? Don't say it can't happen, i dare you too look at Glastenbury, if you think so.
Wouldnt you rather have more people playing cluster atm, then you have now?


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Kagato said:
lol and whats soloing got to do with it? and where have I claimed that I don't ever add or join zergs? We all do.

Kag, you cry and whine about it 24/7 on most of your posts, yet ive never meet you solo, only with your other buddies on bridges and keeps.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 4, 2004
swords said:
Laughing at the ignorance, stupid comments and general reaction from certain individuals, that they just happen to be zerging noobs is meerly a coincidence.

Aw, TT calling people zerging noobs.
I thought they were not leetist pricks, I'm soooo disappointed :'(


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Gazon said:
Aw, TT calling people zerging noobs.
I thought they were not leetist pricks, I'm soooo dissapointed :'(
TT.. leetist pricks, bwahahah what next CM = skilled?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2004
That post verify that albs r the number 1 crap realm at this cluster
TT r their " Holy grail " with everything that a GG must have ( balls/honour/respect/skills etc etc , for most albs those words will be like " wtf is he speaking chinese?!?!" ) and u say that they must be left alone? all of ur zergs/ggs etc etc r like 10 floors under from their mentality!

And for the end.. i am sure that u wont kick them from Albion... they will dump u..


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Kagato said:
lol and whats soloing got to do with it? and where have I claimed that I don't ever add or join zergs? We all do.
so why do you whine about people who zerg you back?


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 11, 2004
Kagato said:
If anything it will make things worse as you now have several large alliances of extremely pissed and vengeful albs wanting to fuck-over both enemy realms, all 8 v 8ers and take all relics, and personally I hope they do.

And there's exactly the reason that people are leaving the cluster. Not because of 10% damage.. not because they lost a relic.

Because the people they are playing the game with whenever anything doesn't go 100% their way respond by trying to f**k up as many other peoples game as possible.
TT lower the level of a keep, so your response is to go out and try to ruin the fun of anyone else trying to play the game. What has the person who's gaming experience you've set out to ruin tommorow done to deserve it?

The if I can't have it, no-one else can have it either brigade is what's killing the server. There's large alliances wanting to go AC all the relics to what.. teach the mids and hibs a lesson that they shouldn't of allowed the first one to be AC'ed, or they should of stopped TT joining their ML raids as well?

What are you actually trying to achieve, other than destroying the game for the people left that actually find it fun. It's the mental maturity of a 3 year old, and why most people simply can't be bothered any more. There's a large difference between fighing a roleplaying war and having respect for the other human beings playing the game. One most Albs these days seem unable to grasp. Once your angry swarm has taken all the mid and hib keeps, what then? Announce your victory and stop playing safe in the knowledge that Arthur was saved.. Your complaining that TT arn't showing loyalty to Albion.. Albion is a made up computer game realm.. a series of ones and zero's on a computer somewhere in France. The people your deliberately going out of your way to annoy are real human beings.. Glad to see your the one using the common sense argument tho.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 5, 2004
Haha I see things are more or less like they always were :)

Nice to see some oldies still around.


Jan 12, 2004
tbh guys come on....Ive only read the first page, got bored of the rest...

Im not picking sides or anything, but maybe they doing this for the benefit of Alb because most enemies are leaving because of the Relic Raids. For me Relic Raids are apart of the game which is what its meant to be. But put it in a bigger picture... No enemies = no RvR... Relics are important yes and they give you more of an advantage in game PvE/RvR but whats more important player base or Relics that give you a little edge?

This is just how i see it and im just voicing my opinion...


Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Asha said:
And thanks beeks but I would rather not be known by this CM ebay guy...hee

Ah yeah, read some pages back on the RvR-section, there you can read that Synergy are a bunch of sheeps and zergers. Written by people like yourself, just in the way you did it with CM.

Yes, I have a char in CM, my Armsman and yeah I sold my Sorc at RR8L7 (prepatch, RPs mostly from FG runs day in day out) and the new owner is in CM too. Selling goods on eBay is not forbidden in Germany and I don't care what GoA thinks about this. But I care that GoA doesn't like radar-users for example, just so you know...

You say CM is trampling on the server? I see it in a different way. When they start to play, the usually go and clean up their own realm first. Then they go to where the action is, nowdays usually late at nights there is not much action so they go for towers and keeps and maybe even relics, but they didn't do it this time. If you have anything again this, then I can't help you.

You say CM is adding on everything they see in FGs or more, well I see it in a different way. I used to run with them over the last year, with my old Sorc, with my new Sorc and my Heretic and my Armsman and I usually like to play with them when Blow leads, cause he is a good leader. From my perspective 1 vs 1 is left alone, Agramon is left alone, the group runs as 8 people. Anyone else around from Albion, CM doesn't give a shit. You won't see a fancy movie where they pull out cause someone adds.

Even if they would add on everything add with FGs and more, who deserved to not be added and why? Really want to know this? And I hope you find a good explaination for that because from my perspective the so called honourable 8 vs 8 guilds who usually call others adders and zergers are the biggest hypocrites in this game. They just own an IRC channel and sit often together on the same vent and brandmark others for this or that while they are no inch better.

Take Walking Issues for example and Maelstrom, they went to Avalon and strafed there even they knew it is a house rule there to not do it (see Nocture whine from before). The Germans told them to stop with it and whined at them and the excuse was that they strafed many years on the UK-cluster and that it is an old habbit to do so but that they will stop with it. If you would have asked them to stop it on the UK-cluster you would have been called names and told to fuck off? Why, because these groups were on the top of the FG vs FG food chain which usually implies that they can keep up with every RvR situation far better than the random and they simply see it this way.

Watch their movies. You see a 2nd group add on their fight and they win it everything is okay. They lose it or win it super easy due to the support the adders are a "bunch of wankers". Fuck this to be honest and fuck all those wannabe hounarble set groups that want fair fights and insult others here when they get added on but never had a problem to kill non FGs, surf zergs or siege warfare and farm RPs or say it was just 7 Maelstrom players and not our setgroup so we added (this happened).

You say CM waits til the big boys go to bed and then they go keep-style? Well, do you want to force them to change their work shifts and then to suck on the dicks of the people in Agramon (big boys) so they can earn some respect? You know, CM has a few very good and competitive players and with some substitutions from other guilds they could muster an okay set group quickly and after a month or so of training they would be a challenging group to fight. The 4-6 CM players groups with some people from Dragon Knights and Link Dead (two of those are now running TT) used to run for a while in Agramon, though late at nights and we never had a serious problems with any group, lost some, won some, but it proves mine point. I don't know where you have been back then, but no one is obgiled to record it to you and to show it to you just so you shut the fuck up and don't insult people on the forums.

You say it is "BORING" to PvE in RvR, well I agree, I get tired from fast it and do something else then and so does CM sometimes, you can find them at 04 or 05 am with a FG in Darkspire farming things but you still will find some in of them in RvR at this time. The guild has many people who have different workshifts than the majority of the population on the server and if you want them to ask to stop with certain in game activities to not ruin the game for those playing at daytime, then it is simply discrimination and you need to check your social integrity.

You ask if I can imagine to be a Hib and see my keeps gone? I couldn't care less as I couldn't care less if all keeps in Albion are gone. The Hibs are usually the first ones to rape every single solo'er out in the morning with a semi set group, so your argument has really no point. Every realm has at some point of day the majority of players in RvR and then it is unfair to the others. No point to whine about this.

You say all play one game, but CM isn't? So all the realm points came from taking empty towers and keeps? Lol...

You say all play with pride and it just CM that isn't? Lol... Make a reality check please. I'd easily say that most of the population are total wankers in terms of honour and pride, there are maybe a handful SOLO players that have a clean record and I don't inculde any set FG into this.

Custodia Malacitana defended the Albion realm for day in day out. They have nothing to do with this current relic situation beside of Blow (one CM GM) being angry about TT's actions. People who know what CM does for Albion respect them. In my eyes TT is just a blink in DAoC's life time, and that only in one area, FG vs FG. Don't get me wrong, I only know two guys that run with them (Kirennia and I think Zags) and I have nothing but great respect for them and consider them somehow my in-game friends.

So your reason to come to here and to say CM killed the server is?

Just a disclaimer: What I said here has nothing to with it that I am in CM, I'd say the same things and I had the same views on the issue long before I joined them with some of my chars.

And before you come me with honour and stuff again, I spent a lot of my MMORPG time as a senior member in a corp called Space Invaders in EVE Online and that is a legendary PK-corp aka honourable pirates. You can google it...: -"space invaders" eve honourable- or do whatever you like to do. On my Tic and my Armsman I never added on a solo fight and people who tend to solo left mines alone and I don't like any groups adding on other clean FG vs FG fights, yet I am a CM member.

So before you spit on others, get informed or just don't do it.


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Not gonna quote you Manisch because it'd end up with a mighty long page :D Personally I respect CM, know that they aren't the huge adders some people claim them to be and are full of a number of very good players. Before I was in TT I was in dragon knights for those who don't know me and we used to run mixed guild groups together very often whilst I was there. I think it was a good 3 or so months I grouped with them all the time.

A lot of people said we would just go out when there was no action but they were wrong. I worked silly 6pm-6am shifts before coming to uni and a handful of us thus only logged on late at night. I'd log in at midnight often on my days off after the pubs had shut or after I'd had half my day of 4pm-midnight doing various normal every day activities.

Gobo logged in at the same time, as did kzn, onlyone, blindguardian and many others for these groups. At no point was it a set group and I remember more then once we'd run groups with 4 heretics in for example as that was all we had at the time :D

At this time there would usually be 3 or 4 other groups of a similar calibre out such as prodicals group for example whereby the fights were equal because neither group was optimumly setup. Some nights we'd beat them 4 times in a row. Other nights we couldn't kill a single one of them.

I've never claimed to be 'holier then thou' as some have suggested i nthe other thread(s) but I still refused to be the one rolling anyone out there for equal fights which simply stood no chance against us and left us alone FOR THE MOST PART.

CM has been involved in a few relic takes over the time but not as many as some claim. After just a few (one of the earlier ones before the shit hit the fan I was involved in) of them, whenever CM hit a tower, keep or whatever people posted 'OMG RELIC ATTEMPT AGAIN!!!! CM LAMERS!!!!' and it's because of this, over time they got an undeserved bad reputation as the ones who were always fully present at every late night event.

CM were not involved in the most recent events nor ones for quite some time before this. It was a bunch of acts committed by a collection of albs from different guilds.

Back to the topic of these threads though. Even just a few months ago, we would have never have even contemplated doing such a thing because there were still always hibs/mids about to counteract their actions. This is I'm afraid no longer the case though. Even with the keep at level 1, I can't see hibs taking the keep easily nor in the near future. With it at level 10 with all of the hibs which recently left, it is foolish to assume that any kind of attack will be mounted because of 3 things:

1)The amoutn of active rvrers mean pretty much all of them would have to be involved for it to work
2)There are a vast amoutn more albs then there are hibs at the moment.
3)They have been demoralised into thinking that even if they do take it back, it will just be taken again.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. I'm not even close to 100% sure this was a good idea what we did. I do however think that sitting back and doing nothing about it would have been even worse. Simply releasing it to another guild would have accomplished nothing. Talking about this would have acheived nothing. It has been discussed and discussed time and time again to no avail. Mostly the responces will be along the lines of 'I pay my subs' 'it's not against the coc' or 'leave me alone leetist'. This time people had to respond so I guess in some twisted form, it WAS for the attention but not of our enemies as some people have blindly said.

Sorry if I've rambled and really I am sorry if these actions have upset some albions but I'm afraid loosing a bit of reputation isn't as bad as loosing the game in our eyes. This server used to be the most accomodating for all involved but with the recent population decline, if things don't change then we're already on a slippery slope to a glastonbury incident whereby the french zergers 'won' the server and everybodyelse left leaving nobody behind.

Personally I still want to hit my ultimate goal of rr10 so I want some people left to help me acheive that goal :D

If I ever meet any of you at a RL meet then I hope I can buy you a beer and be done with the negative attitude our guild has been given after doing this :) It is afterall, just a game...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Fatload BoysDoCry said:
My gratz threads, in all of them you whined constantly about how i was a coward and how all i do is add where as you are a man of honour and never add, and here you are admitting you add also. This is just another example of what you get on these forums, self-righteous individuals preaching one thing and doing another.

I never complained about you adding, I said you were a coward for doing nothing but running away, and I think also ignored your last grats thread as I cba to post in it.

And no, I never said I never add, there are plenty of people I go out of my way to add on, and congratulations, your top of that list, have a cookie.

Tuthmes said:
Kagato, would you care if somebody would quit the game because of your playstyle?
Would it matter to you if the server population would drop, below 100players on primetime, or that it would die out completly? Don't say it can't happen, i dare you too look at Glastenbury, if you think so.
Wouldnt you rather have more people playing cluster atm, then you have now?

No, not in the least, I couldn't give a damn about people quitting. Couple of years ago, I might of been bothered, now? not at all, could lose 50% of the current population for all I care, i'd still keep plodding on.

And if the people who are staying are quitting are people like the Traitorous Twats, then i'd be glad to see the back of the scum.

Eversmallx said:
Kag, you cry and whine about it 24/7 on most of your posts, yet ive never meet you solo, only with your other buddies on bridges and keeps.

Im sorry I wasn't aware I was supposed to report to you first before I go solo so you can keep track of my game time, should I get a sign-in card to clock in with every time I group or disband for you?

I don't remember seeing you out full stop, only times I see you is on FH crying and whinging at me on every single thread I post in, have to say the attention is nice, glad your so facinated with me, wub you too. :fluffle:

kirennia said:

You i'd of expected better from, but at least your able to see both sides to a degree and show a slight ounce of regret for what you've done to the realm.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
Wow, that's quite a load of tripe to wade through for an unknown cleric. ha.

I don't really care what anyone else said or did on FH. WTF does Synergy have to do with me or what I said? Why would I care about Walking Issues or any other guild? If they do something wrong it doesn't make how CM plays OK. This stupid excuse of work times is just so transparent. The same ppl you see around at other times you see on late taking empty keeps. They don't have to go take empty keeps with their time. They can do 100 other things.

I know what CM do. I have seen it. I have been added on countless times by CM ppl. I have seen them wait til everyone logs and then go to keeps. I have logged in mid and watched them leave when they got 3 ppl resisting them and go to another keep or tower. Here is a great post describing it exactly: https://forums.freddyshouse.com/showpost.php?p=3044176&postcount=132

I love how ppl talk about irc and vent like they are some super secret meeting place for leetists. It's pretty comical. Here is some news: Most irc channels are open to anyone to sit in. The conversation usually has nothing to do with daoc, just random sillyness. Most ppl don't sit in vent unless they are actually playing. Who has time to sit in vent talking about daoc? Common.

So your reason to come to here and to say CM killed the server is?
Because they are? How can you say they have nothing to do with the mood on the server when the hibs and mids are telling you point blank that this AC raiding (of keeps and towers, not just relics) is beyond old and tired?

And TT hasn't done anything to the realm... REALITY PEOPLE, it is out there, try it. The way you talk it's like they murdered babies for fun.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 31, 2006
Go turn hib red for all I care.

I dont thin you will be seeing a primetime Hib relic raid again, so have fun camping the keeps guys.


PS go get the mids relics, you know you can anytime so please do it and give the remaining 80% of players a reason to cancel subs.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Golena said:
Because the people they are playing the game with whenever anything doesn't go 100% their way respond by trying to f**k up as many other peoples game as possible.

Summed up the whole situation perfectly there ;)

TT setting the keep to level 1 I mean.... :p

(This is mostly tongue in cheek - I see Kirennia's actually trying to reason with people about it... I still think it's entirely the wrong thing to do and incredibly selfish)


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
Asha said:
Strong and well laid out arguement with clear logic

What you are saying is 100% right ... but some people for lack of something upstairs have the roleplay blinkers on abit too tight ... but why mention names ... lets their own posts speak for themselves :wanker:


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Kagato said:
You i'd of expected better from, but at least your able to see both sides to a degree and show a slight ounce of regret for what you've done to the realm.

I pride myself with being able to take a step back and see things from everyones point of view. Even when I was mugged, after a day of calming down after having a knife put to my throat I was able to sit there and note that there was more to it then simply a case of them being assholes and doing it for fun. My friends didn't like me arguing that there might of been a reason then either but I stuck to it.

Maybe that makes me arrogant in a way but this is always the way I've been. In game a long while back there was an incident whereby a member of LoD was kicked by another GM for saying something in a light-hearted manner but it was taken the wrong way. I stood back and did very little because I didn't want repurcutions which I felt guilty about at the time. After that I've tried my hardest in game not to stay aside just for my personal agenda which would have been what I was doing if I hadn't of helped stand up against these actions.

As for feeling regret, I knew I'd feel it as soon as the idea was mentioned. Kind of annoyingly I feel it even for the small things in life which I guess is a character flaw on my part but guilt is a part of everyday life for everyone. It's how you deal with it that counts.

I KNEW this would upset people and that it'd probably turn some friends against me for what I helped to do but for the fourth time, we saw this as the lesser of two evils. Maybe it'll acheive nothing. Maybe it'll help some people stay on the server, only time will tell. All that I currently do know is that at least I tried. Countless times before it's been asked to be stopped for the sake of the server and countless times before people have been flamed for asking to help the server as a whole. It's been ignored up until now and as soon as we do something to make sure people hear us, we're pinned as needing to be 'burned alive along with our partners' by someone and as traitors by others. In the same tone, we're standing up against those commiting atrocities against the server as a whole.

Make of that what you will.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
my thoughts?

Relic raids usually increase the amount of RvR... constant AC raids will wear down the enemy morale of course, which makes them a bad thing... but overall any sort of relic movement spices up the game a bit.

Having people sabotage their own realm - however well meaning - erodes what little is left of the RvR game. Dragging it ever more towards "me, my group, the people I kill for RPs and the people that steal my RPs".

It's a lonely place to go and it will make people leave at least as much as the relic stealing will do. At least when someone ninjas your relics you can go out and do something about it. If someone sabotages your frontier so that you can't defend it you're SOL.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
kirennia said:
I KNEW this would upset people and that it'd probably turn some friends against me

And yet you go and do it anyway, its at THAT point you should of stepped back and thought about what you were doing and stopped.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Punishment said:
"Flimgoblin says something in a language you don't understand"

Quit trolling in the alb section before I get annoyed. If you're going to post, post something useful rather than an oh so witty one liner that might as well be +1.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 31, 2003
Asha said:
Most ppl don't sit in vent unless they are actually playing. Who has time to sit in vent talking about daoc? Common.

I have time for that!


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
Flimgoblin said:
Quit trolling in the alb section before I get annoyed. If you're going to post, post something useful rather than an oh so witty one liner that might as well be +1.

Okay maybe im a sucker for the 1 liners ... but the topic at hand deserves imput from all those who are affected by it .

From an alb point of view you can roleplay and stay "in the spirit of the game" by saying that TT are traitors ... but doesn't it say alot about the overall state of the cluster when an alb rvr guild is forced to intervene "out of the spirit of the game" in order to maintain whatever fg versus fg action there will ever be on the cluster from Hibernia ... noble ... yes ... no its up to the mindset of the individual :)

Now i know this is gonna get the responce from afew albs that who cares if no fg vs fg action and good riddance to it ... but there is not 1 alb who can honestly say back in the days of active 1fg vs 1fg rvr they didnt hope to be in the situation someday to join such powerful guilds in rvr as the old greats ...

The arguement of "its red its dead" has destroyed this cluster ... if you cannot show your enemies the respect they deserve then you are your own worst enemy :(


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
joining in the discussion is good - trolling is not. One liner's are fun now and again but there was some good chat going on there, posting "yakyakyak" and then an insult doesn't help.

On the other points - I've never aspired to be in an 8v8 guild in the nearly 5 years I've been playing... and I know quite a few people who are the same. I have friends who tried it and thought "this is crap" and I know some who tried it and loved it.

Part of what keeps an awful lot of people playing is the fact they belong to a realm. It's a reason to play other than improving the stats on your character... brings context to it, continuity. It's a long way from RL stuff but morale in-game has similar roots - if you care about who you're fighting with or what you're fighting for you'll play on through a nasty defeat. Part of the reason you go back out into the frontier the third time you get wiped by the gank group pbaoe rr11 chanter is because other people are relying on you.

Now it might be that a 10% difference in damage makes the hibernian 8v8ers all want to quit but that seems a bit petty to me - surely you can cope with that, adapt to it somehow? Relics have fluctuated loads over the years, heck albion had 0 relics for an entire year once, yet we still have people in Albion...

10% damage isn't a huge deal - it's significant but are you really sure that's what's driving people away?

How much more do you think having people in your own realm stop you from defending drives you away?

Trying to think of an example that pertains to 8v8 - what if the actions of a guild in your realm made druid armour worse. So that your druid was harder to keep alive. Free malice debuff on all druids ;) Nothing you could do would remove that. And this is someone supposedly on the same side.... Crap example but hopefully you get the point.

Now I can see why people would get demoralised and annoyed by constant mid-night raids... you struggle to take the relic back and boom next morning it's in an alb keep. But that's not what people are saying. And even if they were - what TT is doing is the wrong way to go about fixing it.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
Now I can see why people would get demoralised and annoyed by constant mid-night raids... you struggle to take the relic back and boom next morning it's in an alb keep. But that's not what people are saying. And even if they were - what TT is doing is the wrong way to go about fixing it.
this is what we're trying to make clear to u guys
it never worked.. TT-members are maybe the few that realised in the albion realm and made a decision to make it clear. Instead i'm hearing stories about how TT is blacklisted, alts being created to verbally assoult em, heck even ex-black falcons are taking the piss.

So Flim, any way u're seeing at it, this situation is de-railing and i really hope WAR is gonna kick ass :)


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 2, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
joining in the discussion is good - trolling is not. One liner's are fun now and again but there was some good chat going on there, posting "yakyakyak" and then an insult doesn't help.

On the other points - I've never aspired to be in an 8v8 guild in the nearly 5 years I've been playing... and I know quite a few people who are the same. I have friends who tried it and thought "this is crap" and I know some who tried it and loved it.

Part of what keeps an awful lot of people playing is the fact they belong to a realm. It's a reason to play other than improving the stats on your character... brings context to it, continuity. It's a long way from RL stuff but morale in-game has similar roots - if you care about who you're fighting with or what you're fighting for you'll play on through a nasty defeat. Part of the reason you go back out into the frontier the third time you get wiped by the gank group pbaoe rr11 chanter is because other people are relying on you.

Now it might be that a 10% difference in damage makes the hibernian 8v8ers all want to quit but that seems a bit petty to me - surely you can cope with that, adapt to it somehow? Relics have fluctuated loads over the years, heck albion had 0 relics for an entire year once, yet we still have people in Albion...

10% damage isn't a huge deal - it's significant but are you really sure that's what's driving people away?

How much more do you think having people in your own realm stop you from defending drives you away?

Trying to think of an example that pertains to 8v8 - what if the actions of a guild in your realm made druid armour worse. So that your druid was harder to keep alive. Free malice debuff on all druids ;) Nothing you could do would remove that. And this is someone supposedly on the same side.... Crap example but hopefully you get the point.

Now I can see why people would get demoralised and annoyed by constant mid-night raids... you struggle to take the relic back and boom next morning it's in an alb keep. But that's not what people are saying. And even if they were - what TT is doing is the wrong way to go about fixing it.

Flim for presidant!!!:worthy:

although im not sure about his example (and thats maybe cos ive been drinking, and i cant actually understand much atm)

but thing i dont get, why are hibs/mids quiting/re-rolling onto another realm? All albs know that you can easily do a MRE (look at how succesfull mustades raids are) and totally screw alb over. I know you think its points as the Early morning players will just take it back, but think of these 2 reason's

* At least you have the satisfaction that you can do a prime time raid sucessfully and gain rp's

* Think of the albs that dont do early morning play, that might actually enjoy doing siege defence warfare, as all i see is 99% albs being generalized as the so called "AC raiders" which is far from the truth.

i wont carry on yabbering as ive been drinking (and its getting hard to focus) and i wont talk about what TT are doing (there playing how they want and i respect that) but at the end of the day remember this is just a game, stop acting childish and perhaps more maturely?

now lots of :fluffle::drink:

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