Fao : Stealthers that doesnt solo/duo


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Squalion said:
lol, no i was in a grp with 2 other stealthers, got jumped by at least 8 infils/scouts

want screenies?
and so what if its become fotm? wanna know why its fotm? BEACUSE ITS FUCKING TRUE.

edit: whops, quoted wrong person :)

Yeah :) btw u do know that there have been entire mid guilds DEVOTED to doing exactly what you just described? I know albs do it.... I know mids do it, and i dont go to odins a lot but I hear hibs do it. Also dont act all innocent u were in a group of 3, you'd outnumber a soloer 3/1. The 8 infils/scouts do NOT outnumber you 3/1. You wouldnt have given a crap if youd unfairly killed a soloer, but if ur stealth grp gets out-stealth'lamer grped then suddenly its a war crime. Come on.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Raven said:
nothing you can do about it just keep trying to solo, i know i will, all 3 realms stealth zerg/proper zerg fuck them, dont lower yourself to their standard

haha, you are right, dont lower yourself, just keep giving em rps4free - be the best rpscow you can be.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
The hypocrasy in this thread is amazing. Particularly love the sbs bitching about people pling fotm infils... :rolleyes:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Bishibosh said:
Yeah :) btw u do know that there have been entire mid guilds DEVOTED to doing exactly what you just described? I know albs do it.... I know mids do it, and i dont go to odins a lot but I hear hibs do it. Also dont act all innocent u were in a group of 3, you'd outnumber a soloer 3/1. The 8 infils/scouts do NOT outnumber you 3/1. You wouldnt have given a crap if youd unfairly killed a soloer, but if ur stealth grp gets out-stealth'lamer grped then suddenly its a war crime. Come on.

there are no alb solo'ers, aint seen one in months , its all warder grps spam df until the other guy dies for the win.

i also got proof of infils spamming DF with fraps :p, at least 4-5 times, then they go to other styles :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Squalion said:
there are no alb solo'ers

yeah, what a well thought out, non-fotm, "oh shit hes made a valid point quick i must generalise and just say something random" comment.

"there are no alb soloers" is such an ignorant shitty arguement, I solo constantly and dont see much in the way of hib/mid soloers but I know they are out there. You just have fun on your "every alb's a zerger" bandwagon.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Bishibosh said:
yeah, what a well thought out, non-fotm, "oh shit hes made a valid point quick i must generalise and just say something random" comment.

"there are no alb soloers" is such an ignorant shitty arguement, I solo constantly and dont see much in the way of hib/mid soloers but I know they are out there. You just have fun on your "every albs a zerger" bandwagon.

let me refine it for you then

There are no alb Solo Stealthers in Odin's



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 8, 2004
Flame me all you want, but I`m a hard-working, SOLO stealther wanting other stealthers to reconsider grouping ( all realms ).

Solo my ass .... thats not what u said last nite baby :wub:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Aashild said:
Solo my ass .... thats not what u said last nite baby :wub:

So true..

"We can make it work!! ...with the 3 of us!!"



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
I think he have hadsome nice solo fights mate. and you are 1 of the only alb stealthers out there that actually solo almost all the time.. cheers :clap:


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
[e] said:
haha, you are right, dont lower yourself, just keep giving em rps4free - be the best rpscow you can be.
well no you just dont go to the mile gates in emain, it is still possible to have some solo fights in odins at the right time of the day, or most of the time in HW though albs seem to have taken a shine to camping the mile gates there now, always funny to slip past them, even saw a bunch of retards killed by some mids, they managed to get their rezzer away so i waited for them to rez and killed the lot of them :) hi fedaykin :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
fotm said:
i hear you havent tryed HW lately as a stealther, its not rare to find 2-3infils camping mmg doors

Last time I tried HW I met a FG hunters so what's your point?


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 23, 2004
censi said:
Theres definetly more alb assasins in odins than there are hib ones.

Just as a rough generalisation whenever u do a /who nightshade 50 at primetime on hib you get about 7-15 matches.

You do the same with /who inf albion and you get 20-30.

going back to the original question though.

I guess you do what you wanna do. Tbh I was out soloing with my ranger before most people who would moan even rolled their stealther. The see hidden patch initially killed the game for me. I couldnt play the ranger at all it was a joke (really bad change that showed a lot of ignorance to the game dynamics and balance from mythic.) Since we founded Post Mortem I hunt usually as a duo with Vipr or in a group of 3-4 others. I do this mainly because we get more enjoyment playing together as we are all on teamspeak. However I still solo a lot in odins. I enjoy doing both tbh, but never do I restrict myself to soloing or duo'ing because "its the right thing to do" in someone elses book. Theres nothing worse than getting mullered by a stealther zerg but really you have to take it with a pinch of salt and just accept its part of the game. The people killing you are prolly nice and pleasent people just having fun with the game to.

my god, there IS someone out there who understands! thank you censi, you have renewed my faith in the human race :D

i and several of my teamspeak mates are in the same boat. we do our fair share of soloing, which usually happens when only one of us is in RVR at the time, as well as our much loved grouping. whats the point of having friends in a game if you dont play with them?

the sterotypical view of stealthers these days is just appauling. this 'thou must playest like what we say is right' attitude is just getting old. in the old days, the stealther was a hard class to level (urgh, i get nightmares just thinking about being stuck on lvl 37 for months), which pretty much landed them with being soloers in RVR. but now, with so widly available powerleveling abilities (in ALL realms might i add...) everyone can have thier own in a relativly short time. and it seems to me that the only people this seems to bother is people who are so stuck in thier ways of solo fighting who just cant bury the frustration of how the good old days are gone and simply adapt.

am i rambling again?


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
you saw what its like in cyclodias video, when he kills the troll savage and you get the leet sbs move in like flys round shit, wheres the fun/skill in doing stuff like that?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Raven said:
you saw what its like in cyclodias video, when he kills the troll savage and you get the leet sbs move in like flys round shit, wheres the fun/skill in doing stuff like that?

Same skill as how Cyclodia got to rr7 or rr8 in no time, feeding of the unbuffed wardens moving solo from atk in Emain.
Anyway, Mids stealthzerg in Emain, and Hibs in Odin's.
And then both bitch at the Albs claiming they actually died once and so the Albs where stealthzerging..
Regards, Glottis :m00:


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
Glottis said:
Same skill as how Cyclodia got to rr7 or rr8 in no time, feeding of the unbuffed wardens moving solo from atk in Emain.
Anyway, Mids stealthzerg in Emain, and Hibs in Odin's.
And then both bitch at the Albs claiming they actually died once and so the Albs where stealthzerging..
Regards, Glottis :m00:

do you know what this game is about? ... :eek7:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 1, 2004
Glottis said:
Same skill as how Cyclodia got to rr7 or rr8 in no time, feeding of the unbuffed wardens moving solo from atk in Emain.
Anyway, Mids stealthzerg in Emain, and Hibs in Odin's.
And then both bitch at the Albs claiming they actually died once and so the Albs where stealthzerging..
Regards, Glottis :m00:
You're pretty much the least intelligent being posting on fh ;o


Grumpy old fecker
Dec 23, 2003
Nalistah said:
Tbh, you should _really_ tell this to your fotm-mates in the Albion-section, before u even concider to post it here. It are infils who have totally destroyed the RVR of an assassin. And we all know it (even thou you may try to defend it....) :m00:

Since the introduction of Savages the population of Infils has grown in a massive way...

So one could argue that Savages are the reason for so many Infils.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Tay said:
Since the introduction of Savages the population of Infils has grown in a massive way...

So one could argue that Savages are the reason for so many Infils.


one could argue albs are pussies and roll an overpowered char the moment they get owned :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Vodkafairy said:

one could argue albs are pussies and roll an overpowered char the moment they get owned :p

Or bring a friend...


Grumpy old fecker
Dec 23, 2003
Squalion said:
is this directed towards adari or me?

beacuse if its towards me, i was a ranger long before pl4tehwin came in, i leveld my ranjar the hard way, and didnt quit! and i aint one of the fotm ones from when we got ranger love either

Who cares when you had a char, it has become fotm to whine about fotmer's.


Grumpy old fecker
Dec 23, 2003
Vodkafairy said:

one could argue albs are pussies and roll an overpowered char the moment they get owned :p

You mean they reroll Hib chanters or Mid savages??

Oh, and I must admit I did love your straffing (In DF) and soloing with 3-4 mates (in Emain) over the weekend :p Nothing I like more than people being consistent..that would not be you.


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Originally Posted by Vodkafairy

one could argue albs are pussies and roll an overpowered char the moment they get owned

Or bring a friend...

Or bring 20 friends :cheers:

This post is fun :flame:


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 27, 2003
lostone said:
If your guild actually played good there would be whine that u ran 2fgs also.. but hey, everyone play as they wish.. if i dont complain when u come with 2fg against me solo im hoping you wont complain when i kill your scout solo with a fullgroup.

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