Fao : Stealthers that doesnt solo/duo


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Nalistah said:
Tbh, you should _really_ tell this to your fotm-mates in the Albion-section, before u even concider to post it here. It are infils who have totally destroyed the RVR of an assassin. And we all know it (even thou you may try to defend it....) :m00:

u know u want a infil! :twak:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Stru said:
says the scout who've got mincers with insta stun, dd's, mezz, sos, ip, ap, speed, stealth up his ass to help then fight the evil midgardians
you stfu shadowling
if he has mincers with all that...always you are in emain you have a bunch of idiotic rr2 shadowlings sticked in your ass....
such lammer:worthy:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
a few days ago i was part of a thread where people were saying soloers play in HW, why not just go HW and be done with it!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
the stealthgame in daoc is dead, to solo as an assassin is pointless, as an archer u may get away with leeching, but its just a matter of time before an assassin see's u with SH and it's /release time. From my experiance Albs are the mainoffenders, with See hidden i usually see 3-4 stealthers, mincers and archers at amg, and thats not included the archers with camo or the handful of infils that i cant's see with SH, if i camp behind amg i might be able to kill one or two stragglers, but in 90% of the cases u get a handful of stealtheradds that adds into the fight, same goes in odins really, altho its not quite as extreme as its in emain.

In its current state i dont see the point of playing my stealthers, the only place left in daoc where a stealther can get some fun like it should be is in DF, but even there things are starting to derail with half fg's of stealthers ganging up.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Nuked said:
a few days ago i was part of a thread where people were saying soloers play in HW, why not just go HW and be done with it!

Because they want to hang around a busy milegate and get lots of easy kills. 99% of the stealther population is too lazy to venture anywhere but AMG Emain, yet whines when there's too many stealthers there with exactly the same idea.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Jaond said:
Why dont you just post this in the Albion forum???

because mid has the biggest zerg at mmg lately. Got trampled by 6+ sb's on my bard, and a few days later 2 fg (im not kidding) sb's/hunters camping mmg.

We all know amg is infested with stealthers, but now mmg also?



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
because mid has the biggest zerg at mmg lately. Got trampled by 6+ sb's on my bard, and a few days later 2 fg (im not kidding) sb's/hunters camping mmg.

We all know amg is infested with stealthers, but now mmg also?

Btw, Jaond pwned by Vodkafairy.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
Squalion said:
lol wtf are u talking about?

compare number of pl'd infils to those of rangers/nightshades, infils are higher. at least double/treble

yeah that u now for sure, riiight...

It might be many infils in emain at primetime, but how many ns/rangers arent it at odins at primetime? so i say there is atleast as many newly pl ns/ranger that it is infils around...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 28, 2003
Jaond said:
No it's to 99% alb related...

Actually, the only people to stealth zerg are Mids.
Sunday, 11 am, 2 fgm stealthers out and about.
Have yet to be attacked by a solo stealther since 10 am this morning.
Mids being hypocrites once again...
Regards, Glottis :kissit:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
Glottis said:
Actually, the only people to stealth zerg are Mids.
Sunday, 11 am, 2 fgm stealthers out and about.
Have yet to be attacked by a solo stealther since 10 am this morning.
Mids being hypocrites once again...
Regards, Glottis :kissit:
and that dosent make u a hypocrite ...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Bishibosh said:
how exactly do you know that though... Ok so maybe it is true, maybe not, but its just really become fotm to say it...

lol, no i was in a grp with 2 other stealthers, got jumped by at least 8 infils/scouts

want screenies?
and so what if its become fotm? wanna know why its fotm? BEACUSE ITS FUCKING TRUE.

edit: whops, quoted wrong person :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
Nalistah said:
Tbh, you should _really_ tell this to your fotm-mates in the Albion-section, before u even concider to post it here. It are infils who have totally destroyed the RVR of an assassin. And we all know it (even thou you may try to defend it....) :m00:

Nalistah, whilst I feel your pain about the SB nerf, your bitterness is getting old now. Most SB's have gotten over the "happy times" when they could solo tanks and farm infils. Your class has been brought in line with other stealhers. You are not a tank, and yet your class was a tank with stealth for so long. Your class and you never used to whine about Dragonfang (its been around a long time dont forget), as much, and was more than happy to be the FoTM stealther for such a long time. But now the shoe is on the other foot, you see the DAoC world in such a twisted way that its actually gotten to the bitter point where you just flame any other stealther or jump into threads with your little dig at Infils or Alb in general. Selfish reasons all draw us to be unhappy about changes made to our classes. I too played an SB on MLF in a guild called <HEXE> for such a long time and was also annoyed. But to still be singing the same old song this far down the line is almost verging on sad.

Maybe the reason theres so many Infils is because now the field is open to them to actually have a go and do some RVR without the worry of meeting an SB who can wtfpwn them in 4 hits. Let them have their fun, the nerf bat will hit them eventually like it does WITH ALL CLASSES at some point.

Get over it and stop boiling Alb bunnies.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
We all know who started the insane stealthzerging, the n00bs necro pl'd wannabeElajt spanish infil twats, so now shut it retards


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
Rune maybe because it is kinda funny to group with 1 - 7 other stealther and kill soloers like you then you instantly come to BW and whine! that give em a bigger reason to do it over and over again!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Jaond said:
We all know who started the insane stealthzerging, the n00bs necro pl'd wannabeElajt spanish infil twats, so now shut it retards

Jeezus man, take a break.

Oh, you already did :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Antedeluvian said:
How about look Odins? following your wrong arguments NSs/Rangers outnumber infils by far.
Is just like your hypocrital whine in alb section about infils PLs by necroes when your ranger was for sure PL by a chanter. Your double standars are really patetic :puke:

is this directed towards adari or me?

beacuse if its towards me, i was a ranger long before pl4tehwin came in, i leveld my ranjar the hard way, and didnt quit! and i aint one of the fotm ones from when we got ranger love either


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
Theres definetly more alb assasins in odins than there are hib ones.

Just as a rough generalisation whenever u do a /who nightshade 50 at primetime on hib you get about 7-15 matches.

You do the same with /who inf albion and you get 20-30.

going back to the original question though.

I guess you do what you wanna do. Tbh I was out soloing with my ranger before most people who would moan even rolled their stealther. The see hidden patch initially killed the game for me. I couldnt play the ranger at all it was a joke (really bad change that showed a lot of ignorance to the game dynamics and balance from mythic.) Since we founded Post Mortem I hunt usually as a duo with Vipr or in a group of 3-4 others. I do this mainly because we get more enjoyment playing together as we are all on teamspeak. However I still solo a lot in odins. I enjoy doing both tbh, but never do I restrict myself to soloing or duo'ing because "its the right thing to do" in someone elses book. Theres nothing worse than getting mullered by a stealther zerg but really you have to take it with a pinch of salt and just accept its part of the game. The people killing you are prolly nice and pleasent people just having fun with the game to.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
There are more Hibernian stealthers in Odin's than there are Albions.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
one thing that bugs me is this.

usally at amg/hmg/mmg, there may be 2-3 sets of Duo'ers, but they may not be aware of the others there, so a duo of infils/sbs/hunters/scouts etc, come through gates, and get jumped by all of the duo'ers, then they get flamed for zerging etc, which as far as i know is what happens most of the time.

Stealthers of the same realm should have an ability where when they are stealthed they can see real mates if they're currently stealthed also. :worthy:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
alb stealthzerg >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mid stealthzerg > hib stealthzerg


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Gordonax said:
Because they want to hang around a busy milegate and get lots of easy kills. 99% of the stealther population is too lazy to venture anywhere but AMG Emain, yet whines when there's too many stealthers there with exactly the same idea.

aye, all comes down to lazy ***** who think they are the only person(s) in the game and everyone else are just Robots.

if you wana go anywhere but HW and expect to solo, think again. i understand its a long run which is why most hib stealthers go odins, but if you want a solo fight bad enough to come post a thread about it on FH, atleast don't be a lazy **** who wont go to the 1 place they can solo.



Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
Nuked said:
aye, all comes down to lazy ***** who think they are the only person(s) in the game and everyone else are just Robots.

if you wana go anywhere but HW and expect to solo, think again. i understand its a long run which is why most hib stealthers go odins, but if you want a solo fight bad enough to come post a thread about it on FH, atleast don't be a lazy **** who wont go to the 1 place they can solo.

i hear you havent tryed HW lately as a stealther, its not rare to find 2-3infils camping mmg doors


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
well if thats a problem them people need to get facts straight, the other day in the "lets take fg fights to HW" thread, mass people were saying nooo leave HW for soloers :rolleyes: don't have a clue why stealthers would duo trio HW though. make up your minds tbh!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
censi said:
Theres nothing worse than getting mullered by a stealther zerg...
Can't really see the difference bewteen getting rolled over by a stealther zerg or a normal one.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Squalion said:
is this directed towards adari or me?

beacuse if its towards me, i was a ranger long before pl4tehwin came in, i leveld my ranjar the hard way, and didnt quit! and i aint one of the fotm ones from when we got ranger love either

Did you posted some troll crap at Albion forums? dont think so. It was Adari "realmjumper" who did.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Jaond said:
We all know who started the insane stealthzerging, the n00bs necro pl'd wannabeElajt spanish infil twats, so now shut it retards
Wrong, were the n00bs SBs wannabezerkers doublefrost4tehwin pld by SMs at drakulvs when LA was bugged, just like you.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Loxleyhood said:
There are more Hibernian stealthers in Odin's than there are Albions.
U see what i mean? Blowing shit out of your mouth again and i am not even going to quote your other comment earlier in thread.

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