Avalonian Sorc with +10dex at creation
Briton Cleric with +0dex at creation
I'm just going AFK to beat myself to death with a rolled-up copy of the Prima DAOC guide.
Recently rolled on Glasto btw with a baby Kibby Runemaster so I'll be able to bolt FASTER than Arumos whilst having an arse that ISN'T visible from orbit
my chanter (was also my 1st toon if i dont count a ranger who got deleted very early cause arrows were damn expensive) got 10str 10con 5dex 5qui at creation...
based on some obscure info, i cant really remember where i got it, that said that toons with starting stats less than 50 took some weird penalties... also thought to myself that being able to carry all that fat lewt is a nice thing, quickness helps casting speed (thank you mythic), being more "healthy" is also beneficial and let's be honest - an elf has enough dex and int, wtf he should need more when he's so damn skinny with 40 str and 40 con??? that needs corrected asap
now i'm "struggling" with 380dex (aug dex 3 included), which is not that bad if ml9 pet is up or when focusing
Couldn't agree more. My poor healer got 10 charisma cause I thought NPC's would give me better prices. 2nd healer a diffrent server is so much more fun to play.....
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