FAO: Minstrels camping the gorge



Originally posted by old.Kantz
Pets do not suck; just put it on passive Danyan so it doesn’t break your mezz ;)

The only reason I posted here is because I was told; you claimed to kill the solo mincers in gorge on Barrysworld.
Now your hopes for the class must be back, since your beeing killed again.

And yes, I’m not uber/ leet/ flawless... you name it. I often screw and die easily to SB's. So give Str relics back so some of them are possible to kill :D

Heya Amos ;) :great:


I was soloing when killing you both times. So your kill on me were in a solo situation? – as far as I know: killing soloing minstrels seems to be this topics issue.

To start with I were soloing in gorge. Meet the nice infil Aybabtu whom I began grouping with. Later he went to bed and I found you running around. I never claimed to be soloing except when killing you.

But I do hope most minstrels get the message: Just attack Danyan; do not belive her claims... you can kill her :twak:


Sure, try me with RAs up anytime. ;)

Also interesting that your first attack (which failed) was with the infil, I killed him, you fled... :p


Due to my amazing wealth of knowledge I have come to the conclusion that you are a celt?



Hmm.. *sigh!* At the time you killed Aybabtu i had just entered gorge. I were no way near when it happened. You must be smoking to many herbs to actually belive a infil + mincer will flee from a single caster. But I gotta give you, I were surprised you managed to kill Aybabtu anyways.

And dont start about ra's: Does purge + sos + IP ring any bells?

Heyah Cloak.. your one lovely NS :wub:


If you had just entered the gorge how were you able to jump me before the poison from Aybabtu finished ticking? I had time to cast two heals and run about 5 paces then you DDed me...

As for Aybabtu, I three shotted him after he failed PA on me. :p


Originally posted by old.Kantz
Heyah Cloak.. your one lovely NS :wub:

Hehe nice to see some mincers in gorge again tbh :D

Ill dye my armour soon just for you



gifv more talivar wandering alone near frost stallions imo.

(yes, I'm too frightened to fight you without buffs + uberpet :p)
I beat Talivar in a duel at amg in odins with a frost stallion, no need for buffs; they are only needed vs buffed opponents. And no I didnt kite him, he ignored it and I just used the pet as a semi-damage add.
Of course Talivar could have won had he used triple weild or some RA's, but this was before the latest patch (ablative, lower dd cost, longer stun etc) which kinda proves minstrels were ok if they could only have a pet all the time :).
At the moment im in New Zealand and haven't played the latest patch, I guess life must be a bit easier for us minstrels now. I would say im looking forward to testing it but there is no way I want to leave this place in a hurry, its too nice :D


Im sorry Hotrats u wont ever make it back :( cant have u telling ppl i lost!!!! :)


Originally posted by Danyan

Also interesting that your first attack (which failed) was with the infil, I killed him, you fled... :p

Aye i missed PA :( but then again it was a half hearted try, 3:30 in the morning and last run :) i'll do it right some other time :D


With a frost stallion minstrels can solo almost any class, problem is getting the pet, it's a hassle finding a 54-55 one.
Minstrels camping the gorge nowadays : waiting to be overrun by multiple rezsick hibs.


Originally posted by Begach
Before this you killed me when i was solo for a while, i went emain and on my second release from emain see you kill the firby with her solo twice.

Note the fact here that 2 (two) players came out to kill 2 (two) players here. Bit different imo.

PS Think you completely missed the point of yer stealther. IF your gonna grp an jump singles WTF's the point ? It's obviously JUST for RPS as there are fairly few singles on the server that would pose any challenge to a stealth grp. So why not just buy a nice RR5+ inf from ebay? No fecker remembers some stealth zerg n00b with high RR. The soloers ppl remember an say oh shit if the click on em (Remi comes to mind..attacked him once an never will again.....owned ain't the word)

Blah!!! /dismis


as you said it, we killed you guys for Rp's, it was past 24:00 and why is it so bad? almost everyone does it, and that time was one of the vary rare times im grouped and buffed, so please whine some more, and if you ask Kantz he'll tell you that at first i said no to buffs.


sheezuz, will you let me leave in peace? I hate having to waste insta's on you :p

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