fao: Manisch


Fledgling Freddie
May 30, 2005
lul stop being evul too young ppl :(:worthy:

Its only to show you the way forward, fanta is just not what its cracked up to be, lilt has such a tropical taste, and lots of different tropical tastes. I would go as far as to say its about the most tropical taste.


Loyal Freddie
Oct 1, 2006
Its only to show you the way forward, fanta is just not what its cracked up to be, lilt has such a tropical taste, and lots of different tropical tastes. I would go as far as to say its about the most tropical taste.

LALL:england: btw my name is tina irl :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 26, 2004
Yes , however this has more to do with gameknowledge imo.

Some might call gameknowledge a skill though... Like, being skilled at something irl, like geography, history, architecture, science... It's really all about simply knowing a whole lot of shit. Without all the knowledge they have about their subject, they wouldn't be skilled at it. They would suck. Because they would not be able to do anything at all. Imagine the scientist who does not know anything about science.

I'm not saying knowing alot about this game would instantly make you very good at it. But it is a huge part of what you need to be a skilled player.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Yes , however this has more to do with gameknowledge imo.

Not at all, social skills arent in any way about gameknowledge, those are about you and your way of interacting with the rest of the world. Be it over a cup of coffe with a future employer or with a team of 8 people in a game, it is still social skills. This in my book is highly important skill to ever become successful in a game like DAoC where you actually need a social network combined with your gameskills to make it anywhere. A fool will not be invited to a good RvRgrp, believing so is just naive. A nobody will be not be invited either unless he is lucky some night, if he then have a proper set of social skills combined with his gameskills so he actually fits, who knows, he might be considered for an invite in the future aswell wont he? :) Tell me, isnt this a certain type of skill? A quite important one too ontop of it all. Then in a group there are also natural roles that need to be filled tool. You cannot be a leader in a group if you lack social skills, you just cant. People will abandon you sooner or later for someone else that does a better job. On the other hand, if you do a good job as a coach and inspire people to give all they got and try harder and harder to improve, be it with harsch style or the soft style, anything that works, its also still a certain skill.

I'd actually stretch so far to say that the most important thing to last in a good group is your way of behaving yourself and this is a coreskill to maintain a good group over a longer time. If the group doesnt fit together or someone is alienated, well, you know what will happen. I've seen quite a few groups come and go and some have been very promising but lasted 3 months because of poor leadership or poor social individual skills from members of the group.

Other than that, the game can be learnt, give it enough time and most importantly devotion and you will become a better player, IF you are in the right environment and have someone to learn from, if you play with people who think its fine to be sloppy and play shit and say, oh well, its human to error, you will probably stand a lesser chanse to evolve as a player than the next guy who play with the hardcoregrp that makes sure everyone works as hard as they can to evolve and become better and make sure everyone understand the importance of proper teamwork.

This all has nothing to do with gameknowledge, social skills can be trained too ofc but not in the way aim can, movement in team is quite exactly as in a FPS, you need to learn where your teammates are, what they do, why they do it, when they do it and most important, you need to know what the fuck your job is. Its basically exactly the same as in a FPS, just with a completely different engine and with a completely different set of rules of combat.

Teamwork is not about gameknowledge, far from it. You would know this if you played groupRvR with a tight crew for a longer time. You would also know that it is skills involved, just as much as there is in a FPS. Actually, the only skillful thing I see in a FPS is teamwork too, aim can be trained, and with a good aim you can get really far, combine it with good social skills and a good feeling for teams and voila, we have a winner. Wait a minute.. aint that quite exactly as it is in DAoC? Well in my book it is, I'll settle with the words:

Its same same but, different.

I wont argue this further, if you cant understand this nor put yourself into a position where you can, then there is no point in speaking about the matter with you anymore.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Very wrong?? So noone gains satisfaction from improvement? Thats obviously an incorrect surmation.

Fun is derived from many sources, one of those sources is improvement. That improvement is a combination of development of personal playing skills, and straight character improvements through realm rank and templates.

haha, pretty much spot on for some players :) Some players otoh are perfectly happy with running around 100% skilless and adding all day long and ding rr12 with a bot up the arse, basically winning by having the odds on his/her side most of the time. I never understood those people but hey, they need to live too, or we wont appreciate all the good players and people out there. Its the classic Yin/Yang so to say. Fun however, must be achieved by everyone playing or they will eventually stop playing. (pokes GOA..)


Loyal Freddie
Oct 1, 2006

hi2u mini :)

i love you too i love wank yea got a problem whit that :wanker: ? and im way too young too die irl:m00: i know im a retard my mom/dad tell me that every day QQ fuckhead nah

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
haha, pretty much spot on for some players :) Some players otoh are perfectly happy with running around 100% skilless and adding all day long and ding rr12 with a bot up the arse, basically winning by having the odds on his/her side most of the time. I never understood those people but hey, they need to live too, or we wont appreciate all the good players and people out there. Its the classic Yin/Yang so to say. Fun however, must be achieved by everyone playing or they will eventually stop playing. (pokes GOA..)

Thank you for describing Waddle's/Netcode's/Tsapis' group so perfectly, couldn't do it better myself.

They're (some) close to RR12 too.



Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Thank you for describing Waddle's/Netcode's/Tsapis' group so perfectly, couldn't do it better myself.

They're (some) close to RR12 too.


And there is some low ppl that trade their account to get some sex? and then sit here and complain about others! :wanker:

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
And there is some low ppl that trade their account to get some sex? and then sit here and complain about others! :wanker:

Well the story about trading DAoC accounts for sex is from the realm of fantasty for mentally challenged people like you.

The story about a certain Skald dinging RR12 soon by running FGs late in the night and early in the day adding on everything and zerging while complaining about CM and others is from the realm of truth :).

So go figure.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Well the story about trading DAoC accounts for sex is from the realm of fantasty for mentally challenged people like you.

The story about a certain Skald dinging RR12 soon by running FGs late in the night and early in the day adding on everything and zerging while complaining about CM and others is from the realm of truth :).

So go figure.

Just doing what you always been doing, aint fun when you get it back i guess? ;(

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Just doing what you always been doing, aint fun when you get it back i guess? ;(

You mean I have been running a FG at 1:50 am CET farming people who have a 1 vs 1 and ruding them because I can't deal with them on FH?

Pictures or stfu tbh.

I just got told that most swedes playing this games are retards, so see you in one week or some time later :).

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
So Saitoh, can you let me finish a fight before you gank me?

I am asking for the same thing PE had going pre cluster with us, we didn't add on your FG fights and you didn't add on ours and you know it.


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
So Saitoh, can you let me finish a fight before you gank me?

I am asking for the same thing PE had going pre cluster with us, we didn't add on your FG fights and you didn't add on ours and you know it.

A leopard Doesnt change its spots :eek:


Loyal Freddie
Jan 16, 2004
So Saitoh, can you let me finish a fight before you gank me?

I am asking for the same thing PE had going pre cluster with us, we didn't add on your FG fights and you didn't add on ours and you know it.

when half of the ppl on vent scream "kill kill" theres not much i can do .

as far as fg fights , if im leading i dont add on certain grps


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Thank you for describing Waddle's/Netcode's/Tsapis' group so perfectly, couldn't do it better myself.

They're (some) close to RR12 too.



man, you really need to cut down on your trolling, I'm not even raising my eyebrowse at your bullcrap anymore.. :/

waddle happen to be a very good player, actually one of the best sorcs Ive ever seen, infact hes also a damn pain in the ass as a BGer too, if I was you, I'd use him as an example of a player I want to be close to when it comes to skill in DAoC. Sadly, you arent even close, spending your time inhere on FH spouting out shite all day long wont really improve you either. You are one of the worst cockroaches on this forum right now and you are a cockroach ingame too, just go away and dont quote me ever again. Putting you on ignore now so I cant even quickread your posts anymore either so dont put down any effort whatsoever. I figured you out some months ago and tbh, you havent changed a single bit. On the contrary, you are even worse now.

Go take a bath in vomit.. you belong in it asshole.

/waves adios

just to show you where I rank you I'll show you this SS.. thats how deep you are.


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