fao grunchy.....



Yestuday after you (2h sword crit spec sb) idiotically tried to kill me (35 merc) by running up unstealthed and twatting away, and i let u run off at 10% health asuming u didnt know any better and needed to figure out how to play, i'd like to thank you for bearing this in mind when u decided to grp up with another sb and double team me before bowing and curtseying like ur the ultimate stealther and as if it was a fair fight

"bow" is accepted as a cross realm message of "there u go, was a fair fight but i won, nice try"

its ppl like u that help mid keep its reputation of being honorless gamesmanship noobers.

btw before random ppl post replies im not talking about all mids just the ones on the rr and grunchy and her sb mate, and also yes i know i could have killed her but i felt sorry for her as it was (i'm guessing) her first char and thought i'd spare her the dreaded portal pad.
not saying its illegal to stealth grp, i just would have liked the smallest bit of respect, in that she would try and kill me solo, maybe even.... using PA.... lol

ooh PS quick sb lesson for grunchy and others like her. PA isnt a rubbish damage front style, its a front damage attack used from stealth. try it out sometime, u might like it.


Originally posted by xisms
lol :)

next time u find him kick hes ass :D
i got a feeling that next time i find him i'll have found a stealthzerg of server crashing proportions ;]


I'm almost sure he doesnt read BW at all, so your gloating story about saint merc and the crap sb is kinda pointless...

" find him i'll have found a stealthzerg of server crashing proportions"
True point here tho, big chance when you will find him, stealthzerg will surround him (5-6 infis :p )


Originally posted by -fwapp-

"bow" is accepted as a cross realm message of "there u go, was a fair fight but i won, nice try"

its ppl like u that help mid keep its reputation of being honorless gamesmanship noobers.

Maybe it was by way of an apology, a few times i have attacked a solo enemy and am losing, then another hib turns up and turns the tide so my enemy loses. In this case i will bow to show my respect for my fallen opponent, who, even though dead, would have beaten me.

Just because 2 of them jumped you is no guarantee that they were working together, a solo merc is a good target for an assassin, PA, dot and disease, then run off, restealth and return to finish the job. Perhaps two SB's saw you at the same time, and decided to have a go?

If i saw a solo merc, i would take you on (shade) as any tank is a challenge for an assassin, i'd admit my chances of winning would be slim, but so sweet if i did prevail :)


Originally posted by hangianix
I'm almost sure he doesnt read BW at all, so your gloating story about saint merc and the crap sb is kinda pointless...

" find him i'll have found a stealthzerg of server crashing proportions"
True point here tho, big chance when you will find him, stealthzerg will surround him (5-6 infis :p )

im not saying i was a brilliant player, or i won due to amazing skill. All i had to do was press 4 different buttons in a certain order. Its just a really stupid thing to do to attack a mercenary unstealthed as a critblade... surely u knew that right?


Ah yes Chrunchy, most retarded sb around tbh.

Funny though, when I left apk with the ram merchant they tried to kill it to help hibs who had the ck at the time. So I rooted him and his other sb friend, emoted them and then send some earth pets at her friend so he died. But Chrunchy got off lucky because she stealthed while she was rooted :(

After that she one shotted me while we tried to take keep with 1 fg rendering my group from pbt and helpless VS. rangers :puke:

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