FAO Falcor, Peace



Please don't flame Aligro. As an outsider (I have only ever been to one Sidi raid) I am sick and tired of all this fighting on Barrysworld and therefore within Albion.

I applaud any effort to stop it.


~looks around for falcor~

~realises hes prolly rather pleased with himself that hes finally won~

~goes back to watchign paint dry~


Originally posted by gunner440
ok here:



The weapon!

the fight!

the end



whats this falcor finally won boll-ocks

Aligro has stepped up and been the bigger man anyone with any brains can see that.

I bet it took allot of balls to step up and do this considering how much hate is between the two of them and all the insults that were exchanged.

Before you start flaming me saying i am taking aligros side fact is anyone who knows me knows i cant stand the guy due to a disgrement me and him had awhile back i just dont dwell on it.

Fact is the fighting between aligro and falcor and there followers or whatever is stupid and immature.

or we could...



Originally posted by ilienwyn
Noooo, our preciousss ;)

lol ...

yea sidi raid leaders do seem to be currupted by sidi's loot

abit like the ring currupts all around it :)

We need to destroy sidi for good its our only hope !

Cap'n Sissyfoo

Why not do this in PMs?

...aside from the comedy value for everyone else of course.


Tbh Aligro, and Fagane for that matter, thats like Napoleon wanting to be "nice" after he had taken Spain :/, "i got what i want now, so lets be nice so i look cool again."
(and no i aint comparing Napoleon to aligro, just an example before ppl jump down me throat)

Especially considering how Aligro tried to mess up my raid only last saturday as much as he could several times, 4 ppl noticed, one being me one being Tilda and another 2 that i know of......prolly others..

I dont have much of a problem with u aligro, aslong as u dont do any raids, if u wanna keep me sweet, simply dont do raids...and not cuz i want to keep a monopoly on sidi, cuz u r untrustworthy...

Im happy for anyone else ofc to try and do sidi raids, but not Aligro...

Tbh im sick of the aggro to, BUT it is u Fagane and Skile who have caused me 90% of this aggro....so all of a sudden to put up this post after u have done so much harm, and expect it to all just be swept away lol..... u 3 have given me a HELL of a lot more hassle than ever gave to u Aligro, and i had just cause to give u hassle..

My not being all nice a lovey prolly makes me look bad, if it does so be it....too much shit around now to keep stepping thru it and not notice the stench :)


Originally posted by Falcor
Tbh Aligro, and Fagane for that matter, thats like Hitler wanting to be "nice" after he had taken france :/

/shakes head

i have NO idea what made you so angry about aligro really (and i told you this also in private several times now), for me as not beeing involved into the "behind the curtains" story it all goes back to the sidi-raid claiming story. you told me there was more, you refused to tell the community what it is, but you still keep arguing with it. that doesnt fit, sorry.

anyway drawing this comparison doesnt make you look that good really!

i cant imagine many good reasons why you cant accept aligro's offer to settle this stupid flame-war.


its an exaggerated comparision ofc, but its all i could think of at time :)

Eraser if u dont know whats going on why do u post then? what is point in posting when u know very little of whats gone on/going on


Chilly.. can I come and watch that paint dry with ya mate?


Originally posted by Falcor
Eraser if u dont know whats going on why do u post then? what is point in posting when u know very little of whats gone on/going on

ok falcor: i am as informed as much as i can reading these forums and every thread which might contain something about it. so it might be legal to compare my info-status with the one of the majority of the people.

and this is the important point. you want the community behind you. you DO care about what people think about you, dont you?
you are explaining and arguing here in public, defending yourself and attacking aligro.

and if you really expect ppl to keep out of discussion just because they dont know exactly whats going on, then you re really a BW n00b ;)

i really try to read your reply not as "stfu" between the lines. but well...if you want to keep everyone out of discussion who doesnt know everything YOU know, this topic is infact closed for me.
good luck with your further raids.


Originally posted by Falcor
its all i could think of at time

Sorry to say it you sick minded twit. I come here with an apoligy and you start to compare me with Hitler? The only Adolf I see here is you with your rules and privelages for the "uber" people. Your Elitism looks more like an attempt to create a new 3th reich with the local SS creating with your rules.

TWATS like you should be banned on the spot, and shot irl on the spot without a discusion. You skin headed Hitler lover.

Never compare something you never did see or witness. I did see what Hitler's selution was, I was in the camps and did see piles of human hair, ready to be made into uniforms for his troops of SS. You would not last 10 seconds if you did see the camps in Poland before you would start to cry.

You make me real sick

You do not want peace? You wont get peace.



errr lol. nice mis quote in signature btw, real nice..

FYI Fagane i happen to think Hitler was a homocidal maniac, and yes i do know about concentration camps, this has nothing to do with that, u just came here to flame as usual, u mis quote me as much as poissble to make me look bad...as always



i understand you re feeling insulted bady fagane, believe me i do (i am german and this whole comparison makes me sick as well). but your reaction is as bad as his now. we re talking about in-game-stuff here ffs, so stop these nazi-analogies as well please!im sure he just wanted to be funny and didnt think about it, so lets go back to the topic itself.

...doh i wanted to stay out of this. i maybe dont know everything whats going on....no point then in taking part in the discussion or stand up for falcor when he is the one beeing told hes acting like a fascist, eh???


Changed Hitler = Napoleon France = Spain

Tbh the fact that i change 2 words like that and its completely different...shows how petty u r being tbh, like i say , was only example i could think of at time...


looks much better now, i like it :clap:

or wait a moment....my grandfather was french....but i hate GOA atm...ah well go on :)

/edit: oh oh...i really should take care to make sure not to get into trouble now with anyone!
this i call a good working surface for getting flamed: a bloody german kraut with french ancestors :m00:


Originally posted by wolfofslaughter
Aligro has stepped up and been the bigger man anyone with any brains can see that.
Thats 1 way of looking at it.

Aligro started this thread as yet another of his petty childish points scoring exercises. If he had any intention of sorting things out it would be done privately, either in-game, via private messages here or on irc.

But no, he just wanted most whines and attention - so he got it.


Draylor, it has been attempted to be resolved in private but it hasn't worked, maybe if i post it here he has to confront it and get it sorted, otherwise it will just go on and on.

and Falcor, i did not try to ruin your raid, i may have lagged into a mob once or twice, i definately did not die first on host please tell us all why you tried to get everyone upstairs to the next level full of mobs while we still had severe aggro downstairs?

Not even worth argueing about tbh.. 4 people noticed it huh? lemme guess.. you and tilda.. then 2 others from ur fan club.

I am not trying to be nice, merely putting an end to the shit.

I refuse to quit doing sidi, it's one of the few things that keeps me going with this game


Originally posted by - Pathfinder -
Dune is better as a novel TBH :m00:

I liked the David Lynch film... read the book, wasnt sure if I liked it because I'd seen the film or if it was just any good - I have the same problem re-reading or re-watching anything I thought was cool as a kid. Do I like this for the nostalgia? or because it's good?


Originally posted by **Aligro**
Draylor, it has been attempted to be resolved in private but it hasn't worked, maybe if i post it here he has to confront it and get it sorted, otherwise it will just go on and on.
Sure, whatever you say.

and Falcor, i did not try to ruin your raid, i may have lagged into a mob once or twice
Do you accept this excuse coming from the same person time after time when you organise Sidi raids? Didnt think so. Yet it mysteriously happens to you time and time again. After watching you do this myself twice a few months back I have serious difficulty believing its lag.


If it ahd only been me who had noticed i would of not said anything but 3 other noticed, one being tilda one other being a GM of a guild, these ppl pmed me, also it was a 70 person raid very little lag really, u were playing merc, tilda saw u with a bow out befor ehsot wipe, u were 3rd person to die on the host wipe....


i may have lagged into a mob once or twice

...but how can you lead entire raids when you´re apparently lagging into mobs pretty frequently?


Someone going to start a betting pool on how many pages ppl can repeat the same crap over and over ?

BTW Dune, book rocks, Movie and the "tv" series 6 ( six SIX ) Feckin hours :p sucked :D


Dragging it into public like this isn't the noble thing to do.

Should be sorted in pms really :p


Originally posted by Fagane

Never compare something you never did see or witness. I did see what Hitler's selution was, I was in the camps and did see piles of human hair, ready to be made into uniforms for his troops of SS. You would not last 10 seconds if you did see the camps in Poland before you would start to cry.

You make me real sick

You do not want peace? You wont get peace.


You were in the concentration camps?

they were invented by the British you know?


Originally posted by thorwyntf
...but how can you lead entire raids when you´re apparently lagging into mobs pretty frequently?

When aligro runs raids he goes to an internet cafe just to make sure he doesnt lag much / LD.

and no Im not taking sides. I really couldnt give a shit which one is gonna be bosing me about next raid there both as bad as each other imo

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