Fao : 99,99% of mid stealthers


Ckiller ofDust

myself ive always been kinda solo.. duoin on a few occasions...

Still solo and at occasions i find solo ppl which i do respect. Sadly though i have to say since mids got relics they duo and triple more than before, mayby its because they RVR again dunno but find it sad.

Ppl i have respect for i hope know who they r

idiotic post but anyways hehehe


Originally posted by Rg.Roller
Have been soloing, had a few nice fights and relics are nice to have on your side. Can "ish" compete with some infils now, but for some reason duo'ing does sound better to me..


Weeee Luile, why did you run from me at grannies yesterday? :( We had a great fight before that one, you had me on like 1% hp..


Originally posted by VodkaFairy
Stop stereotyping, lying and whining you stupid fuck.

I have solo'd with my ns the past 3 days, and alot of others have too, you just can't find them obviously. And besides I have screenies of you zerging just as bad as some (not denying ns zerg, but not ALL do) ns. So that makes you a hypocrit too.

bugger off

Woohoo, 3 whole days? :clap:


Ok ok, I might be 2 button zergn00b inf, but I ain't pretending to be solo :p


Originally posted by VodkaFairy
tell jox to do the same, he's such a hypocrit twat it makes me sick

Played with Vind and Predator(great guys) last night.

Guess I deserve a head shot for that...


all realms have an element of their stealther population that zerg, they are all equally lame.


Originally posted by jox
Guess I deserve a head shot for that...

Doh, even if you'd always lead a 2 fg stealtherzerg, why would you care what VodkaFairy thinks of you? You don't pay 12 euro a month to play how others want you to :p Just have fun and zerg the shit out of us warders, I like big fights :D


Originally posted by Wiro
Weeee Luile, why did you run from me at grannies yesterday? :( We had a great fight before that one, you had me on like 1% hp..

dole ;) yup was very close, making /slit motions at me gets me scaried though :(

lubley solo infil u are \o/


erm all stealthers had ranging from 2-fg regardless who had the str relic anyway.

I only rarely saw a solo one.

But saying that im a rr4 zerk so maybe i scared the solo ones off :p


Originally posted by Rg.Roller
dole ;) yup was very close, making /slit motions at me gets me scaried though :(

lubley solo infil u are \o/

Awww :(
I had been around 10k away from rr5 for a whole week so I was a bit angry about that.... wub j00 tho :D :fluffle:


im the 0,1 % .......................duo sux.......trio sux.........fg stealthers is retarded etc


Originally posted by duact
im the 0,1 % .......................duo sux.......trio sux.........fg stealthers is retarded etc

ok :m00: and Grats agree on everything bigger then duo suxx, and Adding in fights make baby jesus cry irl fyi ! so that is even worse !


Originally posted by Aloca
Yes but we dont have the relics :)

Yes you do!!

Elves and Lurikeen have already learned to combine their magical powers during their training as Prowlers. They are strong spellcasters who can also fight when the need arises. This Path is based on deception and cunning, and its followers prefer to avoid honorable combat where possible."

You got power relics :p

Although I suspect your dd thingies might hit for -5 without the relics :)


Originally posted by VodkaFairy
well i promise u whin0rs im solo, i dont add, unless its someone i have to take revenge on

so QQ and find the right people to fight, they do exist, its as hard for us hibs to find honourable enemies as it is for you albs

Erm, so your saying you do add??

I love it when people say one thing then say or do something to contradict it, bout as consistent as debris on a beach..

The only NS I have seen solo recently was you, however you were also dead...

All the rest had more fucking adds than a math book ffs.


Originally posted by VodkaFairy
tell jox to do the same, he's such a hypocrit twat it makes me sick

Hatts is the only person I have seen solo in weeks, and he left :(


Originally posted by quinthar
Erm, so your saying you do add??

I love it when people say one thing then say or do something to contradict it, bout as consistent as debris on a beach..

..and he's also the one calling everybody else a hypocrit :puke:


Well Im 20% solo, 80 % duo/trio with either Helter and Gaewyr.

My solo percentage will rise as i get to a more capable rr and my buffbot is higher than 16 :)

But I grp with Helter and Gaewyr all the time and tbh alot of the time I find it necessary for instance last night:

We go to hmg and kill 4 ns/ranger, we go and come back and then we get owned by 6 ns/ranger. not one to shirk a challenge we come back again and this time find 12 ns/ranger (couple of thunderers amongs them to) on hmg, that I think is lame ;/

^^note im not saying albs/mids dont do this just what i consider to be kind of shit ;/

BTW me and Helter duo together and have such based our stats on that, hes a mercinf and im a critinf :)

/Waves at Aloca always have nice fights with you and whoever your buddy(s) are rure :) though we have a nice record against you atm :p

/waves censimilia last night if your wandering how i found you twice as you were moving amg>atk I have see hidden :)


Originally posted by faef
Well Im 20% solo, 80 % duo/trio with either Helter and Gaewyr.

My solo percentage will rise as i get to a more capable rr and my buffbot is higher than 16 :)

But I grp with Helter and Gaewyr all the time and tbh alot of the time I find it necessary for instance last night:

We go to hmg and kill 4 ns/ranger, we go and come back and then we get owned by 6 ns/ranger. not one to shirk a challenge we come back again and this time find 12 ns/ranger (couple of thunderers amongs them to) on hmg, that I think is lame ;/

^^note im not saying albs/mids dont do this just what i consider to be kind of shit ;/

BTW me and Helter duo together and have such based our stats on that, hes a mercinf and im a critinf :)

/Waves at Aloca always have nice fights with you and whoever your buddy(s) are rure :) though we have a nice record against you atm :p

/waves cyclodia last night if your wandering how i found you twice as you were moving amg>atk I have see hidden :)

Ehm wtf? :p I was not in emain last night dont got any armor atm and second see hidden does not work on assasins lol :p


Think this just about sums up the current situation...

Was doing a final run with my pally in emain 2 nights ago at about half past midnight, and got attacked halfway to AMG by 5-6 SBs and Hunters. This wasn't enough though, the one I was fighting (while the others were busy shooting their wads over the prospect of ganking a soloer) was so unsure of his abilities he had to keep running through me so he wasn't in view.

This isn't just middies though, every realm seems to now have a massive population of new stealthers who are incapable of soloing or grouping with just one or two mates (and I'm blaming Albs just as much as the others here). Its only the old boys like Cyclodia who still solo or have just the one partner in tow.


Originally posted by quinthar
Hatts is the only person I have seen solo in weeks, and he left :(

I've seen him, he killed me in Uppland last wednesday when I was fighting a savage.


Originally posted by VodkaFairy
Stop stereotyping, lying and whining you stupid fuck.

I have solo'd with my ns the past 3 days, and alot of others have too, you just can't find them obviously. And besides I have screenies of you zerging just as bad as some (not denying ns zerg, but not ALL do) ns. So that makes you a hypocrit too.

bugger off

hahha so is not leech?
nor support

just casulty hibs tend to attak all the same targert at the same time damn!!!

so unlucky getting only 1rp per kill


1 hib was a soloer... solidus

but dont see him since a month or more maye he was stuffed of his realm...


Originally posted by -Freezingwiz-
ok :m00: and Grats agree on everything bigger then duo suxx, and Adding in fights make baby jesus cry irl fyi ! so that is even worse !

i dont add on 1on1 fights


Originally posted by Ximadir
Ehm wtf? :p I was not in emain last night dont got any armor atm and second see hidden does not work on assasins lol :p

Oops my mistake I meant to type Censimilia :) <apologies if i spelt it wrong :)


Originally posted by Tootz
Its only the old boys like Cyclodia who still solo or have just the one partner in tow.

Ewwo Tootz.

Not just the old boys that solo but the ppl i do always find solo or at most in a trio/duo are like you say cyclodia, aloca, wittor, meduza etc...

I just cant wait till they bring in toa and we lose all the people who are just fotm and give up when a challenge or something remotely difficult happens to their class. I find these are the sort of people that tend to be the stealth zergers...

I think the only time we form a fg of stealthers is when we are doing keep takes or part of relic raid.


Originally posted by faef
Ewwo Tootz.

Not just the old boys that solo but the ppl i do always find solo or at most in a trio/duo are like you say cyclodia, aloca, wittor, meduza etc...

I just cant wait till they bring in toa and we lose all the people who are just fotm and give up when a challenge or something remotely difficult happens to their class. I find these are the sort of people that tend to be the stealth zergers...

I think the only time we form a fg of stealthers is when we are doing keep takes or part of relic raid.

Aye i hope the same all those fotm rollers cba to farm all the new items etc :p Well you have to stick with me till rr10 i wont quit before i got that focking rank ;)


Originally posted by Galiryn
You know, you can try to solo abit since you got the relics now..
Originally posted by VodkaFairy
Stop stereotyping, lying and whining you stupid fuck.


bugger off


Originally posted by Ximadir
Aye i hope the same all those fotm rollers cba to farm all the new items etc :p Well you have to stick with me till rr10 i wont quit before i got that focking rank ;)

Same 'ere mate and i shall be gunning for ya :p till we next meet /bows /beckons :)

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