Drav said:You have completely missed my point, Im not saying code DAoC the same as SWG, what Im saying is we expect mmorpg's in general to have a certain amount of default capabilties. Holding up under pressure should be something we take for granted..... it should be something that by default has to work before any release can take place in any mmorpg.... granted SWG goes down for patched and maintenance but that wasnt a bother.... because we all get excited about patches.
ok, I missunderstood - but they don't patch every day yet they still bring the servers down every day. That and the fact that almost everything in the game is still bugged 6 months after release annoys me.
Drav said:DAoC seems to go down if and when it feels like it, as well as anytime folk all get together for the full scale warfare that makes the game worth playing for alot of ppl..... this should by default of been made possible since beta.... Ive seen other mmorpgs hold more folk in a zone and still the server has been fine, maybe thats a bad comparison for some of you but I think it should stand, why should we expect anything less from Mythic and/or GoA.
That's the whole idea behind competition. If you find it unacceptable that daoc crashes when too many people are online then don't play, or don't go into zones where hundreds of other people already are. Saying 'but that's the whole point of the game' is a valid point, just as valid as me saying - if you're not happy with what you're getting, why continue? Obviously this is very annoying to you and other people, some of which have already quit but in general most people are content with how this service is provided to us. If they weren't then no one would play anymore!
You think another game is better, that's fine - go play it.
Drav said:My point is this, dont release an un-finished game and patch it/upgrade till it works, the point of patches/upgrades should be this, to enhance an already working game code, and give players more to play with.
products should be finished when they are distributed but this is hardly ever the case for any computer related software be it a game or standard application. Fully testing or prototyping a product costs a lot of money and many companies just skip that bit (remember one of the nasa probes just 'missing' mars? that was 'cos they hadn't tested the earth based navigation system and the probe's one. One used the metric system while the other was still imperial!!!). Hence the need for patches. Unfortunately for Nasa, by the time they noticed the problem the probe had already gone awol.
Drav said:If it means Mythic have to recode the entire game then fine, we pay for a working "finished" resulting game, and also pay for add ons that we presume should work fine on their own right out of the CD case.
It costs too much, in fact it would probably cost almost as much to recode the entire game than to just develop a new one learning from the mistakes of daoc (imperator). Mythic is a commerical company, it is there to make money period. You agree to this when you click accept on the EULA and Terms and Conditions boxes each time you log onto the game. It's their game, they do what they want with it. You have the choice to play it by their rules or quit. This also applies to GOA about how they run the servers etc.
Drav said:A good metaphor would be this, when you buy a loaf of bread, you dont expect the baker to give you flour, water, yeast and salt for your money and then tell ya he'll bake it later.... you expect a loaf of bread, edible and tasty straight off the shelf.
An analogy actually. A better one would be: you go into the bakery and buy your loaf of bread. It's small and scabby. The next day you go to the bakery next door and buy a nice warm fresh one (which you find is full of bugs haha