EVE Online: Dominion


Part of the furniture
Jan 18, 2005
For the newer people in this section, make sure you have a 2 day + skill training on the go for patch deployment day :). Just in case.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Oh, it looks rather good doesn't it :)

Oh, also, how do you put in two days worth of training? limited to 24 hours at the moment. Is it something I have to buy?


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Just train a skill that takes 2+days

Or queue up the skill queue fully with a little gap in the end and add 1day+ skill

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
A few guys at work are rather excited about this expansion. Me, I won't be returning to Eve. The trailer for Dominion is lovely though, very epic.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Servers go down tonight, set a looong skilltraining ;)


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Yeah I did :) not got any of the really long trainings options so stuck in a couple of 1.5 day ones in.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 9, 2004
roo come back to eve

I'm blowing up stuff in the north again *does a little happy dance* and being blown up in return *sadface*



Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Now the update can be downloaded from the auto patcher


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
and im flying a brand spanking new Navy Dominix :D :D


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Don't die horribly in it

Ive got another 2 sat in my hangar! Our corp had that many LPs that they bought us Dominix pilots 3 each.

That doesnt mean im going to be reckless though!


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Not sure what end ship to aim for, I have a training plan for all my weapons and extras (at my understanding of the game) Training for a Raven as a mission runner while I learn the game. I am looking for more solo play than mass battles, maybe try my hand at a bit of casual piracy.

Buggering about in a Rifter at the moment!


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 9, 2004
Yeah missioning in a raven is easy and quick. I assume you're aiming for shield skills, missile skills and engineering skills (to improve cap regen and capacity and therefore making your tank last longer)

bear in mind cruises suck vs frigates so make sure you;ve got good drone skills for tech 2 lights and mediums. T2 hobgobs and hammerheads munch through npc frigates and cruisers easily enough leaving you free to focus your missiles on battleships and battlecruisers,

With piracy bear in mind you will be cutting off access to your lvl 4 agents if you pirate too much in your home territory. I'd concisder faction war for your giggles or join a low sec pvp corp who have access to npc 0.0 space. Grind missions in npc 0.0 for money whilst happily being a 0-10 piwate!



FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
train for T2 cruisers if you want to solo, atleast that was the type of ship i did best in as they are agile and fast enough to make alot of ships tracking systems cry.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
My mate s just bought 10 hulks as he says their price will double in the comming weeks.

is he right or an idiot?


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 9, 2004
I'd imagine prices on hulks may or may not go up.

it depends on the amounts of ore required to make them.



FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Well thats his reasoning, says the amount of ore to make them is going to rocket up


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 9, 2004
Sov was protected until this week.

There's actually a whole lot of politics going on.

PL appear to be imploding (Although you can never tell with PL - they love trolling forums with fake drama bombs.)
A director has left taking 45 dreads with him and IT alliance are sieging as many of their systems as they can. It's PL, SOT and Goons vs IT and anyone else who wants to go and put the boot into PL. I think -a- are active in the area but are probably there for fights rather than sieging

At the same time RzR and WI are being hit by Atlas and losing horribly whilst Tri, ROL, WN, Evoke, CO2 and Phalanx are hitting Council space and reinforcing MH, MM poses regularly.

Essentially the coalition which "killed" bob is now under pressure from all sides and I suspect we're at the start of a fairly seismic conflict. The end result of this will leave massive gaps in space territory and I expect at least one alliance to fold as a result.

Now that you can't hide behind a titan and just DD people jumping into space you HAVE to fight for your territory. Dropping SBU's is a great way of forcing a foe to fight or risk losing their system.



FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Now that you can't hide behind a titan and just DD people jumping into space you HAVE to fight for your territory.


wonder how they are gonna deal with that :)

they have been so used to titans DD'ing to win they might have to learn to play again :)

/edit: how is BoB anyway? they still around?

was planning to resub this month but after getting the STO invite thats not gonna happen.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 9, 2004
wonder how they are gonna deal with that :)

they have been so used to titans DD'ing to win they might have to learn to play again :)

/edit: how is BoB anyway? they still around?

was planning to resub this month but after getting the STO invite thats not gonna happen.

BoB died pretty much with the disbanding of the alliance and the loss of sov of all their space. They fought an increasingly bitter and desperate campaign before just evaccing out and splitting up

After about a 2 month break the IT alliance was formed - dunno who by and slowly started to grow. NC, PL et al started to get worried about 2 months ago when they saw the "better" corps from GBC and the likes of RKK in IT and then Finfleet and Dice also joined.

At present the IT alliance has around 3000 members and has successfully taken PNQY in Fountain. They took this BEFORE dominion hit and as a result have been left just reinforcing poses / camping station systems until the Dominion Grace period expired.

This gave PL & SOT time to call in Goons and the three allainces together are managing to slow/ stop IT's progress in Fountain so far (it would appear).

PL and SOT have lost alot of moons though, IT have successfully taken quite a few Prom/Dysp (moongold) moons along with already having a large number of technetium moons (almost as good as moongold moons with new changes to t2 ship components).

The NC are currently fighting on three fronts. Tri and co have successfully sieged and taken the first station system under dominion from the Council. (A rzr alt pet alliance) although I believe CO2 failed and let MM kill their TCU so we're still trying to hold down their claim there.

Multiple Tri and NC moons have been reinforced and killed or saved - so much so that it's a bit of a mess atm. Lots of ships have been molested and this fight seems to be intensifying (MM have worken up and their getting more numbers now) whilst the TRI blob can match them and has often outnumbered them recently.

Atlas are hitting WI space in Vale (or are about to) I think. I'm not sure of the region but I know Rzr and WI are working on repelling that threat and so far have been owned by stupidly jumping into sniper hac gangs and lag.

I don't know what -A- and friends are doing but I hear rumours that the -A- Russian leadership are showing signs of life again so I expect -a- to be very quiet and then just appear right in some unlucky alliances rear mirror and proceed to violate them in new and unspeakable ways at some point after Christmas.

I would resub if I were you - just to see the pretty new planet graphics and stations. It's weird but things seem "bigger" somehow as though they've worked on scale and perspective. The new minmitar changes make 280, 720 and 1400 guns just shine. They're LOVELY now.



FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
bah, my minmatar alt is stuck in a WH system without probes :(

might start a trial account and see if its worth resubbing my main acc later.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Todays influence map doesn't show anything for the simple reason that API went down two days ago and isn't up again until monday.

Sov was protected until this week.
False. Sov was protected until the 8th december, when sov blockade units were seeded. The grace period was extended until tuesday this week. Which only meant JBs and cyno jammers were operational - regardless of strategic index.

There's actually a whole lot of politics going on.

PL appear to be imploding (Although you can never tell with PL - they love trolling forums with fake drama bombs.)
A director has left taking 45 dreads with him and IT alliance are sieging as many of their systems as they can. It's PL, SOT and Goons vs IT and anyone else who wants to go and put the boot into PL. I think -a- are active in the area but are probably there for fights rather than sieging

At the same time RzR and WI are being hit by Atlas and losing horribly whilst Tri, ROL, WN, Evoke, CO2 and Phalanx are hitting Council space and reinforcing MH, MM poses regularly.

Essentially the coalition which "killed" bob is now under pressure from all sides and I suspect we're at the start of a fairly seismic conflict. The end result of this will leave massive gaps in space territory and I expect at least one alliance to fold as a result.

Now that you can't hide behind a titan and just DD people jumping into space you HAVE to fight for your territory. Dropping SBU's is a great way of forcing a foe to fight or risk losing their system.


PL is imploding because you can't possibly run an alliance long term with that amount of bitter veterans, egos and drama queens.

End game will be IT and friends taking Fountain then staging towards Delve and Goonswarm.
Goonswarm not being like PL having only ~elite pvp~ members (such as lolPL), will last quite a long time or even hold indefinitely barring some internal failcascade.
It's going to be a long conflict in those parts I reckon.

Alliances down south are moving up north because technetium is basically the new promethium - a choke in t2 production. And is almost found exclusively in "northern" 0.0 and lowsec

I reckon this conflict will see some of the lesser NC alliances toppling over atleast. With the current lag and comitted forces in Geminate, WI will atleast fall. Possibly up Vale and to Tribute.
Plus it's kind of personal for ATLAS, since they have plenty of ex-R0ADKILL corps. That previously held most of the constellations in Geminate.

Not sure what -A- are up to these days either, they are on the move somewhere since GE- have been awfully quiet the last week. Nowdays it's basically U'K running the defence gangs in southern catch.


Planet graphics are very nice indeed, but at the cost of decreased fps on the client side. Quite notably when dual boxing atleast!

And the new 1400mm alpha is omg nice :). Shame that minmatar got a hit in the face on the capital side when Naglfar got even more skill intensive (when they added capital cruise missiles - requiring cruise missile 5) in addition to gimping the very decent bonuses that was before Dominion


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 9, 2004
And the new 1400mm alpha is omg nice :). Shame that minmatar got a hit in the face on the capital side when Naglfar got even more skill intensive (when they added capital cruise missiles - requiring cruise missile 5) in addition to gimping the very decent bonuses that was before Dominion

Latest Patch notes show some naglflar love with alot of the proposed nag bonuses being restored for 1.1 along with the return of supercarrier stuffs.

I suspect the devs got taken to one side and spoken too after they decided last minute to massively change direction and remove a whole load of good stuff with little ******d reasoning (I am sure they had good reasons, they weren't communicated well)

In more interesting news Devs and GM's have been present on grid during recent fights between NC and Triblob. Along with the massive IT/PLsotgoon attacks too.

At times server performance has notably improved during these fights so they've obviously been tinkering and observing.

All in all I'm very happy with the direction that eve seems to be heading in and I forsee alot of developments in the next 6 months on the political front in 0.0



Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Happy in which regard? EVE hasn't had larger coalitions and blobs until now. Lag might be improving, but until now it has apparentely been quite shit to play in geminate

New sov systems has sparked a little conflict, but IT would have invaded fountain regardless of expansion. And only reason NC is being attacked is because of the retard change that made technetium, high end moon gold

PS: I'm happy at naglfar bonuses atleast, but still so far capital projectile + citadel torp + citadel cruise skill requirements just for guns is fucking ridiculous! Bring back the 6.5% bonuses!


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 9, 2004
Happy in which regard? EVE hasn't had larger coalitions and blobs until now. Lag might be improving, but until now it has apparentely been quite shit to play in geminate

I left the game after the failing of Insurgency when two alliances were hit by a coalition of 10. On the first night of the attack 900 people were in the first assault. 600 hit one system which was defended by about 300. Predicatbly the lag monster hit and the system fell over. Eventually the numbers won it and we regularly had two 250 man fleets camping our space.

Previous to that when BOB were attacked there were over 1000 players trying to fight in one system.

I returned 6 months ago and Eve 0.0 was essentially two power blocks. "f"Atlas (-A-, U'K, ROL, Atlas, COW, Init, Stain Wagon IT etc etc)vs "NC" (Goons, RA, PL, Rzr, MM, & pets).

The Northern and Southern blobs were largely formed as a part of the BOB disbanding / assault and despite resets and fights between the various coalitions they are by and large STILL strategically in place.

I honestly fail to see how lag's and large blobs are a new thing. They're not new, never have been new and never will be new in any game on any medium.

There's always those who bring everything and the kitchen sink vs those who consider themselves "more skilled" and above that kind of thing.

New sov systems has sparked a little conflict, but IT would have invaded fountain regardless of expansion. And only reason NC is being attacked is because of the retard change that made technetium, high end moon gold

The current conflict has nothing to do with moons - they're a nice by-product of winning fights and they're a good way of forcing fights but they're largely irrelevent to the fighting in the north.

The reason the north is under attack is simple. Titan's can no longer effectively blockade a system with cyno jammers to make it untakeable. Perhaps defenders are at a disadvantage right now but that's a massive improvement on the DD fest before dominion. You should also bear in mind that the current protagonists in the North have fought with or been allied to NC in recent campagins. There is a lot of bad blood there that would have resulted in some form of friction whatever the weather, particularly as Tri had finished what they wanted to do down south

PS: I'm happy at naglfar bonuses atleast, but still so far capital projectile + citadel torp + citadel cruise skill requirements just for guns is fucking ridiculous! Bring back the 6.5% bonuses!

Kk finally. Why am I happy.

New Sov Changes - can a defender turn the fight into an endless procession of tower hitting, kiting and deployment ? No.

Can a defender effectively defend their space with a fraction of their forces whilst they all sit and mine, rat, pirate elsewhere? No.

Does it cost alot for the improvements that make it easy to avoid fights? (Jump Bridges, Cyno Gens, Cyno Jammers) Yes.

Have they tried to rebalance the historical reliance on Prom/Dysp moons which polarised so much of Eve in the first place? Yes. (granted if anything it's made Tech2 production even more of a cash cow than it was before)

Have they got it all right? No but there's clear signs that reducing/removing the lag in fights is their primary objective at the moment and that is encouraging.

I've also fought on reinforced nodes and can confirm if you know there's a big fight coming up (system defence of TCU for instance) and get the node reinforced then it's happy days.

I dunno Unc - you seem very down on eve atm. I take it the game is pissing you off atm? Obviously TRI are winning alot of fights atm which always makes you happy with a game but overall I see alot of action on the eve map again which is good


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