Europe going back into BST


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 18, 2005
Flimgoblin said:
when someone says CET during the summer months - they mean CEST.

There is almost no reason to refer to a (real) CET time during daylight saving hours therefore there is not going to be any confusion unless someone is intentionally being pedantic. If you say 8pm CET on Tuesday 28th March 2006, anyone on CET/CEST will interpret that as 8pm CEST without even thinking about it.

If you say 8pm GMT on Tuesday 28th March 2006 - it's unclear whether you really mean 8pm GMT, or if you just forgot that you're in BST.

Context is an important part of language and communication. In this context - CET obviously means CEST, noone in their right mind would set up a raid for 8pm CET and actually mean GMT+1 at this time of year. So if someone says CET you can safely assume they mean CEST.

GMT's meaning is unclear (due to the number of people posting GMT when they mean BST) because it has other uses - GMT is in use at this time of year for anything outside the UK/continental timezones therefore when you say 8pm GMT it is not safe to assume they meant 8pm BST.

In otherwords - if you post CET and mean CEST noone will give a monkeys (except maybe the odd pedant), if you post GMT and meant BST you will annoy people who turn up late.

people could use CET as uktime -- why not both are GMT+1?
i understand you completly
i have one question for you tho -- are you encouraging the use of CET in summer time, even though you, me and anyone else that reads this topic knows its wrong?

like i said, just to ensure NO confucion use egsactly what you meen
BST for 'ukers'
CEST for 'non-ukers'


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Dukat said:
also, is UKer pronounced "you-kay-err" or "ukk-err". because I dont want to be an "ukkerr" :(

And i don't want to be a "nukk-err". I knew i should have become an armsman. :(

RaZieL SoulReaver

Fledgling Freddie
Jul 14, 2004
click on your windows clock if you live in the UK and go to time zone you will see it says GMT not GMT+ 1 and yet my internet clock is still correct with british summer time so in theory no matter what time of year it is in the uk it is still GMT and other europe countries are +1 or +2 or where ever they are everyone knows how many hours infront or behind they are carnt get much simpler than that
in short if you havent turned your clocks forward then you want hitting with a big stick :twak:

Luv ya all you DAOC nQQbs :eek2:



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 29, 2003
When do a person learn to tell time again? Around 4 years? Bit odd that some people cant at this age oO

Read, ask questions, if you think you understand the time but miss raid cus you didnt, just means your a twat, nothing else really.


Resident Freddy
Jan 10, 2004
Jarahl said:
if you think you understand the time but miss raid cus you didnt, just means your a twat, nothing else really.

Yea... because the idea that someone could make an honest mistake is just totally unbelievable

For some people this game may not be the most important thing going on in thier life (strange I know, but there are some real weirdos out there!). So perhaps - just perhaps - they might not think twice when they see a time in GMT, they might not notice the fact that we're now in BST.

I've done it before, when I see GMT I assume it means the time on my system clock, it can sometimes take a second to realise its not. So its entirely possible that someone in a CET timezone could think that GMT is 1 hour ahead (or whatever) of thier time, not realising that they are in CEST and so GMT is 2 hours ahead (or whatever)

There are a lot of other reasons as to why people might get mixed up with the time for a raid, being a twat isnt the only possible reason for it.

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