Legean said:As far as the other reasons for having daylight savings go i guess they are why we keep it but as i know it DST was made to aid farmers, as back in the day everyone was one, to increase the number of daylight hours they had to work in as if it was too dark they couldn't do anything. So yeh basically what everyone else said.
PS. i get confused already with times so do as i do and just ask everyone else
Brohanith said:So it still all comes down to people that forget to set the clock an hour forward. I still think it's useless asking raid leaders to post the right time.
Mithra Raid
This weeks time 7pm GMT, 8pm CET
Next weeks time 8pm GMT, 9pm CET
If he made a reminder post to set the clock forward, or meant to, I retract my remark and give him a nice rep point. But adressing raid leaders.. zzz
Rickie said:I realy dont need a link to know what the clock is.... not even during the summer.
Thanks tho.
tomkins@gentoo ~ $ TZ="Europe/Copenhagen" date
Sat Mar 25 02:31:15 CET 2006
tomkins@gentoo ~ $ TZ="Europe/Copenhagen" date -d "2 days"
Mon Mar 27 02:31:15 CEST 2006
Golena said:Congratulations on being todays idiot!
GReaper said:Perhaps you do.
Code:tomkins@gentoo ~ $ TZ="Europe/Copenhagen" date Sat Mar 25 02:31:15 CET 2006 tomkins@gentoo ~ $ TZ="Europe/Copenhagen" date -d "2 days" Mon Mar 27 02:31:15 CEST 2006
CEST during summer, not CET.
hathor said:weehhee broha got the COOL title, can i get it for tomorrow?
serious, we are not english we are dutch we dont know how all the weird things work in england..... act like a grown up imo, and stop using your nickname to be the macho man, ok? if you wanna teach something to a person do it in a nother way, but your ways is not the way ok? calling people idiots is not nice @ all
regards barrin
Tosen said:Central European Time, is the time in central europe - how on earth can that change? CET is in the summer GMT + 2, and during winter time, GMT+1
I have honestly never seen CEST or CEWT (cute?) been used, or anything like it.
Only in england they would make such a fuss about it.
Us, "the others", we just take it as a normal thing: "Wow it's summertime, I'll set my clocks 1 hour forward"
Englishmen: "Aw ma gawd! It's not GMT?! BST?! what tha 'ell! Blimey! What's with that? Where am I"
Like a person said earlier - it's summer time... go set your clocks... big deal ;X
To the Islam fellas out there it's difficult, they have to set their clocks 365 years ahead or so ;X
Brohanith said:confusion about what? Can't imagine people having trouble setting the clock an hour forward. And it has nothing to do with raids as everyone gets +1... ie. the times will still be the same for every1 next week. You only have an hour less sleep
Can you sign my boob?:worthy:Ging said:tis easy to sort....
..... invite only people from your country (btw i dont give a shit if your country spans two timezones, move to a country that doesnt and stop bitching). Lets get the walls up between sexy England and the rest of the scabs in Europe who are all commies irl and stink of a warlocks g-string after a weekend bridge camping session.
Alternatively just say for eg. "meeting aerus 5pm english time."
All peewee countries know how far ahead or behind english time they are.
Tosen said:Only in england they would make such a fuss about it.
Us, "the others", we just take it as a normal thing: "Wow it's summertime, I'll set my clocks 1 hour forward"
Englishmen: "Aw ma gawd! It's not GMT?! BST?! what tha 'ell! Blimey! What's with that? Where am I"
Esselinithia said:Tosen: It isn't this easy, and let me tell you why.
This is why in summer there is a difference between English time and GMT. But does it affect the english people only? No, since the difference between english and central european time is constant, the difference between GMT and CET isn't.
At winter: 8PM GMT = 8PM English Time = 9PM CET
At Summer: 8PM GMT = 9PM English time (BST) = 10 PM CET
8PM English time (BST) = 7PM GMT = 9 PM CET
So a raid at 8PM GMT and a raid at 8PM english time doesn't start the same time in the summer. Not even for us Europeans![]()
Flimgoblin said:So, for everyone's sanity - list it as "UK time" or BST not "GMT".
Marty said:Its the time of the year for this old argument again I guess, I think at the end of the day if anyone posting a raid time can post their start time as either UK time or CET then noone should miss out due to confusion.
psyco said:CET is the same as what uk tme is currently, both GMT+1
Flimgoblin said:That's its definition, however almost everyone will read CET to mean GMT+2 at the moment.
Difference with calling BST GMT (which would be fine if it was all UK time people here, or even just all UK/CET because then everyone would know what you meant) is that someone on GMT+5 will be going "hrm so that's 7pm GMT, so midnight here, right - excellent!" and turn up an hour late, missing the raid.
They're not anywhere near as likely to go "hrm CET, I'm CET+4!".
CET is not used as a reference, GMT is.
Therefore calling CEST CET is not a problem, calling BST GMT is.
Esselinithia said:Rickie: Read before post a reply.
1st: I am NOT UKer
Esselinithia said:2nd: Never said anything about CEST
Esselinithia said:3rd: From GMT to CET the difference is 2 hours now not 1, so you don't know the difference
Rickie said:At Summer: 8PM GMT = 9PM English time (BST) = 21.00 CET/wintertime = 22.00 CET/summertime
Esselinithia said:Why? Because GMT can't be affected by summer time since on the southern continent it is winter now, and it is the reference for all other time zones.
So summer time means 1 extra hour difference from GMT. The difference between CET and GMT can be either 1 hour (winter) or 2 hour (not still 1, but 2 on summer).
Rickie said:At Summer: 8PM GMT = 9PM English time (BST) = 21.00 CET/wintertime = 22.00 CET/summertime
Esselinithia said:When you managed to understand, you will know why it is important.
I laughed so rep to you!Dukat said:Can I just say that this post made my day... a heated debate about what time it will be next week, and what that time should be called, wasnt exactly what I expected when I clicked the 'FH' link on my favorites today
also, is UKer pronounced "you-kay-err" or "ukk-err". because I dont want to be an "ukkerr"![]()