Encounter theft - Red Guard,


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
Kattenfindus said:
cracked, u would win for sure, since i've been playing DAoC for a week :p

just stfu u f00king noob! Dont come and make up lies

Urme the Legend

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Kattenfindus said:
I would have to trust cedea and bubble on this one, Herjulf is a known liar and mobstealer. If i where u i would counter-appeal....

This is such a lie!
Don't talk bullshit about people you don't know.

I'm on Herjulfs side in this case.. believe him more then anyone else.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 27, 2003
Chimaira said:
The cheese on mid excal lives again.

May the mums be with the juveniles :m00:

Thats why i dont spend much time in ToA ( Trials of assholes? )


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 20, 2004
This is such a lie! Don't talk bullshit about people you don't know.

I'm on Herjulfs side in this case.. believe him more then anyone else.

yeah and youre talking against yourself here, as it have been proven he is lying about several things. ofc he is youre friend and you thrust them more. but its been proven again and again that alot of those are false and totally big fat lies, ask augmeth or whats the name and the other one in the dark disciples if i really was harrassing them and you might wanna think twice about taking side. just hope he didnt make stuff like that up when reporting to goa :puke:

but im still saying lets be friends, its just a artifact after all, just have to camp youre island yourself in 8 hours and its yours.
if you dont have anyone trying to steal it.... :m00:


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 20, 2004
tell that to the one who went and whined to goa....
and even dragged it to FHs
its pretty clear if someone is dragging your name in the dirty, and in this case with lies you get upset and start defending yourself


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 7, 2004
Fom-FTW said:
tell that to the one who went and whined to goa....
and even dragged it to FHs
its pretty clear if someone is dragging your name in the dirty, and in this case with lies you get upset and start defending yourself

would you report if you did break the CoC?
this is just such zzzzz

Herjulf hope you get them temp ban for 3days :D


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 8, 2004
kiss and make up people.....=)

reporting each other for nonsense ? *giggle*

well i haven't spoken to many of u more then once or not at all so i can't say who's side i am on.... =(

but that ain't the issue here, the issue here is u can't be nice to each other and work together as u do in RvR , cause i belive it's in RvR u have to work together but nooooooo not in PvE .....that's same mentality as people who don't ress people but just walk over them.

¨so i think herjulf should take back he's report and talk to freia and arrange a new hunt together so that all can get the artie they so have to have, tis is the best solution. ( and maybe JUST MAYBE u can talk to each other friendly and found out that u maybe can be friend's one day )

but Herjulf i feel u have an appology to Red Guard....u CAN'T attacka a WHOLE guild for one misshap of some members.

that's just plain wrong....

well i have said my thought's about the subject and i hope some of this reaces to you.

*blows kisses to all so the pain will vanish*



Fledgling Freddie
Apr 20, 2004
agreed im all in for saying im sorry and forget it, but takes two to tango right?


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 8, 2004
kiss and make up people.....=)

reporting each other for nonsense ? *giggle*

well i haven't spoken to many of u more then once or not at all so i can't say who's side i am on.... =(

but that ain't the issue here, the issue here is u can't be nice to each other and work together as u do in RvR , cause i belive it's in RvR u have to work together but nooooooo not in PvE .....that's same mentality as people who don't ress people but just walk over them.

¨so i think herjulf should take back he's report and talk to freia and arrange a new hunt together so that all can get the artie they so have to have, tis is the best solution. ( and maybe JUST MAYBE u can talk to each other friendly and found out that u maybe can be friend's one day )

but Herjulf i feel u have an appology to Red Guard....u CAN'T attacka a WHOLE guild for one misshap of some members.

that's just plain wrong....

well i have said my thought's about the subject and i hope some of this reaces to you.

*blows kisses to all so the pain will vanish*



Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
TOA really brings out the worst in most people (although brings out the best in others, had some great ML groups and even some good gorups helping others get artifacts)

Belt of the sun/moon is especially bad for this as it is so easy to steal the final kill and get the artifact.

Some people also do things like claim they are camping all three islands with a single character or group and not actually have someone on all islands. Before I've been there where groups have wiped and then come back from releasing and claim they are camping the islands. I've seen people pull the fireball things and then hold them engaged waiting for all the other people to kill the others then finish their own off. I've even been there whilst we held one to make sure we got the encounter and the other group that ran onto the island and started pulling after we had was holding another. After 30 minutes we just gave up as it was a pathetic waste of time.

People really do need to learn some basic manners and respect in these situations. Although I doubt whether some people will as they are just playing the game in a totally selfish and greedy manner.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 20, 2004
Some people also do things like claim they are camping all three islands with a single character or group and not actually have someone on all islands. Before I've been there where groups have wiped and then come back from releasing and claim they are camping the islands. I've seen people pull the fireball things and then hold them engaged waiting for all the other people to kill the others then finish their own off. I've even been there whilst we held one to make sure we got the encounter and the other group that ran onto the island and started pulling after we had was holding another. After 30 minutes we just gave up as it was a pathetic waste of time.

yeah i have seen this aswell, and its one of the reason why i wasnt thinking twice about doing this kill steal.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 31, 2003
Thaadi and Friea are both my irl friends and i know that their friend Bubbletroubble had camped it for many hours.. But you really wanted the belt so you come up with your own story and bring it to Freddyshouse to try and get justice ( lol? ) just to bust my friends, not fair imo...


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 10, 2004
old.anubis said:
in toa you either be fast or be without arts
and NO qqing will help you
that's the thing i learnt from day one :p

sad but true...


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Jesus H. Fucking Christ.

Threads like these are about the most depressing thing in the game.

Just look at what people are doing here...take a step back from your PC, get a reality check, and look at what's really happening here.

DAOC is infested with selfish little l337-kiddies who are all ME ME ME ME ME and don't give a flying fuck about anyone else, other gamers or even basic politeness and friendliness. I myself have been the victim (in guild groups) of arti-stealing by people, who just abuse you via PM afterwards when you point out that their behaviour is 100% out of order. I have seen people cheat in-game because they're too selfish to think of anyone else but themselves. I've watched a once-friendly and inclusive game get more and more selfish, self-absorbed and unfriendly.

TOA has brought this out in people, but it's not TOA's fault, it's the fault of the greed, rudeness and selfishness of the players involved. The trend was already there way before TOA came out. Blaming the behaviour of players on TOA is like blaming a house for someone committing a burglary.

The incident this thread is about...? I wasn't there so I'm not not even going to TRY to get involved in the whole fucked-up...
"he said"
"she said"
"well my mate who was in another zone at the time said"
"you're a liar"
"no YOU'RE a liar"
"well my mate who doesn't know you says YOU'RE a liar"
"no he didn't"
"yes he did"
"my mate who was in another zone at the time says he didn't"
...mess, but think about this, all of you: what the hell does it say about the state of this game, and particularly the state of mind of some players of this game, that a thread like this even exists? Someone obviously nicked someone else's encounter, I don't really care which of you it was but the one who actually did it knows who they are and they should be fucking ashamed of themselves. I don't care who stole what from whom, but the mere fact that it happened at all shows that something is seriously wrong.

This is a GAME, not some test of real-life hardness, not some evolutionary contest for survival, not some life-or-death struggle for your immediate family. It's a game. Something that, in theory, is played for fun. Treat other people like shit in a game, you're even smaller and less of a person than if you do it in real life, because there is simply no need at all for it. It's just pixels on a screen and yet here people are, bickering like junkies squabbling over the last bit of heroin.

What is wrong with you?

At which point, precisely, did you forget that this is a fucking GAME?


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 20, 2004
"my mate who was in another zone at the time says he didn't" ...mess, but think about this, all of you: what the hell does it say about the state of this game, and particularly the state of mind of some players of this game, that a thread like this even exists? Someone obviously nicked someone else's encounter, I don't really care which of you it was but the one who actually did it knows who they are and they should be fucking ashamed of themselves. I don't care who stole what from whom, but the mere fact that it happened at all shows that something is seriously wrong. This is a GAME, not some test of real-life hardness, not some evolutionary contest for survival, not some life-or-death struggle for your immediate family. It's a game. Something that, in theory, is played for fun. Treat other people like shit in a game, you're even smaller and less of a person than if you do it in real life, because there is simply no need at all for it. It's just pixels on a screen and yet here people are, bickering like junkies squabbling over the last bit of heroin.

i cant agree more, knowing i am just as quilty as them i have and is saying it again, lets forget about it and leave it. we are after all playing in the same realm. im on with friea and is ready to say sry if someone wanna meet me half way.


Dec 24, 2003
Akyma said:
RG is a thief guild, all know it :puke:

No, i dont know about that.

I know several RG people i think is REAL cool people, some of which i played with from launch.
Some i dont think much of at all, but all guilds share that. There are elements in every guild, with a streak of sewer sludge.

This guys Friea i dont think much of he is one of those individuals, kattenfindus dunno who he is really, but i would guess one of the swedes at the scene. having played a week perhaps he is bubbeltrouble.


Can't get enough of FH
Apr 8, 2004

let it go !

freia is saying he's sorry the last 3(4?) posts............


and herjulf apologize for getting whole of RG involved !

/Fast - FoM member


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
Hehe I used to hate RG in the old Wrathfor-agro-dude days,
Thease days they'r mostly deasent and friendly folks, and it all sounds to me like a Misunderstanding tbh..wich can easly happen with BoS & BoM..


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 20, 2004
This guys Friea i dont think much of he is one of those individuals, kattenfindus dunno who he is really, but i would guess one of the swedes at the scene. having played a week perhaps he is bubbeltrouble.

and what do you think people think about you then. going to FH, and as the thread is named, youre hanging out the guild Red Guard. because we had a argue which you seems to wanna keep up and i dont. kattenfindus are not in red guard and bubbletrouble which aint the same person aint in red guard either?. and you still claim it was a red guard matter.. :eek7:

And how noble are you? taking a little dispute over a belt that you havnt camped yourself, that you didnt get to FHs and reporting to goa.

and if people are interested, they could quite easy ask the people in vintergatan or fenris wolfgard how true you are with all the talk here on FH
and have it prove that you are lying. but hey i give up. wanna keep up fighting sure but do it with someone else and leave my guild out of it. aint getting much of this anyway, like trying to talk sense into a cs player. or make people stop using lunarstorm. it doesnt work, just let them play and hope they grow out of it(god knows they dont allways do).

so over and out from friea, who was/is trying to make the realm or midgard being a little more fair and little more fun. :rolleyes:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Svartmetall said:
Jesus H. Fucking Christ.

Threads like these are about the most depressing thing in the game.


What is wrong with you?

At which point, precisely, did you forget that this is a fucking GAME?



Fledgling Freddie
Mar 29, 2004
Tbh the problem is people want all their artifacts at once, which is not possible for all the active lvl 50 players at the same time.

Slow down a bit, or if you want to steamroll every artifact into your backpack, don't be surprised that you're not alone... I already got 2 of my artifacts I need in my template out of the 5 I'll use and never had a problem with other people.

Patience, and save yourself+the others from these stupid threads, to see some mentally hurt by not receiving silly ingame items, seems to me like ignorant children arguing on toys :). Sorry, but daoc is a game, and will remain that way no matter how serious you take it :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Svartmetall said:
This is a GAME, not some test of real-life hardness, not some evolutionary contest for survival, not some life-or-death struggle for your immediate family. It's a game. Something that, in theory, is played for fun. Treat other people like shit in a game, you're even smaller and less of a person than if you do it in real life, because there is simply no need at all for it. It's just pixels on a screen and yet here people are, bickering like junkies squabbling over the last bit of heroin.

What is wrong with you?

At which point, precisely, did you forget that this is a fucking GAME?

:worthy: :worthy: :worthy: :worthy:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 17, 2004
Svartmetall said:
This is a GAME, not some test of real-life hardness, not some evolutionary contest for survival, not some life-or-death struggle for your immediate family. It's a game. Something that, in theory, is played for fun. Treat other people like shit in a game, you're even smaller and less of a person than if you do it in real life, because there is simply no need at all for it. It's just pixels on a screen and yet here people are, bickering like junkies squabbling over the last bit of heroin.

What is wrong with you?

At which point, precisely, did you forget that this is a fucking GAME?

Amen to that :worthy:

/em >Makarilli< go and hide behind the screen so he can act as he wishes while NO ONE can give him a good punch in the belly for rude, obnoxious, immature, stupid, selfish behavior


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
stubbyrulz said:
toa brings the worst out in people :(

Aye, TOA has really screwed up Dark Age of Camelot, just sad they have to ruin a good game with such a crap expansion, that is more than apealing to draw out the worst in people.
Imo: make a server without the TOA expansion, and allow us to copy our chr's there, as TOA has become 100% PVP.


Dec 24, 2003
I still havent gotten the stolen artifact back.

Then why kiss and make up?

Friea has also spent the day spamming m8s with PMs trying to get sympathy.

Imo Friea and his friends are as low as can come. i am awaiting GOA´s response still.

And to svartmetall about this being a game, shure it is.
But it is also a timesink, their "prank" cost me poss weeks of limited time of farming to get rdy to head out into rvr.

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