Empire: Total War


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
Almost certain you can, I'm sure I've read in the Bug forums people complaining that their game was CTD'ing in the late 1800s.

Wish I could just get even close to the 1800s - constant CTD now, I'm like going 5 turns forward and then having to go 10 turns back to try and do things differently to avoid events that could lead up to a CTD.

Feels like I'm Bill Murray in Groundhog Day, and each time I reload the game the clock ticks over to 0700 and 'I got you Babe' is playing in my ears.

what country you playing as ?

ive played through to 1780 as UK, no probs at all
played 20 years as prussia, whitescreen
and no crashed on a new UK campaign i started -after- the patch Oo


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Yeah playing as Britain atm, up to around 1770-ish. Just taken out the Moroccans, end of the turn, CTD. Had about 30 or so white screens at various points, be it moving a Gentleman into a Uni / school or finishing a battle and going back to the campaign map. The most have come from the end of the AI turns.

Really don't know what's up, I've made sure every single one of the drivers is up to date, from the gfx to the joystick. Not made a jot of difference. I've sent my save game file to Creative Assembly, so hopefully the patch they're meant to be releasing at the start of next week will have some fixes, 'cos its getting a bit annoying :(


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
in case its a contributing factor, im using:

nvidia drivers


Resident Freddy
Mar 29, 2004
The only thing I hope is that you can skip past the last turn and keep playing like in previous Total War Games, I usually finish a Total war game when I have conquered every province, no matter how long it takes.

I played a 50 year(misclicked) campaign as the dutch and after the 50 years had passed I got a "defeated" popup saying I failed the campaign goals, but could continue to play, which was quite nice as my invasion of Spain was just about to be done :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
hmm can't find that driver anywhere Mabs - 177.83 aye? Was it a beta driver?


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
You can continue past 1800, I basically got there as GB with America and most of Europe under my control so after 1800 I then destroyed India etc. I do get constant CTDs so I've learnt to press Ctrl-S a lot so I don't loose any thing.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I've had the same problem with a campaign as the British, got to 1745, every time i click end turn it crashes to desktop from one of the naitve american factions.

theres a 19 page long thread of people with the same issue on the total war forums. All basically the same, colonies in the new world, and its crashing while doing one of the native americans turns.

looks like some kind of in game bug.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Bugger - wish I could try those 185.26 drivers, seem to be only for Vista 64 :(

Should be another patch this week tho, so fingers crossed...


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
Does anyone know what the Agents are for? I have been getting along fine and as I have started to progress in the US, India and Europe as the English they seem to be popping up everywhere and I just ignore them as I don't know what they are for or how to use them.

France no longer exists that was a great feeling, the other odd thing is that the US has started up and entered into an alliance with me even though they are hostile towards me and I defended them from a new france invasion then all of a suddun they declared war on me, I am guna miss them I tried everything to make peace with them but they ignored me.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Priests for converting provinces to your religion (makes folk happier)
Rakes for assassinating, infiltrating and sabotaging
Gentlemen for assisting with research (put them in a school town) or stealing enemy technology (put them in an enemy school town) or dueling other gentlemen.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Not had any crashes, using Vista 64 with the Steam version of the game, discovered a bug where I couldn't move the map, I had to click on the mini map to see different areas, sorted with a reload though.

Only managed to play a little really, Playing as England, France are really getting on my nerves, every single turn they try and cut a deal where they take Florida from me, I refuse every time. I plan on using it as my stepping stone to taking America eventually so its far to important to me. Sweden declared war on me for no real reason which was a minor irritation as I was bulking up my American/Canadian forces so I now have Sweden and Finland too. Not overly sure what to do with them really.

I still can't get my head around naval battles, I lose no matter what I try so have started just auto resolving them. The AI is a bit iffy too sometimes, its very easy to get the enemy to funnel into a cross fire and they just love charge of the light brigade style attempts at destroying cannon.

From the short time I managed to play it its good but not a huge improvement on previous Total War games, though I suppose its hard to improve on near perfection :)

WTB a few days off work to have a proper go!


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
I have had to read up on how Nelson and other 18th/19th Century Admirals would fight at sea. I tend to fight with 3 lines of ships attacking the front mid and rear of there lines at once, with the middle line using a mixture on Grape n Cannon shot to damage sails and crew whilst to the front and rear lines take on the rear and front of the enemy ships which does huge amounts of damage as theres almost no armor on those sections. Can't wait to get proper naval ships of the line vessels, will make things easier.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Game has been fairly stable for me, however now I've gotten quite far into the game it's just gone to crap.

It's around 1745 and I control most of europe as Prussia. Clicking an army in france/spain or a navy off the coast and it hangs for ages trying to draw the movement area. A few turns of this and I invariably get a memory error and crash :(

At one point clicking on paris caused it to hang for 1:30 and changing tabs repeated this. Took me over 5 mins to move the army out of the city :(


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I'm pretty much fucked - can't continue with my Turn 176 save game, and now my 165 save is crashing at the end of the AI turn. No ETA on any patch that might solve the issue either (was meant to be last week, but they posted on Friday saying they'd have an update to the ETA next week - yeah, right).

Ho hum.


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
a possible work around:

if while processing the turns it constantly crashes on, say, Russia...
reload the save, go to war with Russia, end turn

-might- get round it


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Yeah, it's crashing at the end of the Pirate turn :(

I'll have a mess around, see if I can 'jig' it into doing something. Thinking about throwing in the towel for the mo with it tho.


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
Just had mine go on me last night, was playing through the game no probs around 1725 and my forces and taken Madrid and moving south and then thinking thats all I cud do for my turn I ended it and it auto-moved some of my fleets and gentlemen then nothing, didn't move onto any other faction's turn. I hope that patch comes out soon, I don't want to have to repeat my actions or do something different to avoid this.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
There's meant to be a hot fix out 'soon' which should fix the following;

- Load time detection on trade routes to fix pathfinding crash in campaign (this fixes a crash to desktop)

- Some General Sound balancing improvements (this fixes some unit sound problems)

- Fixed UI Chat hang when spectator leaves unranked match with 3+ players (this fixes a multiplayer problem)

- Addressed several code issues causing crash to desktop

- Fixed several save or load issues

- Corrected campaign map agents behaviour (this fixes a crash to desktop)

- Fix to animation glitch causing repetitive sounds when battle is launched.

Source : Next update details... - News and Announcements - Empire: Total War - News and Discussions - Total War - Message Board - Yuku

I hope to god it fixes my CTDs and is out fairly sharpish.


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
patch was out today, some people spitting teeth

see how it does :/


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Didn't work for me. Still crashing on the same turns / crashing on turns it didn't crash on before.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Tbh, i've not invaded anywhere, besides the huron place, and im monly like 30 turns into the game, making around 15k monies a round, with a big navy, but no army.. yet.. I've learnt that you can pay your enemies off to be friendly enough with you, then you form an alliance with you, and then for example, if your at war with france, make them friendly with you, make them allianced, then you invade spain, france should usually side up with you.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
does having allies actually do anything in this game? i found it pretty useless in any of the other total war games. they might like me more if i go to war with one of their enemies but they sure as hell were never helping me.

neither by "free will" or if i asked then to attack a city they would have no problem taking. or a city they would be doomed attacking.

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