


you reckon u wouldnt/dont spy ele ? im positive if u saw all the mids running to there emain portal saying they gonna take your relics that you would switch accounts back to your hib char and warn your realm . wether u look for info on purpose or come across it by accident whilst exp'ing in midgard u would tell hib frfiends which means u would be a spy . :)

and if u say u wouldnt saya word and do nothin and let your realms relics get taken then u full of crap . as for saying itaint in goa coc we all know goa suck and are slow as hell . and im sure they will update there coc soon . you just trying to justify breaking mythics rules :p

this aint a flame btw just stating the obvious


What makes you think the Mids would even come for out relics when they got a realm they hate so much more?


Mids can't even go for Hib relics though? (they would have to have their owns first right?) So Hibs only have to fear Albs for taking their relics... Don't see this happening quickly I think because Midgard can also do a lot of damage to our forces in Emain.. And then there is still the possibility of a counter attack.. So we Albs are pretty fine with the situation right now and are lvling more people to the magic 50 :)


It is possible! But we have to wait until the german and french translations are done before WE can get patched -

i think you missed my meaning :)

what i meant was install the english update on all servers, including german and french, and then reinstall the update on the french and german servers when the translations are done, that way everyone gets the patch at least in some form, even if they have to wait to get everythign in the right language. however my only thought was that this may not work due to some parts in the french\german translations that may end up with inconsistencies, ie a quest fix might go wrong if the original quest has been translated, but the fix hasnt.

hopefully that makes more sense and\or is more understandable than the first :)


Originally posted by tilde

Do a poll and ask ppl if they could go for instant patch, but with the loss of no-translation - France and Germany arent overall good at english


What a prejudice, all germans have to learn English from 5th class onwards, till they finish school, most just can't be arsed to speak it :p There are more germans on Exca than you think *g*

P.S: Edited due to many spelling grammar mistakes ;)


I'm from Paris, and I play on Excalibur. In our guild we also have three or four germans as well as a couple of swedes and now one spaniard.

A lot of people, even french and germans, enjoy playing the english servers because we meet such a wide range of nationalities playing. I have a lot more fun on Excalibur than I did on Ys. Occasionally there's someone like Tilde who'll go on about frogs and krauts, but they're in the minority. I get the impression that some of them are the same people who are always complaining about GOA. Not because of the "poor" service, just because they don't like a French company having the rights to run the english game.


Oh, and once in guild chat someone suggested that GOA should mount a server where only English people can play Albion, only Germans can play Midgard, and only French can play Hibernia. Then we just add a "headbutt" combat style to all classes and watch for the most bloody RvR of any Euro server! :D


OMG, great idea. That server would indeed be great. The RvR would be totally merciless :)

GOA plz put up a server like that, I'd seriously consider moving to Germany if this dream came true :)


only Germans can play Midgard

Ok, I can see why the french can only play hib (ghey)
And I can see why the brits can only play alb (DOH!)
But WTF! germans? midgard? german wasnt even an issue when the Norse Vikings ruled! (not that france or brittain was)
Make an own realm for ze germans.(not gonna come with lousy suggestions)


Originally posted by chesnor
Well, this sort of behaviour disturbs me big time. Regardless of what you are or aren't going to do in either realm, there is an obvious and clear conflict of interest. You should delete your chars from 1 realm imho.

ah so u want him to delete his friends chars?
I can think of atleast 10 ppl who've borrowed a friends char to try rvr/exp another realm on the same server, so these ppl should also just go and delete their friends char? nice point, lol!


ive got an idea, lets patch ALL GOA's server with Mythics US patch - and create a build-in englishtrainer in the game so germans and frenches can learn some english :p

I realy think you are a fool :upyours: Tilde :puke:

Flix Ranger

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