Eclipse - polluted?



only difference between west and east coast servers is time zone...

6 hours in front of east coast, and 12 hours in front of the west coast I think, may be 9


To be honest, I quite like the cosy commeraderie nature of a new server. Had someone give me a load of weapon powerups yesterday for nothing. His motivation? He gets XP when I use them, thus taking him further along the weaponsmith path. Who knows perhaps I'll end up buying a pistol off him later on that I'd indirectly contibuted to him being able to build.

And I'm sure the issue of ping differences between East and West coast servers is outweighed when you consider how busy Eclipse is compared to the newer ones.

I was getting a constant ping of 180 last night, which I was more than happy with.

(edit: Found out that Intrepid is actually apparently centrally located in the US, hence on CST)

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