Easiest and most difficult class to play



Originally posted by hiban


Ugliest race: Avalonians... man they are... yuck!

:( noooo :( - I am cute, honestly!!! :p

Anyway, back to subject - and talking strictly pve here (in rvr I would argue the class composition makes the difference):

Easiest: pbt chars (theurgs, wardens only ones I tried myself), true (easy to lvl, easy to play), but very dull if you don't get anything else to do but run pbt and buff ... :( - so I am always glad if I can root/nuke a bit as well ;)

Hardest: I agree with those saying minstrels, I tried it and wasn't for me - too much messing about with instruments, pet control, twisting ... find it easier to play a healer then a minstrel, tbh (since then kept away from similar classes in other realms ... ;) )


Hard: I tried playing a sorc on Alb but i gave up. My damage output was bad and i kept getting aggro from enchanted pets all the time so either i did something very wrong or this class is hard to understand. In Hibbie i would say druid is hard to play well especially in RvR. The number of times i meet a druid that actually heals is low.

Easy: In albion i have no idea whats an easy class and in hib i think true tanks are not hard and a manachanter too. The hard part for the last class is not playing but staying alive in RvR.


It depends on the situation.

Solo a Warden is just about the easiest you can get (bit like shield tanks). Stick on a orange mob, hit f6 and come back 4 minutes later having lost 1/4 health (if that) and with a dead mob.

In a group he gets harder though as you'll have to tank, and then retreat into emergency healer if needed. Still I agree other classes are a lot harder.

Aside from the usual ones mentioned (CC classes, main healers), some of the hybrid tanks seem fairly concentraion demanding as well. Flex Reavers (my lvl20 one has 2.5 qbs already that i keep using) have almost all their decent styles coming off reactives or positionals, and as far as I know savages do too.


Easiest = dumb loot greedy buffz pleaz moron

Hardest = Well played hard working friendly clever quick witted ..

sorry my bad...getting lists mixed up.Thats the Easiest and Hardest chars to Find list.

Tho its almost same list i guess..

Easisest to Play = Lazy/bad player

Hardest to Play = Attentive/good player



In RVR my chart would look something like this:

Main CC (Healers, Sorc, Bard) > Casters > Healers > Tanks

From hard to easy. Tanks are the most forgiving class when it comes to mistakes/reflexes/positioning/awareness. Mastering a tank is a lot easier than mastering a mana eld.



Manachanter, no targetting, very few spell options.

Bard, leading groups, twisting songs, healing, mezzing.

Roo Stercogburn

I guess everyone forgets that dark spec SMs are mezzers too :/

Of course I forgot myself, SMs are only good for spamming pbae these days :rolleyes:


WTF is this?

People think playing an Enchanter is easy? Especially a manachanter?

Playing a manachanter is easy, playing it well is VERY hard, especially now.

Most targetted class in Hib: Bard

Second most targetted class in Hib: the thing in the robes with an Underhill trailing behind them.

Chanters using pbaoe in open RvR are just complete idiots.

Yes, sometimes they can pull it off and they get some nice killspam, but most of the time a Scout or Hunter has you targetted before you even get anywhere near an enemy to use pbaoe.

The trick to playing a manachanter in open RvR isn't to spam pbaoe, it's knowing which targets to pick for heat debuff and DD, and knowing which targets to kill in support. It's knowing which target you need to interupt the most and putting your caster pet (on STAY) on that target, be it a Wizzie, a Runie, or the Archer pinging your group from behind while your tanks are completely unaware of him.

It's the ability to know when to stun a tank so to prevent IP being used so you can kill him before he gets to you and tears you apart.

And it's the ability to realise you are a support caster, not the damage dealer. Manachanters were given the Heat and Cold debuffs for a reason.

Sheesh! I wish people would actually look at and play a class to an extent before they go claiming they are easy to play.

Bards are piss hard to play properly, as I found out when I first brought mine into RvR.

Same again, knowing which target to pick out of the mass to centre the mezz on, when to lulla a caster or archer to interupt them long enough to land a mezz, when to swtich songs if you don't have a mentalist in the group, and when to sprint to the front of your group to get the mezz in. A good Bard will AoE lulla right before landing the mezz, will be aware of what is going on outside the targetted mezz area (mezzing a group of Albs is all good, but if the sorcerer standing on his own on the milegate walls lands a mezz on you and your group, there wasn't much point in it was there?). Knowing when to heal as a Bard is crucial.

Infact it's a bloody nightmare to play a Bard.

There are no easy classes to play, there are only good players who make it look easy.

And it is ALWAYS classes in the other realms that people whine about it being easy to play :p

Sharp Thing

Originally posted by VidX
WTF is this?

People think playing an Enchanter is easy? Especially a manachanter?

Playing a manachanter is easy, playing it well is VERY hard, especially now.

Most targetted class in Hib: Bard

Second most targetted class in Hib: the thing in the robes with an Underhill trailing behind them.

Chanters using pbaoe in open RvR are just complete idiots.

Yes, sometimes they can pull it off and they get some nice killspam, but most of the time a Scout or Hunter has you targetted before you even get anywhere near an enemy to use pbaoe.

The trick to playing a manachanter in open RvR isn't to spam pbaoe, it's knowing which targets to pick for heat debuff and DD, and knowing which targets to kill in support. It's knowing which target you need to interupt the most and putting your caster pet (on STAY) on that target, be it a Wizzie, a Runie, or the Archer pinging your group from behind while your tanks are completely unaware of him.

It's the ability to know when to stun a tank so to prevent IP being used so you can kill him before he gets to you and tears you apart.

And it's the ability to realise you are a support caster, not the damage dealer. Manachanters were given the Heat and Cold debuffs for a reason.

Sheesh! I wish people would actually look at and play a class to an extent before they go claiming they are easy to play.
see, this guy knows what its like to play one, instead of being own3d by a good or a crap one


Ice wizard is hard in RvR... killing someone with 2500 HP's whilst nuking for 200(-250) per nuke isn't easy :eek:


Originally posted by Sharp Thing
see, this guy knows what its like to play one, instead of being own3d by a good or a crap one

Who said I knew how to play a 'chanter? :rolleyes:



I'm still missing an argument for why a Manachanter is hard to play, problems with being targeted? Sure, but as even Sharpo said sometimes that's just down to blind luck. The "tactics" mentioned and spells used are obvious and low, unsuprisingly since the chanter HAS very few spells accesible. Try again guys.


put pet on healers fast, to know when to rush and pbae, when to stay back nuke, how to handle aggro trolls etc.


Originally posted by Tigerius
I'm still missing an argument for why a Manachanter is hard to play, problems with being targeted? Sure, but as even Sharpo said sometimes that's just down to blind luck. The "tactics" mentioned and spells used are obvious and low, unsuprisingly since the chanter HAS very few spells accesible. Try again guys.

Ok, so what class do you play?


Originally posted by VidX
WTF is this?

People think playing an Enchanter is easy? Especially a manachanter?

Playing a manachanter is easy, playing it well is VERY hard, especially now.

Most targetted class in Hib: Bard

Second most targetted class in Hib: the thing in the robes with an Underhill trailing behind them.

Chanters using pbaoe in open RvR are just complete idiots.

Yes, sometimes they can pull it off and they get some nice killspam, but most of the time a Scout or Hunter has you targetted before you even get anywhere near an enemy to use pbaoe.

The trick to playing a manachanter in open RvR isn't to spam pbaoe, it's knowing which targets to pick for heat debuff and DD, and knowing which targets to kill in support. It's knowing which target you need to interupt the most and putting your caster pet (on STAY) on that target, be it a Wizzie, a Runie, or the Archer pinging your group from behind while your tanks are completely unaware of him.

It's the ability to know when to stun a tank so to prevent IP being used so you can kill him before he gets to you and tears you apart.

And it's the ability to realise you are a support caster, not the damage dealer. Manachanters were given the Heat and Cold debuffs for a reason.

Sheesh! I wish people would actually look at and play a class to an extent before they go claiming they are easy to play.

Bards are piss hard to play properly, as I found out when I first brought mine into RvR.

Same again, knowing which target to pick out of the mass to centre the mezz on, when to lulla a caster or archer to interupt them long enough to land a mezz, when to swtich songs if you don't have a mentalist in the group, and when to sprint to the front of your group to get the mezz in. A good Bard will AoE lulla right before landing the mezz, will be aware of what is going on outside the targetted mezz area (mezzing a group of Albs is all good, but if the sorcerer standing on his own on the milegate walls lands a mezz on you and your group, there wasn't much point in it was there?). Knowing when to heal as a Bard is crucial.

Infact it's a bloody nightmare to play a Bard.

There are no easy classes to play, there are only good players who make it look easy.

And it is ALWAYS classes in the other realms that people whine about it being easy to play :p

Nice post defending chanters. Good to see balanced and reasoned debate.


Originally posted by Sharp Thing
see, this guy knows what its like to play one, instead of being own3d by a good or a crap one

...and he also knows how to post a sensible addition to the debate instead of lowering himself to base insults because someone disagrees with him.

There's a lesson there for us all...

Roo Stercogburn

I think tbh most of Vidx's comments on chanters apply to most classes. With the exception of a couple of references to particular spells they don't say much in particular about chanters that can't be applied to any class. Rather it shows that he is an experienced player is all.

However, I think chanters, SBs, Infs and soon Bonedancers are popular because they are seen as classes you can be lazy with and still do well. I know I've seen a lot of bonedancers that are sleepwalking to 50 (I'm soloing a lot and doing my usual really stupid things to push the char, hence some of my more heated threads on the class as I've tested things out).

Basically though, like the aforementioned classes, you will always find players that learn to use their class well and have that extra bit of skill that makes them stand head and shoulders above the crowd. You'll know that the merely average players have picked up on bonedancers because you'll start seeing bonedancers with buffbots in Emain.


Originally posted by Roo Stercogburn
I think tbh most of Vidx's comments on chanters apply to most classes. With the exception of a couple of references to particular spells they don't say much in particular about chanters that can't be applied to any class. Rather it shows that he is an experienced player is all.

Yip, it can be applied to any class. Which is why only the people who have played the disputed class can really give the only accurate answer.

Take a Hero for example. People who play casters might say: "ffs, it's so easy, all you do is stand there and hit something while it can't hit you back because you evade, block or parry it."

However, those who have played the class to some degree will respond with: "oh, so knowing which group member to put intercept on is easy? How about knowing who to guard in what situations, because there is no point in guarding a healer when you are fighting Legion, cause guarding another tank who is taunting is alot more useful. Or how about knowing when an assassin is about and knowing to stand near your caster/healer with Slam ready to take the assassin out? Or do you know how to switch agro when your healer is out of power, you are on your last 10% HP, and there is another capable tank beside you with full power? Or are you aware at how difficult it is reading the way things go when a bad pull happens and a healer gets agro and a mob is on the way to them and you already have a target?"

As you pointed out Roo, experience counts when dealing with the pros and cons of a class, I have played most types of classes, and have a good understanding of them (Bard to 50, one of the original manachanters on Prydwen to 50, both of which I have played to rr4+ in casual RvR and have just dinged 50.1 on my Bard and had Usp to 50.2 before deleting him and moving to Mid for a bit, Ranger to 43 as a main taunter in the group so I have a little understanding of how both a tank and archer are played, but not much, and various other classes to Thid level, though play-style does change iin the mid-thirties).

Out of all the classes I have played, the Ranger might be the easiest I have played, due to the only thing I needed to do was to keep agro from the healers and casters and to pick off single targets in RvR.

The hardest one is my Bard. There are so many spells and songs to use, I have 4 main quickbars that I use in nearly all groups, and timing is everything, you need to be 100% alert in both RvR and PvE (lulla is the most under-rated ability of a Bard: in RvR it is used to keep my groups alive by interupting support targets like healers and also archers and casters, or for preventing a fleeing archer/assassin from stealthing so that the tank that is running beside me is able to sprint and catch up and Slam/Annihilate, or in PvE it is a lifesaver when the Druid overheals or needs to use a group insta and gets all the agro (silly Cuch :p) and it saves the tanks from having to waste time trying to taunt when a single lulla and a hit form the tank will get agro back, or for long range pulling of high level mobs in Galla for example), and you need to be both CC, song, healer and kiter all at once.

I found that Usp was probably the most fun out of all my classes to play (10 months of playing him, including 7 to get to level 50 because I spent 2 months in RvR at level 48 defending keeps when I got the 48 pbaoe). However, they are far from easy to play.

I really cannot comment on any classes in any other realms, simply because I have not played any of them above level 35 (Hunter on Excal) but I would think a Healer would be fun, though along the same lines as a Bard but with the healing taking the place of the songs as a main role.

Remember guys, asking a question like "What is the easiest and the most difficult class to play?" is a bit of an impossible question to answer, unless you have played every single class to a high enough level to be able to accurately evaluate the ease of playing them. So it really should be "Out of all the classes you have played, what did you find was the easiest and what was the hardest?"

Ask one of the top assassins that you know how easy it is to play their class, and by top I mean one like Azal, Derric, Niar, Trad, Succi (not being familiar with Excal players I can only use Prydwen ones as an example) and they will give you a proper evaluation. These players make it look easy to play their classes, but when I tried to play my Shade in Thid, I found it initially difficult to get the timing right, targets would turn round at the last minute messing up my PA, I would land a PA on a caster to have an inf jump me, or some silly mob would uncover me.

At the end of the day, some people find it easy playing casters, but hard to play tanks, others like support classes but can't successfully hit or damage something with ease. And at the end of the day, it's personal preference and opinion of experienced people that makes the difference.

Hopefully we will see Mythic adding the mid-level character feature for those who have level 50s, and we will be able to roll a Thid alt and test out each of the classes we have been wanting to play, and then see how easy it difficult it is. However, I feel you can really only get a full grasp of the class by levelling up in the high 30's to 50 in a proper group, not a powerlevel group, and then into open RvR, without zergs, so you can play the class in a way that you can use all the features/abilities at its disposal.

Try using pbaoe in a 1fg vs 1fg environment at the bowl at the Emain tower, you will find it's hard to pbaoe targets who are spread out and then you will see it isn't as easy as you think to play a manachanter :)

Ok, need some coffee :p

Roo Stercogburn

<finishes his coffee>

Agree with most of that. I think though it is possible to get a reasonable view though of a char class if you've grouped with that type a lot. I'm afraid most of the bards and shammies I ever grouped with were asleep at the wheel, which is why I made the original comments I did (though I have played a shammy to 50). A lot of peeps are just levelling them to be buffbots for their main char they want to level.

If you find a char class that works the way you think you're off to a flying start. I think this is when you start to separate the wheat from the chaff. A lot of peeps just look at the RP tables and decide they want to do that and try to shoehorn what they're capable of into that way of playing which is why you get a lot of bad players in popular character classes.

Brains/imagination/cunning/daring > char class



In midgard - playing a troll.

Try it, and weep


Originally posted by Brannor McThife
Easiest: Pure tanks.
Hardest: Pure healers.

Easiest: As Xorta Said, Supp BD (It's like running around with a laser rifle :rolleyes: )
Hardest: Mincer/Bard/Healer


Have to agree with Brannor on this one...
and i have to disagree with one of the above, on BD's unsoloable.. get em diseased as asassain or play 2-handed tank.. they go down in 2 max 3 hits ;)


Actualy id like ro revise list

For PvE alone;

Easiest; by a looooooooong way is Necromancer. No downtime ,HoT, Lifetap (shout and spell) plus more hps than most casters.

Hardest ; Healer mainly due to the BS that morons spout about "heal me" and " why didnt you heal?" (like we thought it would be fun NOT to heal and let tank die so healer can then solo the mob!) BUT also very hard to play now due to buttbots all around the place (got told that a 5 person group didnt need a healer cause buttbot did all healing :( )


what about...

Albion: Hard
Midgard: Medium
Hibernia: Easy

single player game sollutions works for me :p


Originally posted by Tigerius
I'm still missing an argument for why a Manachanter is hard to play, problems with being targeted? Sure, but as even Sharpo said sometimes that's just down to blind luck. The "tactics" mentioned and spells used are obvious and low, unsuprisingly since the chanter HAS very few spells accesible. Try again guys.

My wizard actively avoids targetting chanters because I can live without the hassle of having pet starting to auto interrupt me forever :(


Originally posted by scartooth
Actualy id like ro revise list

For PvE alone;

Easiest; by a looooooooong way is Necromancer. No downtime ,HoT, Lifetap (shout and spell) plus more hps than most casters.

Just because they have little or no downtime doesn't mean they dont have to work for it.

Constanntly hammering your powerdrain and then lifedrain buttons to keep it going, buggy as hell quickcast, buggy pet who quite often will run off into a camp of orange and higher mobs to attack an add, will run off randomly for no reason, LoS problems in dungeons, pet pathing problems in dungeons, buggy spellqueing.


Easiest : those who don't learn how their char works but spam the obvious qb keys

Hardest : those who take the time to learn how best to handle thier char in a given situation.

and for the record:

Hardest in Hib = Bard.......disagree?........try it, they get back to me :p


All classes take skills and experience to play clever, but i think bard is the class where you can see very fast if the guy playing know what he is doing. Need quick instrument switches, make sure nmys are mezzed, try to avoid all the aggro the drum gives etc.

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