Easiest and most difficult class to play



As the topic says, which class requires the most skill to succeed and which one could gain RPs with a gibbon playing.

Hardest? Possibly the minstrel with pet. Twisting to keep pet while mezzing, running speed song and soon ablative is a pain. Furthermore, it's impossible to go without more than 2 quickbars to get everything in for songs and melee stuff, as well as putting goddamn instruments there too.

Easiest? Manachanter :) You can go through your entire Emain career without TARGETTING anyone. Someone attacks you? No problem, nuking pet is on them automatically. All you have to do is spam PBAOE and sometimes even (shock horror) target someone to stun them. The ultimate win-button class for those players who need it.

What's your choices?


Hardest: Healing class,everything depends on you,if you dont heal you just doomed your group to death.And also sorting different buffs for different chars.

Easiest : Tank,just spam shield stun and your mainstyle


If you are gunning for rvr here then all classes are either excellent or poor due to the people playing them, the difference in a good class in rvr and a poorly played one is huge. For example do I fear 2fg normal mid zerglings NO, do I worry about warders 1fg YES. Do I worry about a random hib zerg, not really do I worry about Lourker's YES. Im sure others will say the same about LOE and Sotl.

Whether you pbaoe, melee, cc, nuke or debuff you're role and how you react to certain situations determines whether you're group will live or not even in seriously under manned encounters.


Hardest... um, in alb its probably a minstrel or a cleric.
Easiest...probably an armsman or a fire wizzie, or an earth spec theurg :rolleyes:

Hardest to play well - again, minstrel, cleric, and I think I'd add paladin to there - anyone can play a paladin, but to maximise their abilities isn't the easiest - a good paladin can turn a basically poor group to a group that can take things on way above their level, a badly played paladin is just a gimped armsman with pretty effects.
I'd say no class is easy to play well - if you're a good player you're generally good at most classes, if you suck, then well...you suck ;)

As you may have picked up from my posts I have a bit of a thing for Paladins... I just hope Rightnow restore the level 46 pally I accidentally deleted last night... :doh:

What can I say...I'm blonde :hat:


Not sure about the harderst but the easiest must be Supp BoneDancer.
They have 3 chain healing pets, 4sec instant Lifedrain 1500range, instant resist debuff for the lifedrain.
They can solo any class in daoc, they dont have to avoid being hit at since their spells are Instant anyway.


easiest: zerker (/stick or /assist+/stick and spam snowsqual/doublefrost)

hardest: healer (3 full bars of actively used spells, 1 bar of buffs and 1 bar of mana potions :p)


Blain uses 3.5 quickbars.

Healer IMHO is the hardest to play.
You need to keep in control of CC and at the same time keep the party alive, while not out agroing the main tank.

Main problem is the higher level the mob the easier it is to gain agro.

Easiest Warrior.

spam stun and main style


conversely I'd say healer types of classes are the easiest as they are so needed/welcomed in groups. sure they got plenty to do in a fight but that doesn't necessarily make it difficult, just busy.

the archer/assassin classes seem the hardest to play imo.

old.Trine Aquavit

In Mid:

Easiest: Zerker

Pretty much any dual-wield or pure 2-hander tank is similarly easy to play (shield tanks have slightly more to think about, e.g. shield styles & caster protection). Full on nukers like Darkness runies are pretty easy to play too.

Hardest: Healer

Primary healing and primary crowd control requires full awareness of the state of both the group and the battle. Healers can have 2 and a half QBs full of active combat spells/abilities not including macros, sprint, face, etc. Add another bar of buffs for good measure. I think there's a good argument that the Healer is the hardest class in the game to play.

old.Trine Aquavit

Originally posted by inqy
conversely I'd say healer types of classes are the easiest as they are so needed/welcomed in groups. sure they got plenty to do in a fight but that doesn't necessarily make it difficult, just busy.

the archer/assassin classes seem the hardest to play imo.

The healer classes are by far the easiest to level, but not necessarily to play.

The archer classes are probably the hardest to level, but not as hard to play.

Roo Stercogburn

As someone said, its down to the player rather than the class.

Any class can by played lazy or well and that imo is more important.


Alb: no experience so can't say.

Hib: easiest I've seen is Bard - pick a song and do backup heals. Occasionally asked to change song between pulls. In RvR just got to be quick on the insta mez then not get killed. Occasionally you get a good bard. Very occasionally.

Hardest I don't know. NS to level is nightmare, and from what others have said in RvR they are underpowered compared to their Mid and Alb counterparts. I'll always group with NS in PvE because tbh they get a really hard time all round (I have a 43 regrowth druid on Hib/ex).


Shaman easiest - usually backup healer rather than main. Low stress most of the time in groups. Just make sure the buffs don't run out. Good shammies really shine though before someone eats me alive.

Don't know which is hardest char to play. Dark SM is no walk in the park (as you can see from the number of people that play it) but the prize probably goes to Pac Healers as they have a lot of pressure on them as they are expected to both cc and be primary healer. Hunters and SBs are merely more difficult to level so don't win.

And just to finish off:

So few people push what their toons are capable of because they want it easy and safe for both PvE and RvR. The harder chars to play can usually have some trick or knack to them if you have the brains to work it out just most people are too lazy.


Generally speaking I'd say CC classes are always slightly harder to play well, since they are prime targets and their reflexes are very decisive, when it comes to CC there is just being first, never being second. Alb CC classes are the worst here since they have no forms of insta of course. Additionally all the main CC classes tend to come equipped with a number of tools for alternative CC or special effects. Amnesias, roots, confuses, mezz cures.

Healing classes are in my mind fairly easy, the buffing isn't a skill it's just a knowledge and something you can do in peace and quiet (usually), once in fights it's a bit like a DD nuker, just pick appropriate targets and mash button. Important having fast enough reflexes to select target in time and to pick appropriately fast heals, but not really hard.

Tank classes don't have alot of abilities to control that much is true but there is more to them then picking targets and spamming styles. Seeing the combat situation from in the middle of it can be hard but necessary to play them well. Then there are the tanks that far from can rely on spamming anytimes for good effects also.

Easiest must be the low utility straight up nukers, Chanters/Wizards, just a matter of picking targets and destroying them and trying to avoid being targeted yourself.

Again generally speaking the more combat useful abilities you have the harder it is to play to it's full potential, a fairly good base rule.


Bard is a very hard class to play well IMO.

Hardest: Bard/Healer/Sorcerer. You have to be on the edge every second or your group dies.

Easiest: Zerker. Spam DF for teh win!


Shield Warrior is by far the easyest.

Enter combat mode and go afk for 5 min, when you get back you killed a purple.

Brannor McThife

Easiest: Pure tanks.
Hardest: Pure healers.

Easiest: As Xorta Said, Supp BD (It's like running around with a laser rifle :rolleyes: )
Hardest: Mincer/Bard/Healer



Originally posted by enki-
Shield Warrior is by far the easyest.

Enter combat mode and go afk for 5 min, when you get back you killed a purple.

So true.....done it a few times on diamond mobs.


easiest class has got to be pbt runie/theurgist/warden


I'll start with pve I think:

Warden/bard, cos a lot of the time your just there for your songs/chant.


Don't think it's so simple tbh, you need to work with everyone in ways you don't in pve, since enemies don't pay much attention to taunt and EVERYONE has to be paying attention if you come across good players.

Sharp Thing

Originally posted by eben
entire Emain career without TARGETTING anyone. Someone attacks you? No problem, nuking pet is on them automatically. All you have to do is spam PBAOE and sometimes even (shock horror) target someone to stun them. The ultimate win-button class for those players who need it.
moron, you dont know a thing about the class


Originally posted by -naetha-
earth spec theurg :rolleyes:

Earth theurgs are challenging plz thx! Try keeping power up with 8/6 sec bt and no mincer :(

Sharp Thing

Originally posted by klavrynd
we do, that's your problem...
no you dont, its all eays to say its easy to play a manachanter, "just hit pbae and enemies go dead" well i can tell you its not, you have to predict where ppl go, know when to stop and when to keep going, or when to not go and pbae at all. you have to have luck noone picks on you so you dont get interupted etc, and dont tell me we just use moc, i havent had moc for the last 2months

and :puke: at pryd mids, all a bunch of /whiners

edit; except for candy, max and kalgarn :x


I can only speak for Mid here:

Hardest: By far is a healer: You have the stress of many groups blaming you if something goes wrong: You have to do the primary healing and juggle heals to avoid aggro: You have to secondary (sometimes primary) buff the group: You have to do primary CC. Even at level 44, I already have 3 QB's which are all used.

In terms of RvR it can be very difficult; do you heal, do you try and stun, do you mezz, do you debuff, do you us ae amnesia.... it is a very difficult class to play RvR wise. For a start it's not as simple as PvE where your group are always in range: I'm still a low RR with my healer, and it's already 100 times harder (and more fun I might add) than my warrior.

With my warrior, the biggest challenge is when to switch to 2h or when to go play at caster shield bot. Not really difficult at all: All my useful utilities can fit on a single quick bar.

As for the easiet: At the moment I'd say it's a zerker: As other people have said: /stick then spam DF till your target is dead.


Re: Re: Easiest and most difficult class to play

Originally posted by Sharp Thing
moron, you dont know a thing about the class

Erm who's the moron? You I believe for misquoting me for a kickoff:

"You can go through your entire Emain career without TARGETTING anyone"

Notice I said CAN? Does that imply all do? I think not. Whilst I do think that they are an easy class to kill with, I know this is not what people do in practise. Of course everyone targets at some point. I said this with slight tongue in cheek, but you clearly have a huge fuck-off chip on your shoulder about chanters or are incapable of understanding my point.

Furthermore, I played a manachanter on camlann and they are a piece of piss. Stun/nuke/nuke/win. So don't say I know nothing about the class you fool.

I'm entitled to my opinion and you are too. Disagree if you like but don't get nasty. Just tell me you disagree and put forward some reasonable arguments to prove your point. Resorting to puerile remarks simply tells us all I have hit a nerve and perhaps deep-down you realise I have a point.

I have to say that the Nolby chanters know what they are doing. They try not to break mezz, and if one is under attack they run to the other one (as do their bards and healers). They are examples of good players making the best use of the tools available to manachanters. But ultimately I see too many two-bit chanters who get far more kills than they deserve through indiscriminate PBAOE spam and having the luxury of an interrupting pet saving them from having to target and /face. Which type are you then?

So don't hijack my thread and treat this post in the manner it was intended like everyone else has. They are making intelligent remarks, even if they do disagree with each other. You can take your moronic behaviour to another topic.


Hrdest is deff: darkspeced Bone dancer. pets are all crazy and get resist alot, tryed to lvl a dakr specced bd didnt go higher then 25 had problem to kill blue/yellow cons.

i herd that over 30+ it will get easyer tho but i had my Ba/supp BD at the same tie hitting 50 so my dakr one is still on ice, but prolly start lvling him asap,

Sarabi Inc lvl50 Bonedancer 43/33 Ba/supp specced.


oi damn im good on English grammatics :)
o well :p hope u understand my earlier post anyway even all Typos.

Sarabi Inc


Midgard here:

Have to say the easiest time i had with my berserker. Not much RvR under my belt so can't discuss that. Fast, efficient, deadly. Quite fun until i reached BG1 and noticed i'm useless in solo.

Hardest class to play, hmm, psychologically(phew) a healer is a brain musher. Everyone loves you when things go down and hate you when people go down.

Physically i'd say a skald, there's just a heck'of'a'lot (<--it's a word) of buttons to press and things to do..

The most boring class? Award goes to warrior...nothing there to peek an interest and the level grind is ..well...grinding.

Most interesting? Bonedancer. A good hybrid, with stuff to command and spells to cast.

And if i want a good egoboost i play a shammy.


Hardest by far: Healer. Millions and millions of spells, which u all have use for (not to mention the treatment u get down at lair and H... whine after whine after whine. Surprised there really are any lvl 45+ healers).

Easiest: Prolly a PBT char. Prolly earth theurg or supp runie. Pure tanks are pretty easy as well. Like armsmen, warriors and heroes. All u have to do is keep aggro and make sure the mobs hit u and not the nukers and healers. fairly simple.

I wouldnt say a minstrel is harder to lvl than a pbae chanter. I heard alot of ppl saying that minstrels put the powersong on and go afk from time to time. Try to go afk with a mana chanter... ;) Takes some practising b4 u can use the pbae effectivly, without getting the entire group killed. And i also have to say my bard was harder to play than my minstrel. Got him to 20 ish, then i got fed with all the d*mn instruments, heals, buffs, ccs, weaps etc. Also, a bard cant go afk. (if what ppl say about mincers is true that is)

My warden had no problems both running pbt and healing in fights. U just have to turn it off in dts (ppl will whine: mate, turn on pbt. then next dt: mate, turn on the pbt! then i have to tell em i have it down to save power and regen a bit for next fight). Try to get mcl and serenity. helps loads.


Funniest char (imo): Warden prolly. imo the best char in game. ALWAYS wanted by grps. Got heals, pbt, can fight and buff. They wear scale, so can easily take a beating if things starts to mess up if u run oop.

Most boring char (imo) Warrior. No morph, no plate, no balloons... Tho they can spec one weapon, slam, hit with 2 handed, then go back to shield and block when slam wears off. But no real action but that, me thinks.

Coolest race: lurikeens :D
Ugliest race: Avalonians... man they are... yuck!

take care

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