EA to acquire Mythic Entertainment (June 20, 2006)


Loyal Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Well, I havet put my nose into very deep into development of stuff like Sims, NFS, C&C and all those sport games (altho NFS multiplay on consoles with m8s is teh fun), more specifically, is it actually EA staff(most likely) thats developing the games or is it the studio that EA has bought and just pays em to make stuff happen. Thats not the case with WAR, cuz it has been clearly stated that Mythic will still be the developer behind WAR, just with EA infront of it.

PS i havent played any of these games on PC for a long period exept the 1st C&C


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
grizzy said:
Fine, ill tell u sorry, but what ill also tell u is ... worry on ... worry on (Its fun isnt it?!?!!)

U have trusted Mythic by playing DAoC so far, whats wrong now ? maybe they war abducted by aliens and theyr brains wer replaced with monkey brains ? Better trust em again and move on...

If u want me to I will say it again... mythic is developing WAR, ''NOT'' EA

And dont even start to think that Mythic didnt need something like this, WAR is going to be huge, prolly bigger than they can handle at start and prolly impossible w/o such a deal. Blizzard cudnt handle WoW and they messed up , they messed up badly actually(prolly cuz of lack of experiance). Mythic has experiance and with the extra handful of dollahs from EA, it might come out better than any of us expected ?

The remarks I made were reserved for the stupid comment you made to fellow players. You only need to look closely at the games produced since they bought the studios over that they did and they made a right fuck up of some decent titles.

I want to believe you and I want to believe Mythic and I hope it works. History says different. All of that does not resolve the issue that Mythic are now in bed with a right fucking bunch of wankers to their workforce. Maybe you don't give a fuck about that either. Thats your choice though. :p


Loyal Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Sharkith tho , do u know if its EA staff thats in westood and bullfrog seats now or is it still them ?


Loyal Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Sharkith said:
I want to believe you and I want to believe Mythic and I hope it works. History says different. All of that does not resolve the issue that Mythic are now in bed with a right fucking bunch of wankers to their workforce. Maybe you don't give a fuck about that either. Thats your choice though. :p

Ofc i do give a fuck... u cant imagine how freaked out I was when i heard this, altho i did bother to go look out for proof, that mythic didnt do this simply cuz of the dollahs and ride off to the Bahamas like some1 said :p , unlike most, who just came here to say, quoting again, ''EA is crap''.
Let em be, to tell u the truth i never liked many EA games too, i do like BF2, tho it cud use more constand updates. Only thing that messes it up is the childish behaviours that lead to lack of teamwork and such ppl dont get it how fun teamplay actually is...


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
grizzy said:
Sharkith tho , do u know if its EA staff thats in westood and bullfrog seats now or is it still them ?

thats a good question. Like I said I dunno what will happen I hope mythic are right and that their promises hold. I really hope so. As for EA's labour policy - it really stinks.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Most of the Westwood and Bullfrog ppl has since long left for other companies.

EA usually let the company they buy go by their business for 6-12 months. Then they start letting ppl go or moving them to other duties and ofc they move the entire company they bought to the west coast which leads to many ppl leaving.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
grizzy said:
If u want me to I will say it again... mythic is developing WAR, ''NOT'' EA

unless its written on stone that EA can *NOT* in any way whatsoever, interfear with how WAR will be developed, i'm gonna have the quite possible thought that EA will once again fuck up a great title.

they HAVE done it and they most certaily WILL do it again.

EA is known for having money as a argument when they wanna change something they really arent supposed to be able to....


Loyal Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Ah , FFS ... Ill say it again then, GW > EA in the case of warhammer and I really dontthink EA can afford another mistake, thats prolly the why they put EA mythic and Mark Jacobs and hes studio for purely MMO's only


Loyal Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
And if u arent familiar with Paul Bernett... well plz dont start judgeing whos in charge in the studios atm :D


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
grizzy said:
Ah , FFS ... Ill say it again then, GW > EA in the case of warhammer and I really dontthink EA can afford another mistake, thats prolly the why they put EA mythic and Mark Jacobs and hes studio for purely MMO's only

EA can afford to do more or less anything they like

All the smaller companies got bought out so there isnt really a challenge :(

All i can think off atm is

Activision - Nowhere near as big as EA
EA - Biggest gaming company
Microsoft - Should stick to PCs
Sega - A lot of people lost faith after the Dreamcast
Blizzard - Warcraft and Diablo other decent things they have brought out
Sony - Lol
Capcom - Legends in the 90's, havent seen much of them now
Konami - see Capcom
Eidos - Havent seen much of them since Tomb Raider
Rockstar - Brilliant company, shame only decent stuff are Grand Theft Auto series
Ubisoft - Splinter Cell


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Thadius said:
Blizzard - Warcraft and Diablo other decent things they have brought out

Blizzard is owned by Vivendi btw, so they are pretty damn big as well

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