E-mail sent to Mythic and GOA



See below

"To whom it may concern:

I am writing to you I am sure on the behalf of most of the English Community in Europe, in reference
to the manner in which the Dark Ages of Camelot universe is developing

I have been playing the game since it first arrived, and have decided to voice some of mine, and the communities problems as a whole, as well as try to apply some solutions to these problems.

From the way I understand it and correct me if I am wrong but....

The DAoC Community in Europe is suffering greatly from a lack of communication from the resident supporters of DAoC here in Europe namely GOA.

Now this e-mail is not intended to crucify or put any blame on GOA or associates it is just written to provide you with some constructive criticism

I have been in online gaming for hmm about 3yrs which in no way makes me an expert but time and time again I have seen companies completely shoot themselves in the foot for one simple reason COMMUNICATION

At the present time there is only one form of information delivery available to European user base and that for some bizarre reason has arisen in Barrysworld who I am sure are delighted that YOUR user base is supplying their websites with hits, new users, possibly more revenue.

Anyhow at the present time its a start and people are adapting, all be it begrudgingly.

However the problem appears to be the lack of information which is feeding down from GOA to the community at large there has been no word at all of a estimated completion date for 1.48 to be implemented, no word of a possible substitute for the Camelot Herald in Europe, no information on the employment of GM's how many, who, when?

Now if I was not a paying customer I would have no problems or issues as i would feel its a free service and I receive the necessary treatment, unfortunately this is not the case and I am a paying customer.

So what do I suggest?

Well instead of continually allowing GOA to push our concerns to one side by claiming that things are moving along and they will appear using political responses and giving no concrete information, it would be far more constructive to give us somekind of completion date or a detailed summary of what is going on at a regular time on a regular date. e.g Fortnightly e-mail to subscribers or a forum post on Barrysworld would suffice. You would be amazed at how much more content the community would be if they just knew what was going on. A simple snippet of information would push the reputation of GOA further out of the pig sty it has made its home in at the present time

Alternatively, GOA/Mythic could employ or push an indivdual into a role specifically designed to provide the community with information at large on their dedicated server/servers and community. I believe Mythic have an employee called Sanya who deals with the following:

Research - what is everyone saying about DAoC and Mythic, and what are our competitors doing?
Analysis of that research - categorizing of bug reports, complaints and kudos.
Coordination - daily/weekly meetings with dev team project manager to get updates on bug fixes (bugs having been analysed and categorized from customer feedback, and forwarded to dev team project manager).
Writing - preparing small daily, larger weekly, and as-needed major news items to inform customers, giving them the information they have asked for.
And most important of all ... helping the company to excel in customer satisfaction, thereby helping to ensure the company's success and growth.

I cannot understand why someone like this has not been implemented in Europe at this time, a face, someone the community can communicate with to find out how things are progressing. And if they have then I feel he is not doing his job as I rarely see any communication from GOA at the present time.

If this is not possible, then why not turn to the community, I know that people in the community would love to be able to help, and maybe volunteering Information teams who will be supplied with information from GOA and then they can be charged with the task of filtering the information to their appropriate communities would be a safer and cheaper alternative

All I know at the present time is that people in the English community are being continually alienated by the cloak and dagger information delivery by GOA to what is simply their customers. Surely we deserve better treatment than this?

I feel I will only receive a satisfactory response by sending this e-mail to Mythic as well as GOA, that way at least I know a higher power may take my e-mail into serious consideration. In no way am I ridiculing GOA as I feel the game in Europe is in its infancy and they have not had time to find their footing, but the delivery of information is something would should have been implemented from the word go.

I love the game with a passion and hope these ideas are considered

(Even trying to find the e-mail address to contact GOA proved a good 30mins of hell)

Yours Sincerely

Simon Perez (Lonewolf)"

And it has already gone if it doesn't receive a reply in the span of a week I send again, and again and again until I receive a satisfactory response I feel is worthy of this community

Hope this helps guys


Oh what a surprise the e-mail to GOA bounced!!!!!

Gonna have to spend another 30mins looking for another e-mail to contact now


What you don't mention that Sanya is loved by 50% of the players, hated by the other 50%, and the 50% changes depending on which class has just been nerfed/overlooked :)


Originally posted by Lonewolf
Oh what a surprise the e-mail to GOA bounced!!!!!

Gonna have to spend another 30mins looking for another e-mail to contact now

haha that is totally typical

nice email let hope we get the thing the comunity wants
information on a regular basis


Its not an issue of being loved or hated

Was Mighty Mike loved by 100% in MPZ.....er....no
Was Velvet loved 100% in Wireplay....er...no..well maybe...
Was Cheesebury loved 100% at Barrysworld....I think not

Its not an issue of who is loving who its just about the delivery of information

Oh and I sent the e-mail to a random guy in GOA asking him to pass it on to the necessary people

Those French guys are obsessed with this Rightnow SHITE! No e-mails anywhere just RIGHT NOW RIGHT NOW its on their main website as well

Even Kemor can't be contacted now


Yeah but at least the liasons you mentioned weren't chopping and changing the game every 2 months :) People that didn't like them, just didn't like them. Lot easier to deal with than ppl whining about stuff over which you have no control :)


As usual Aard you make absolutely no sense at all??

Who is chopping and changing what? And what the hell is this no control over what? Huh HUH?!? What are u talking about

And what do u mean they weren't changing every 2months CS use to change even more regularly than that in the early beta's

Please clarify yourself mate I have no idea what ur talking about

And what the hell is this rumour going round that Mikita is actually a bloke?!?!!??!?!?!

OMFG! :puke:


Mike, velvet, Cheese had no control over the games they were representing, Sanya actually works for Mythic, her line is the official line, and ppl will love or hate her depending on what the current patch does to their class. For example, right now archers hate her guts :)

Get your arse in irc loney ya beetch :D


And? your point is? Your never going to be loved when being a face of a company and there is no pleasing everyone but at least they have information on what is going on


With the competition in the MMORPG about to get a lot more fierce I think we all need to accept that at the present rate DAoC won't compete and we'll all leave to the first good alternative! Maybe empty servers will wake Mythic/GOA up?


True true but it is the only game with the RvR concept and unless another MMORPG takes up on this I see no fun in PvP, rewards are the key to a successful MMORPG and DAoC has bags of it even when u reach max level!

And with Darkness Falls coming things can only get better, wait a minute if Darkness falls comes it should read

Brannor McThife

Nice email. Only two points... one, you can't say you speak for "most" of the EU community. Because you don't. And two, we aren't Mythic's ("YOUR") customers.

Other than that, ok. Didn't someone send one like this before? ;)


[EDIT: After re-reading your post...maybe make it clear that the YOUR is aimed at GOA...kinda ambiguous...not quite sure who's users you are talking about.]


You really are a pedantic man aren't u!

I am sure I speak for most of the ENGLISH community where did I say European??!?!?

When I say we are annoyed u must be mad to think the majority are not happy and I AM having a go AT Mythic AND GOA at the same time because both are to blame for WHAT is going on!

GOA for not communicating and Mythic for not pushing them to improve

And we are Mythics as well as GOA's customers u dozy sod, we play THEIR game THEIR product and they get a share of the revenue made from GOA by GOA buying the distribution rights, as well as the reputation of the game as a whole being at stake for Mythic

You really have no idea do u :m00:

Now I suggest you go learn english or go entertain yourself with something more worthwhile because your attacks are just boring me to tears :sleeping:


Originally posted by Lonewolf
You really are a pedantic man aren't u!

I am sure I speak for most of the ENGLISH community where did I say European??!?!?
Didn't we have this discussion before? (j/k ;))
When I say we are annoyed u must be mad to think the majority are not happy and I AM having a go AT Mythic AND GOA at the same time because both are to blame for WHAT is going on!

GOA for not communicating and Mythic for not pushing them to improve

And we are Mythics as well as GOA's customers u dozy sod, we play THEIR game THEIR product and they get a share of the revenue made from GOA by GOA buying the distribution rights, as well as the reputation of the game as a whole being at stake for Mythic

You really have no idea do u :m00:

Now I suggest you go learn english or go entertain yourself with something more worthwhile because your attacks are just boring me to tears :sleeping:

I'm not sure about the original version of his post, but the edited one certainly looks like he's just trying to offer constructive criticism. That's a good thing Lonewolf :)

Still, good job on the email, but did I miss the email addresses you sent it to? Not that I'd ever consider resending someone else's mail or anything. Honest.


Originally posted by Lonewolf
.... u must be mad to think the majority are not happy ...

... at the risk of being 'pedantic', isn't that arse-about-face? Or maybe I need to learn English too, and I totally misunderstood what all this was about...... ??? :p

Stay calm..... the pin's still in :)


Brannor McThife

You amuse me. Pity that because I've actually chosen to get involved in making things better...that I can actually see the bigger picture. So what if I bore you. Doesn't bug me one bit. During my time as an "elitist" on the old forums, I was able to raise everyone's concerns with Kemor and talk with him in a calm and rational manner. So yeah, I got to listen, and not go off. I've never once said what you're asking is unreasonable. If I had access to the old forums, I'd give you the dates when I asked a lot of this stuff.

Yeah, they aren't letting "us" know what's going on, and YES, GOA has no "voice". When will you eventually accept that I agree with you on this? Who knows? Maybe they ARE getting somebody. Who knows? Maybe the patch will be here real soon. Who knows? Maybe some events have already started happening.

Not us. Why? Because we don't hear squat. So? Write your emails, maybe you'll succeed where many others have failed. If you want to speak to someone, find your local E&E person and let them know your concerns. Here's an small quote (which I'm sure won't cause a problem)

"In order to get a better feeling of the player moods/wishes, we would like you to inform us on such. We generally seek information on what major concerns there are in the player base (also server related/specific issues). "

So, there's your channel. If making that info public gets me into trouble, well, hey, that's life. I don't see any problem with letting you all know that. Now. Go harass those E&E people, or like the Yanks would say: "Call your congressman!". ;)

So yeah...I'm sure I bore you.


PS. At present, I am part of the Prydwen-Midgard E&E team.


Tbh, I'd rather have no liason with the developer, rather than one that openly bullshits the player base. Yes, once again I'm talking about 1.50 and Sanya here ;)

I don't have an axe to grind. Honest!

Well maybe a tiny pocket axe :)


Brannor, as you say we're all in agreement here. You can preach about the E&E team til you're blue in the face, but with them or without them, we get shit all feedback from GOA.


Very true Brannor and u made some good points there I must say, so I apologise for my aggressive reaction it was unecessary and immature

As for attempting to get a reaction well I have received no reply and don't expect to for some time, but thats life....soo.....then what?

Well I will just keep e-mailing them until I receive a satisfactory response of some kind.


Originally posted by [TNN]Aardvark
Brannor, as you say we're all in agreement here. You can preach about the E&E team til you're blue in the face, but with them or without them, we get shit all feedback from GOA.

Not saying E+E will change things for sure, but reserve judgement just a little while longer... their role is being defined in more detail atm and the teams will be properly up and running soon... when that's done, form your opinions :)


E&E I may be being Naive here but what the hell does E & E mean and when the hell were they formed or asked or delegated?!?!?!

Who chose them, volunteers?!?!

Man communication is a terrible thing:rolleyes:


I didn't read the bulk of the first post (mainly because it's all been said before and don't have the time) I agree that something needs to be done as I see the patching situation a little off putting and the no news situation is even more so.

The E-Mail is a good idea, however, I suspect that you'll get mostly ignored as I feel alot of people have done something similar (hence why certain people at GOA can't be contacted now).

What can one do?

We can move to the servers in the states. We can go play something else.

I would have moved earlier if I'd have known it was going to be like this.

At the moment though I've not got the interest I used to have and I only play it occasionally.

Hopefully something else will come out that will offer the RvR style play and a better economy (I really don't like this one).

That said, if we ever get to see Darkness falls on the euro servers my interest will be rekindled.

Just some thoughts.


E&E = Eyes and Ears.... I cannot give you the link now, because someone closed the GOA forum down (what's that all about, eh????) but you may recall an announcement from Kemor a couple of months ago about 'recruitment'. In this he posted details of some permanent positions (1 of which, we presume, is now occupied by Zargar) and also some volunteer spots... the E&E teams are made up of volunteer, non-GoA, people.

Actually... I think there may have been another announcement explaining what Eyes and Ears were all about too.

Mmmmm... that's one, perhaps 2 announcements on the official forums in what was (prior to closure) probably the most high-profile area on the GOA boards. If you aren't prepared to read the announcements made, then why come here now bitching about communication?

<checks to see if pin is still in>


Brannor, just out of interest, could you point me in the direction of the announcement on the DAoC Europe site where I can find a list of the names and server/realm of each E&E person? If we all knew who and where they were, then we would be able to voice our concerns/suggestions.


Keri - once the teams are completed I will post a full list of E&E broken down for you by server and realm. We are also looking at ways to make the E&E players 'visible' to players ingame.... its early days for this intiative so please give it time :)



Originally posted by Brannor McThife

Go harass those E&E people, or like the Yanks would say: "Call your congressman!". ;)

Jupitus, that's what I figured ... that the E&E thing isn't really implemented yet. I just wondered why Brannor said the above, if we can't actually do it.


I did read all the announcements he made regularly and then they shut the forums down DOH!

As for if the announcements were anygood as usual they were pointless politically written drivel where nothing really stated just claimed

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by Jupitus
...completed I will post a full list of E&E...

YOU will post them eh? Oh really. Well, thanks for letting us other mortals know your plans.




OK Brannor,

To save arguments about this, let the Eyes and Ears collectively say that WE shall post a list of who we are by realm and server, when the teams are complete.


Fair is it?

Good :)

Brannor McThife

Oooooh. Wussy Albion needs his woman to defend him eh?





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