Dyvet population - some questions for Requiel


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 27, 2004

I have a few questions regarding the Dyvet cluster population and comments that have been made about it in the recent past.

Earlier today (4 Feb), in relation to your thread aimed at prompting discussion on "alarm clock" raids, you said:

Requiel said:
My view is that this is a population issue and we are currently looking at options for Dyvet to try and ameliorate the situation there. Hopefully we'll have something we can announce to you soon.

Given this, I’d like to take you back to some posts in this thread:


27 Dec, you said:

Requiel said:
We're not saying it's [Dyvet] never going to be clustered just that there are no plans to do so at the moment. We are keeping a close eye on the populations and we are looking into the options that will be available to us if the server stops being viable. One of those options may be to cluster with another cluster but we're some way from that and Mythic are making more solutions possible all the time.

Does this mean there are now plans to further cluster Dyvet? If not further clustering then what are you considering that might present an acceptable solution?

28 Dec, you said:

Requiel said:
At the moment there's a normal population dip that we see every year around this time. Despite that, the primetime population is still healthy and we'll keep an eye on it as time goes on.

and on 29 Dec you said:

Requiel said:
there are many temporary and seasonal factors affecting the cluster population and we'll get a much truer picture of what is happening after the new year.


Requiel said:
200 people mid week at a traditionally low time is not evidence of a serious issue. As I said, we'll get a much truer picture of what the real numbers are in the new year when everything gets back to normal. For now though all indications are that the population average over the past month is not more than a couple of percent different to how it was 5-6 months ago.

Are you (GOA) now acknowledging that we are experiencing a serious issue on Dyvet; that the current population average is not acceptable to a large part of the player base (majority, imho); and that it is not just due to temporary or seasonal factors?

I ask these questions because the comment you posted earlier today seems to me like a tacit acknowledgement that we have a problem that needs to be addressed (and soon at that). I’m hoping for some confirmation that a/ you (GOA) do see that and b/ you are going to (try to) do something that will help before it becomes irrecoverable, because frankly, I’m tired of logging on day-to-day hoping, rather than expecting, that things will get better. Speaking personally, were it not for the impending expansion I would have left by now and certainly will do so anyway if things don’t improve in the next few months.

Please note that this is in no way intended as a “flame GOA” thread. My only intention is to seek some clarity over what the GOA view now is of the Dyvet situation and what we might expect by way of action. I for one appreciate the fact that you (Requiel that is) have taken the time to respond here in the past.

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
He is back now and they are discussing the matter. Gonna hold Euro LoTM buys til I know what's going to happen with Dyvet.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 27, 2004
Castus said:
Think hes on holiday mate.......

Also from the post I quoted above...

Requiel said:
Ok, I'm back from my holiday, I'm jet lagged... etc

... so no, he's not on holiday.

Having said that, I understand that he probably has other things to do too right at the moment, so I'm not expecting an instant answer. :)


Part of the furniture
Mar 23, 2005
what you say is right, and when tehy decide to fix Dyvet it will be to late and ppl wont return.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
when LOTM arrives there will be a few more players returning, although i think that it still wont be enough for long term sustainability of the server.

All GOA can do is monitor it and then merge Dyvet with another cluster or server.

Without any decent marketing for the cluster and DAOC, the population problem will not increase significantly.

GOA have failed miserabley in marketing DAOC outside France and Germany, I dont see this improving in the future. More likley they will hang any marketing on the tail end of WAR, or bundle DAOC and WAR as one subscription.



It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
In his quote he said "Hopefully we will have some options we can announce to you soon"...

Call me crazy but pestering him 4 hours after he posted that seems a bit premature....

Patience.. :p


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
The only way things will change is if EA intervene. Pop will have to reach 300 primtime for anything serious to be changed - imo


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Flimgoblin said:
Patience.. :p

u really do believe that huh? :)

u cant get the ppl on FH to be patient even if their lives were depending on it.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 27, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
In his quote he said "Hopefully we will have some options we can announce to you soon"...

Call me crazy but pestering him 4 hours after he posted that seems a bit premature....

Patience.. :p

Firstly, I can read and am well aware of what he said. I'm a paying customer and quite within my rights to ask questions, particularly after he posted something which seemed to me to indicate a certain change of position. Nor do I see what four hours has to do with it (you clearly can't count anyway, since there was way more than 12 hours between the relevant posts ;)). How long are we supposed to leave it? I would prefer some answers on our (the subscribers) timetable, not merely when it suits GOA. I don't think that's asking too much.

Secondly, I didn't post this for your opinion. It was intended for the organ-grinder, not the monkey (no offence intended :)).


Sep 20, 2006
if i do cluster requiel can you please promise its going to be with a large population where there is going to be decent FG v FG rvr scene or else you wont improve the player base largely without that :(

My best hope thet the moment that you will work out some multi-languedge thing for NF only and put us on a cluster with around a 2k prime time population. Please god let it be this and it would definatly bring people back and it would seriously rock and bring life back into the game :)


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2005
Kvadi said:
Secondly, I didn't post this for your opinion. It was intended for the organ-grinder, not the monkey (no offence intended :)).

Why do morons always say "no offense intended" when they say something offensive? (no offense intended obviously)


Resident Freddy
Jan 23, 2005
Cluster all EU servers(ToA) into 1 NF and provide 3 new Ui setups so each player can choose Ui language they want and have the HUD in German or whatever in NF only :D

Complicated yes ... Impossible by all means no ...

Or then again Advertise maybe ? :eek:


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Punishment said:
Cluster all EU servers(ToA) into 1 NF and provide 3 new Ui setups so each player can choose Ui language they want and have the HUD in German or whatever in NF only :D

Complicated yes ... Impossible by all means no ...

Or then again Advertise maybe ? :eek:

Yeah and then have 4/5 of all players not be able to log in! (already a problem in Limors when it's primetime 2500-3000 people online).
Personally I don't know if they will cluster Dyvet, the server that we would be clustered with also has to accept it (wouldn't be fair otherwise) and the high pop clusters (Temair & Limors) would never accept it so it would have to be with one of the French clusters, merging with Cumbria would do nothing as it would only add 40 people primetime.

But like I said I think they will do something else maybe something along the lines of major bonusses for PvE/RvR (200-500% exp on Dyvet etc) to draw people away from the populated clusters.
This however would also not fix the problem but shift it if it would work.
Not really seen anyone with an idea to fix the situation besides clustering with another cluster which imo would cause way more problems and frustration than people might think (2 different language/playing styles servers who evolved in their own way over the years etc..).


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
Pirkel said:
Why do morons always say "no offense intended" when they say something offensive? (no offense intended obviously)

Quite ironically in this situation you would infact have to be a moron to be offended by that statement. It is actually quite a clever reference, one that you quite clearly did not understand.

I guess the dickensian period writers and references are now thought of as moronic by the witty youth of today :(


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
Hooray for jetlag! It means I'm awake and replying to posts in the middle of the night when I should be getting some sleep for work in the morning.

Ok. I've been on holiday for 3 weeks. I got back Saturday evening, I've spent a good part of today asleep. I've not been to the office yet and I don't expect an answer will be waiting in my inbox when I get in tomorrow. I know that high-level discussions were started before I left. What, if anything, has come from those I don't know. I know what you want - for that matter I know what I want - I don't know whether the contractual and technical obstacles to delivering that can be overcome. Those are questions that get answered a long way over my head. As soon as we have information for you, it will be in the Friday News as always.

Regarding advertising and marketing DAoC. We are pushing the new expansion in the press, expect to see previews, reviews and promotional stuff in the major magazines and on the European gamers' websites over the next month or so. This is something we do for every release - I know this because I've done all the press tours and briefings since ToA. I know how hard we try to get the press to cover our game.

On that subject I'd like to say a few things. I often hear people say that we never advertise, that they never saw an advert and people hear about the game mostly through word of mouth. Well, frankly, that's how advertising a game like this goes. Most people who start playing an MMO do so because they hear about it from their friends. Launch hype gets you a certain amount of interest from people who take notice of such things but frankly you cannot continue that kind of marketing for very long - it's simply too expensive. The only exception to that rule is Blizzard who has a trillion times more money than everyone else. So what we do is we make sure that our game is listed everywhere that it should be, that when journalists are looking to cover the genre (which they generally aren't), our game is available to them and whenever there's an expansion or a major milestone we crank up the publicity machine and get the press on board. It's not as simple as putting a full page ad in a magazine. If that's all you're doing then it's basically wasted money. Advertising is nothing without coverage and coverage is very hard to get for any game that is an MMO and isn't new. Many magazines have a policy of not covering expansions, some won't cover MMOs at all. Our marketing team and our PR agency work very hard to try and get column inches in as many magazines as possible. I wish it was as easy as simply block-booking advertising pages.


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Requiel said:
Hooray for jetlag! It means I'm awake and replying to posts in the middle of the night when I should be getting some sleep for work in the morning.

Ok. I've been on holiday for 3 weeks. I got back Saturday evening, I've spent a good part of today asleep. I've not been to the office yet and I don't expect an answer will be waiting in my inbox when I get in tomorrow. I know that high-level discussions were started before I left. What, if anything, has come from those I don't know. I know what you want - for that matter I know what I want - I don't know whether the contractual and technical obstacles to delivering that can be overcome. Those are questions that get answered a long way over my head. As soon as we have information for you, it will be in the Friday News as always.

Regarding advertising and marketing DAoC. We are pushing the new expansion in the press, expect to see previews, reviews and promotional stuff in the major magazines and on the European gamers' websites over the next month or so. This is something we do for every release - I know this because I've done all the press tours and briefings since ToA. I know how hard we try to get the press to cover our game.

On that subject I'd like to say a few things. I often hear people say that we never advertise, that they never saw an advert and people hear about the game mostly through word of mouth. Well, frankly, that's how advertising a game like this goes. Most people who start playing an MMO do so because they hear about it from their friends. Launch hype gets you a certain amount of interest from people who take notice of such things but frankly you cannot continue that kind of marketing for very long - it's simply too expensive. The only exception to that rule is Blizzard who has a trillion times more money than everyone else. So what we do is we make sure that our game is listed everywhere that it should be, that when journalists are looking to cover the genre (which they generally aren't), our game is available to them and whenever there's an expansion or a major milestone we crank up the publicity machine and get the press on board. It's not as simple as putting a full page ad in a magazine. If that's all you're doing then it's basically wasted money. Advertising is nothing without coverage and coverage is very hard to get for any game that is an MMO and isn't new. Many magazines have a policy of not covering expansions, some won't cover MMOs at all. Our marketing team and our PR agency work very hard to try and get column inches in as many magazines as possible. I wish it was as easy as simply block-booking advertising pages.

All true apart from one thing, EA has a Trillon times more money than Blizzard.... and who owns Mythic....

would be to little to late I guess :(


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2005
Ballard said:
Quite ironically in this situation you would infact have to be a moron to be offended by that statement. It is actually quite a clever reference, one that you quite clearly did not understand.

I guess the dickensian period writers and references are now thought of as moronic by the witty youth of today :(

And that concludes todays lesson in irony dear children. The example was ever more fitting then I could have hoped for.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 6, 2004
Pirkel said:
And that concludes todays lesson in irony dear children. The example was ever more fitting then I could have hoped for.

I think you are better at giving lessons in post situational ass covering than irony :)

Your prior post had infact no irony, it was an attempt at a witticism. The two should not be confused but often are.


FH is my second home
Mar 13, 2004
Zede said:
All true apart from one thing, EA has a Trillon times more money than Blizzard.... and who owns Mythic....

would be to little to late I guess :(

EA are to do with US servers, and they advertise Mythics Servers, they don't do anything for Europe. Why would they? There isn't any money in it.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 31, 2006
Nate said:
EA are to do with US servers, and they advertise Mythics Servers, they don't do anything for Europe. Why would they? There isn't any money in it.

Maybe for DAOC, but for WAR I'd expect to see EA involvement, I mean a large playerbase you'd expect to come from the UK and Europe.

But who knows.



Dec 22, 2003
TBH, If/when you cluster with a popular server you'll have flocks of people resubbing to "try it out" this will cause a shit load of problems such as lag and zone crashes..it's not like your bolting on 700 people prime to 3000 prime..

You'll be bolting on 1500 prime to 3200 prime...3700-4000 players on one cluster using one NF will lead to serious technical and social problems.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Requiel said:
On that subject I'd like to say a few things. I often hear people say that we never advertise, that they never saw an advert and people hear about the game mostly through word of mouth. Well, frankly, that's how advertising a game like this goes.

The problem is though there are not that many people in Dyvet to make word of mouth advertising effective.

Word of mouth advertising can also be very damaging and have the opposite effect, what if people say the game is crap?

Best thing you can do at the moment is give the latest expansion free with a gamers mag or two and maybe a 30 day trial instead of a 14 day trial.

I know yo have done it in the past maybe you could do it again?



Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Gamah said:
TBH, If/when you cluster with a popular server you'll have flocks of people resubbing to "try it out" this will cause a shit load of problems such as lag and zone crashes..it's not like your bolting on 700 people prime to 3000 prime..

You'll be bolting on 1500 prime to 3200 prime...3700-4000 players on one cluster using one NF will lead to serious technical and social problems.

You would like though that an MMORPG could handle large numbers of players and not just 500....



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
Of course, word of mouth advertising plus no games in shops falls flat.


Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Zede said:
All true apart from one thing, EA has a Trillon times more money than Blizzard.... and who owns Mythic....

Vivendi Games owns Blizzard and with Vivendi SA it is bigger in the financial aspect (5 times more employees, 7 times bigger income) than Electronic Arts.


FH is my second home
Jun 22, 2004
Kvadi said:

I have a few questions regarding the Dyvet cluster population and comments that have been made about it in the recent past.

Earlier today (4 Feb), in relation to your thread aimed at prompting discussion on "alarm clock" raids, you said: Ok Kvadi I can be your friend, do you wanna come shopping with me?

But you never said where to meet, so when i asked you this, you replied,

27 Dec, you said: Please stop following me, im not your mum

Does this mean there are now plans to be my lover? If not then what are you considering that might present an acceptable solution?

28 Dec, you said:Please stop following me irl, I will perma ban you if you persist

Why would you be so mean? I only wanna kiss and cuddle..

and on 29 Dec you said:There is a restraining order in place, please stop following me or you will be reported

Are you (My Love) now acknowledging that we are experiencing a serious relationship; and that it is not just due to temporary or seasonal factors?

Anyone get the feeling Kvadi loves Requiel?


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Manisch Depressiv said:
Vivendi Games owns Blizzard and with Vivendi SA it is bigger in the financial aspect (5 times more employees, 7 times bigger income) than Electronic Arts.

tis a good job WoW was a hit, after the biggest financial loss in French History in 2002, oohh what mythic could have done with 23 billion for advertising !!

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
Zede said:
tis a good job WoW was a hit, after the biggest financial loss in French History in 2002, oohh what mythic could have done with 23 billion for advertising !!

With 23 billion I would start a company and hire thousand people for good money to play one MMORPG for me and own it ;).

I could fire the noobs then too ;).

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