Even if enough groups came back for one night of decent fg rvr it still wouldnt last, people have made new characters on other servers or even moved on to new games and most likely wouldnt make that change again.
It's far too late to try and save what's left of Dyvet.
If you want good'ish fg rvr your only hope really is to reroll a .de server, or a US server if you play offpeak hours since the rvr is craptastic at EU primetime over there.![]()
I disagree Septina, most of players still play in EU servers, dosent make much difference to them to log on another server for a scheduled night or two. I know Dyvet is never gonna be the same again especially if ppl dont take serious initiative. But i have to also disagree with Jupi cause the "so called griefers" havent left the server, cause altho ppl associate griefers with CM the fact is that there are lots of players that log on at late hours.
In resume i aplaud all initiatives to bring some life to dyvet and i wish them the best of luck tho i dont see the change happening in one day, who knows...might work, might not.
My point is, people wont go back to Dyvet to maybe have what they already have on the servers they're playing on at the moment.
People have tried countless times to bring back action Dyvet and it has at most lasted for a couple of weeks.
Hate to sound like a 'dooooom dooooom' kind of preacher but in my opinion Dyvet is beyond rescue.![]()
If you want good'ish fg rvr your only hope really is to reroll a .de server, or a US server if you play offpeak hours since the rvr is craptastic at EU primetime over there.![]()
I will come back in a month to Dyvet to RvR, once I have sorted the QBs of 12+ ML10 chars. By then there should be some good RvR :O.
What do you mean by primetime? =) I just rolled Classic/US and there seems to be lots of players at every time of the day =)
Classic is in a league of its own tho with what? 3k+ players online primetime?
On the MLF and Lancelot cluster it's a totally different story.
The nights we rvr'd with our fg on Lancelot at our primetime the rvr was insanely shit, one or two at most enemy fg's out and then the random zerg aswell.
Not very good rvr at all and primary reason as to why our group split there.![]()
Oh that suxWhat about you come Classic then? =) I just started leveling an animist there, as it's the class I enjoy playing most =) There are also good groups there, which moved from classic/EU. At least I've seen <Shao> in Hibernia =)
Well if you plan to make a group count me in![]()
Never really liked classic, had 50 shaman on Lamorak with Dem Hibbies there and then 50 bard with Public Enemies when we rolled Glastonbury.
Never really liked the idea of the server as in my opninion it's not really a 'classic' server. What they should have done was make the classic server a patch 1.65 server, end of discussion, tho, if they had done that all the other ToA servers would have been emptied in the blink of an eye.![]()
Now that all the griefers have left lets turn it into a 8v8 server............................ flame on
Soulja_IA_ said:they left as it was Assoles from CM who decided to AC everything
dyvet would never be able to offer as good of a fg zone as limors/temair..
The way is shut.
It was made by those who are Dead.
And the Dead keep it.
The way is shut.
Gollum! Gollum!Gollum!
My point is, people wont go back to Dyvet to maybe have what they already have on the servers they're playing on at the moment.
People have tried countless times to bring back action Dyvet and it has at most lasted for a couple of weeks.
Hate to sound like a 'dooooom dooooom' kind of preacher but in my opinion Dyvet is beyond rescue.![]()
Classic is in a league of its own tho with what? 3k+ players online primetime?
On the MLF and Lancelot cluster it's a totally different story.
The nights we rvr'd with our fg on Lancelot at our primetime the rvr was insanely shit, one or two at most enemy fg's out and then the random zerg aswell.
Not very good rvr at all and primary reason as to why our group split there.![]()
Dyvet idea - Turn it into a coffee machine.