(Durgi post cont..)Taking opted rvr to agramon, does it hurt the casual gamer?


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Teslacoil said:
rp's is just a way of means to count the fun.

Let's set up an instanced 8 vs 8 arena...with no RPs...and see how many people use it.

The whole "FG" thing started because it was the most effective way to get RPs, which is, when you get right down to it, the whole point of RvR for many people. After all, once you're ML'd and CL'd up the RR grind is the only way left to progress your character after hitting 50.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
Svartmetall said:
Let's set up an instanced 8 vs 8 arena...with no RPs...and see how many people use it.

The whole "FG" thing started because it was the most effective way to get RPs, which is, when you get right down to it, the whole point of RvR for many people. After all, once you're ML'd and CL'd up the RR grind is the only way left to progress your character after hitting 50.

I would use that zoone for sure, im done whit my shaman, have all RPs i need etc. Only thing i whant to have from RVR is to have hard fights VS other good groups. I se it as a sport or smt do the best we can and to prove that the group i play whit are to count for and that we are hard to get down.

Me my self dont like adds/adding and it doesent matter if it is adds in emain or agramon stil dont like it. Ofc we all adds more or less smt but i am one of them that try to do it as little as possible. Shit i even got a whine barage from a SM that yelled at me and asked why me and valgair didnt add yesterday when he got "jumped" by a vampiir.


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Profion said:
i even got a whine barage from a SM that yelled at me and asked why me and valgair didnt add yesterday when he got "jumped" by a vampiir.
Well, since it's a realm war and not Marquis Of Queensbury Rules, why didn't you help the SM?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Svartmetall said:
Let's set up an instanced 8 vs 8 arena...with no RPs...and see how many people use it.

The whole "FG" thing started because it was the most effective way to get RPs, which is, when you get right down to it, the whole point of RvR for many people. After all, once you're ML'd and CL'd up the RR grind is the only way left to progress your character after hitting 50.
Haha are you on drugs? Our 5 caster group was hitting 25k rp/hour rate in Irvr in hadrians a while back, it was shit boring and we went to agramon where we didnt even get half of that from fg fights. zerging with casters = best rp you can get.


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Svartmetall said:
Well, since it's a realm war and not Marquis Of Queensbury Rules, why didn't you help the SM?

Cos sm's with there uber ml9 intercepting pets should have killed it xD


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
Peeps playing US pretending to know what's rvr situation in EU atm makes me laugh, good baiting tho.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
Svartmetall said:
Well, since it's a realm war and not Marquis Of Queensbury Rules, why didn't you help the SM?

Like i wrote i dont like adds and why should i?


Great Unclean One
Jan 5, 2004
Gahn said:
Peeps playing US pretending to know what's rvr situation in EU atm makes me laugh, good baiting tho.
More than a few US players still cling to the myth that EU players get more RPs per kill....!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2005
ebenezer said:
i gotta agree to the part about the high rr. This whole discussion with the zerging and adding and so forth would have been so much more believable and good if just some of the players on the "opted side" would be a low rr for once. But sometimes it feels like a very rish person in rl that worked his way up like everyone else and then when he is up there he forgets where he came from and now talk rubbish of all the poor and working class hero scums:p
This is not a disagreement against all you said though chronic, you have some valid points in there.
But i agree to the fact that most high rrs wouldnt act all that if they were low again, then they would be out there "helping" the realm with zerg add and do whatever the lower rr has to do to get foward in ranking:)

Actually CT started in december running fg to agramon, with something like 3x rr3 tanks and a rr3 warden, also rr4 casters... And we did have and had a ton of fun... On the other side though, sure i have been in zerg farming groups and the like, but there we are following the rules of the "non fg players".

Anyway point is, we did for one go out there as fg with several newly made chars who had never rvred before, and we did not have to get rr10 to compete or be part of the cummunity :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Hrymf said:
Actually CT started in december running fg to agramon, with something like 3x rr3 tanks and a rr3 warden, also rr4 casters... And we did have and had a ton of fun... On the other side though, sure i have been in zerg farming groups and the like, but there we are following the rules of the "non fg players".

Anyway point is, we did for one go out there as fg with several newly made chars who had never rvred before, and we did not have to get rr10 to compete or be part of the cummunity :)

Aye, there are times when low rr, hell even low rr unopted groups can go to agramon and have fun. When Coo Coo had recently just started to rvr they had an opted group out, I was running with a group of friends that were lowish rr as well and no clerics (rr2 theurg was me, rr5 tic, rr4tic, friar, 1 rr8 bg tank and a rr5 merc)

We had some cracking fights, think we had about 6 fights with that group that afternoon in short time span (was before most opted groups came out) and though my group only won 2 fights against them we had really good long fights (gimpy healing and all) because they had no casters, we had lots of interupts (if they interupted me there was 2 tics, interupt a tic and there was 1theurg and 1tic etc) so was great fun.

Yus the high rr opted came out after and slaughtered us, but with clerics we would hold our own there as proven before. You just need to play very well at low RR though to do so. It is alot more challenging but it isnt hopeless (at rr3 i was in high rr groups fighting rr10 groups but could still hold my own even thoguh i lacked alot of what i needed). Enemy ra's aint always up, albeit they often are, but even then it only gives them an edge, something good team work can get around


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
The usual casual players vs "leet" players discussion once again.

It is so popular to show disgust towards the players who enjoy FG vs FG and go shout out the usual drama clichès(sp?) with the lack of respect for casual gamers' playstyle and the usual blablabla whenever the opportunity arrives. I recently read a thread that discussed the problems with different playstyles, lack of respect and bad attitudes etc. Yet the same discussion is immediatly taken up again because someone used a thread about when FGs prefered to RvR to have a go at the people enjoying FG vs FG fights. I dont really see the point, other than trying to earn respect from the casual gamer for having such a strong badass attitude? Because that seems to be the case here with Durgi's post.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Durgi said:
You talk of respect, try paying some to those whose backs you feed off, don't yell stop adding when your doing no more than leeching from their hard work. The very reason there's so many enemies around is cause they have taken the time and effort to smash a dozen towers, a couple of keeps, and brought them out to do battle.

Actually taking keeps to provide I-RVR only benefits those who expect to die. Solo warlocks mostly, as what you called a 8v8-specialist, I much prefer taking the boatride in exchange for not having so many from my own realm in the hot rvr-zone. 8 mid PuGs = no rvr. Just our group + 8 alb and hibs setgroups = nice rvr. Not to mention that I-RVR makes the climate impossible for geniune soloers (i.e. who aren't stealthzergers or warlocks) to get proper fights because with I-RVR every BD/DarkSM/RM/Warlock/Skald/Thane/Zerk thinks "Hey, may as well port and do a few laps".

In short: dedicated players only stand to loose from the ambition of it's own realms keeptakers, and it doesn't matter if you're a dedicated soloer or a 8v8-player.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
its a game, not an irl war, why disrespect others to the point of ruining their entire evening by chain zerging them?
why disrespect them by chain adding on ur fellow realm mates, and thus ruin their fun, often u can find urself ruining some very interresting and exciting fights?
why call the elitists "rp whores" or "ppl who show 0 respect for the casual gamer" when the casual gamer is the one who disregards the basics of respect in the first place?

we are at a point where the world has been divided betwwen theese as well, like atm, emain is split in 2, one side for the casual player, the other for the fg vs fg... quite simple solution, that should leave most happy.
obviously, sometimes one side has parts of it go to the other, but again, u see the "elitists" adapt to zerg theory there, while the casuals come to the east side and keep their playstyle from the zerg area (by adding) (and yes, ofc theres still exceptions), and soz if im a bit off on that point, but i cba to explain it in full as that would take like 3 pages, ur prolly clever enuff to get the point.

that been said, yes, there is room for both "elitists" and "casual" gamers, and so there should always be, i would be sad the day nobody adds any more, as it is part of the game, and creates not only a change in the scenario, but also for very interresting battles at times... however, there is a point when enuff is enuff (same as its ok to be added on and killed in a 1v1, but the 8th time, its growing rather tiresome, and most will prolly log).
i rarely say anything to adds, except if it is ppl i expect not to do it on those thye should have enough respect for (if i leave some1 to do their fighting, they should repay the curtsey), or the ones who have driven it to such an extent that its beyond the point of fun for anybody except themselves (3fgs roamin the east side of emain has no point except to piss every1 off, and get revenge for ur own lack of skill)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 24, 2003
Svartmetall said:
The whole "FG" thing started because it was the most effective way to get RPs, which is, when you get right down to it, the whole point of RvR for many people. After all, once you're ML'd and CL'd up the RR grind is the only way left to progress your character after hitting 50.
Maybe, but the moment you go for >1fg vs >1fg there is absolutely no balance with healing and damage dealing. "FG thing" is the most balanced team-play in DAoC and that's what makes it so enjoyable, period.


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 18, 2004
Saggy said:
Maybe, but the moment you go for >1fg vs >1fg there is absolutely no balance with healing and damage dealing. "FG thing" is the most balanced team-play in DAoC and that's what makes it so enjoyable, period.

100% agree


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
gwal said:
... however, there is a point when enuff is enuff (same as its ok to be added on and killed in a 1v1, but the 8th time, its growing rather tiresome, and most will prolly log).
i rarely say anything to adds, except if it is ppl i expect not to do it on those thye should have enough respect for (if i leave some1 to do their fighting, they should repay the curtsey), or the ones who have driven it to such an extent that its beyond the point of fun for anybody except themselves (3fgs roamin the east side of emain has no point except to piss every1 off, and get revenge for ur own lack of skill)

Aye i totally agree with that, and for me that works most of the time, fg's know that i don't add or other solo people, and usualy get repayed the favour, when i next see them around. I like to think that my be showing restraint and not following the majority of everyone else zerging in emain, that people can maybe enjoy their evening.

I wouldn't like to think because of my action, i ended up causing someone to log in frustration. So i try to be as fair as i can in alot of cases.
For example i could see a low RR alb/hib trying to solo, i have already had a fight with them once, and ofc they probably lose. But i wont go back again and think o easy rp's, as i know that would be out of order.......even though i would benefit from killing them again, i wouldn't as i know how i would feel if i was in their situation.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
gwal said:
like atm, emain is split in 2, one side for the casual player, the other for the fg vs fg...

Nobody agreed to this, that was something that some fg'ers took it upon themselves to expect. Pretty daft really.

On the other hand, fg'ers sticking to Agramon and being left alone is a no brainer. Nobody in their right mind has a problem with that. Heck, that's what most reasonable people agreed a while back. Ofc you'll always have some with more polarised views who aren't going to agree to any compromise.

The only problem arises if a) Some "fg'ers" decide to unilaterally change the agreement and expect everyone to go along with it (e.g. deciding that half of the iRvR zone is "theirs") or b) Some "zergers" get all arsey over people having an agreed area for add-free fg fights. If people just stuck to what was agreed by the reasonable majority ages ago then everyone would be happy.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Bracken said:
Nobody agreed to this, that was something that some fg'ers took it upon themselves to expect. Pretty daft really.

On the other hand, fg'ers sticking to Agramon and being left alone is a no brainer. Nobody in their right mind has a problem with that. Heck, that's what most reasonable people agreed a while back. Ofc you'll always have some with more polarised views who aren't going to agree to any compromise.

The only problem arises if a) Some "fg'ers" decide to unilaterally change the agreement and expect everyone to go along with it (e.g. deciding that half of the iRvR zone is "theirs") or b) Some "zergers" get all arsey over people having an agreed area for add-free fg fights. If people just stuck to what was agreed by the reasonable majority ages ago then everyone would be happy.

pretty daft of the FGs to take up an empty area of emain.. yeah, sure, we could call it that.

only reasons agra is a no brainer is its too far for the zergs to go there, and the area is too big to find enough fights, which oddly enuff is the same reasons the FGs dont.

not like its insanely tough to cross a river to go zerg if thats what u want, is it.....


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 18, 2004
gwal said:
pretty daft of the FGs to take up an empty area of emain.. yeah, sure, we could call it that.

only reasons agra is a no brainer is its too far for the zergs to go there, and the area is too big to find enough fights, which oddly enuff is the same reasons the FGs dont.

not like its insanely tough to cross a river to go zerg if thats what u want, is it.....

reroll !


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
gwal said:
pretty daft of the FGs to take up an empty area of emain.. yeah, sure, we could call it that.

only reasons agra is a no brainer is its too far for the zergs to go there, and the area is too big to find enough fights, which oddly enuff is the same reasons the FGs dont.

not like its insanely tough to cross a river to go zerg if thats what u want, is it.....

Emain isn't empty. There are 3 active keeps there and as a result lots of traffic. As for the zerg going to Agramon...don't be silly. No keeps, bridges or towers to play around so would quickly lose interest for the zergers. If on the other hand all you really want is fg fights then it's the perfect zone - easily defined, easily accessible and no towers or other things to attract the zerg. It's not that big at all - and those wanting fg fights I'm sure are happy to do a little travelling... Agramon is the best zone by far to have as the designated fg area. Saying otherwise really is nonsense - or just putting obstacles in the way so you have an excuse to go iRvR and farm the zerg when you get bored. Which is fine of course just don't spit your dummy out when the inevitable happens.


Can't get enough of FH
Jun 18, 2004
No, it isn't the best place for fg v fg, there is no such place.

Agramon sucks because it isn't flat land. Loads of hills and trees n such for crappy los problems


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 6, 2005
just bring out instanced fg zones and the FG can piss off there tbh.

no loss.



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 12, 2004
I think Durgi's post count is bugged, by goa. it shows 6 posts while he himself claims it is 9 posts! :touch:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Haggus said:
No, it isn't the best place for fg v fg, there is no such place.

Agramon sucks because it isn't flat land. Loads of hills and trees n such for crappy los problems

Meant in terms of as a clear zone away from the zerg. Anyways, it's similar to old emain...isn't that what you wanted? ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Bracken said:
Emain isn't empty. There are 3 active keeps there and as a result lots of traffic. As for the zerg going to Agramon...don't be silly. No keeps, bridges or towers to play around so would quickly lose interest for the zergers. If on the other hand all you really want is fg fights then it's the perfect zone - easily defined, easily accessible and no towers or other things to attract the zerg. It's not that big at all - and those wanting fg fights I'm sure are happy to do a little travelling... Agramon is the best zone by far to have as the designated fg area. Saying otherwise really is nonsense - or just putting obstacles in the way so you have an excuse to go iRvR and farm the zerg when you get bored. Which is fine of course just don't spit your dummy out when the inevitable happens.

u rly dont get it do you... and doubt u ever will.

agramon is further away, and bigger than the bloody half of a zone. lets see, we wanna spend 10 mins looking for a fight, or 5 mins? tough damn choice, isnt it.
farm the zerg when bored? aye, thats true, but the zerg comes to farm us when they are bored too (or try to anyways). difference is that a GG might (MIGHT) go to farm the zerg once or twice during an evening, whilst the zerg or adders will continue to do their thing for hours and hours.

and lets see..

east side of emain is virtually empty
FGs start to use it
"random grps" start to go add on fights there, or zerg
GGs complain about it, after it becomes tiresome
"random grps" say: go to agramon if u want fg fights so we can roam this empty area alone

u make so little sense....
and before u say it, an occasional grp looking for inc from bold - dc doesnt make for an active area


Dec 22, 2003
From this date forth the world Roleplay will now be know as Durgiplay.

Thanks for your time!


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
gwal said:
u rly dont get it do you... and doubt u ever will.

I "get it" completely. Your post shows that you are either too arrogant or too blinkered in your views to grasp some simple principles.

gwal said:
lets see, we wanna spend 10 mins looking for a fight, or 5 mins? tough damn choice, isnt it.

If your priority is un-added fights you'd spend 10 minutes. People used to spend far longer waiting for fg fights than that. This argument holds no weight whatsoever.

gwal said:
the zerg comes to farm us when they are bored too (or try to anyways). difference is that a GG might (MIGHT) go to farm the zerg once or twice during an evening, whilst the zerg or adders will continue to do their thing for hours and hours..

Don't flatter yourself. The zerg doesn't come to try and farm you. People run around looking for fights, using /rw to find them - that's the be all and end all of it. And the zone they run around begins at Bolg and ends at Dun Crim (or whichever is the latest iRvR zone). If you are stupid enough to go there for your fg fights then it is INEVITABLE at some point they find you. And going to farm the zerg once or twice an evening also means you lose any right to spit your dummy out when the zerg finds you.

gwal said:
east side of emain is virtually empty
FGs start to use it
"random grps" start to go add on fights there, or zerg
GGs complain about it, after it becomes tiresome
"random grps" say: go to agramon if u want fg fights so we can roam this empty area alone..

Zergers go to where the action is. If there are fights on the east side of emain they will go there. They chase the crossed swords. Now, listen carefully...this is the tricky bit. IF you stayed in Agramon, then people wouldn't go there. Reason 1: Most of us have agreed to this. Reason 2: There are no crossed swords popping up like beacons on the /rw. Now I know it's a tricky concept so, like a broken record, I'll say it again. Slowly and loudly this time so it sinks in.

If you want people to leave your fights alone...




If you want to fight in Emain then of course carry on. Just don't throw your rattle around when your fights get added on.

gwal said:
u make so little sense....

If I could use pictures to help you understand I would... :fluffle:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
i dont stalk gwal but as far as ive seen he doesn't whine about adds. :p emain is a nice area for 8v8, terrain is good and its a relatively small area so the fights come fast. also, not every grp can be contacted on irc and they go to emain, so the logical choice is to rvr there.

if people add, fine :p rather get more adds outside agramon then find nothing inside. you seem so determined to get us to agramon id almost think there is another reason for it! :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Vodkafairy said:
i dont stalk gwal but as far as ive seen he doesn't whine about adds. :p emain is a nice area for 8v8, terrain is good and its a relatively small area so the fights come fast. also, not every grp can be contacted on irc and they go to emain, so the logical choice is to rvr there.

if people add, fine :p rather get more adds outside agramon then find nothing inside. you seem so determined to get us to agramon id almost think there is another reason for it!

I'm not determined to get you to go anywhere - I'm just saying IF you want add free fights then Agramon is the place to go. Makes no odds to me where you play - the more the merrier in Emain to be honest, and always nice seeing you there :D I just don't wanna hear the whines about it when people add there - my ears can't take much more of the bleating. Likewise I won't whine when you wipe the floor with our group of armsmen, smite clerics and heretics :)

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