Duels: lame wankers



Re: hmm

Originally posted by Thae / Wretch
LOL @ SUB !! :puke:

another one who cant make his rp without fighting in a set up fight where he doesnt have to do anything but hit 1... pathetic!


Sub, going round in big groups and raping all because of shear numbers is better is it?


laand noone says rvr have to be like that, and im not saying its better, but the other is not allowed..

aussie, grow a brain ok little kiddie?


Re: Re: hmm

Originally posted by Subbiz

another one who cant make his rp without fighting in a set up fight where he doesnt have to do anything but hit 1... pathetic!
Want some pie ?

Sub = rp farmer :m00:


I had some nice Staff duels with 'Wizzor' (think that was his name) was fun m8, neither of us killed each other, think I am the Staff duel master :D

Also, why not let people duel? if you dont like dueling DONT come, people saying about 'RP FARMING BLA BLA BLA' so what? the game isnt just about rps and if people have fun dueling let them.
Dont come along thinking your all it and start killing everyone and spoiling peoples fun.
The real rp farmers are yourselves as your all crying about people getting rps, in the end i made 1.3krps WOW OMG UBER RPS NOT, can get more than that for soloing 2 peeps.
Its no different than sitting in a keep waiting for people to come and take it back, thats all sorta arranged as you know they will come and take it back eventually.....


Well now it is official, GOA/Mythic has to do something to stop this... it destroys the game... not the actuall duelling and stuff but the whining afterwards... damnit if sub or whoever wants to kill ppl low on hp let him do that i mean u where lots there, just kill him... this is not to defend sub in anyway... i would have said the same whoever it was that killed people...

I am not against duelling or running in big groups killing everything there is... cuz i have arived at AMG several time just to be run down by lots of albs or lots of hibs... if we can not kill in big groups then there should be some limit to how many could be in emain from each realm... ;)

Well we had some small scale duells before and there came some orangecon hib and killed everyone and another time there where albs that killed us off... and even further back in the game we had some duells and then came mids to kill everyone and did not want us to duell....

so why keep whining about ppl killing others in RvR... I still think it is cool with duells and stuff but i would be cool if theymade a zone where no RP's was awarded and where we could duell as much as we like... but it should cost more money to go there or something,,, then those who want to duell can do that and the once that want to RVR can do that :) some kind of colloseum or something...

finaly plz don't missudertsand this now.... as i said i am not defending anyone or saying that anyone is wrong (i am bad at expressing myself in words, often missuderstood when i do long conversations :p )... just wanted to tell my point of view...


gratz to Ethra for a very nice duel(s) ;)

Aye nice duals we had there, cant remember who won though?
I beat someone and had about 10HP left was that you?


Secondly, who caused the chaos in the end?
And thirdly which two lamers both attacked me at once after i started dualing with one?
Also, why was a green scout running around killing all the little grey cons that were watching?
And one final thing:- lmao at russell, mezzing me and running off was a good idea, until i had stuck to you and came flying straight at you with my axe when i saw you again

Is that lame??? Sounds like fun. Duels are lame in my opinion and me as prowd Albion should make sure to ruin as much duels as possible in the name of common sense. Mids and hibs are my enemies and I will kill thim in every opportunity possible. Even if it takes waiting for a duel to end and then finish him off.

So you have been warned. Your duels might end up in total chaos when im around and thats the only way it should be.


why have people like you ruin the fun for others when we have sub and co to do it already :p


Sad to see realmmates hate eachother.... if this goes on we will never take a relic back ;) so gratz hib and alb u are now official owners of a str and a pow relic... use them well.. and share :p


i dont hate sub, i just dont like the fact he spoiled the fun, if you dont want duels to happen, then dont show up to them, there was normal on going RvR at the same time, because the duels were well out of the way.

//Laand Stormcaller, 47 thane
<Wolves Of Valhalla>


You can't really blame anybody for attacking people from other realms that duel IMO. Sure it spoils your duel fun, but that's a game there is no rule that forbids duelling and no rule that forbids to attack people that duel. So try to figure out who is right / lame etc.

Tank Init

well now we all know how ppl get the rps :) cant wait for the pvp server to c how good u lot really are.


Originally posted by Etha.
gratz to Ethra for a very nice duel(s) ;)

Aye nice duals we had there, cant remember who won though?
I beat someone and had about 10HP left was that you?

that was first time yea ;)

second time i k*ck*d your *ss :pP


I wasnt at this duel event, so i cant speak for it..
but ppl who says they are gonna "stop all duels they can, cuz it's rp farming" are the biggest rp farmers, FU you aint killing every1 to stop something cuz GOA doesnt like it, you do it cuz you want some free fast rp period...
Ok if you do it, but dont bring it to the boards and act as a Hero, your just as selfish as the rest of us and doesnt care jackass about the rules..

ps. this is not aimed to any special person.

Daoc isnt about War, it's about have'n a good time, and I dont think those who duels do it to Farm Rp's.


Originally posted by Cerverloc
Official message from GOA:

About duels.

- The unexpected duel, one versus one, leading to the death of the escape of one of the two fighters.
- The organised duels with “healer” classes, able to bring back to life slain players.

In the first case, it is an honourable (or not so honourable) duel, with which we have no problem as long as it is unplanned and exceptional.

In the second case however, we face an alteration of the game, allowing players to do what we call “RP farming”, the act of “farming” realm points doing many “controlled” duels and sparing the healing classes. For such situations, we will not take direct sanctions against the players even if it is an alteration of the Gameplay. However, do not be surprised if your whole party is slaughtered by wandering guards, friendly jousts have no place when there is realm war going on!

Originally posted by old.Eleasias
Most of the duels ended up by someone being dead and I bet atleast someone got over 10k RP from that duel "event"

Fellas, CE were in Sauvage ganking (err..ethically) when we got to hear about this "duel". We got to emain 5 minutes after it ended. If we hear of it again going on within spitting distance of MMG and we get there in time your asses are grass. Go fuck around RP farming each other somewhere private...like behind the Hib MFG in Hadrians. Better still do it on Gorre where it doesnt make a blind bit of difference when it switches to Excal. You do it in Emain, we will wax you if we hear of it.


I'm not sure if he has replied above, but battlerager says he didn't have a single buff.

So if he won a duel it's only because he is uber.


Sub - Bah, u maybe remember but then again u are a mid with short memory, nuff said


I had some very nice duels against honourable mids and albs. Hated how a alb mercenary could rape me tho without me being able to do much.

I think I had some best duels agains mids, because they didn't have a relic bonus to make them too uber in melee. I'm bad remembering names, but salute to Murbank and co.

I had one bad occurrence when trying to duel Issingrunt a alb paladin. His friend decided he needed help and ganked me. I hope Issingrunt kicked his arse for messing up his chance to duel a hero and win on his own.

Most of the time I backed up when winning or when I was obviously losing, but on 1 fight I killed a mid coz I wanted to take that fight to the end. I was losing at 5% hp moose used and mid was at 10%. At the end I managed to pull of a block chain which finished him. Oh yeah and 1 yellow con alb went down surprisingly fast. There was nothing I could do.

For me the duels were a nice event and then Sub and friends decided to end them.

You don't need GOA or Mythic to mess up duel events, because we players can do it on our own and that's the way it should be. If people get together and arrange a honourable duel event, by all means let them to do so. There will allways be asses who fuck 'em up and at some point it turns into a 1 or 3 way massacre with someone farming rp's. WTG Sub rr5 soon? ;)


Originally posted by old.Iriba
I had some very nice duels against honourable mids and albs. Hated how a alb mercenary could rape me tho without me being able to do much.

Fear the dirt. ;)

No buffs and ungrouped is the only way to go. Needs to be a test of skillz not a test of who knows the best buffer/s. You and your choice of spec/equipment vs. the other guys. A simple reconnect before the fight can fix most buffs. I guess its the same ppl who use buffs in duals as use buffbots in regular RvR.. inadequates.


there is no rule that forbids duelling

Its against Code of Conduct and GOA sees it as rp-farming. In my opinion they should send a whole bunch of uberguards to wipe out the duelling freaks. Good riddance.


Originally posted by K0nah

No buffs and ungrouped is the only way to go. Needs to be a test of skillz not a test of who knows the best buffer/s. You and your choice of spec/equipment vs. the other guys. A simple reconnect before the fight can fix most buffs. I guess its the same ppl who use buffs in duals as use buffbots in regular RvR.. inadequates.

I fail to see how there is any skillz in a tank duel but there u go.

As to buffs, I can understand tanks being unbuffed for a 'fair' duel but if ur gonna do that maybe u should all be wearing the same armour, using the same weapon etc.

If one tank using buffs is unfair then surely so is having better gear with better + stats :p


It's about skills (if any) and spells you alone can come up with.. with buffs from another person it wouldn't be a duel, it would basically be 2 vs. 1..

Equipment differences are in the same category as spec and class differences and what make a duel interesting with different ppl..




Originally posted by -frostor-
evrything was going real nice until
Sub , Venomski and Hallard were just killing evryone
dunno why , i guess you wanted some rp's

one thing i know for sure that there are very nice mids that dont want to rp farm and go away when your enemy is at -30%

gratz to Ethra for a very nice duel(s) ;)

ps.Matinex , your sweeeeet :p

Frostor complains about Sub, Venomski and Hallard breaking up everything, when 'everything was going really nice' at the duelling site. Well, nothing wrong with that, I guess, until I read:

Originally posted by Etha.
gratz to Ethra for a very nice duel(s) ;)

Aye nice duals we had there, cant remember who won though?
I beat someone and had about 10HP left was that you?

So, this is how the 'honorable' and 'not-to-the-death', 'just-good-clean-fun' duels end: Frostor and Etha clearly have ended up killing each other. possibly/probably multiple times each in about equal amounts (since both seem so happy with the duels...). How is that not RP farming? What's wrong with the picture?

Did I misunderstand your posts or something? I don't think so, and this is exactly why GOA has a 'negative attitude' towards organized duelling, because some shit heads tend to fuck things up for something that basically could be a good thing. And the ones to blame are NOT players like Sub, Venomski or Hallard, but always someone closer to home.

Yes, I agree, Mythic should get up from its arse and create a battle grounds where no xp/RPs can be gained or lost, but until Mythic does (GOA could/should, of course, put some pressure on...), I see no reason to condemn the actions of Sub, etc. when getting a duel site in his sights.

Oh, of course, you can always say: 'Its just a game. People do what they want to.' etc. etc. But... that kind of arguments work both ways, if at all. It is not just a game, it is a product players are paying for and it has rules. I hope you never have to use the 'It's just a game'-argument on an enraged football fan coming after you and see how it works for you ;) .



First you duel (which I dont agree with but who gives a fuck?)

THEN you spend hours discussing whether peeps should be buffed/unbuffed/what constitutes fair buff etc etc etc etc etc ad infinitum.

Err fellas? Is the game itself THAT boring? ;)

Just be patient, wait for PvP and kick each others arses as much as you like one on one there. One thing I will warn you though...whether PvP is English or not it will be dominated by our German neighbours - and with every online game I have ever played they are the true masters of lameness and bug abuse (only a hard-core of the online gaming peeps - not all of them). So dont expect a barrel of laughs there...it won't happen. Just be prepared for a white hot forum (please God not this one) with some uber "bitchin an a whinin" ;)


Just be prepared for a white hot forum (please God not this one) with some uber "bitchin an a whinin"

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