DTX banned from entering BWQ3L



Ok, then I have another question

Good response to the question before btw, i admit I hadnt just presumed u`d stop them :)

Ok, my point is now this :)

Dtx - From the past - note, none of the players involved in the aliasing are in dtx now.
- You say they werent sportsmanlike, i remember after I rejoined DTX and they pld 2 4v3s vs DC, they were locked out on dm2 and then dm3, but yet pred/zor/fuze NEVER stopped playing and kept going for it till the end, something I bet you will rarely see in such circumstances. No bl33ting, no arguing, they laughed their way through it.
- You say you had problems with Eth before, afaik Eth has now agreed not to play for DTX in the bw league if it will help them get in.

From the playerlist other then those players are there any that you can honestly say you`ve had major problems with? Forget the clan tag, when it comes to it its about the players in the clan. I dont think any of the current players in DTX would cause a problem in the league, I dont think DTX would therefore cause any problems.

I`m not trying to get you to change your mind, I know you won`t, i`m trying to help Pred establish the reasons they arent being allowed in so he can rectify it so next season you have no reason to do so. Not letting them in cause they chose to reform a clan that you had a problem with before isn`t fair on the players that chose to be in the clan this time. The problem players are no longer there, and Pred has given assurances the players that are there are to play and nothing else, so I cant see the reasons to not let them in.

I know im rambling :) but u say they werent let in coz of certain people and their chequered history. The players that were a problem are no longer there, and the people that caused that history are gone. I dont think its fair to taint the players that are reforming DTX with those that tainted the clans name in QW in the past who are not in the clan for Q3 for exactly those reasons.


You've been saying whatever the response you will accept it for days now, but show no signs of this actually being the case. It would be a refreshing change for you to once stick to your word.

At no point, and feel free to paste, have I said I would accept your decision (apart from above), why would you have thought that?.

Throughout this discussion i have tried to avoid sinking to the level employed by some of DTX's clan members and other people because it's just not worth it.

No need for that, seeing as 99% of the people won't know what your talking about, I see you go to any depths to make a point. Tho I'm sure the parties involved are glad you brought that issue to the forum. Time will tell.


/me puts his can of worms away....'because I'm worth it'



i've been keeping track of this but i think peeps are taking sides too easy only the people involve know the exact details. bigfoots email didn't say "ban" at all and i'm sure yours isn't the only clan who didn't get a space in the league this season. i've adminned and head adminned in leagues before and believe me the last thing an admin needs is abuse especially when he/she comes to your chan to help you in some way.

Bigfoot do an autobiography :)
I'll buy it :D



i've been keeping track of this but i think peeps are taking sides too easy only the people involve know the exact details

At first, no. Later on yes.

bigfoots email didn't say "ban" at all and i'm sure yours isn't the only clan who didn't get a space in the league this season

With all due respect m8 I have allready pointed out we were not 'banned', but refused entry. I use the word 'ban' because if we were refused entry from the BWQ3L this season for no reason, I have serious doubts if we will ever be allowed to to enter, hence the term 'ban'. I hope I have cleared this point up.

i've adminned and head adminned in leagues before and believe me the last thing an admin needs is abuse especially when he/she comes to your chan to help you in some way.

Lets clear something up here and now. Bigfoot was not 'abused' in any way shape or form, he was the subject of Nashers jokes, which were harmless and purley in jest.
Ethereal did not abuse Bigfoot, swear at him, call him names, he argued with him (aboput 4 or 5 lines of text) and made a few sniping remarks. Bifgoot is also guilty of this as well. I have the log if you really want it?. There was a petty exchanges of words, nothing more.



why the fuck should we care?

So your clan full of people with attitude problems, which is clear from the fact that you have managed to piss off numerous people in the past and present has been disallowed from entering the league this season because your a clan full of people with attitude problems.

You have shown that you are not worthy to be in the league all through this thread with your rediculous comments about bigfoot regarding 4k, and other "blantant bias" as well as your quoting of people and either taking what they say completely out of context or simply bl33ting the same "facts" over and over in the vain hope that they will become more relevant.

The fact is, and I don't hesitate to use the word fact, is that you were refused entry because members of your clan, and people in your channel (who to a certain extent you are responsible for, as you can kick them out if they do not express your views etc.) were abusive to the head admin of the league you were trying to join. That is the reason, bigfoot when mentioning the "troublemakers" in that posted email was referring to a person who had been abusive to him in your clan channel and someone who has been known to be abusive and immature in the past.

And to be perfectly honest you have shown yourself to be an immature arrogant idiot from your posts in this thread so I suggest you shut up and find some other league to play in.

As a final point, what did you hope to accomplish by posting this information in a forum? Expose the corruption inside barrysworld (which doesn't happen to exist btw), or simply impose your own stupidity on everyone who reads these boards?


ps. don't even bother quoting me and trying to refute my points because:
1) They areall true and well thought out (something you might try)
2) I will not be reading this thread any longer so your futile efforts to defeat me intellectually will have no effect.


Re: why the fuck should we care?

Originally posted by ~combatjoe~
So your clan full of people with attitude problems, which is clear from the fact that you have managed to piss off numerous people in the past and present has been disallowed from entering the league this season because your a clan full of people with attitude problems.

This coming from someone in FED :)


I will not be reading this thread any longer

Clear case of irony ;)

so your futile efforts to defeat me intellectually will have no effect

Are Darleks allowed to post in here? ;)

Had your comments been penned by someone with even half your obvious intellect, I would still not be worried.
Half of nothing is well....nothing ;)

Nice to see some real intellect on show to, as for your comments above, don't give up your day job. Reminds me, I must put the bins out tonight ;)

So this is online gaming Fun then?


This coming from someone in FED

You saved me a lot of typing ;)

Predster ;)

"For I am a bear of very little brain and long words bother me"
Just for you Joe, but you won't see it will you....darn! ;)


Well , i've been watching this forum for the last couple of days debating whether i should post here or not.

First of all i'd like to say that i think all clans deserve a second chance providing they have changed their ways.

Well my thoughts are as follows.....(its very long but will eventually make sense i hope :))

In quakeworld i was the leader of eom, and i came into the scene relatively late, it was hardly a competitive clan, was basically a group of ppl who got on well (this is going somewhere....dont worry =)). I was from wireplay background and was wireplay only while these arguments between bif / dtx / 4k we're going on (taking place on the net) so tbh ive got no idea what its all about.

2 months ago (i think?) dtx reappeared as a q3 clan (mainly ra3 afaik). The first i heard of them was over the relic + mist joining 4k post on http://www.challenge-uk where they basically had no idea what the situation was but decided to jump on the bandwagan and slag off 4k influenced by a continued grudge from things that happened in qw (which i know nothing about as i had barely heard of 4k when this was actually going on so don't know if its true or not , nor do i care about the qw past) even through the 4k q3 only contains 3 people from the old qw 4k now (2 of them inactive) and under new leadership (mine).

The annoying thing about this is that theres more to every story than people know or will ever find out. They knew nothing about me (i dont recall ever having a conversation with anyone in dtx at this point) yet still felt that their qw views on 4k (which are probably very inaccurate) applied to q3 2 years (ish?) on with an almost totally new team.

I don't really know dtx , i'm not concerned about dtx's past
with 4k. What i am concerned about is how they seem to hold a lot of hostilty towards everyone over past grudges (even people they barely know but are connected to someone who they had a past grudge with).

Ive spoken on irc to people from dtx rarely when we coincidently ended up in the same channel and its not been very pleasant tbh, constant comments about 4k , spamming / swearing etc to get people to play ra3 games at like....2 in the morning etc.

They're not really showing respect for anybody which has been evident on this messageboard right near the start aswell as on irc (probably more obviously). Every time somebody posts something that isn't in Dtx's favour they see fit to slag them off, it hardly shows huge signs of maturity on their part. For example strider posts something that was supposed to help dtx get back in the league yet was a very neutral post, strider is one of the 'nice guys' of qw respected by almost everyone in the uk yet one of their players felt like having a go when he was trying to help them?

My point here is that in qw i was from a neutral clan , i know nothing about the past yet their actions of late towards me and 4k along with various others have annoyed me a fair bit. Im not saying they shouldn't be let in the league nor am i saying that they should. What i am saying is that they have caused hassle to me and could well cause problems if they entered the bwdml (if bif decided to give permission).

Tbh i respect bif's decision , maybe DTX should enter another league and bif can follow the progress on that from a distance and then maybe rethink in the future if he sees fit. It is his decision to make as head admin and hes made the right one in the majority of the uk's q3 communities eyes (its impossible for everyone to be happy).

I half expect DTX to slag me off now (as they have with everyone whos view differ from their own) but ive just given my true opinion of the matter. They may even say that im being biased in bif's favour but seeing as im leader of 4k , shouldnt bif hate me according to dtx ?:)

Hope this post hasn't been too boring and hope it got my point across.



long post Q50!! wow :)

However I would just like to point out that "Nasher" the person that had a argument with Strider is not actully in DTX...this kind of makes it worse I know, he is in WZ, - and furthermore, we are all nice, kind and considerate people, we certainly do not banter and argue and so call slag people off at 2am when looking for a game, - so really to all the abuse we have already had, its very unfair of your comments towards us in this way.. - I do remember one time looking for a game mysef, and if you can remember you joked about me joinng 4k? - so I retailated, and had a bit of a joke back, there was many other people there at the time, so this comment was not needed or even valid, and was just a simple way to try and knock us down further.

Throughout this post not many DTX People have even replied and its not with abuse? (try reading again m8) - we are just a bunch of people trying to play with the people we enjoy, what crime is there in that? - Sure DTX Have not had a pleasent history, the fact is its not 4K or Bifs fault but merly our own, somtimes things happend that is way beyond your control, or you didnt know the tru situation. it happens but back in those days and everyday onwards, we have been constantly abused and slagged off by many many clans when really it aint our fault (im talking of our past here) - the point to this is, we try to forget everyday, but somone - somewhere keeps bringing it up, everyone says "just forget the past" how can we if they constantly give us abuse for it? - today: our Q3 Clan has none of the original members of DTX in, apart from me and Pred adn both of us where of very good nature in QW.

Its all so easy to knock down a already hurt clan is it not? and it hurts to think that once we were a legend in QW Clans, very well respected and easy going...and now to today... we are the same except we are not respected, and this is simply becasue people cant seem to let go of history.. (sure I had a grudge with 4K for years for what they did to DTX) but then as a clan leader at the time.. you tell me one person that would have accpeted what happend? - so really I handled it not bad under the circumstances and least we carried on regardless..!!
however to this day I still dont look upon 4K as a favorite clan of mine. but I talk to there players and do not go around with abuse to them.

Im not anoyed, frustrated or feel abusive when given the situation of the above..and to what has happend, myself and DTX have remained calm throughout really..where other clans would of gone in with abusive remarks etc etc..

Cant people just be freinds?



oh dear..........

I thought we had finally got past all this. This brings back memories of 2 years ago. This is one thing that I have always disliked, why is it that every single member of the clan in question feel obliged to post. When a member of a clan gets slated say Denial or 4k for example why is it necessary for everyone to stand up and moan.

1. Privacy, what said between 2 ppl is private, posting someone elses comments is both immature and wrong. Fair enough discussing amongst your own clan someones comments, but to post them on the boards is out of order.

2. This is my personal experience of the DTX ppl involved.
Whez = nice guy, but he 'did' have glowing runs in QWCTF.
Pred = egotistical whinging cock, who tended to say WTF if you 'god forbid' killed him
Ethereal = astute columnist, its a shame that you feel that you cannot play at BW while Bif is in charge.
Nasher = this is the man that was too 'scared' to turn upto a Shoot'n'Surf allnighter cos I would be there (so I was told).
So their reaction here didnt come as any great shock to me.

3. Bif decision was correct, but perhaps if he had explained himself a little more at the start, all this might not have happened. If Bif had said something to the effect of "With the players you have you will annihilate the clans which are in the available slot. This is unfair on the existing clans in that division" then ppl would be able to understand. But then choice of words hasnt been bifs strongest point.

4. Respect, or lack thereof, something which is a major problem for clans like 4k and DTX. In the case of 4k, just being the best at Quake3 is not good enough. It depends on who your target audience is, you cannot be liked by everyone. The majority of 4k's chief detractors are 'old school' quakers who dont give a flying fuck how good you are. 4k's behaviour has been exemplary over the past couple of years, but that isnt enough. What 4k lack is charisma and style.


Children should stick to crayons......


While I have said in my recent posts that DTX accept Bigfoots decision, it seems that others want to give old DTX a slapping while there down. ok - if it makes you feel better, go for it.

But, as you have obviously not noticed, all the mails from DTX have been calm and unabusive, no name calling or imature personal attacks (these have been by others), just people talking calmly (and at times humoursly) about what is a rather important issue for us. I have in fact made a point of publicly apologising to Bigfoot for any abuse he thought he suffered when he visited #DTX, I have also made it clear that I think hes done a fine job as Admin, and probably does just as well a job as Head of Organized Gaming @ BW. My issues were the REASON we were banned. If you don't understand that after you read the next sentance, then I give up.

Ethereal is a BW Liason for the DML, rightly so, but he was also the reason quoted by Bigfoot for not allowing DTX into the BWQ3L. Go figure?

Read the last bit again, then actually think about it.

Ethereal = astute columnist, its a shame that you feel that you cannot play at BW while Bif is in charge.

You think maybe it's because hes not allowed to play in the BWQ3L?.

I would also like to remind you how much of an arsehole I am:

Well, seems there is nothing I can really do about DTX so I give up.

Whatever Bigfoots decision on this matter is, and its quite clear its that DTX will not play in the BWQ3L, we will accept it.

Cheers for the respone, good and bad

"If you have powerful people behind you, it dosn't make you right, just means you don't have to admit when your wrong"

And I get abuse for that?. Do us all a favour, grow up.

Predster ;)


Hmmmmm DTX appear to be getting "Democrat Syndrome". If we cant get the result we want we shall argue it til we're blue in the face, ask for a recount or 2, then sue because the people who support them are fuckwits.

Personally I have no sympathy for you whatsoever Predster. Admins are there to be respected, not to be made fun of, however sarcastic the ribbing may be. Arguing with an admin is not normally the best way to get into a league. This is also known as common sense (tm). I'd also be even less inclined to let you in now after your fairly pathetic attempt to drum up public support and make bigfoot look like a Big Bad Admin.

If you want to let it lie, as you keep saying so often, let it lie and stop posting.



Nasher = this is the man that was too 'scared' to turn upto a Shoot'n'Surf allnighter

yeh, right, in ur dreams maybe
the only all nights i went to at sns were my clans lans, mainly coz during qw for hte most part i was working Thursday nightss till 9pm then at uni after that when I stopped working thursdays, so I think u`ll find i never went to any all nighters that werent wz lans, and i went to both of those (2 i think? maybe 3).
so u can find some1 else to try and boost ur ego over mate, coz i sure as hell wouldnt do that :)


Learn to read plz?

Slip up on my part - I do apologise.

Ethereal = astute columnist, its a shame that you feel that you cannot play at BW while Bif is in charge.

You think maybe it's because hes not allowed to play in the BWQ3L?.

But of course he isn't banned is he - DTX were refused enrty because he was 'in' DTX.

If you want to let it lie, as you keep saying so often, let it lie and stop posting

Read my last post - the bit where I say I accept Bigfoots decision.

Does that give you the slightest clue it's over as far as I am concerned?. Well, does it?. Durh ;)

Try thinking for yourself, it's refreshing m8.

Predster ;)


You could also learn to format a reply so it reads coherently. :)



That would require the reader to have some form of intelligence, judging by the last few posts (;)), I see no reason to change my 'format'. ;)

Predster :)

[Edited by Predster on 25-11-00 at 03:07]


"Ethereal is a BW Liason for the DML"

Don't know where u got that idea from....


Well, as per my previous post, it looks like Bigfoot's decision had been scrutinised and approved by the BW team.

Erm, that's the end of it I think, unless TPTB want to look at the other side of the coin, where certain clans may be accused of putting undue pressure on admins.


I have but my tongue in this subject for a lang time now (the last post was just me being diplomatic), but I have been forced to speak on behalf of my heart.

Predster, you are deeply deeply gay. If I was an admin of any other league, I would not allow you in it. As on this thread, you appear to me to be a spoilt immature twat who likes stomping his foot when he doesnt get his own way. Im expecting you to appeal bif's decision to the "Supreme Court" and ask for a recount. And then get your m8s to stand up for you aswell.

You utter utter gay.


P.S I shall no doubt regret this post in the morning. Ah well. I love guiness. Kind of......



thats a classic "deeply, deeply gay"



anyway, this has gone on long enough. Like was said before not everyhing is beng said here, so we are all getting distorted views on the subject.

Anyway, 'tis only a game, but maybe the admins don't have to be so nazi like (why not just let the bugger in - if they fuck about boot them), and the teams so moaney (just accept the decision)




Don't make sense does it ;p


I have but my tongue

And you call me gay? ;)

Glad to see you boys had a good nite out ;)


[Edited by Predster on 25-11-00 at 13:47]


... or we could just resort to childish name calling in what appears to be an oh so pointless thread.




Pointless if your not in DTX maybe.
This whole thread was started by me because I felt we/DTX had no other option. You either fight for what you belive in, or you don't.

If people want to post their own dealings with certain DTX members in the past, who acted like twats 'once' in IRC years ago, then thats up to them. DTX has a good history in league competitions, won lots of titles, and had a good reputation throughout the quake community. The odd isolated incident of players during 'thier own time' and not during matches, means jack. We can all quote players who have acted stupidly years ago, we would be here a very long time tho.

I happen to belive DTX have been excluded from the BWQ3L on pathetic reasons. I did hope the thread would make people think about things, I see that has worked, on some.

Others see it as a place just to abuse people, because they cannot make any valid points. Thats up to them - free speech n'all.

I'm not here to abuse people, just trying to make a point.

Predster :)


then why are the majority of your posts simply abusing people?

I agree with Bodhi...



2) I will not be reading this thread any longer so your futile efforts to defeat me intellectually will have no effect.

Ohhh really?


/consider yourself defeated.



who are these dtx newbies anyway? someone help me here? lecty, bif? :p

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