

Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Now the question is which Judge Dredd story would you make into a feature film?
Block War is a bit too "easy", Apocalypse War is a bit tough, and we've already had the Angel Gang in the Stallone version (and a nod to ABC Warriors).
I quite like the idea of either Chopper or Judgement Day. Chopper for introducing The Judda and showing that Dredd doesn't always get his man. The bonus of going with Judgement Day is getting Johnny Alpha from Strontium Dog in there as well.

The original Dredd film had a decent stab at visualising MC1. Dredd is a bit "flat".
These stratoscrapers are supposed to be a mile high FFS!

Alex Garland has already spoken about this and says that if he gets the script gig again he wants to do Cal or the Dark Judges. Personally I think the next one would still be too soon for Judge Death (it would be a BIG switch in tone), but Cal would fit pretty well (especially given the indications that Judges aren't exactly perfect in the current one). I'm guessing if they did Cal it probably wouldn't have Kleggs but maybe the goldfish would make an appearance :)

As for Judgement Day, no thanks, just another zombie story.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
So long as they get someone who feels like Dredd instead of the current one, who looks like someone dressed up as Dredd for a fancy dress party, I am not that fussed.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Now the question is which Judge Dredd story would you make into a feature film?

I wouldn't. A for-film story would work better than a from-comic one.

I'd get Wagner, Grant and Pat Mills in a room with a decent screenwriter to balance them out (shame Ray Bradbury's dead) and bring on Esquerra and McMahon when it came to the visual concepts stage.

Prolly get Nolan or Wheedon to direct - but I'd want Wagner, Grant and Mills to have editorial control over the directors for a proper facist edge...



Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Judgement on Gotham , clearly ;)


I've glanced at that a few times before and thought "good film". It'd have to be a long way into the Dredd franchise tho.

To be fair - it'd free Batman up quite a lot - a shot in the arm that it needs post-Nolan.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
I wouldn't. A for-film story would work better than a from-comic one.

I'd get Wagner, Grant and Pat Mills in a room with a decent screenwriter to balance them out (shame Ray Bradbury's dead) and bring on Esquerra and McMahon when it came to the visual concepts stage.

Prolly get Nolan or Wheedon to direct - but I'd want Wagner, Grant and Mills to have editorial control over the directors for a proper facist edge...


Pat Mills is shite these days. Hasn't written anything decent for years. Nearly as bad as Alan Moore.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Pat Mills is shite these days. Hasn't written anything decent for years. Nearly as bad as Alan Moore.

But he does know Dreddy and is emotionally stable enough to keep the other two in check....


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
so americans thinking a film is shit must mean its quite good , as the things they rate highly are usually stale puddles of old donkey wank


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Excellent movie. That's it, see it.

It's a bloody shame this didn't get the PR it should as this could be a trilogy that could compete with the old robocop one.

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Saw this some weeks ago. Thought I'd already posted on FH about it. I've pasted this from a post I made elsewhere:

Short version: Both shit and awesome at the same time though not in the category of so bad its good. Overall its good fun but irritating as well. The dialogue is fairly snappy, Urban delivers his lines well.

Karl Urban as Dredd was very good. Really nailed that Clint Eastwood impression (This is not a bad thing, Dredd is based on Clint Eastwood. You didn't know that? Purleaaaase, back to your comic lore).
The helmet stayed on. Not even a hint of any reason to remove it. Strongly approve.
The film is brutal. They obviously decided they couldn't do spectacle and went for gore and splatt to impress the easily impressed. That said, the comic is fairly violent too. The splatt is well delivered. And when I describe it as splatt I *really* mean it goes splatt.
He gets to say "I am the law." And it actually fits with the dialogue around it. Two thumbs way way up.

Mega City One was shit. Really shit. They pissed all over the source material with their budget and it looks crap. Not sci-fi deliberate seedy and rough... just crap. It could be any city anywhere now. Because it is. Mega City One should be soaring high-rises crammed close together, teeming with climbing-over-each-other life. Not in this film. Its just, er, some South African City with some CGI really tall blocks here and there. In the 1995 film, they got the overall look of MC1 better back when they were getting everything else wrong in the film.

The Lawmaster is a bit crap. But at least it doesn't fly. Thank fuck it doesn't fly.
The Lawgiver is ace. Its scary how much love they gave to this gun when they gave so little to most other props and set design.

The Slo Mo effect when someone takes the drug is good. The first couple of times. But then they use it a few more. And a few more. STOP IT ALREADY. We get the idea. Stop padding.

Dr. Who gets accused of spending most of his time running down cheap corridors. Well, Dredd is following in his echoing footsteps in this film. Hey look, a cheap corridor somewhere I don't want to live. And another. And another. And another. I'm sure they were just putting colour filters in front of the camera at times a la Blakes 7. There's a lot of leaning over balconies in this film. The balconies are at the end of corridors. Many of the corridors have bad people in them. Briefly.

This is quite clearly a cheap film, I'm amazed it even had a cinema release. Other than the brutality, it could easily be a made-for-TV special.

Is it true to Dredd-lore? Well, kinda. They avoid pretty much everything I'm guessing due to budget. They can't get the action into the block tower fast enough. So really you can't accuse them of getting it wrong because they sidestep nearly all of the background. Probably a good thing since they didn't have any actual money to spend on background.

This film is The Raid. In a Mega City One Judge uniform. But its still ok. And it doesn't have Lawmasters that fly. Thank fuck.


Mar 11, 2004
I agree and disagree in places Roo.

But i'll touch on the city itself as i disagree mostly here. Originally they had a city that was all mega structures, packed in super right like Dredd '95 (Stallone). They elected to move them further apart so they could show the size of the city, what it looked like and what it was made from. Why did they do this?

I feel, this is a personal view not supported by the commentary or anything, is that its an "origins" story. This is mega city one just after it became it. The mega structures are starting to appear, but all the tech is very similar to current day. The drones at the beginning? Very similar to reapers. All the vehicles are beat up modern day ones, no grav cycles or shuttles. No colony's were mentioned.
Even the armour is current, but made to look a little more futuristic and sinister.

I see this Dredd as "this is how it began" the beginning of the story, rather than where Dredd started off in '77. MC1 was a fully developed place, all built up and falling down.

That aside i agree with the rest, although I can see why they did the lawmasters as they did, modified current bikes. I didn't like the style of them, i actually liked the '95 bikes...within reason....stylistically.

Karl Urban is again pretty awesome as being generally sinister yet being a "good guy".

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