what it needs is the Angel gang, and the ABC warriors.. oh wait![]()
lol that looks bloody awful. His helmet is way too big. The old hero+rookie enter the bad guy's lair routine? Pff.
Should have been made 25 years ago. No one gives Schwarzenegger a Raw Deal. This is how you do a trailer:
View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sr1PSyCxb7g
To be fair, Lawmasters are on wheels. Big effing WIDE wheels.
There's not enough shoulder-pads, not enough yellow and not enough red.
All I saw was "The Raid" with guns and bigger budget.
Judge Death.
"Gaze into the face of Death."
"Gaze into the fist of Dredd."
*ahem* https://forums.freddyshouse.com/threads/dread.248660/#post-3884373 Maybe these threads need merging...
Get it right "Gaze into the face of Fear"
View attachment 9386
And where do you think Paul Verhoeven got the inspiration for Robocop?Er it looks pretty good to me, except for the Robocop overtones, it can't on any level be any worse than Stallones, with that freakin comedy sidekick, who he should have shot in the first frame.
I 'm giving it a chance.
This is a movie for the times.
Trailer looks awesome.
Bet it sucks (sadly).
I stand by my earlier comment of not enough yellow.![]()
I second your comment. Yellow Eagles, green kneepads and boots and red on the lawgiver definitely needed.
Colour doesn't kill atmosphere...
Ah well, if it does the business (and it deserves to overall), maybe the sequel will have a bigger budget to play with.
Now the question is which Judge Dredd story would you make into a feature film?
Block War is a bit too "easy", Apocalypse War is a bit tough, and we've already had the Angel Gang in the Stallone version (and a nod to ABC Warriors).
I quite like the idea of either Chopper or Judgement Day. Chopper for introducing The Judda and showing that Dredd doesn't always get his man. The bonus of going with Judgement Day is getting Johnny Alpha from Strontium Dog in there as well.
The original Dredd film had a decent stab at visualising MC1. Dredd is a bit "flat".
These stratoscrapers are supposed to be a mile high FFS!