Dragon Raid Black List


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
Even though I agree that a raid leader should be able to keep a blacklist, and communicate it to other leaders, I disagree however with you posting this blacklist on FH.

There's no need for name and shame when the blacklist is based on no-shows.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 11, 2004
Xyliana said:
Vladamir, I am really about tonight my main pc was down and when Zip pmed me on the other one I was still sorting my main out in the other room. I am sorry that the DR did not go well and that I did not have a way to contact you
Does this mean Xyliana couldn't come in either, but for some odd reason she didn't make it to Vladamir's black list like everyone else did? Gee, I wish I was a woman. :p


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Zede said:
The people that I know sign up to every raid they want to on with the best intentions. We live complicted lives....and sometimes, as they say "shit happens" - its unfortunate, but true.

Its not worth banning anyone, as its the start of slippery slope :( imo alot of people may actually be put off coming to these raids, as they know potentially something may crop up irl, and you will be banned anyway because say, your dog got ran over and had to got the vets - yes BELIEVE it raid leaders - RL does exist, as yes it can effect the game !

The real sign of a good raid leader imo is tolerance :D

I can understand that problems can and do occur.

The last ML7 group steps raid I ran, 1 person came late - which is understandable. Two people didn't even bother to attend, one which I have absolutely no reason why as he never gave a reason after it, the other person was ingame on another raid even though he was selected to join the raid he signed up to.

I can tolerate most things, but I will not tolerate people wasting my time.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Rakdhin said:
Does this mean Xyliana couldn't come in either, but for some odd reason she didn't make it to Vladamir's black list like everyone else did? Gee, I wish I was a woman. :p

So do i :(. The reason is Rakdhin is because she has been on a number of my raids, as has Butchers, both of whom are always punctual.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 11, 2004
Vladamir said:
So do i :(. The reason is Rakdhin is because she has been on a number of my raids, as has Butchers, both of whom are always punctual.
I haven't been on a single one of your raids and yet I haven't made my way to the blacklist!!!11


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
GReaper said:
Those who organise regular raids will know the importance of a blacklist to exclude people who are unreliable.

If you sign up, then turn up. If you don't turn up to a dragon raid then you're wasting the time of 23 other people who have to wait around to try and get a replacement.

If you're unsure that you're able to attend - don't fucking sign up in the first place. Simple, isn't it?



Fledgling Freddie
Jun 6, 2004
GReaper said:
I can tolerate most things, but I will not tolerate people wasting my time.

Wouldnt expect more of a comment from you Duane, it shows once more you are taking this way too seriously. Call this wasting your game time - I remind you its a game.
And I am sure you have enough contacts ingame to fill an open spot in the minute following your deadline.

One of my char is on this list, so I think I have to apologize for not beeing there once on time, but no, I wont justify myself. And I dont have to either. The name and shame is stupid but you do the way you want Vlad. Maybe a solution would be to fill spot when someone awaited is not there on time.

And as mls, dragon raid is something wanted and where leaders role is appreciated. Filling the spot dont take long really.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 26, 2003
Haazheel said:
Filling the spot dont take long really.

Good enough reason to sign-up for every raid on the forum... and if you don't turn up, who cares! There're loads of people waiting to fill your spot ;)

People who might've signed up too, but didn't make the list and have now made other plans for the evening. Besides, the raid leader needs to deal with irresponsible applicants who 'forget' about the raid and don't login... I mean, what kind of a pussy raid would it be where everyone turns up on time! Ghastly!


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004
Haazheel said:
Wouldnt expect more of a comment from you Duane, it shows once more you are taking this way too seriously. Call this wasting your game time - I remind you its a game.
And I am sure you have enough contacts ingame to fill an open spot in the minute following your deadline.

One of my char is on this list, so I think I have to apologize for not beeing there once on time, but no, I wont justify myself. And I dont have to either. The name and shame is stupid but you do the way you want Vlad. Maybe a solution would be to fill spot when someone awaited is not there on time.

And as mls, dragon raid is something wanted and where leaders role is appreciated. Filling the spot dont take long really.

You might not take this game seriously, but why flame ppl that do? If noone take this game seriously.. do you think there would be organiced ML 3 raids done in under 3 hours? Dragon raids done with 3fg's? Relic raids?

No, it wouldnt. After leading several ml raids in the last time, I have noticed the HUGE diffrence between the low MLs and the high MLs. And trust me, thats not cuz the lower MLs are harder, its cuz most of the "common" players that dont take the game serious join them and slow it down alot. Thats ok by me, I expect it, and think its ok.

Dont get me wrong here, alot of ppl have a RL that takes much more time than me. Some have jobs that take alot of time, kids and so on.. but if something happends and a group have to spend alot of time to get new ppl, they might get anoyed. And imho they are alowed to.
This game takes alot of time if you want to be a dedicated player, and ppl going afk every 10 mins due to RL is realy anoying for the rest, yes I know some might get pissed at me for this, but thats life.

About posting the ban list on a public forum.. well thats not my way of doing things, but indeed i do have a ban list. Like ppl quiting in the middle of an encounter and sui with the backup rezer when the rest of the group is dead cuz he cant accept that he messed up.. thats deffo a ban from my raids.
But what ever floats ur boat realy.

Im sorry to butt into a alb discussion, but this topic got my intrest ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
Kedoz said:
do you think there would be organiced ML 3 raids done in under 3 hours?

2hrs 50 minutes, 94 people when i checked <cheer> beat that !! :)

Personaly, If i do signup only raids where places are limited and people dont show i will make a mental note, if this is repeated on numerous occasions they wont make any future signups.


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
situation :

a char has failed to turn up for 2 booked raids. he/she signs up for another.

Instead of this "Ban list / blacklist why not do this :

/send (chars name) "m8, you have signed up for my raid, and you have missed the previous 2. unless you can guarantee you will turn up, I will have to get a replacement"

Now for 1 minute of your time, you can solve this, no need for public name and shame. You could post some suitable raid rules on this forum, really dont take a genius to do this.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 6, 2004
Kedoz said:
You might not take this game seriously, but why flame ppl that do? If noone take this game seriously.. do you think there would be organiced ML 3 raids done in under 3 hours? Dragon raids done with 3fg's? Relic raids?

No, it wouldnt. After leading several ml raids in the last time, I have noticed the HUGE diffrence between the low MLs and the high MLs. And trust me, thats not cuz the lower MLs are harder, its cuz most of the "common" players that dont take the game serious join them and slow it down alot. Thats ok by me, I expect it, and think its ok.

Dont get me wrong here, alot of ppl have a RL that takes much more time than me. Some have jobs that take alot of time, kids and so on.. but if something happends and a group have to spend alot of time to get new ppl, they might get anoyed. And imho they are alowed to.
This game takes alot of time if you want to be a dedicated player, and ppl going afk every 10 mins due to RL is realy anoying for the rest, yes I know some might get pissed at me for this, but thats life.

About posting the ban list on a public forum.. well thats not my way of doing things, but indeed i do have a ban list. Like ppl quiting in the middle of an encounter and sui with the backup rezer when the rest of the group is dead cuz he cant accept that he messed up.. thats deffo a ban from my raids.
But what ever floats ur boat realy.

Im sorry to butt into a alb discussion, but this topic got my intrest ;)

Well good to know others point of view. If you read carefully the climax of this, its more about not turning up once, not about afking, signing dayly on forums and randomly turning in. Vlad, someone that I respect because he leads such raids, has chosen to shame a list of person based on 1 raid only. I think its pretty unfair and has nothing to do with dedication, accuracy, or in-raid behaviour. I dont see the point there, nor tolerance. And I wouldnt expect that from him unlike from some others upper.

Edit : someone apparently just bumped a thread where Vlad did the same, doubt it would ban him from raid leading ?


May 14, 2004
Jeeves :wub:
Vladamir :fluffle:
Tears :twak: :twak:
lets be friends and farm etamz for me instead of arguing on FH =D
yayaya it sooks when people don't show up, i know...
btw. Boombaang hasen't been online for quite some while now, and i'm pretty sure it's a phooking good reason for it, and imo, blacklisting people in public is just acting like a fucking dickhead / kid

<3 Jeeves <3


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Morimdin said:
Boombaang hasen't been online for quite some while now, and i'm pretty sure it's a phooking good reason for it, and imo, blacklisting people in public is just acting like a fucking dickhead / kid

Oh right i see mr mature, so it's completely ok to tell me to "Go get hit by a bus irl" is it?.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 29, 2004
I've run raids before and I think people not turning up is unacceptable for Sign ups without a valid reason. You should be excluded from further raids if you are unreliable or just don't care about your fellow players, as you can ruin the event for everyone else.

Its also in peoples interest to be punctual. In this game a lot of teamwork is required and you can't do everything solo, you don't want to get a bad rep or it will hurt your ability to acheive.

I don't agree with posting names though.

You are always going to have a certain proportion not showing up for one reason or another, more reason to sign up as back up people if your interested in the raid.

However if you do miss a raid for any reason, its courteous to make the effort to explain why to the person who has spent time to try and organise something for people.

I read in this thread someone saying that is was only a game so it doesn't matter. Thats nonsense, if this were real life and you say you are going to do something and you don't people would get pissed off!
The same principles apply in game in my opinion, just becasue we play in a fantasy world does not mean we should ignore common values that are important in any community.

Just my thoughts on the subject.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Tears said:
2hrs 50 minutes, 94 people when i checked <cheer> beat that !! :)

pff that might have even beat mine ^^
I thought i had the record for ML3 raids :)


Sep 4, 2004
Morimdin said:
Jeeves :wub:
Vladamir :fluffle:
Tears :twak:
lets be friends and farm etamz for me instead of arguing on FH =D
yayaya it sooks when people don't show up, i know...
btw. Boombaang hasen't been online for quite some while now, and i'm pretty sure it's a phooking good reason for it, and imo, blacklisting people in public is just acting like a fucking dickhead / kid

<3 Jeeves <3
Don't link yourself or your views to me in anyway, I think you're stupid. :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 6, 2004
Starbuck said:
I read in this thread someone saying that is was only a game so it doesn't matter. Thats nonsense, if this were real life and you say you are going to do something and you don't people would get pissed off!
The same principles apply in game in my opinion, just becasue we play in a fantasy world does not mean we should ignore common values that are important in any community.
The fact its a game means litteraly its not real life, but as you say its your opinion.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 29, 2004
Leading raids: Something I won't do if I only get prats in bg or ppl showing up late/going afk/whining about loot/not showing up. It's not like someone's paying me.

Sign-ups: I tend to go with reliable people when making groups. Not showing up without an excuse of course affects whether or not you make my future sign-ups.

Public banlist: Not necessary, really, but that's up to Vlad.

Jeeves: Poster of the month. :D


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Haazheel said:
The fact its a game means litteraly its not real life, but as you say its your opinion.

erm.. ok then. you do realise that there are real people playing the game and using real time up to do so. This real time that they can play the game for may be limited and as such by pissing them about in the game you piss about with their enjoyment in Real life.

Seems peoploe forget in mmorpgs that there are real people at the other end of their actions most the time.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 6, 2004
Corran said:
erm.. ok then. you do realise that there are real people playing the game and using real time up to do so. This real time that they can play the game for may be limited and as such by pissing them about in the game you piss about with their enjoyment in Real life.

I do Corran, I guess thats the reason why we get so many posts on those forums as well - appart the questions/raids threads.

The whole thing here is not to generalize attitudes, people tend a lot to globalize an action which is sad. In this thread, Vlad has chosen to list people he will blacklist for his next raids - hes made a choice and despite I disagree with, I accept it. Though, its a one-time fact, I wasnt able to attend this very raid and this list poped up. Fine, but I dont think its a way to ask/understand why - a person missed something hes signed for.
And I will pass over the long speeches of people proud to extend a single fact to something global everyone should follow etc.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004
Tears said:
2hrs 50 minutes, 94 people when i checked <cheer> beat that !! :)

Personaly, If i do signup only raids where places are limited and people dont show i will make a mental note, if this is repeated on numerous occasions they wont make any future signups.

Nerf, does that include lotto? If it does you have me beaten by like 5 mins ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
Kedoz said:
Nerf, does that include lotto? If it does you have me beaten by like 5 mins ;)

Nah we met at 14.00 in Aerus and were back in Aerus at 16.50 after doing the ML's had about 10 people LD throughout the raid and 2 people had to relog - also took a 10 min break before 3.10 to allow people to go AFK for whatever they needed to do, then my part was over and handed leadership to another for loto - i REALLY hate doing loot split.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 15, 2004
Hmm... i am boombaang i am reallsy sry that i didnt come and didnt pm but the reason is my comp kind of got virus and couldt do nothing for a week and i just got my comp going again sry for that....


May 14, 2004
Vladamir said:
Oh right i see mr mature, so it's completely ok to tell me to "Go get hit by a bus irl" is it?.
when you run over my dead body, kill Mesedsubasted infront of me and then doing whatever you can to piss me off after makes it very ok, mr fucking retarded arse :)

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