TV Dr Who - Why?

ford prefect

Can't get enough of FH
Aug 27, 2006
Dr Who has the highest budget of any BBC1 drama, so I don't know WHAT you're talking about. This was the case in the 70s, but hasn't been since it's return. They've literally thrown money at it.

I'm sure it does have a comparitively high budget compared to say eastenders, but it is still a tiny budget for a sci-fi series. For example needing to fake a helicopter in the penultimate episode because the budget wouldn't stretch to renting one. The beeb has been generous with Dr Who, but this is still the beeb we are talkingt about here, not some large US network.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
I'm sure it does have a comparitively high budget compared to say eastenders, but it is still a tiny budget for a sci-fi series. For example needing to fake a helicopter in the penultimate episode because the budget wouldn't stretch to renting one. The beeb has been generous with Dr Who, but this is still the beeb we are talkingt about here, not some large US network.

And how does a low budget excuse them from bad plot devices and huge gaping continuity errors?

Also those saying it's aimed at families are talking out of their arses as well. Just because a show may also be aimed at kids does not excuse it from having to try. I really feel sorry for the 10-15 year olds mentioned before if they buy into bad plots like this, I know when I was that age I and all my peers questioned everything, we didn't just accept it.

Oh and russ, it's not over analysing of anything, and it is not limited to sci-fi. Any fiction has to suspend your disbelief, script writers should not be breaking the rules they have set simply for convenience.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
They get around £10-15m a standard season, without specials. Around about £1m per episode. That's not cheap in the TV world, that's a bloody lot.

Heroes had a similar budget (given conversion rate at the time).


Part of the furniture
Dec 28, 2003
Thought it was two decent Xmas Specials (which we all know are usually shite). Russell T Davies did do a 20 min "look at all I have created" waltz at the end which kinda spoiled things for me. Only decent bit of that was when Tennent said "I dont want to go" I may sound like a twat here but I thought he actually said that from the heart.


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel
Dec 11, 2003
"I dont want to go" I may sound like a twat here but I thought he actually said that from the heart.

I cried like a baby at that point.. and no Jup I wasn't suffering from any hormonal imbalances at the time.

As someone who has only just come to watching new Dr Who... ie I played catch up this year and watched all the series in time for this finale, I will see what the new Dr has to offer and if he is shite then i'll stop watching again.

As for DT, I really did think for me he was the best Dr since Tom Baker. I stopped watching original Dr Who half way through Davidson, trying intermittently with C Baker and McCoy (EUGH!!) but never really enjoying it again until Christopher Eccleston who was good but just not as good as DT.


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
I really feel sorry for the 10-15 year olds mentioned before if they buy into bad plots like this, I know when I was that age I and all my peers questioned everything, we didn't just accept it.

Haha such drama.

Oh noes - a 15 y/o enjoyed the xmas doctor who. He is a retard1!11


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Haha such drama.

Oh noes - a 15 y/o enjoyed the xmas doctor who. He is a retard1!11

Don't be silly bugz, it's been suggested by some that it is okay to have a flawed plot because it is aimed at that age group. You know full well what I mean.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
No Edmond, just no. You're just being a Toht substitute at the moment.

I was just smiling to myself, remembering the Stargate Universe thread and AAAAALL the comments told to me when i said "i don't really like it".

I'll just say the general line from those people;

If you don't like it, don't watch it.

If after all these new Doctor Who episodes you STILL don't know that the show has plot holes, silly things and all that and take it like it's some serious sci-fi dictionary, you really need your head checked :D

Now for the opinion part;

It was a fun episode, a lovely farewell to Tennant and the new doctor(from the short time i saw him) seemed like a nice enough replacement(future will show). Loved the "i don't want to go" bit, which was rather dominant through out. Also the reward bit(changing the future) was a lovely scene.

Only problem is that the Master seemed to be better now(which would kill his nemesis status), but it would be fun, a non-psychotic-psycho-timelord.

All in all, the two parter did what it should. Tied up things, completed the song and ushered the show into the next step. Long live tennant, one of my favorite doctors atleast, but like Ch3tan said on the Universe thread;

This is fresh, change is a good thing, it will stop the franchise rotting away and being cancelled.


Artist formerly known as Ignus
Jan 1, 2004
Too late for that now...

It's been too late for that for some time now :p

I always find that main problem with Dr who (or as it's going to be called now since they have a child playing the doctor now, Dr hoo) is the acting. Not necessarily the main cast, Tennant, Simms, Mr Skinner, Billie Piper, etc but the background actors. They look like they've been plucked off the street and been told that it's an acting version of x factor so they ham it up so badly to a point where it's cringeworthy. Just watch next time a couple of actors have to look terrified into the sky at approaching doom, two things you will notice 1. They've probably been to the Joey tribbiani school of acting and 2. One of them will be of an ethnic minority thanks to the BBCs crowbar tactic approach to ethnic diversity. (*slaps self* naughty Dave you're not allowed to say that)


Dec 26, 2003
On the plus side I hear the new guy is far less irritating than tennant and the next series has the sea devils coming back :)

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