Dont touch Zeusbuffs Green Harpys or ull get REPORTED :)

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Fledgling Freddie
Aug 7, 2004
to any 1 who thinks i do not have dyslexia please email me or pm me and ill send you proof ie my copy of psychological report from the 16/06/04 this also has me IQ in it the only thing i will blck out it my address and my surname.

this only happened imo because some came over to the encounter where i was wiat while doing revision for my exam, and mat started going on about CoC (he threated me with it first there) so when a mob aggro the cleric in my grp the cleric and hit it twice then arrows started flying in a scroll and stuff dropped they got kill and drops, so as he had come over to me spouting CoC rules i thought i would prove that i also know them also plz note that in his screenie he dose not have any of the /say and /yell that offer him credit but not lotto, and i never once said to any 1 that came (even after they left ) that they could not join for credit, if i had a problem with pepole get credit why would i have a public BG up on zeusbuffs

2ndly to also those who say i cant sit in one spot for 17 hours
  • poeple do it all the time in real life
  • dose it effect you if i am semi afk i you get 1st hit its your mob and i would ask to join your bg for credit
  • i can read(or i my case listen to) my revision notes while playing

i followed the correct channels and did not bring the thing here .

i copied and posted the insults pages becauce i really could not be bothered to waste 20 mins typeing them as i had finished my revision and pm kaya (mats guidie ) to say i had finished camping and they could have the spot but there was a few peeps how and jioned me for credit

last but not least
Q in RL is stealing £100 a lesser crime than stealing £10000
A no theft is theft

Q if you have broken the law or commited a crime in the past is this taken in to account when your being investicated about another
A yes if both crimes are of the same type

so this is why i did send in the report (not as a threat as a threat would be something i did not do) to prove that this person had done it to my aggro before the encounter, and i have but in the report that i was sending it for the reason that i thought the person(mat) would do it and claim the same thing on the artie mob

PS i dont make threats i let people know what i am doing. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Matmardigan said:
we playing in this kind of Daoc already. Sorry if i destroyed ur ilusions.

but uve right, exceptions proves the norm. There are some ppl which arent selffish, but they are realy rare.

I agree, ToA has indeed destroyed a lot of things, in fact it played a big part in destroying my former guild. But just because of that, should we do as we please and blame ToA? or excuse it with "Everybody else does that!"?

I'm sorry but that is just not good enough for me...


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 21, 2004
Marc said:
Listen here shit for brains. I dont even know Zeus in game. Im just stating what I feel because in case you forgot, you brought this to FH, for the community to look at. If you dont want me to comment, dont bring it to FH. The reason im supporting Zeus is simple, he camped an artifact for a long period of time (lets not go into the merits of camping artifacts, as SS shows, Zeus knows he cant "claim" a spot") and then someone comes along asking to join (you). Zeus indicated that he knew CoC, which was why he was standing on the pop spot, so he could get first hit in. Lets look at a couple more of these facts

1. You said you wanted the artifact (per screenshot, provided by YOU)
2. You said that Zeus couldnt claim an artifact, purely by camping (per screenshot provided by YOU)

So that COULD be interpreted that you (matmardigan) was intending to try and pull the artifact mob first (as screenshot says, provided by YOU, you wanted to have a go as Zeus had been there for 17 hours).

So then we have the question of who attacked the harpy. You are saying it aggroed someone in your group, Zeus and Pinkey say it was on Zeus. Hmm, who to believe. The 2 people who would rather go through the correct channels to resolve matters, or the spotty little kid who comes and cries on FH.

Easy choice. Now do one Matmardigan, you aint worth my time or effort if the best thing you are gonna come up with is calling me faggot, a retort a toddler could come up with.

well if he aint worth your time why bother to write such a big post.
but apperently u fail to have anything else to do since you are ALWAYS posting on FH and ur in about EVERY post i read. i wanna bet you can invest all that time in something a lot more usefull. camping artis maybe?

and for the thread starter: what is your point now actually what do you wanna achieve with this? its not like we all have to ignore zeus because hes stealing arti's or something. *the name encyptor comes to mind*


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Fellavader said:
Unwritten rules like that are all part of what makes DAoC a wonderful place :) Where people do not only think of themselves, and where everybody plays a role in building up a friendly, unselfish community :)

Sad that 90% of the DaoC community doesn't understand that and rather comes to FH and moan about everything or attack people they don't even know. Talking about IQ .. if you're 'smart' enough you can solve your problems alone, in PM's and without offending the other person. Seems some people have some difficulty with that and rather throw some 'offending words' on FH, because it's too difficult for them to solve the problem with just talking :puke:

Make love not war, flower power etc .. :m00:



Fledgling Freddie
Aug 7, 2004
Milky said:
Sad that 90% of the DaoC community doesn't understand that and rather comes to FH and moan about everything or attack people they don't even know. Talking about IQ .. if you're 'smart' enough you can solve your problems alone, in PM's and without offending the other person. Seems some people have some difficulty with that and rather throw some 'offending words' on FH, because it's too difficult for them to solve the problem with just talking :puke:

Make love not war, flower power etc .. :m00:

the problem did get sorted i even pm kaya to say i had finsihed camp (and no i did not get the artie for the scout) and the IQ thing i did not bring it here mat made the frist post and i f you read all the posts i did say kk lets call it quits and be fellow albs and the flames kept coming


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
thx for this post, i enjoyed my lunch while reading it.
i tend to believe Matmardigan.
because zeusmdk is 1 out of 2 ppl who is in my ignore list.
he aslo has zeusmdkbuffs on other account which is also in my ignore list.
i used to have ironheart and treniel in it, but i removed them since i don't hate them anymore.
nice story and excellent replies cheers albions


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
zeusmdk said:
the problem did get sorted i even pm kaya to say i had finsihed camp (and no i did not get the artie for the scout) and the IQ thing i did not bring it here mat made the frist post and i f you read all the posts i did say kk lets call it quits and be fellow albs and the flames kept coming

Yus I read them all, and enjoyed me lunch just like Lire .. but I just wanted to say that, no offence :)

And Knolan .. go get some tea for me now :D


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 7, 2004
Lireihuan said:
thx for this post, i enjoyed my lunch while reading it.
i tend to believe Matmardigan.
because zeusmdk is 1 out of 2 ppl who is in my ignore list.
he aslo has zeusmdkbuffs on other account which is also in my ignore list.
i used to have ironheart and treniel in it, but i removed them since i don't hate them anymore.
nice story and excellent replies cheers albions
its zeusbuffs btw

and glad to see i am on some 1s ignor list mind if i ask who are you ? and where and when did i go on it


Part of the furniture
Jan 26, 2004
Marc said:
The reason im supporting Zeus is simple, he camped an artifact for a long period of time (lets not go into the merits of camping artifacts, as SS shows, Zeus knows he cant "claim" a spot") and then someone comes along asking to join (you). Zeus indicated that he knew CoC, which was why he was standing on the pop spot, so he could get first hit in. Lets look at a couple more of these facts

So that COULD be interpreted that you (matmardigan) was intending to try and pull the artifact mob first (as screenshot says, provided by YOU, you wanted to have a go as Zeus had been there for 17 hours).

So then we have the question of who attacked the harpy. You are saying it aggroed someone in your group, Zeus and Pinkey say it was on Zeus. Hmm, who to believe. The 2 people who would rather go through the correct channels to resolve matters, or the spotty little kid who comes and cries on FH.

just 2 get it right, i didnt asked em 2 join, i asked if we could find an compromise. An compromise would be, 2 merge and 2 roll 4 the iteam if it drops. But zeus said no im here 17hours = my artefact.
Like we all know, campers have no rights. And ppl which do RL stuff mainly AND camp an spot in an pc game, have lesser rights then any1 which is realy camping 17hours with sitting and waiting. So how can an camper say that i wanted 2 steel his artefact? the mob can be attacked by every1. So he have had same rights like my m8 and me on this artifact.

This isnt an whine thread, nothing realy important happend, so why should i whine?

i made this thread 2 share the funny situation with others, because its realy funny, what an little green unimportant mob can do. If ppl useing lame tactics 2 get what they want.

Any1 is camping 17hours an spot (and he dont do it serious, he do real life stuff mainly), and all other have 2 wait cause of an unwriten rule, whichs giving him the right 4 the next spawn?.)

The mob didnt spawned, but if he would spawn and zeus would start the encounter it would be ofc his mob and his artefact. Dont need 2 steel any artefacts, there will be any other chance 2 get it. But we was there and we wanted 2 give it a try, after zeus started the 1st hit 1st gets rule.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 7, 2004
mat did it spwan after i left last night? just woundered

oh and goa r improving the pop rate on this artie in the next patch to min pop of 1 per 3 hours :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
zeusmdk said:
its zeusbuffs btw

and glad to see i am on some 1s ignor list mind if i ask who are you ? and where and when did i go on it

yes many albions don't know me, i am not surprised..


Part of the furniture
Jan 26, 2004
zeusmdk said:
mat did it spwan after i left last night? just woundered

oh and goa r improving the pop rate on this artie in the next patch to min pop of 1 per 3 hours :)

dont know. Wasnt there after u left. Started crafting and trolling on fh :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Matmardigan said:
Like we all know, campers have no rights. And ppl which do RL stuff mainly AND camp an spot in an pc game, have lesser rights then any1 which is realy camping 17hours with sitting and waiting. So how can an camper say that i wanted 2 steel his artefact? the mob can be attacked by every1. So he have had same rights like my m8 and me on this artifact.

So you think it is ok to steal the encounter from a guy who has camped it for 17 hrs?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
This reminds me of the movie "White Chicks" when stupidblond #1 says that stupidblond #2 is about to have a "BF" (bitch fit) and ..OMG... going to <holding breath> "WRITE A LETTER" ! (if you have seen the movie you know what i mean, if not, watch it - pretty cool).

Anyway, you guys suck imo. So much QQ over nothing. This is a game, if you bother to waste your time, you should atleast have some fun. If and when I want that artifuck and happen to walk by when mob spawn, I will kill the mob regardless of how many hours you have camped it. You don't like it..too bad, what will you do about it? Suck my "CoC" ?
Further more, I would not tell ppl "I have camped this for 17 hours" - even if it was true (never happened, never will). Just listen to what you are saying...

You have been sitting infront of your computer for 17 hours like a retard watching the screen, waiting for a mob to spawn in a GAME. I draw the conclusion that you are pretty much "as useful as a dick flavoured lollipop" real life, no friends, no job, no ambitions, NOTHING ELSE/BETTER TO DO? Jisses!

/suicide and do society a favour dude!


Part of the furniture
Jan 26, 2004
Fellavader said:
So you think it is ok to steal the encounter from a guy who has camped it for 17 hrs?

some ppl have all the time in the world 2 spend it 4 an pc game and 2 play daoc (mostly students). Some other ppl have an Real Life (ppl which have 2 work), they cant camp 17hours on an artefact. Do the camper have the right 2 steal/claim the arti from this guy which have an rl? just because he have more time which he can spend into the game?


Part of the furniture
Jan 26, 2004
[e] said:
This reminds me of the movie "White Chicks" when stupidblond #1 says that stupidblond #2 is about to have a "BF" (bitch fit) and ..OMG... going to <holding breath> "WRITE A LETTER" ! (if you have seen the movie you know what i mean, if not, watch it - pretty cool).

Anyway, you guys suck imo. So much QQ over nothing. This is a game, if you bother to waste your time, you should atleast have some fun. If and when I want that artifuck and happen to walk by when mob spawn, I will kill the mob regardless of how many hours you have camped it. You don't like it..too bad, what will you do about it? Suck my "CoC" ?
Further more, I would not tell ppl "I have camped this for 17 hours" - even if it was true (never happened, never will). Just listen to what you are saying...

You have been sitting infront of your computer for 17 hours like a retard watching the screen, waiting for a mob to spawn in a GAME. I draw the conclusion that you are pretty much "as useful as a dick flavoured lollipop" real life, no friends, no job, no ambitions, NOTHING ELSE/BETTER TO DO? Jisses!

/suicide and do society a favour dude!

read the whole thread u lazy spam'er, then ull see that we have had fun :)


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 7, 2004
[e] said:
This reminds me of the movie "White Chicks" when stupidblond #1 says that stupidblond #2 is about to have a "BF" (bitch fit) and ..OMG... going to <holding breath> "WRITE A LETTER" ! (if you have seen the movie you know what i mean, if not, watch it - pretty cool).

Anyway, you guys suck imo. So much QQ over nothing. This is a game, if you bother to waste your time, you should atleast have some fun. If and when I want that artifuck and happen to walk by when mob spawn, I will kill the mob regardless of how many hours you have camped it. You don't like it..too bad, what will you do about it? Suck my "CoC" ?
Further more, I would not tell ppl "I have camped this for 17 hours" - even if it was true (never happened, never will). Just listen to what you are saying...

You have been sitting infront of your computer for 17 hours like a retard watching the screen, waiting for a mob to spawn in a GAME. I draw the conclusion that you are pretty much "as useful as a dick flavoured lollipop" real life, no friends, no job, no ambitions, NOTHING ELSE/BETTER TO DO? Jisses!

/suicide and do society a favour dude!

read full post you noob i was doing revision while i was camping for my PHD exam


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
pinkey said:
zeus is my boyfriend so ive been reading you crap all day. the arti was obviously more important to zeus for him to wait that long for it to pop. your making yourself look a dickhead now and wouldnt b suprised if peeps dont want you in their grps with an attitude like that, so why dont you stop spouting shit out of your arse, sorry mouth(mind you they both look the same)

You're a classy girl :eek2:


Dec 22, 2003

Shit thread of the day award!
Will post about bans in a moment :D


Dec 22, 2003
Oki Doki then.

zeusmdk and Matmardigan - Banned for behaving like idiots and pissing me off :eek: 5 days apeice.
[e] - Banned for die irl comment, 1 week.

Pinkie, and Marc, you were both pushing it, chill out, I wont be so nice next time ;)
zeusmdk, if you really have kids, i'd suggest you spend more time with them, than trolling and camping artifacts.

Have a nice day.

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