Dont touch Zeusbuffs Green Harpys or ull get REPORTED :)

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Fledgling Freddie
Dec 6, 2004
wether you like it or not Actually READ the CoC, it says that taking a mob without PERMISSION (i.e the other person DIDNT ASK YOU for help) is against the CoC doesnt matter if the mob is Level 1 or Level 81.. if zeusbuffs got aggro and he killed the mob well sorry but if your being a jobsworth Zeus is right he can report you.. the moral of the story children is never kill anything that dont belong to you unless that person is AFK, although if its an Arti just let em die and take theyre place... :fluffle:

And yes he had been there for prolly 12hrs +... cos Zeus is a bit mental :wub:
oh and perhaps instead of saying at the start "hey i can steal this arty from you if i want if im quick enough" (or words to that effect) you might have gotten a better response.... instead of typing then engaging brain its best to think about what you say to people before you type... because you get back the mirror attitude you take with them.. you started bringing into the Conversation the CoC rules.. so in-fact you kind lead the conversation down its path that it took.. not a criticism.. just an observation... i know from dealing with customers from over the phone your tone and attitude effect the response and line of conversation... try to keep the CoC out of ingame conversations cos it makes you sound like an idiot. (again general comment not aimed at you)

Greedy PvE Whore?
hardly.... zeus has given me personally over 20p in cash to buy stuff... hardly the actions of a greedy person now is it... (although the interest rates were high :touch: j/k)

ToA seriously fucked over this game... ruined a perfectly good game.. made people sit for hours waiting for a chance to get an item so they can perform along with the power gamers... really wish companies would think about theyre majority of players the casual gamer... before releasing this shiat.


Part of the furniture
Jan 26, 2004
i dont know zeus, his girlfriend and his (dunno, ingame friend, irl friend) Marc, but look at the sceenshot plz. He telling me i broke CoC cause i attacked an mob which aggroed him. Maybe i wanted 2 pull this Mob and b4 i could shot it aggroed 2 him. How he can know it?
But only thing they did, was 2 pm me and 2 tell me that i will get reported because i attacked it and broke CoC.

TBH thats more bullshit than everything else i posted.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Agree with u m8 :)
I think, though , the whole fuss was about them not agreeing on wether the mob was aggroing no zeus or matmardigan.. :confused:
That was the reason why i could see no immediate solution to the matter.

Dunno tho :touch:

Edit: Agree with Loosey, that is :p (no offense, just wanted to make it clear ;) )


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 15, 2004
when u think there is ppl that dont have home or are being handicap in RL seeing something like that make me really sad


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Matmardigan said:
Maybe i wanted 2 pull this Mob and b4 i could shot it aggroed 2 him. How he can know it?
But only thing they did, was 2 pm me and 2 tell me that i will get reported because i attacked it and broke CoC.


If that was the case, I am sure you could have just told him ;) . Then we would have avoided all theese unpleasant flames

Edit: Well that quote didn't come out right lol :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 8, 2004
Stupid 17h campers destryed this game!!!

Just f*cking live with it!
Go watch tv/rvr/jack off instead of look at a screen for 17h.
God I hate ppl like that.


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
zeusmdk said:
/ignore Matmardigan

i dont need to listen to fibble minded insults of some 1 who has to result to swearing because of there lack of IQ
People claiming higher IQ's should at least be able to spell :worthy:

Reporting someone for killing a green con aggro mob is pretty sad imo. If GOA banned for that its laughable.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 20, 2004
Publishing private discussions in public forum is somewhat Gay (and I dont mean happy) :eek7:

Tappi the friar 50


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 4, 2004
childish comments in this post imo :)

i agree with both mat and zeus ... mat wasnt being a dick at beginning... then zeus started being a tit . then mat started being a tit . now they both throwing childish insults at each other :)

and i also agree with hawk anybody who reports somebody for killing a GREEEN con mob is a dumbass. and mat was right when he said zeus was just looking for something to scare mat into leaving.

p.s anybody who has to surf the web looking for insults IMO lacks IQ .. if your as smart as you claim then you wouldnt of said half the shit you have said on ere :)

think of your own insults instead of tking ones from a webpage :)

p.p.s did you actually get the gem in the end?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Tharion said:
Stupid 17h campers destryed this game!!!

Just f*cking live with it!
Go watch tv/rvr/jack off instead of look at a screen for 17h.
God I hate ppl like that.

No need to flame Zeus for what he did. Obviously he needed some work done anyway so he decided to camp the arti and be semi-afk there while doing it. Besides, It was Matmatdigan, not Zeus who brought this discussion to FH ;)

He did not ask for this imo...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Hmmmm :eek7:
Can't edit my post, getting some wierd forbidden server message..
Anyway, it should say Matmardigan, not Matmatdigan :)


Fledgling Freddie
May 17, 2004
Let me quickly revise all this for those that cba reading 5 pages :

Zeus reports Mat for standing still and having a mob aggro him.
Mat posts the funny chatscreenshots here on FH.
Zeus knows he's wrong and tries to change subject bragging with 155 IQ and dyslexia crap calling Mat a burger-flipper(big ego there zeus).
Mat is having a great laugh while crafting, And i can assure you i'm lmao also. :drink:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
StonyPony said:
Let me quickly revise all this for those that cba reading 5 pages :

Zeus reports Mat for standing still and having a mob aggro him.
Mat posts the funny chatscreenshots here on FH.
Zeus knows he's wrong and tries to change subject bragging with 155 IQ and dyslexia crap calling Mat a burger-flipper(big ego there zeus).
Mat is having a great laugh while crafting, And i can assure you i'm lmao also. :drink:

Correction: Mat posts screenies of zeus telling him that he is being reported for break of the CoC. (Mind you, there is no evidence as to who the harpy aggroed on). Zeus gives us his side of the story: the harpy was his aggro and mat attacked it. So, basically we do not know who is right. Then begins the flaming and namecalling (from both sides).
I take distance from the name calling and flaming, but as far as the principle goes, I will repeat what I said earlier: I understand that you fight for a principle, but as both of your opinions are interpretations of the CoC, there is none of you who is "right".



FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
StonyPony said:
Let me quickly revise all this for those that cba reading 5 pages :

Zeus reports Mat for standing still and having a mob aggro him.
Mat posts the funny chatscreenshots here on FH.
Zeus knows he's wrong and tries to change subject bragging with 155 IQ and dyslexia crap calling Mat a burger-flipper(big ego there zeus).
Mat is having a great laugh while crafting, And i can assure you i'm lmao also. :drink:

Well you aint read the 5 pages properly have you. Id suggest you actually read the thread first before adding your two bobs worth :rolleyes:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2004
still can't believe there are ppl still sad enough with nothing better to do than camping artifacts for 17 hours, which ofc is complete bullshit coz only way someone could do that is with a bb, and we all know that you CANT camp an artifact with a bb. can't believe there are still fuckwits that do this in this game :twak:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
I don't see the point in posting that... clearly the thread subject is not about how smart it is to camp an artifact for a long period of time. Also, the swearing does not belong here imo...


Fledgling Freddie
May 17, 2004
Marc said:
Well you aint read the 5 pages properly have you. Id suggest you actually read the thread first before adding your two bobs worth :rolleyes:
I read parts of it. But it's so funnehhhhhhhhhhh now even people get eachother banned for just random green mobs , there are a zillion green con mobs troughout all zones , but oh no he touched that 1 green harpy , GET HIM BANNED !!!!!!!!

The Drama.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
StonyPony said:
I read parts of it. But it's so funnehhhhhhhhhhh now even people get eachother banned for just random green mobs , there are a zillion green con mobs troughout all zones , but oh no he touched that 1 green harpy , GET HIM BANNED !!!!!!!!

The Drama.

Clearly you don't understand the principle in this.
Of course this thread is somewhat amusing if you only see it as a random green mob...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004

Loosey said:
wether you like it or not Actually READ the CoC, it says that taking a mob without PERMISSION (i.e the other person DIDNT ASK YOU for help) is against the CoC doesnt matter if the mob is Level 1 or Level 81.. if zeusbuffs got aggro and he killed the mob well sorry but if your being a jobsworth Zeus is right he can report you...

If ,and I say IF, Zeus is right, he was in his best right to report Mat.. Anyway, this thread is gettig out of hand... If you don't have something relevant to post, don't post at all... this is just making more ppl flame each other :)


Loyal Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
I bought my gem of lost memories for an obscene amount of cash just to avoid this type of drama.

If GOA bans this guy for killing your green mob i'll eat my shoes.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
StonyPony said:
I read parts of it. But it's so funnehhhhhhhhhhh now even people get eachother banned for just random green mobs , there are a zillion green con mobs troughout all zones , but oh no he touched that 1 green harpy , GET HIM BANNED !!!!!!!!

The Drama.

Tip for you

When reading a thread, it helps to look who posted it. If you are still struggling to see who posted it, it was Matmardigan, hence, there wouldnt be any "drama" if he hadnt of posted. Do you actually think this is a one off event? Do you think Zeus wanted this brought to FH? Wether or not Matmardigan intended to steal the encounter or not (which we will never know) from my point of view, Zeus was intending to go through the correct channels, rather than come crying on FH. As he said, he had logs etc and was willing to leave it in GOA's hands. /respect for that.


Part of the furniture
Jan 26, 2004
lets talk about FACTS

Zeus camped an Artefact 4 several hours while he did some rl stuff.
An friend and me wanted 2 do the encounter 2.
I asked zeus if we could find an compromise cause we wanted this artefact 2. BTW, he dont have the right 2 claim an spot 4 his own just because he camped it 4 17 HOURS.
He said NO, he wasted 17 hours with camping this spot. He preclaimed the next spawn 4 his self.
After some minutes, he saw that my groupm8 and me dont want leave the spot. Meanwhile an unimportend harpy aggroed.
Both of us attacked it. Then i got an pm from zeus side and got told that ill be reported because i broke CoC.
He said i attacked his mob, and i would have proven that ill leech on the Artefact mob 2.
FACT is: The harpy was an nice acciident 4 him 2 scare another1 with an report, so he can have the spot 4 him self. Cause he was scared that any1 else will attack the artefact mob first.

thats all what happend, just incase that u didnt reed the whole thread.


Zeus didnt anything right, he just spend some time at the same spot while doing RL Stuff, and he preclaimed the spot. He would do what he did with every1 which would come along. He wanted 2 be safe 2 get the artefact. Ofc i want it 2, but theres no reason 2 piss on each other just because 1 iteam.

Zeus opinion is, i attacked his mob, so ill do it on HIS Artefact 2.

But it wasnt HIS Artefact mob. Cause every1 which camp an spot while he do rl stuff have NO rights 2 preclaim anything. Because hes doin mainly rl stuff and secondry hes playing


Loyal Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Some musings on this shit-thread:

1) Punctuation is your friend
2) So is grammar...
3) ... and spelling.
4) Stonypony needs to redo the subject 'How to make a decent summary' in school
5) While campers have no rights at all, it is considered asocial behaviour to jump in on an arti for which people already there are preparing to do it, campers or not.
6) Dyslexics who misspell the word 'dyslexia' are considered dodgy in my book.
7) Matmardigan's spelling has gone down the drain the further this thread progressed, so whats his excuse ? Does this prove that dyslexia is contagious ?
8) I just went through a whole bucket of popcorn and have ran out, so if you plan on continuing this shitfest, get me a new one (plus a dietist and personal trainer to get my fat butt back in shape). Oh, and a spellchecker.

Well, that's my emotional sanity back in balance, thanx! :flame:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
I agree that he overreacted concerning the harpy. You killing his aggro (according to him) was no indication that you would steal the encounter mob. I agree that it was propably a way to make you leave the spot. However: There is such a thing as decency. Many people of this game are forgetting that, unfortunately :( I know, there is no place in the CoC that gives the encounter right to the person who has camped the mob the longest time. I know that if you wanted to, you could "steal" the encounter mob from right under his nose without him being able to report it.
The whole principle of camping is made up by gamers and are not rules written in the CoC.

Those are facts.


Why did the players make up the principle of camping? To make the game a better place. Surely we would not want a game where your groups camp suddently gets whooped by 30 necros all screaming about how the CoC gives them the right to do so, do we? ;P

The principle of camping is an unwritten rule that is enforced by mutual respect and decency. Unwritten rules like that are all part of what makes DAoC a wonderful place :) Where people do not only think of themselves, and where everybody plays a role in building up a friendly, unselfish community :)

That is my opinion. Try to imagine a DAoC where everyone did as they pleased without taking others into consideration... Not a very nice place if you ask me...



Part of the furniture
Jan 26, 2004
Marc said:
Tip for you

When reading a thread, it helps to look who posted it. If you are still struggling to see who posted it, it was Matmardigan, hence, there wouldnt be any "drama" if he hadnt of posted. Do you actually think this is a one off event? Do you think Zeus wanted this brought to FH? Wether or not Matmardigan intended to steal the encounter or not (which we will never know) from my point of view, Zeus was intending to go through the correct channels, rather than come crying on FH. As he said, he had logs etc and was willing to leave it in GOA's hands. /respect for that.

seems ur an friend of zeus, and u protecting and supporting him if he get attacked, theres nothing wrong on that. Would do same if any1 is attacking an friend of my.

but theres 1 thing which i dont like. U dont have an fucking clue what this discussion is about. And u talking without knowing the facts. So plz be quiet, dont add ur useless posts in every thread when zeus get attacked.


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Matmardigan said:
seems ur an friend of zeus, and u protecting and supporting him if he get attacked, theres nothing wrong on that. Would do same if any1 is attacking an friend of my.

but theres 1 thing which i dont like. U dont have an fucking clue what this discussion is about. And u talking without knowing the facts. So plz be quiet, dont add ur useless posts in every thread when zeus get attacked.

Listen here shit for brains. I dont even know Zeus in game. Im just stating what I feel because in case you forgot, you brought this to FH, for the community to look at. If you dont want me to comment, dont bring it to FH. The reason im supporting Zeus is simple, he camped an artifact for a long period of time (lets not go into the merits of camping artifacts, as SS shows, Zeus knows he cant "claim" a spot") and then someone comes along asking to join (you). Zeus indicated that he knew CoC, which was why he was standing on the pop spot, so he could get first hit in. Lets look at a couple more of these facts

1. You said you wanted the artifact (per screenshot, provided by YOU)
2. You said that Zeus couldnt claim an artifact, purely by camping (per screenshot provided by YOU)

So that COULD be interpreted that you (matmardigan) was intending to try and pull the artifact mob first (as screenshot says, provided by YOU, you wanted to have a go as Zeus had been there for 17 hours).

So then we have the question of who attacked the harpy. You are saying it aggroed someone in your group, Zeus and Pinkey say it was on Zeus. Hmm, who to believe. The 2 people who would rather go through the correct channels to resolve matters, or the spotty little kid who comes and cries on FH.

Easy choice. Now do one Matmardigan, you aint worth my time or effort if the best thing you are gonna come up with is calling me faggot, a retort a toddler could come up with.


Part of the furniture
Jan 26, 2004
Fellavader said:
Try to imagine a DAoC where everyone did as they pleased without taking others into consideration... Not a very nice place if you ask me... Regards

we playing in this kind of Daoc already. Sorry if i destroyed ur ilusions.

but uve right, exceptions proves the norm. There are some ppl which arent selffish, but they are realy rare.
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