don t accept kemor as moderator



North and South Guild Leader
Excal Albion Armsman Lvl 38
Excal Albion Infiltrator Lvl 34
Prydwen Hibernia Ranger Lvl 7

Thats quite funny mate, u telling me to get laid, and uve got two high level characters, meaning u spend ur WHOLE life on this game.

You talk like you've got a fucking degree in economics or something. Look, its plainly simple. the amount of money that GOA will get from hereonin is going to decrease quite rapidly, people getting bored of the game etc, so why should they bother having forums for a game, they will use the forums for their newest "venture"

I hope GOA die a death that only lives inside of a Steven King novel.


Hmmz even OSI never closed off forum contact with customers... mythic just announced the formation of a strike team to address player concerns and here are GOA closing all channels.

How does one say commercial suicide in french?

They have alienated most customers, almost certainly aggro'ed Mythic, who gave them the franchise, by clearly opposing the direction the designers hoped to take with their game.

Suppose having them here as mods, gives the Barrysworld team a warm official feeling, since they are obviously a GOA approved board host, but communication is a two way thing, so i look forward to reading the regular announcements i'm sure they will be posting here.


Well yes I do have a degree in economics and yes I do have two high level characters and yes that means I have no life obviously

Ur argument is flawed and has more holes than Swiss Cheese so I am not going to try and continue this debate with you because you have let ur emotions get in the way of what ur trying to say

And how u think that the user base is going to drop is beyond me, it truly is, the user base is increasing by the day just check the servers every week and ur see the total users increases each week

I don't really know what to say to make u happy, ur obviously a customer that GOA or Mythic need because u naively believe that everything in business is perfect and no companies make mistake

If this carries on for another 2-3months then I will probably take ur stance, but seeing as the game has only been out 2 months I am prepared to amiably let GOA have the benefit of the doubt and produce the goods. Unlike you who has stuck the stake in there heart before u even gave them a chance

Hopefully u will find peace


They have alienated most customers, almost certainly aggro'ed Mythic, who gave them the franchise, by clearly opposing the direction the designers hoped to take with their game.

how so?


"Kemor has no right to be an admin on barrysworld servers. None at all."

Right... His "right" is that he has been invited here in order to try and give you, presumably a DaOC player, and a fairly avid one at that, infomation and keep you up to date. Whether or not he does this to a degree that you like is, to a large degree, irrelevant. As I have said before, tempting as it may well be to take one man and line him up against the wall for the sins of what you hold him to represent, all this will do is go you a pleasantly convenient outlet for your rant and not actually be very useful. Infact, it may even prove counter productive. Kemor is here to interact, not to be your personal stress reliever. He is here to listen to complaints, and if he has to wade through post upon post of those glorious little up yours smileys, you are wasting your time and his, and undermining his reason for being here.

You have a grievance. Join the queue. Nobody is belittling this or saying being upset is wrong. Kemor is not singularly representative of all you hold in fault, he is not the personification of all ills, he is one man who is a mod here purely to help improve the authenticity and stability of these forums. I'm here as a mod to edit, chastise or be your flamable little lady; he is here to courier infomation.

If you really would like any official link to GOA severed, then please, continue flaming. I don't know how long I would tolerate my every post dissected and flamed.

Nobody is going to take away your right to complain, but I do think that taking it out on Kemor is misdirected.


Originally posted by Damini
"Kemor has no right to be an admin on barrysworld servers. None at all."

Right... His "right" is that he has been invited here in order to try and give you, presumably a DaOC player, and a fairly avid one at that, infomation and keep you up to date. Whether or not he does this to a degree that you like is, to a large degree, irrelevant. As I have said before, tempting as it may well be to take one man and line him up against the wall for the sins of what you hold him to represent, all this will do is go you a pleasantly convenient outlet for your rant and not actually be very useful. Infact, it may even prove counter productive. Kemor is here to interact, not to be your personal stress reliever. He is here to listen to complaints, and if he has to wade through post upon post of those glorious little up yours smileys, you are wasting your time and his, and undermining his reason for being here.

You have a grievance. Join the queue. Nobody is belittling this or saying being upset is wrong. Kemor is not singularly representative of all you hold in fault, he is not the personification of all ills, he is one man who is a mod here purely to help improve the authenticity and stability of these forums. I'm here as a mod to edit, chastise or be your flamable little lady; he is here to courier infomation.

If you really would like any official link to GOA severed, then please, continue flaming. I don't know how long I would tolerate my every post dissected and flamed.

Nobody is going to take away your right to complain, but I do think that taking it out on Kemor is misdirected.

mate anyone can admin a forum, and it should be a BW employee or someone who works for barrysworld, like me :D


Well, I blahed my admins and moddings, but I still think that poking needles in the voodoo kemor doll is a bit pointless.


1) What I would like to see from GOA is a release date on the next patch, and for every other patch that is in the pipe line.
2) I don't care who the mods are.
3) I want better information from GOA on the news page like a update every week, not once every so often like it is now.
4) I also want them to keep to their promise of a patch a month.
5) I want to see the 1.48 and 1.49 patch by the end of May.
6) What the hell have they been doing all April ? And where is the new patch.

Upshot is I am a PAYING CUSTOMER and want some sort of service as in news, patches, and ingame support from GMs. Is this to much to ask for ?


See, thats fine and dandy with me. I just don't like to see people villified. I'm a bit of a softie when it comes to things like that.


Don't wanna sound bitchy here, but if it take Mythic a month to code, test and roll out a patch. Why does it take two months for GOA to translate a patch? Bearing in mind these people are supposed to be fluent in both/all three languages.

sometimes i think the goa staff are :sleeping: but then again, i sent a rightnow question about the patch and got a reply in 5 minutes that they hired more translation staff :clap:

looking at my first paragraph, may as well give them another chance, they obviously quite new at this MMORPG lark :)

old.Sion Verdox

I do feel the need to make a few points here. MMOGs have traditionally been a minefield for web based PR, mostly because avid fans are the real users of forums and web sites and are emotionally attached to the game. It is accepted that those users make up the minority of the player base but probably the most vocal. Developers have had a hard time trying to establish procedures for dealing with online player relations and after many years of scandals and mistakes there is a system set in stone that appears to work.

1) Good in game customer support
2) Excellent web based support
3) A competent community team (And exclusively assigned not GMs with poor English skills)
4) Effective avenues of communication

The last one is interesting as it differs from company to company. Mythic do not run any sort of forum system but they do have “effective avenues of communication” one look at the herald will clearly highlight that fact for you.

My concerns (as far as GOA is concerned) I have voiced before but I will do so again here. MMOGs are no longer new there are set systems and procedures proven and worked out - none of which GOA have followed. Kemor once acknowledged this fact and simply explained that it’s the “European way of doing things” evidently that’s not actually working out which a simple glance at past industry history would of highlighted for them if they had cared to do so.

As a small example: Funcom once attempted to shut the official forums after a mass of negative feedback. After doing so the impact was so huge they had to lay off several staff and eventually reopen the forums. I hear Wandoo have made recent cut backs on staff – does his sound familiar? Any one with an understanding of the industry could have told them what was going to happen the moment it was mentioned.

My concerns are not about technical competence (although comparing downtimes with a set of servers that are double in numbers is amusing in it self) but with the surprising lack of industry knowledge and awareness. I look back at my early MMOG days with fondness but I sure as hell don’t want to go through it all again. People make mistakes and that can be forgiven – but to make mistakes that have been done time and time again is just plain *incompetence*. GOA is incompetent and that’s not an insult that an obvious fact and one I predicted myself on the official forums in beta and also an opinion shared by many prior customers long before their attachment to DAOC.

In closing I will say that I do not see this being the end of the game in Europe in fact far from it. We will still part with our cash and they will stay in business the only way anything is going to change is if Mythic step in which at this stage I cant see happening.


I don't see why Mythic would step in unless GOA were still failing to patch to 1.48 in six months time....

Mythic themselves have no official forums - they have a fan-site with forums that the dev team read

(sounds familiar? cept GOA haven't really got a dev team - a translation team? I suppose they could/should be counted as dev... discuss :))

I don't see them going 'Right that's it! no more of our game for you' over GOA farming out the forums to someone else :)

It'd be nice to have a bit more info - hopefully the News tool we're hearing about will do that more effectively than the Announcements board on ye olde forum.

I imagine it'll get to more people anyway - not everyone read the forums - but I imagine a few more people were reading the front page of They have to go there to keep playing after all :)

And whilst I'm here: :m00:

PS. Cool I've moved to Brentford. What's that pub called again?


Think back to how massivly the BW team flamed kemor themselves for daring to use their forums for announcements back when GOA got hacked.

I think this thread about not acceptin kemor as mod, is more of a flame at barrys world & GOA than kemor himself - the barrysworld community stands to gain an ammount of prestige in the competition of the boards-to-replace-the-old-one from having GMs as Mods here. Give it that "officially approved" feeling.

I only moved here after the GOA forums were closed since it seemed most other players did too, and as a player-run forum on a board-based multi-game fansite it was a refreshign change from the heavily moderated GOA site - if BW start brown nosing GOA, i will leave, real fast.

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