does the enemy get rps when you blow yourself up?



deny being zerged!!!!!

holy handgranate

count to 5 (points overcharge)


Originally posted by old.Morchaoron
apparently, they mean ALOT to some people (just look at the whining at the excal thread)

and they aparently mean enuff to u to use this as a excuse to not getting killed by other players :)


Originally posted by Thorgald
and they aparently mean enuff to u to use this as a excuse to not getting killed by other players :)

according to the whines they mean more to others then to me, for me its just a insta release, which can be kinda handy at times, i carry a load of these things now, its a 'Scroll of Town Portal' for me :p

i was keepraiding with 2 other people, then a fg came to wipe us so i climbed on the wall... but... what the hell was i supposed to do from there? nothing!! so i 'town portaled' home instantly

i was in sauvage, and i wanted to go home and the porters were gone so... b00m!!! and i was home!!

people underestimate its utility, the power to die without a second of delay is a gift! i dont even have to use the sauvage/foundation porters anymore

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