Dodgy dialup changer stuff gggrrrrrrr


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
How about giving phone users a personal pin code for their phone? If they want to dial a premium number, they must prefix it with their own personal pin code to allow that call to be made. That way people can still use premium numbers for voting for HEART THROB PETE ANDRE on tv, but if someone gets past your computer system and installs a dialler it will refuse to dial out unless that pin is typed in first. Local and national calls wouldn't need this pin code prefix, just the norty numbers.

Of course, I have no idea if this is even possible. But it sounds like it would be a really good idea.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
That would probably be cheaper to implement by selling a separate box between the modem and the socket. Such a device would be very easy to make, and cost no more than a tenner.

You could also change the socket on the wall, so that kids/old people/dogs wouldn't be able to bypass it :)

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